HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-09-24, Page 84' 4, 4, e;S '11' 4. =i T' 4, 4 NEWFALL GOODS We are ready to supply your needs in Fall and Winter Goods. Some of these lines were placed .in stock early in summer to assure a supply, and by' ficgi lier11 h: y a w, 0-1M•-' Wholesale we were for. tu ate i,;'A S u 7 :' it lot of goods for fall and .,r of h theselinescannot he rrer��>ktcc. • Z.' "`t -. , f' 4 .„.n is sold, so Y"J e tti v ise, rq ..n J•:.* . r,Y t«.�. 1:. X11 i • • 1.. '.i ..l _ i'i'y,; ...,...: 5 .''OR 11,Y Ul't1CH h + .., 'Ai ,D • a; rs t. • :,� :Dila:: •......1r:,.,.-...`..':'.:-._.........-_..`•...;:«�-.H•..:-.:_�.. .»'.,...'.. .-::.._ • . '+'i' f2a. yyaa �t d•i +?i?'? o c W« E:MIter 2;3.5.-, Se o1'th 15 DARU ..1 ,,rid CO. Of CANADA LTD. D. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) L' 01.7'.,f-Y1air'' ..... 1%71,` ;_:; N.nlie`,d ta••ati•*3TT"Vi,T: C• - .. t) 3 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE r Coal In a Bulletin recently received urging the peo- ple of Canada to put in their supply of coal early, as possible, as later on transportation may become conjested, and the railways may be found necess- ary to be used for more essential purposes, so ..an appeal is made to all householders, whrrevev poss- ible to fill up your bins and have your suppla, ready when the cold days will be here again. Acrd how quickly these summer months will fly... We are filling orders as fast as we can get in the coal... S•3 be wise; put in your order early and have your coal bin filled when winter comes along. The Coal Administrator also urges that where - ever possible people should use Western Canadian coal and thus conserving exchange and saving labour. The chief mines in Alberta produced some 2,137,000 tons of domestis coal in 1940 giving em- ployment to 1,966 miners for 95 days only in the six summer months and to 3,313 miners for 107 days in the winter months. Let us fill your order for either Alberta, or most any size of hard Anthracite coal, NOW ►.., STARE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. ..QUALITY - PRICE .: SERVICE pass Wd. ALWAYS CAR1tY A it.F.NE or'' FRESH 1111diN) ”, a t ^_:: TY: n :)- 1 int' -'1 Qil -•s j• :•C V , 1Ti .,.•Teti, .!. t .,i,..r.e `{ ,. , . , r. r'• 1t;a! f 117.t ._9 Titursday,, September 24th, 1942: YQu Ww.r Ft.ir k A' 7,d w fi &&o,i a etas YOUR ' S t AS . yw,�a,3• W 1L.�'• QU' IRF V,° LaNTS r R • We .Alwcy• � C Y % a Full Line.. 4Beet of f both Shelf arad S2ww> rn �d or$�sd: «� �wao:i�i.- Offer Yo v:FV tt%11 .. -aIoar:1113 IL1:1:e So..ine, Good Uscd . i eai'terj at Very Re:;,b: i.en . iA ices j^4..•lEu'JrL@,tl�,�',a. 11,. 1 r , .'.l• i Bh1ttn'r, ereainery .............. 'F.. -E (),,-.-•.1. - 1 B1;t,.!t;- .1 :.c•- , . 1 Oificlora , circ ed 21, ' /VC. i 1'"':' r;ovT 1. 1, ltd f.., L114 Ir.... -It, b0J;Lte1 1 . i •: 1 •Pato 1 112!,,1 1 I Jolinston. 1 H• ow the v*cathe iinan does ebanrne has e2at.the end of last week was ' ', _ E•';:r in Auaaust, and now this tinth the lc r'n `i° Miss No:l aylc-r, of Go11erkh, 11 1 too Nr was 'c t,__ e , u'1y in Zurich being ti'1t1i l ''• ) 7r:" i the i~ 1)t in _+' 1 . -.1 .alit :Clu .1ttt.11 O'i ,. ye1, t • E• ' .`'r 'y✓ Tl:l of t. ''t en, 'l to t'• tl"r T:, rt.i High Selloioi 7th. loci iO•' W1.5 •i ? cfi .�:? no.7.Tin still busy at the Cunning factory n 11 with P^"'.icnit:'u'e, Theiri t•_. d l't T' r.xo e i n credit for. ay L e. u frw.r na Dale i OV (1 Y1 UV! Exeter Agric. grounds last Th -1 to the fall fair. 'Ito clay ':id 11;ap! turned ,, i•) rR,•„ nT,1F 10r4. l'Iuchlivestoclr. t. 'rhe midway was unus- t l,: ......'F. Our Main; Thrinks T''e cooking of jams for the boys 1130. iE n coinp'eteci its ol witli an additional making a total of 61:' T ani the committee wishes to g're- ity t:1a 1.- every one who helped to Y" ake this -Inch a sucec s. ]sandy, ,51:1;4.e Wr:cio, Johnston & Kal1'T- ,,.:,..,j1 ti,'?'. O'1'•rien's, Mr. and 'Mrs.. 1t 'l'hic: for the use of their stoves or cooing the jam. Also every one that so nc..:1y donated money for buy '•::17 and thooe who donated r".rni`•. the ladies who lent their kettles and w'io helped to prepare and cook the jam. This was all done with good will and it was the least• we could do for our boys who are ::riming our ;battles at .the front, to try and give them a little cheer.This was an oppor'tunity knocking at our door and in. behalf of the committee, we wish to say Thank You 'to all who helped in this greatly needed cause; signed, Mrs. H. Rose, Mrs. E. F Klopp, Mrs. •D Ducharine and Mrs C L Smith.. Anyone who donated fruit for jam may ,find their baskets at the town Imil. War Savings Stamps The sale of War 'Savings ,Stamps diuring the Zurich Fall Fair was a great success and the _local War Service Committee wish to. thank the girls who .offered their services to put this drive over the top, Those who stook part in ;;his fine effort were Misr Margaret es Citlenn, Norms Pais- ley, �Doiothy O'Brien, Patricia :0' Dwyer, 'Martha Thiel, Ruby Church, and Florence Haberer. And their iota? Males for the day minounted to $96.25 ;Nice going, girls! A Heavy Rah, T Cl a1.,rr3sv forenoon the sky became overshadowed with clouds and e-,7rnes1 prevailed, one had to iso artifical light to see, and it sure look- ed like rain, and when it ;d'id come, it seemed to be unlimited, as the heavy downpour ,lasted for several hours, and what a drenching it was. whole 'ffields of beans were under w^ter and the .los to fanners will be quite heavy as it will spoil what seem ed to be an. excellent 'crap. 'Gardens and 'celars were soaked with water. Barley, 1.11:311, • •.............. 'T13ncz:.:'1i' t, but.+''1 .t e .. lol . , , `'t. .., •�l11 C4 .. Pastry 1onr at mill Silty r'.d :r, ill. ton r,- • 'Callander — The $50,000 lionise, for all i :l: }r tit t. "' .V'• as it Was n en, ile 1. Now Liu l i \";.•;11 11 2 .2 !♦_. • .171:1 1 ti'n 0 n L ^V 1:'0)', In tlao r j. t e.,1 upit::11' !bet1vo .f1�. 1i1_S itEP- iiR*t0'.' their 1 iiellt i 1 truct;iire was 4 ne ia:1 iko'.:' e. To Ctt i ,"i The Fra; ^l,. _. Board is canvarsing Canada's :tora keepers on Ole ', `:OFT :?f 1 ••t' ho''rs. of' th'' n 1: h' is 'being =1 e 1 i'_TO it , e; l other . o..iatcs, and thk 11 O1'ei? I'u11: will be made that ii 11 it t t 5i1 NEW OIC"D i r lt' S v-_ •: e 7 -i 1 the Inc .a. "'tit. o1':lin ,1811:ail tin, l.ft i4 .1}'ilii life of Aa11Cri.f,ans in ih•' r. i" and half yrs. 'since he beonle 1 rt'-ident--' ,. u1..•i .. and farm prices in the Itis A net d+'.croe is ;1-o issued Faulting 10. motor !.`.R,s to reduce speed to 85 m per hour. 1100,000 \VAT'S TO WIN THE WAR Hew Ainni can 1n7ee Mr. 7.' 1 king up new tricks to 'beat the Axis is reported in T l2 Anllu•1{:a:i C,. E•' 11 .ill this S..,1 (S.- rt. 27 i, 13;:) of the Detroit Sun lay Timm, • kiln] while some of the ideas .idem crazy, remember Leonardo 1)tiVinci's brain ,;`a10ri 1 of 400 yc'iT , nao, a lot 01 Which have becoine realities, Be ante to get Sunday's Detroit Time3, CLEAN UR YOUR GARDEN During th summer of 194.12 many species of insects have been pre' nt. to outbreak from in widely separted� districts of e astern Canada. In checking back, it is interesting to note that a large percentage of ti'l'e.-'^ were insects which hibernate benea- th trach in the gardens, or on wec: -. or 'cultivated plants which, are fre • quently allowed to stand •all winter either in tike :_gardens or in nearby waste sand. These insects could have been greatly reduced if snore cnro had boon practised by growers las,: autumn in .cleaning up plant remain as soon as the crop had been re moved, in digging up and destroying weed growth a;nd in burning over waste land in the autumn or early spring, OPERATING NEW PUMP The Clinton Public Utilities repo that the. new pump, recentlyi s' 1 ed, was put in operation on Aug. 25 It'lroduces 500 'galons per nlirx it' The capacity of the old pump is 178 gallon;g per min. Now that both are in •operation, the town will be well ;oupplied with water. It requires t 76 h.p. motor to drive the new pun The pump is made :in Ala'hambra, Cal. the total weight of the pump anal motor amounts to 12 tons, and '' c e'cst for drilling well and installation of pump wi be about ,$18,060. Clin-• ton des n need of an extra pump, to insure adequate water supply at ars. times, bit +the crisis did not •ark ive until the RAF .built their Radio Se h of near Clinton end required a re- gular supply of water. "'1'he work on the new instalation was begun a year ago. See Ota. 3 4.0 i A., r+, .T••o,' a d a :, M' ' .:' k.N; • h F11.i+'{ til Lur •1 . a ed. Ywn' w1 i .n •.. - R;' 4.+4.4.*+.te-1 •L .�r 1 x•:'_ . :'!••,•411•... - Ai r All .,, p 3 f il1r w�'': "r Y.,? 'yri. +? a, • Suites .:i i... ,r . »”' r Latest C •'t Con- ' , A .. -• •cu'. aRa .S con save .....-rot of for our 4' + 4. �... .. • a.,. •. 14. AHD k , '. t ti,p us-1ity t A 5 .3» 4' .:. Telephone one 1 r'3 � v �, 3'•�,•'1'•t"t"'-„W-2•'{••E. �.-l••;..;..;.a,. ;.,..;«.g..�.,; :..,: ,.. ;..;;y.�:�• �i o ... , .:s.;,.; ;.•q..a;aq�,.�„gni' ice.. -mm --*77.7.... •a ...,,'i"•�."+�:+. z +•1,.<...• r�F Itt ) vorp 4114k. p 441 n 1 CZ •yx . ✓ .. a ` asa°w�.:... tswf C - '::A _...». •..Ills .� •__ 171 ''r i 1-41 L • �•ls, ;anc;� LIFE kne3ui tr) l as mai v, tai A rew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative ▪ Zurich foormagmaimakemeassioeseemeaseemosemesewmemseemot Your Winter's Fuel ' ., ORDERS WILL BE FILLED We would ask our Customers not to become ex- cited about next winter's supply of Coal. It will takelittle a lr tie ime toget in the supplies, • �pp s, but leave your orders in early and there will be plenty of coal for all before it will be needed in the fall. Order now and you will be supplied. m 4 I 1 1 Your Click Deeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Shllbe $on asefilimosessessesesstassiosoireesessearowitmese•eases