HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-09-24, Page 1Forty Second Year a I ZUR ICH} THURSDAY MOH xlGNIG, SEPTtMLER 24 i942. hetes; f " `,r: in Cenada, in edvnr e 0..4 tf in U.S.A.., in advancal CHESTER L. SMITH, l ublishel anadLa: orese vo 1 ..,., Are You Suffering From Headaches? }'f so; }lave your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods.aud Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 2 exifin COMPO _'ABLE GL ASSN'{.: At REASONABLE PRICES 7v sr,� C. .E. r3 �`;r br gg, OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Thee Newest. .r`Lpspa•rved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Daly Except Wedtiesdsy. i ATTENiTION We wish to announce to our ellen- tele that we .are now in our new lo- cation, formerly Dr. Addison's office adjoining the drug store. The beauty parlour will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and evening and ,Saturday evenings. Call 68 for appointments. Mrs. Edwin Gascho, Proprietress. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. E. I-Ieckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. Spi'rlitual :Life Guards. 11 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 pen.—Divine Worship. Ts the New Birth i:nnede":- Ly. ZURICH RIICH FALL PAM ? R Tue .l :.y, wm, lust another of. is t l Poen :on,. while-it..f;-.:�.... _.: esvl]v,t .acrd the wind- over G; i Iii ' Ihtron veh h z ileee-el end') i.iry thh beet- a_ feet/ . cable clay to hold a fall -frir, ns .+:,•;; ^.. j, TvL waii Ling arou.Ird c . ] 22.2 i o1 ., !- n.1 as a ence the 't;-..end.n:.e fell or.. c.:;. !'. i] : f' j e- " 1 h h o i] ,'ra'ng rather d f ilt: o i t' ty ,with 'the new rut 1 ing opened, it will cot over 1 1 e tee ',c:r`i.a, and 'fol' - -L':1 2t'r �'_-.. t.y T, . t a u,.,., _c , i 1 3 Society* can be lasso per u wl A Chinese Christian prayed "Lord a ` Reform Thy Wo]ld;` beginning kith, ", i e .n , . ;d e and _ r.e. al .o 2a7r to core t.tro.: me. 't cc•'OL. s.; -i,1. omm-rom-tramorrems-ms.w.mr.o arr., , � c� Leaviaa pl Exeter, Ont. 5i1 Phone 135 Thurda,y Friiday, Saturday BABES ON BROADWAY • 'Garland. All Star Cast. • Metro Golden Mayer Picture "HiW.L'S HAIRDRESSING. ;1Ton'iav - Tuesday. 2 night only Two 1' eetures. Special Feature. Musical Comedy. Starring `.hickey Rooney and Judy N O T I C: let We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TWIPT,141, Proprietress THE ALDRICH FAMILY Hr +ENRY AND DIZZY PACIFIC BLACKOUT With Robert Preston • Li Oars If you wish to own a Better Car, look these over! 19.411 CHEV. SPECIAL COACH, Clock, Heater, and De Froster. Otnly 12,000 Miles. 1941 FORD DE LUX COACH. Clean inside and out. 1940 CHEV. SEDAN, Upholstering and Tires like new. 1937 Chev. STANDARD COACH. Locally Owned. 1937 De Soto 'Coupe, like New. Guearanteed 15,000 miles. 1938 Ford Coach. 1935 Chev. Coach, new tires 1934 Plymouth. 'Coach, new tires. 19.31 Chev. Special Coach 1930 Chev. Sedan. 11929 Ford Coach WARD I= RITZ Used Car Dealer - Zurich, Ont. 4 9 4 4 9 9 4 4, 4. i SummerWork Clothes We 'carry a complete line of Men's Work Clothes, at very reasonable prices. Also have Fie Shirts, Summer Underwear, Etc. WORK _ SHOES 'We have a full line of Men's Worjlc Shoes, also a ;fine display of Ladies' `Oxfords. See therm Full line of Hardware, Feeds, Dry Goods, and Patent Medicines. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLAKB STORE Edmund Swartzefntruber, Piop. 'hone: 1147 vissotraurawarmareggromlavonsummiNERNWOMMINIMINOr Pe tt, Ill :, of the rather. eIter.. lt�r i t; t'i') ott1e;ide ee,hiLYit ti :r: well -filled and of most wondeefel c. -.L1$, T.;.0 Yes and pouutly "`'- �f Fl::. ndiel `how ing as was• ail dippd t nanL .. a little i,,-'ene - former yen..,, . wit-- t,o--':tti, ,sue to cinditice are exiting in 'transportation, a•` _ +]otic: .ri+?,> or .i'c=;•.ger have a con .idoa i:lo distar.ce to g;..,„, were nc'. p, e:.,•.+t this . year. ery g, -)1c1. e•;:.ts .. of 'Sell and -gee - !. den cr. i] - hi trg .. house, and-• we say .again, the s;t ity wF.i very good t. ge:'e1a1 IO vine- ere z5 Teen TIrize winnie%'s To -day, Thursday, 1•a i:, t t I i i 1 yOif .:.1 of f ' en 1 • Y �... ' +.i .. here t..0 tip to 17.7:0 0 i T hn a ' we can 'find tine to_`'tit rip? t?'lf'- anee will 'appear next week: i i HORSES''',..4.,... far`zt , t t r, atlz_ c c goo'', • �• which.. greatly enerred the out,'nee Wagon or Express -- 3rood mare,Cr reeeeeaee T with foal, M }cooper, B. Koehler, T 1 ,, ,. . ,, , • Se=a : i; Foe], 1 e.rtlrr; 3. ye -ehl M. Hooper; 2 yr. old M. Hooper; 3 yr. old, B. Klopp, B Koehler; Span W. Munro, M. Hoo'Per, G, Thiel.. Agricultural - Brood mare dna foal, J. H. Turvis; foal do; 1 yr., Co- unty of Huron; 2 yr J. Turvis, :3 yr. do; Span J. Vodden, County dome, Heavy Draught — Brood mare e with foal, C. Mathews, H C'olema ; Alan J. Vicelden, ,G Mathews, and :irc1. Roadster — Brood mare, E Int oppea Wm. Grenier; Foal, R Manso;n 2 yr old Currie and Turviltt; 3 yr. old J. Wright, H. Coleman; Single Roadster J Wright and 2nd, Currie and Tervitt; Lady Driver, J. Wright Carriage — Span in wagon, W:. Munro and 2nd; single W. Munroe, 2nd and Srd,; single tandem. do. Half Tared Hackney — foal E. Ho oper, T Steinbae!h, D Geiger, 2 yr, old. It. Hopper, 3 yr. T Steinbach, R. Manson. CATTTAFI Slrorfrhorns — Cow, W Qestrei'oher yearling heifer and •2 yr. old, do;ibull -alf R Peck, W ;Oestreiclier; heifer calf W Oes'trei,cher, R.IPeck; young bull W •Oestreicher and ,tad. Beef type grades — Milk cow D Geiger -and 12nd; heifer 2 yrs, 1 yr. andheifer. •c'alf, D. Geiger; steer calf B Klapp,B Koehler, fat cow R Man- son. Holstein — Milk cow, D. Geiger Polled Angus — cow, B Klopp ;bull flea .and heifer oaf, do; Best three beef type cattle, Simpson Special, W W. O estreicher. SHEEU Lincoln --- A D Steeper took all nrizee in this iclass ' Oxford Downs - Agen ram 0 }cars,,,1n, W Dearing sheat ling nen 0 McGowan; shArling ewe, W Dai 'ng, 0 McGokan; ram lamb 0 Mc- Gowan, W "':1:)earing; ewe lamb, 'D \fcGonan,'`W Dearing; ewe, do', d o• Shrop.hires- .and Leicester, 0 YlcGowahl took all prizes '`• Leicester — D. Grahaan took •1. In 'hi 01 9.5.1. Special pen of five ewes, Simpson special, Lamont and Elliott. HOGS Yorkshire, aged boar, D eleigcr; ;Pring sow, D Geiger and ;.nd; Tamworth -- Aged sow rt, Manson !and 2nd; spring (boar and cspring 11 sow, It Maueon ('Cotttiriued on Pana "our) titute for th Blind S i7't 011 fair day, iT, ce tit„ r,!'.rc d n:L' t far this noblo enu^e., and in bohaie or t11,? general ex_,' ctive, the' e e•:1 orTanizatioa h.,,r. n•i;.71en t:, .'1:, thank the public for the 415.50 do - (belted. Ti':...eeYoe. Painful Expeeienee 'flat ini eht ]t +:•.e eeovee a more serious accident occur rel one ,ley last week at the home of _. 11n117eT1-:; Herbert :11:11r •tau, when seau went to light the g•-., ;Love in the morning, unfortunately, one of the burners had been shut off when last in use, but a leak developed and When the match war; lited it ignite) the escaped gas. Mrs. Mous.ean's tight hand suffered teal bun :le lho flames spread, she used good judgm- ent and erabhed a •carpet near by and smothered the dames, with the assistance -of her daughter Norma. Mrs. Mousseau's hand is healing nice- ly now. OBITUARY Late Susanna E. Rader Mrs. Susanna Rader, widow of the late Peter Haberer, passed to her est• ernal maker on Saturday after an ill ness which extended for some weeks. She had ,been at London Hospital fora few weeks for treatments, and afterlome improvements was return - to her home here in Zurich passing away in her 6.2Ind year. The depart- ed was 'born in Hay Township and was 'harried in 1911, after 'which they farmed on the Blind Line near Zurich until 19110' when they re- tired to Zurich and has been resid eat here si:nve. Mr. Haberer prede- ceased her seven years ago. The late Mrs. ffaberer was a very active mm!bex, .. of St. Peter's Lutheran church, and was always ready to ,give of: her time and substance to the Ise l :Cross, .or .any charitable society. and leaves a large circle of friends and relative's who will greatly mown her .loss. Surviving are her mother:, Mrs. ICatheeiin,e Mader of Dashwood; three sisters, Mrs. Catherine 'W'illert, Mrs. L. Kraft of Dashwood; Mrs. Clara Decker of Zurich; 'four broth- ers, Wiliam Rader, Zurich, Lewis and Fred Rader, Dashwood;; Theodore Rader, of the Goshen Line, Hay Twp, A private funeral service was held from the home at 2,80 !p.m. on Mon- day, followed by a public {service in St. Peter's Lutheran church and in, torment in St. Peter's cemetery. The funer"al being very larger attended. 1t.ev. Ea tf r~ jtm bell, the 'pastor, offi- ciated„ • lctc THAT:. 2 7 . �:. Illi and ,..::ve it dpli- c :. d. 2 . cls TECle at prices Rocs to d1 tv17,1 i. Y7 'ZIze� N aa�3y Sh3wprs. A ,.Lm H 6�^. . —moi:::( ....., .,: a r...� J Optician,. ti For positive identification o, the World's Finest Anthracite ask for • 1.;::r:::r Cre i- r c:r STLSf.�..:. Vitin1lzed Highest Cash fum. E r -s G-c'coridialg to Grad,. W. R. Pore 1 0.....w. a ViecAl a F U 1 �J� -RAL. L]ICEN3ED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL D!RECT4. .S AMBULANCE SERVtrICE 8 0 a 8 8 5) t11 8 Day and Night Service Phone 158, Z urich o co .rq 041.ovrotetiihoime,+'a- i. r..g..it q,.,ops.Xuv..:..;.Z:C.w'::.C.:;w.!e:4!.0 ";Ciu::C:".-,,:.•CO',.C.•0B'[ WIL SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC, AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. mh R