HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-10-01, Page 4yA1riv ,-••nr . EMRICH Thursday,, Qotober let, .1,042: U SLEPT WELL THAT NIGHT, DIDN'T YOU? .fin,.. •r,{•.v:•v,4{,v:' xi :� >••• Nti BUT GEORGE WAS AT DIEPPE! NICE fellow, George—one of the lads from the office. Remember, you had him out for dinner one night. He made a great fuss over your kids—and your wife was very pleased. And then, all of a sudden, he slipped away and joined up. Left his good job, his girl and his future. And he was at Dieppe, slogging up the beach into a murderous rain of steel—fighting for you and your wife and those kids of yours he played with. And that same night you slept well, didn't you ... in a soft bed. You had an egg for breakfast too. But George didn't. And you've still got a good -job and you wear good clothes. And being conscientious, you worry about these .things a bit. But you just haven't been able to push yourself into doing much more than pay your taxes. Well, those taxes aren't enough. Think of what George gave up, and then sit down with your wife and ask yourselves, `. `What else can we do ?" Sure, you've given up a few little luxuries. But there are lots of things yet that you can cut down on. Do it gladly. Because you'll really get a kick out of investing the money you save in Victory Bonds, and in knowing you're not letting George do ' t all. Just keep thinking about George and what he gave up. And remember, those Victory Bonds you buy aren't giving—they're lending your country money to help protect you. That money will come back to you with interest. WORH-SAW AND LEND FOR WCTDRY/ To the Men who Till the Soil r► ♦ - Spring is here and time to start work on the land e not far away. How about your work shoes for • the spring work. You shoul dsee E. H. Edighoffer • about them before you buy. We carry the famous • •line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has • stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. 4. 4. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are made y With genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. • and 4. n1, -row toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. • Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. 4. • :. H.. E DIGHOFFER Zurich Fall Fair (Continued from Page One) Fuss; applique do, door stop A Mel- H Flaxbard; colt of artices made from oil cloth A Mcick, H Becker; kitchen •coil. pr curtains duster, tea towel A Melick, H Fuss; coli styles needework A Meick a -i Fuss; purse or hand bag knit or crochet 0 Bitter, NI Rader; ART WORK 'Cartoon, 1+ Ducharme, H F1axberd; Pester adv. Zui?oh Fs Ir. FI F1a';''aid. • Ducharme; crepe sealing wax and eellephano paper display H Fuss; coil painting landscape from nature, • Ducharme; water cobr scene orig. C 3 eliek, }1 Fuss; water cJlor now- ers grouped H Firs;.,, 1; De w 1,1., colors animals and pas;;el, H 'u�;,; caarvcu.:,r.,.:.:�•>ign in :•oors, 111 Fars, H Faxbard ; wood carving Tj l3lock; amatuer p.roto farm scenes FI Flaxfbard; single pc. art work H Fuss; sepia H. Fuss, Dr. O'Dwyer ,:•pecial H Fu -s. • FLO.A,RL EXHBITS Boupuet large Mrs, Quintin, A. Melick; do small, Mrs. Quinlin, R 'Geiger; col. dahlias Mrs. Quinlan D Geiger; display of cosmos Mrs. Quin lin, D Geiger; coll. verbenas Mrs Quinlin, 0 I3attler; Mrs. Qusnin won all other prizes in this clans. CHILDREN'S PRIZES Coll. autumn leaves, F McC,1 tri y Ont bird house T Stein'back; writing over 10 yrs, old T Steinback, F .i2rC1 nn - ant; art under 10 yrs. T St inheek; art over 10 yrs, M. Smith HILLSGREEN Mr and Mrs Orville Smith and family visited Sunday with friends in Petrolea. Mrs. Harold Reichert has return- ed home after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Walper near Grand Bend. Miss Erica Schultz, is spending some time with friends at Crediton. Sergeant Ozserver Marshall Jones of the RCAF and Mrs. Jones of Nova Scotia visited recently with their grandmother, Mrs. Jones and aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs W J David- son, also Mrs. Jones' aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Jolly near Kipper. Mr. Ross Love spent Sunday in. London with his wife who is sonval- escing in St. Joseph's hospital. Her condition is much improved. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs W Sparks of the Bronson line North, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roy McBride on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Johnston called on relatives in Brucefield recentyl. The Lord's .Supper wili be admin istered at the Blake church on the coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch and Mr and Mrs. Edwin Oesch motored to Milverton recently. Thankoffering of the Women'sAux iliary was held in the Blake 'church on Wednesday, Sept, 16th with Var- na, Goshen and Bayfield ladies atten- ding in a large percentage. Rev. Miss Bern delighted with a splendid solo. 'Aires. Norman Johnston of Bolivia, gave a splendid address on her work among the natives and gave a sample to each .one of the !bread they eat in South America. Her mother rendered two solos which were much appr:eci- eted. Mrs. Rey McBride gave a read ing on "My Mite Box". Mrs. •George .icbnston Tand Mrs. Russel Erratt ex- pre..3ed their thanks for such a sp1- rlid ,meeting on behalf of their sus Alts. I• eviler, Juudgc. 1liaiy. JLui h was st rv'ed. . DASHWOOD Special Anniversary services will be held in the Evangelica church on Sunday Oct. 4th, Rev, F. Foist, of Milverton will be the guest speaker Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and Mr and Mrsfi Ted Steinbach of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. Mrs. Elmer Witt (nee Mildred :Luft of Pembroke is spending a few weeks with her parents, Rev and Mrs. T. Luft. Mr. Clayton Pfile is on the sick list, we hope for a speedy recoveryy, ) A number of Red Cross members dttende•d the special .meetrag In Ex- eter on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs Chester Reynolds and Mrs. Jack Bell and daughter of Hamilton, vis- ited with Mr and Mrs. Louis •Rader and other friends in the vicinity last week. Mr. Theodore Luft of Whitby sp- ent the weekend with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook. of Win- dsor were Sundayy visitors with Mr and Mrs D Tiernan. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. T Harry Hoffman etertaii ed 23 .girls of the London Life Ins, Co where ...she was formerly employed. After a delic- ious supper a very pleasant evening was spent HENSALL Mr and Mrs Harold Scruton and family of Port Dover, wer e visitors with his mother, Mrs. M Scruton. Roy Maclaren of St. Catharines, spent several days with his wife and son, here. Mrs. Southern and son, of London spent the week end with Mr and Mrs George Gran!, Mr and 1VIrs W R Horton and daau h ughters of 'Detroit were 'visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. E Horton t and his sister, Mir A i3 Rowe -litre. I Mrs. oRss MidLean of Detroit, was a visitor with her mother, Mrs. Jack- son and relatives. Rabt. Passmore, B.A.., who spent the summer months on a mission field in Muskoka district, was la. visitor at his home here before attending Em- manuel College, Toronto. Mrs. F. G Weir of ttoderich, is spending an extended visit at the Prsbeterian manse .with her son and wife. Rev. D J Lune, BA of toe Presby terian church, Clinton •preacned both services in Carmel church Hensall on Sunday :Sept. 27th, at which time Rev. Weir conducted anniversary services lot Clinton. Mx and 1VIrs Albert. Morenz, Mr and MorenzMrs, Hugh Morenz and Roy Morenz all of Dashwood were visitors with Mr and •Mus. John Corbett. and fam- ily.. Miss Margaret Bell who has been assistant operator at the telephone for the past year has left for London to take up similar .. work. AC2 Geo, Sangster f Lachine, Qu. and A02 Sangster of St. Thomas, we re recent visitors with their parents, Mr 'and Mrs Jas. Sangster. A delightful thne was spent at the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir, when the Hensall W.. held a pot luck.sup- per. Mrs. Jas A Paterson was co - hostess and there was a good atten- dance of :members also some guests. Following a delicious supper the me- eting came to order with the !presid- ent Miss Gladys Luker in the chair. Receives Word Ernest Chipehase received word tat his brother, Pte. John :Chipchase, Who was reported missing after the Dieppe raid, has now been reported a prisoner of war in Germany, Pte Chipchast went overseas in 1940 with the motorcycle squad of the Hi ghland Light Infantry of .Hamilton. He was well known in this district, aving worked for a time with Wm Kyle of I ippen. His parents reside a Aylmer and he has three other' bra It in the war ,oVerseas. COUNTY NEWS 'Airs J3trawn. of J(in +sville, visiting in: Exeter, making some gal- • to t+ati•ons to the home of heir, . father, John Dignan. who is in his.. 95th year . and still ,enjoys good health. Y un gbl u t—IF o l l i opt t The marriage is announced of Do's . othy Folliott, Windsor, oto 1,,egii�a_,ri.. Yungblut, son of Mr George and the late !Mrs Yumgblut, Auburn. The we d- .. dng took place recently, at. .Temple Baptist church, Windsor. Engagement Mr and Mrs Robert 'Thomson of. Kippen announce the engagement.. o± ., their youngest daughter, Myrtle, to , Llo:bert Stokes son of Mrs. Frank . Stokes, London, and the late. F Stok- . es, the wedding to take place . Sept 26th. Are Thankful The Exeter District War. Time Committee ,acknowledges the. .receipt. the sum of $113.60 earned by the men of town. who ihelped_to.hoe .sugar• beets earlier in the year. The total amount earned was $192.80, but the children received their portion $79,- 20 in cash. Attend School at Clinton Helen .Pffaff and Ellen Jean Mc- Gregor of Exeter; Margaret . Webb,.. .Eloise Gill, Evelyn ;and Gladys ,per, of Grand Bend, have enroled as students et th Gunton School of •Commence. Grocery Store Closing:; The grocery store in Clinto.n which . has been operated by Frank and Bill Hutch, is closing down due to war conditions. The brothers, bought.. the • business from J ,Sheppard nine years ago and had made it into a .good bus iness, the boys are going to war and the store will 'be closed for the pres- • ent. Five Men Massing!. The offioiai hist of casualties among • the Canadian forces et the Battle of • Dieppe, Aug. 19th, has been released,,, and the names of five Goderich mein_ all members of the Essex Scottish, appear in the list of "missing," Car Smashes Front Monday afternoon last a car owned: by Dr. Smillie of Toronto, but driven - by a •companion, caused considerable excitement on. Main st., Seaforth.The Dr. was on his way to Hansall, but • apparently, the driver was unfamil- iar with the route and reached the main st. intersection at considerable • speed before he regognized it. In making a quick turn he scraped a. hub cap off th car on the curb and. before he could straighten out, was faced by a large transport truck st- ending on main st. In trying to dodge bhe truck, the driver smashed into a-. car, standing on the street which was driven over the_ ninerinch curb by the: impact and smashed headlong.. -ant*, • - the stare ,front breaking the wooden. fundation of the widnow, but forte irately not the large plate glass. The Free Advertiser! Again, we will devote a little space= to try and educate "The Free Adver- tiser' which is very often a big prob- lem to a newspaper publisher. Adv- ertising space is the bread and butter - of a newspaper, and if a publisher- cannot sell this available space he will find himself in a bad position. A. newspaper cannot afford'to give away its space any more than your Doctor- can octorcan give you his professional servicew free, a Dentist fix your teeth, Jewel - The Local News The main aim of the weekly news- paper as the name implies, le to ghee news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the mere-• chants a chance to tell of their good's in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it, all without assistance. Especially l• this true when you have visitor* Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read- ing in the whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to have their names= appear, so send them in. Sometimes, people conein and, give the impze,-• cion ' tht they are asking a favor, when they want us to insert the. names of their friends who have been, 'pending a few days with them. Ns person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items for we -are indeed! ler repair your watch, cobbler repair your shoes, your plumber do your re-. pair work, etc., all Free. We have the price . of a good farm invested iaz equipment, have many financial ob- ligations to meet to keep going, be- fore we can claim a cent for our own wages, and to us it seems so strange how many people think we can give away our advertising space, less of even a small charge. Card of Thromisa Memoriarns, Etc. notices, awe not; news items, and no paper can sum them free.; concerts, entertainments, and such functions where an adniss•- ion charge is made conies under the same category; however, if patronage;. is given us with posters or other- printing, an announcement fn our. columns is qiute welcome, providing the admission price • , is not include4 but if so, then it will be considered' as advertising. Please do not expeet too much from a local newspaper. publisher, He Can no more work and live on earth, pay his debts without money, and board in heaven, th.' x any other professional or tradesrnooir Please!