HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-09-17, Page 2TAKINQ IT THE PEOPLE Fs� >L ti d�dWzt •� "�,a ��` `k r Taking to the people his unprecedented warning to Congress to curb wages and farm prices or "I will take the responsibility and I will act," Pre sident Roosevelt is pictured as he made his Labor Day "fireside chat" In addition to reiterating the highlights of his earlier message to Congress, the President declared a second front will be opened. What Science Is Doing CITRUS JUICES—Over a halt million gallons of concentrated cit rous juices are to be made in Flor- ida by the Department of Agricul- ture and shipped abroad to pre- vent outbreaks of scurvy among tie peoples at war. The concen- trated juice in the form of a syrup is now being put into medicine bottles for the benefit of children by British pharmaceutical houses. FROZEN EGGS—Frozen eggs ars now being peeked in cellophane, with. an outside overcoat of card- board to save metal. Heretofore, eggs were removed from the shells, poured into tin cans, hold- ing thirty pounds each, and then frozen and stored. The tin cans previously used required two Pounds of metal each. The cello- phane lined containers have no metal at all, except for wire stitch- ing in some instances. RAYON INSULATORS — Silk has been used to insulate wire ever .since the days of Ben Frank- Iin. Now that Japan is cut off from the world the problem of finding a substitute has been solv- ed by Fred S. Strauss. Thanks to his ingenuity a satisfactory mica coated or varnished tape has been developed which is now much in demand. The tape meas- ures less than two -thousandth of an inch in thiclmess before it is processed, yet provides a firm, enduring wire -insulation chat can be applied to the wires of tele- phones. radios. loudspeakers and motors. Sopwith Yacht Joins The Navy -i,dmiation of American yachts- men was excited by the luxurious yacht Tom Sopwith built to tow back to England his America's Cup challenger. Endeavour II, when she sailed across the At- lantic in 1931 for the last race held for the much contested trophy— which he was unable to wrest from Ranger, skippered by Harold S. Vanderbilt. Now, as H.M.S. Philan:e. she is one of Britain's convoy ships, un- der command of Lieut. Comdr. H. J. R. Paramore of the Royal Navy. But on her bridge she carries, in the form of a length of towrope, a memento of her exploit in drag- ging Endeavour II over much the same route. Her oak -paneled wardroom can seat fifty persons at dinner at one table. The officers' cabins have private bathrooms, divan beds and the fittings of a West End hotel suite, it is said. T IISSES AlDOMINAL SUPPORT'S Write For Catalogue To S. J. JDe� w W 149 Church St., Toronto 26 Years ZFrsteloiarkett Have You Heard? Lite in the lonely desert coun- try around Darwin, Australia, was summed ulp last week by an Amer- ican soldier on his arrival in Mel- bourne from the northern outpost: "It's this way, buddy. When you're there a few weeks you find your- self talking to yourself. After that you find yourself talking to the lizards. Atter another couple of weeks you find the lizards talk- ing to you. Then you find your- self listening." While a play was !n progress a Lady turned in her seat and said to a man behind: "I hope my hat Is 'not annoying you?" "It le, madam," was the re- ply, "for my wife wants one just tike it." "Nature," explained the lectur- er, "always tries to make compen- sation. For instance, if a man. loses an eye, the sight of the other becomes stronger, and if he goes deaf in one ear the hearing of the other becomes acuter, and so on." "Sure!" said Pat, to his neigh- bor, "an' of believe he's right, for oi've noticed that when a man has a short Ieg the other is al- ways longer." Magistrate (sympathetically): "Could the motorist have avoid- ed you?" Henpecked Victim (sadly)t "He could that, your worship. 'E 'ad the choke of 'fitting me or the misses, and 'e picked on me." Johnny heard in class one morn- ing an explanation of the dogmas of Communism, Fascism and Nazi- ism, and seemed interested. "Now, Johnny," said the teacher, when his exposition had ended, "what would you do with all these isms?" "I'd make them into wasms," was his prompt and wise reply. "Wasn't It Edison that said four hours of sleep were enough for any man?" "He must be right --that's exactly what my baby thinks." Mother: "Well, Bobby, what do you think of your new teacher?" Bobby: "Oh, he's not bad in himself, but one can't rely on what he says," Mother: "lit. w is that?" Bobby: "First, be said, 'Two and two make four,' and then he said, 'Three and one make four'." Colonel (t, Irish servant): "This is going to be a terrible war, Pat." Pat: "Sure, it's going to be a terrible war, sor, but it'll be better than no war et all, at all," Saved From Nazis By Shamming Death Company Sergeant Major John Thomas Brown, of the sti Hus- sars, who has just been awarded the Military Medal, saved his life and his wounded officer by sham- ming death for four hours on the desert battlefield, says a Cairo report. He was turned over by a (lea - Man officer as the lay on the ground, Brown and his officer were Amt at when the odtcer's tank broke down, and Brown towedIt for miles under enemy fire. The officer Vas wounded in the thigh, but Brown waited until the eoa (t was clear and then carried the wounded oilleer over it mile to ifoli. • ire HOW CAN I? Q. How can I remove rust from knife blades if the rust has been allowed to remain for a long time? A. By sticking the blades up- right into an onion and leaving thein for some time. The blades will then clean with an ordinary scouring. Q. How can I safely clean oil paintings? A. Use warm soapsuds. Wash only a small section of the canvas at a time, and wipe it dry. When the entire surface is clean, go over it with a cloth dipped in linseed oil to prevent cracking. Q. How can I prevent the breaking of the sewing machine needle when stitching through heavy materials? A. Rub the seams with yellow. soap, and the needle will pen- etrate the goods without danger of breaking. Q. How can I make a good salad with cottage cheese? A. Make a chive - seasoned mound of cottage cheese on crisp Iettuce, surrounded by pineapple sections, and top with mayon- naise. Q. Haw can I relieve the burn- ing of feet? A. A little powdered tannin or powdered borax shaken into the stockings will work wonders if you suffer from burning feet. Either of these remedies is very soothing. Tons of Biscuits Stored In Britain Thousands of tons of Britain's new "welfare" biscuit are being stored away in preparation for a national emergency. The biscuit has been evolved, after ninny tests, by British bis - (mit makers who are now, to the number of 240, united with the cake makers in the Cake and Bis- cuit Manufacturers' Wartime Alli- ance, a non -profitmaking organiz- ation, The Welfare is a sweet biscuit made from wheatmeal flour, the purest vegetable fat, and the fin-' est grade of sugar. It gives the maximum of nutrition at the Iow price of Od. per Ib., and the in- dustry regard it as the best value ever offered to the public. The biscuits are mainly obIong, for, although the ingredients are standardized, the shapes vary a little so as not to limit produc- tion to a few cutting .machines. They are carefully packed in tins stored in cases of 50 lbs, weight which will preserve them indefinitely in all climates. SAYE UP TO SO%e r - 1/4�; y IASY TOMS .. Olt /A1' Moe7AA)1ttfX01.404 Strict. 191•, . ROYAL CHESTERFIELD CO.' SS RICHMOND ST, £AST - - TOPCNTO Prices es low at $69! rortyfour pzgst of elirereat designs dozens of (*Mrs. 14a3ter-mtde fly skinsd crtftsnhess And gutzAnteed for 3 yeers, S tistecttGa ar your money back, Mighty Battleship Launched In U, S. 45,000 -Ton Man -of -War Seven Months Ahead of Schedule The 45,000 -tog. battleship lowsa, one of the greatest inert -o' -war ever built, slid down the ways of the New Yorli Navy yard last week, seven months ahead of schedule, .aunching ceremonies were simple and brief, because of war- time restrictions and the necessity of causing the least interference to important work in progress on other vessels. She was the first of six, super - battleships to be launched, .rive more—grew Jersey Missouri, Wis- consin, Illinois and Kentueky—are being built— u other shipyards. Iowa's keel was laid on .rune 27, 1940, 880 Feet Long Mast of Iowa's specifications are secret, but it may be revealed that her main battery will be of 16 -inch guns. She is 880 -feet long. The area of all her decks and platforms is 91/2 acres. There are 80 miles of pipe within her, 17 for refrigeration end cooling. Fif- teen miles of manila and wire rope are required. The total length of electric cable required is 250 miles, ana if the conduc- tors in the caible were laid end to end, they would reach 1,700 miles. Her generators have a capacity of 10,000 kilowatt hours, or enough electricity for a city of 20,000. On her trial trip, she will ' displace enough water to flood 46 acres of land one foot deep. Because of iter extreme width and launching weight, four seta of ways were used. The launch- ing required 45 tons of heavy grease. Recall 1920 Prices And Cheer Up! When it comes to paying gro- cery bills, the modern housewife has an easy time in comparison with, prices during the post-war year of 1920_ Old bills show the following 1920 prices as compar- ed with those of the present day, respectively: 10 pounds of sugar, $2.39, .85; lard, 34 cents pound, 17; molasses, $2 gallon, $1,09; 98 pounds flour, $8, $2.95; bacon, 66 cents a pound, 46; evaporated milk, 26 cents can, 14; five bars soap, 69c, 27. T. K. DeMorest, new Resident Manager at The Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa Mr. T, K. DeMorest has been appointed Resident Manager of the Lord Elgin Hotel at Ottawa to succeed Mr. R. F. Pratt who has resigned to accept a Federal Government post, Mr. DeMorest has been associ- ated with the Ford Hotels Com- pany for some time past at To - Tonto, Montreal and Ottawa. He is a veteran of the hotel busi- ness, having some 20 years experi- ence in Canadian National and Canadian Pacific hotels. He sewed overseas with the Canadians in the First World War and lost his right leg in action. You GIRLS WHO SUFFER DY$MENCRRHEA If yon suffer monthly eramps, back- ache, distress of "irregularities," nervousness --due to functional Monthly disturbances—try Lydia V. leinkbarn"s Vegetable CompOttud Tablets (with added iron), Made espeeialiy for woman. They also help build up red blood, Made in Canada, MODERN ETIQUETTE By Roberta Lee 1, What is really the pin - pose of a tuxedo, and what is the origin cf the weird? 2. When a marriage engage- ment has been broken, is a girl entitled to consider the gifts and engagement ring the elan has given her as belonging to her? 3. .What kind of invitations are issued for a cocktail party? 4. Should a girl ever send a gift to a man whom she likes? 5. Isn't an envious person un- popular? 6, Who usually acts as hostess when a woman's club gives a luncheon party? ANSWERS 1. It is an evening dress for men's wear on occasions not re- quiring a formal fulldress suit. It comes from the name of a country club at Tuxedo Park, in southeastern New York. 2. No; she should return all of these, 3. These invitations are usually extended over the telephone or by person -al contact. 4. Not un- less she is engaged to be married to this man, and then the only gifts necessary are at Christmas and on his birthday. 5.Yes, al- ways. An old Latin proverb says, "He who envies another admits his own inferiority." And of course it "is difficult for an inferior per- son to become popular. 6. The -president of the club. Hot `Iron Rations' For British Army When a man in ,the British Army has to resort to his "iron rations" today, he sets off a mini- ature incendiary bomb and heats himself a can of soup. The soup trick is decidedly clever. Sealed in the tin is a small thermite cylinder. A wick protrudes through the top. When one wants to use the soup, he simply touches a match to this wick, and in a matter of minutes, the soup is boiling hot. There are too, of course, con- densed rations. In a container about the size of a sardine tin are packed the needs of a man for 48 hours. Geography, and the cosmopoli- tan aspect of the British Army, complicate the problems of the scientists who are constantly con- ducting research into food supply. There must be special food packs for men in fighting vehicles, and also for those serving in the Arc- tic regions. Widely varying tastes of different races, and even re. ligious restrictions on diet, must be taken into account, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,1CCOtU)tQNS WANTED ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid for piano accordions, twelve to hun- dred and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Musical Instrument Department Toronto AUTOMOBILES—USED USED CARS \VITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lots at 1650 Danforth Avenue and 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office. 632 Mount Pleasant. Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2131. nelte erect ITC. FOR DERMEN BELTING FOR THRESHERME)N, kindless thresher belts, hose, feeder canvas, pulleys, shafting, hangars, bearings, motors, Spec- lel—Belting for traces, 2 Inch 5 - ply, 15e foot, Al] types of trans- mission supplies in stock. for immediate shipment at attrac tive low prices. Slcrehandise guaran- teed and shipped subject to your inspection, stud your orders to THE YORE BELTING C.O. 88 YORK:STREET, TORONTO nArre CHICKS BRAY CHICKS 1'Olt i+l'II'TI6MU1:I3.- October delivery should be order- ed now, for the breed and deliv- ery date Sun want. Hatching regularly. Prices reasonable. And you know the gond markets call- ing for eggs and poultry. Ural,Hatchery, 130 ohn St. N„ Hacu- 11ton, Ont. 11 t 1':RV la),Clmom' BAKE'Ri3' 0V1 JS ANL) tlAC:111N- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited, Hubbard Portable oeen Co„ 109 Bathurst St., Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING HAVIO YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, Wo are glad to answer your questions. Depart. Anent 13, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 longe Street, To- ronto. HAITtl)Rl SS9NC SOn001, LEARN i-I.AIRDI,'1 SSINQ THIO .12013. ertsoll method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing .icadehny, 137 .Avenue Road, Toronto, iroll. sun SCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP -- 18 miles from Toronto -150 acres, 2 Houses and 2 'Barns, 310,000,00. Must sell to close estate, Public Trustee, Osgnode Hall, Toronto. IN111010 CrNTAL°GTJI7 I+RI01'/1 CATALOGUE' OF RARE and Exciting books, llov, Tyrer's Great Work on Marriage Rela- tions, 92.49. SUPER MAIL OR- DER, 57 Queen Street West, Toronto, pillark) 5131'8 nue ItitestA GERMANY, EGYPT. Newest world map, 20 x 85, ac- curate, easily read, • Shows na- tions' flags, dates, places, im- portant war events. Also two ex- •ceptionally fine pictures, 7 x 12. Gen. McNaughton ((.`.an, Overseas Commander), Winston Chimehill. 7,dlnited quantities available. Or- der yours to -day. 25c each, the threw SOc. (No stamps), (iunran- teed satisfactory, Ilex IX, way, Terminal, Terminal, Toronto. FOIL SALE MASSIJY-HARRIS CORN BLOWER, with new knives, new feeder,. Apply M. Ramage, Lucknow, Oat. FOOT BALM I3 A.UMI I1)HA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. PATENTS PET HI,''.IISTU"T11AUl.li & COMi',1NY Pa tent Solici tors. Established 1890: 14 . illg West, Toronto. ,Booklet of information on re• gtiCst. PATENTS .k TRADE minus EGERTON R. CASE, REGISTERED United .States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis Established over forty years, 82 11aisam Avenue, Toronto. .31EI)IC S.T. ATTENTION! OVERCOME NERVOUS DISORDERS Anaemia anti u,'rvon:s disor.i : i seem to be rather closely all;ed So weak blood means weak nerved and what makes the blood rirtt builds up and strengthens 511,1 nerves. Don't delay send for a bare of \lorrissev's Nerve Remedy int - mediately. 755o box of 100 pills, days treatment. Postpaid. Orford B. Morrissey. Druggist, 537 Stain 81.. St. John. N.B. A 'tlU.\L — i:vI':ltl SUFF111ti,11 of Rheumatic grains or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Stole, 335 Elgin,. Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00. JOHNSON'S VI,T131UN'ARY REME- DIES—Horse Liniment No. 1, 13 ounce:+, $1.23: Ringworm em- brocation 4 ounces, 60c Stock and Barb Wire Liniment 6 ounce's OOc; Gail and Healing Ointment 1 Ib., $1.23. Pour remedies (001 of cash) postpaid for $3.:0 Johnson Drug Company, 33.; Yon„e Street, Toronto. i'i.3O'i`")(:i{APit Y DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The tient, Rain, or Hail HAVE YOUR SNAPS delivered by ligan Any ii or 8 exposure rum perfectly developed and printed for only 25e. Sg promo quality and fast service gtlaran teed. IMPERIAL PI-IOTO SERVIC Station J, Toronto OLD all GS I916WOYEN N1SW, NEW 10.1)04 MA DE PROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Dorn. Pally, for Queen ao t� St. W„ Toronto, gall L\LV1'TC PAINS H.1V1, YOU E19ARD ABOUT DI7C- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic pain itehnedy7 It gives good results: 1i:tmro's .Dug Store, 335 ,131g]n, Ottawa .i ORt pall 9100. SF USCLT IUIIILDINO 412N AND BOA'S. DleVgLOP YOti muscles and increase y 0 u strength with an original systent. Instruction to muscle buildfilg, muscle control, diet, self-defence personal hygiene, etc, Couplet e0111'80 only two dollars. T: Forristal, Doctor of Psychology 25 West Street, Sydnoy, Nov' StlOtla, ISSUE 38-42