HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-09-17, Page 4ZUiIiiL.D
The awl:MtiS:0d Vet weather is hol-
ding up the work on the wheat •gro-
unsi. o Most of the threshing has
been comaKeted and a good crop is
'Mr, and XI�I, Wilfred Weido en-
joyed a pleasant week -end in St.
At present Mrs Ross Love is con--
valescing in ,St. Joseph's H•ospitl,
London. Her many friends wish
her a speedy recover.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
.avidson were: Mrs, Ellen Moser
adn on Lorne, Marr. Geo. Davidson,
Mrs. T. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. David
Davidson and son Dalton, all of St-
11fr. Win. Jaratt of Brigden called
en friends here recently.
Mr. San Witeel of Toroato spent
the week -end with his another, Mrs.
Mr. Glen Walper of Niagara, is
spending a furor days with his par-
•Spr. Garnet Weiberg of Sussex,
New :Brunswick spent the past week
with his .parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred
3VIrs. Ezra Bender is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender In Tor-
onto this week.
Miss Ella Martinson of Elmira is
spending a few days with friends in
this vicinity.
Ross Guenther who is stationed
at Iova .Scotia spent the past week
with his parents.
Mrs. E. R. Guenther is visiting in
Kitchener this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner re•
turned home on Sunday after spend-
ing a week vacation in Detroit
(Pte Harold Mair who is stationed
at Vaonvuv is spending a few clays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
(Crowded out last week)
Mr. and Mrs Llod Weido of Tor-
onto spent a few days with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Chesna an tam
my of Burrningham, Mich., spent the
week -end here with her mother, Mrs
F. 'Wiflert who has gent several
months with her daughter.
High Edighoffer o Mitchell is sp-
ending his holidays with Ray Guen-
Thursday, September :17th,• .194.4
Help the progress of your Community by patronizing the local Fall Fairs
Zurich Fair, Sept. 21-22. Bayfield Fair Sept. 23-24
Mr. and Mrs. Berensen, Misses El-
la and Rose Zimer all of Detroit sp-
ent the holida with r. Wm. Zimmer
and Ida
Mr aid Mrs Earl Zimmer of Win-
deor and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Zim-
mer of Toronto spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zimmer.
Miss Grace Morenz of Detroit sp-
ent the week -end with Mr and Mrs
Milan Watts.
Mr and Airs Sam Elsie of Detroit
spent the holidays at their home here
Mr and Mrs Archie Bender of To-
ronto were holiday visitors with his
parnts here.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher and
fiandly visited with friends m Lon-
don over the"holiuivy.
Howard Klumpp who is attending
University in Toronto spent the we-
ek -end :at his home here.
Mr and Mrs. Harr Guenther of
Windsor were holiday victors with
his mother Mrs. Genther.
Mr. and Mrs. Edighoffer of Zur-
ich were week -end visitors witm Mrs
L. Mcsaac.
Betty •Taylor of London spent the
holiday with her :parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. ,Steinhagen.
Muray Wolfe and Theo. Luft of
Hamilton spent theo week -end with
tpeilr parents.
Mr. and Mrs ' J Vernon and .son
Melville and friend of Dearborn, we -
(re visitos with Mr and Mrs Otto Re
Mr and Mrs Restemeyer aid Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon visited relatives in
London on iSunday.
Mr and MTs Geo. Thompson of De
troit and Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith
of Windsor were holiday visitors
with Mr and Mrs R Baker.
The Bethany Sisters Sunday Scho-
ol class of the Evangelical church do -
noted •$5 to be used for purchasing
lining for our Red Cross Unit.
Misses Viola and Evelyn Curts of
Greenway visited with Mr. and Mrs
T. H. Hoffman last Wednesday
Miss Sylvia Sohendel of Waterloo
spent the week -end at her home on
the 14th con.
School re -opened on Tuesoda last
`with Mr. MoInniss as principal and
Miss M•cMath and Miss Geiser as as-
Late Daniel Hartleib
Daniel Hantleib, of Dashwood, re-
tired mechanic, died in Seott Mem-
orial Hospital, .Seaforth, on Wednes-
day, 9th, in his 63rd year. He was
we known in the district. Surviving
are his widow, Mrs. Christine Hart-
leib; three daughters, Mrs. Geo. Mo-
ulton, Behnont; Mrs E J Dundas ,
Waterloo; MTS. R A Mercer, St. Tho-
mas; one son, Harr, London; four
sisters, (lav ada, Dashwood; Mns D.
Meerburg, Port Franks Mrs. Wiliam
Hey, near Zurich, and Mrs. Jiames
Smith, Windsor. The body was laid
to rest on Friday, with interment in
the Exeter cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingrain of Plea-
santville, N.Y. have visited for a
time with her mother, Mrs Devlin.
The Misses Beryl and Alice Pfaff,
Mary Goodwin, Margaret Bell and
Helen Moir were holiday visitors at
Grand Bend.
ilVlss June •Sundercock wha had a
position at Grand Bend for the sum •
— Shortage of Materials
— Reduced Production
—Factory Facilities
devoted to war work
OR these reasons the supply of Duro Pumping Systems will be
considerably reduced this year.
We will supply our dealers with as many new Pumps as materi-
als and manufacturing facilities will permit but if you already have
a Duro Pump, we suggest that you ask your. Duro dealer to check
it over and replace wofn parts, if required.
Make certain your pump is in first class running order to insure
a continuance of the satisfactory Duro pumping ser%ice to which
you have become accustomed.
If you haven't running water in your home, your Duro dealer
may be able to secure a Duro Pump for you, especially if it will
increase farm production and your efficiency.
The Duro Special shown below pumps 250
gals. per hour and has 25 gal. galvanized tank.
EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixtures and Fit-
tings are still available in a good range of styles
and prices. If you need new plumbing fixtures
and fittings for bathroom, kitchen or laundry,
look over the EMCO line. They will please you.
London Hamilton Secibxurp
'orotntn • Winnipeg' Vancouver
IE.a.`;"...a..w.. ...
mer znanths, has returned.
Mrs. oGeo Hess and Ruth, also
Miss Georgia Hancock, Donna Mc-
Ewen and Lenore Normington spent
a few days at the Hess cottage in :the•
nM GSst Sep. 'c'7 (et az
Pte. Gerald 'Campbell of iChatharn
was a visitor with his parents, 11ir.
and Mrs. Earl iCa. pbell.
Miss Florence ,Schwalm or Clinton
and Lee of Hamilton, were week -end
isitors with their another here
The Sept. meeting of the Hensel].
Meets With Accident
While backing his team of horses
down the gangway an his farm on
Saturday last, Alex Buchanan had
the misfortune to have the horses
and wagon upset over the edge. As
a result he sustained a double fract-
ure of his leg while • making an effort
to save himself by jumping from the
wagon. He was taken to •Seaforth
Hospital under the care of Dr. Steer
St. John, the Evangelist Church,
London, was the setting for a charm
ing autumn wedding, Sept. 5, when
Mary Adele, daughter of Mrs. Pater-
son and the late J. A. Paterson, 'be-
came the bride of Harry G. CIark,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark
of London, fornnero Hensaall resid-
ents, and grandson of Mr and Mrs.
Athur Cark of Hensall. Rev. Jaanes
officiated and Mrs. M. Bunn played
the bridal music. The bride was giv-
en in marriage by her uncle, F. D.
Paterson, of Toronto.
{ Drive Is Planned
Plans for canvassing HensalI for
support of the iSalvation Army's Red
Shield Home Front Appeal were
made at a recent meeting in the
Town HalI.' Jas. A Paterson, village
clerk; Reeve Shaddick and W. O.
Goodwin will canvass the business
section while the members of the S.
A. at Seaforth will approach 'the re-
sidential section. The Red ,Shield is
to support the war work 'of the Sal-
vation Army outside military areas
ms the home -front.
Late Mrs. Pepper
The death .occurred on Sept. 10th
of Mrs. Wm. Pepper, a well known
district resident who grassed away at
her home in Tuckersmith 11/ miles
east of Hensall in her 66th year.
Mrs. Pepper, who has been in poor
health since ,Christmas, was the for-
mer Elizabeth Ann Pepper, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pep-
per, and had resided on the farm
where she died for the past 40 ye •
ars, with the exception of three ye-
ars spent in Walton. Surviving are
her husband, four daughters, Mrs.W.
1VIcClinchey, Varna; Miss Grace; Mrs
T. Slavin and Mrs. G. Tinney of
.Hay Twp 6 sons, Ernest, Sarnia;Jno
Dashwood! Foster, Parkhill; Stew-
art at home; Sandy, Mill Rd. Tuck-
ersmith; Nelson, Hamilton and Char.
le, Toronto; Wesley 'London and Jas
of Manitoba. Funeral was held an
Saturday with Rev. Brook officiating.
70 dog owners at Kincardine have
i been summonsed to appear before
. the magistrate for faiure to secure
licenses and tags.
t Dilate Desjard:ine of Grand Bend
fractred a -bone in his right leg,
while working at the new military
CAM) at I,pperwash. He was laying
a tile in a drain when a clot of earth
' fell on his leg, causing the fracture.
6 Engagement Announced
MIT. and Mrs. Wm. J. Falconer,
Stanley Twp., anounce the engage-
ment of their youngest daughter,
Kathleen Willona, to Samuel Whit-
more, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
H. !Witmore of Tuckersmith. The mar
riage to take ,place quietly in Sept-
New Abutment
Huron County is putting a new ab-
utment under the south end of the
Brussels bridge. The old abutments
had shifted about a foot and a half
and was not considered safe. It has
(necessitated the moving of hydro
and 'telephone poles.
Burglars Steal $114
Clinton — Local and county pol-
ice are inestigating the theft of a
sum of money from the home of Mrs
Jean Warnick, High street. The
money, $114 in bank notes, clad been
placed in a bureau drawer hi an up-
stairs room.
Airman Killed
Word 'came to Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
McKenzie, Clinton, that their son, 1
Douglas, a gunner of attic RCAF, .!
r was killed in taction hi the Dieppe i
raid. , Douglas had been in England -th
less than a year, Ile is his parexts
alt( he 1 it Q-.10atst a • HP.IPat
..ms. ..w�Sl�ic«bi � �w,..
Zurich Fall Fair
September 21st & 22nd
See the Judging in the Iarge Show Ring, Fair Day -
Good Prizes Offered Including many Specials
Special showing of Horses with greatly increased
Prizes offered. Don't miss it!
In Town Hall Fair Night. A good Orchestra will':
furnish good music for the Dance...
To the Men who Till the Soil
-1▪ �-
Spring is here and time to start work on the land .l
not far away. How about your work shoes for
the spring work. You shoul dsee E. H. Edighoffer -
about them before you buy. We carry the famous
line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has
stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- •
sidering quality.
We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf
also in black via Kid. These oxfords are made
with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and
narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H.
Edighoffer has them.
In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can
buy. Give us a call, our prices are right.
of the Bank of Montreal staff in
Miss Isobel Turnbull, who for sev-
eral years has been employed at
Southcott Bros.' Store in Exeter,
has resigned her position and deft for
London, where she has secured a po-
sition with .Kingsmills.
Jailed Thirty Days
That it does not pay to monkey
with the new gasoline rationing re-
gulations, was demonstrated in police
court at Stratford when a jail team
of 30 days and a fine of $200 and
costs on each of two charges under
the gasoline rationing regulations
were imposed upon Geo. Harron, of
Stratford, by M'agis. Makins after
Harron pleaded guilty. The court or-
dered an additional two month's jail
term if the .fine was not paid.
Saved the Crop.
In order to successfully harvest a
field of grain which had 'been flatten-
ed by a storm, Neil and Archie inc-
Keller of Cromarty, this summer,
pressed into service • a 75 yr. old
reaper formerly owned rby their fa-
ther, the late Duncan McKe]ler. The
old reaper did a good job as it could
be .adjusted to 'cut much closer to the•
ground than a modern binder. The
reaper cuts the gain •and drops the
sheaves on the ground ready to be
tied by hand.
Lad Loses Arm
Master Robert Harvey, 9 a, old
son :and Imlay son of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Harvey, West Monkton, dost
his right arm in a combine on the
Ivan Linton tam in Logan, near
.Mitchell, where his father was eng-
aged ani cunttinrg grain. Just how the
ittrle felo'w got his: arm +caught in
the machine could not be ascertained
but it (was 'torn in smelt a manner
at he was rushed n Stratford hos.
Wingham — Travel by bicycle isa
the slogan of Mr. and Mrs. David'
C.uthbertson, their son, :George, anal
daughter, Louise all of 'Toronto. They
problem 'orf transportation holds net
fear for this family who are great
casts . They left Toronto at 4.319'
in the morning and arrived the same
day at 10.30 in the evening. All foot
making the trip without a mishap.
The only unpleasant part was the
gravel road from Hariston to Wing'
ham, and the drenching ;rain which
failed to dampen their spirits..
Established 1900. a
Herald - Printing Office
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 les
arrears or $2.00 may be charged.. 1ff
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discons
tinued until all arrears are paid up
unless at option of publisher. The
date of Which every Subscription is
paid is donated on the Label.
Professional of Business Cards $4.
per year and up. le!
insertion if not over four incites int
In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25e.
for each additional verse; Card o
Thanks 50c.
Auction Sales—$2.00 per single;
Display advertising made knows
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of not mom
than four lines. For Sale, To Rent„
Wnted, Lost, Found, Etc., one insert.
tion 25c; 2 ins, 40c., 3 ins. 50c.
)rival and had to be amputated just i Address all Communications to:
Isel]*w the ghouldRr. . WW1) OFFICE, ZUR1C*( 1,