HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-09-10, Page 4PAGE ,F0'01,4 cai I aWNIIIIHNINSIWNIENNIMINNONOINII �-N - GOVERNMENT INSURANCE IN CAtf OF WAR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OWNERS OF PROPERTY ARE URGED TO INSURE AGAINST 'LOSS BY ENEMY ACTION The Government of Canada, tory Act of Parliament, has set up a Plan of War Risk Insurance against 'damage to property caused by enemy action—by countermeasures taken against the enemy—by explosions of war munitions handled by 'third parties. In terms of general information, it may be stated that the Plan provides a certain limited FREE COMPENSATION for damage to owner -occu- pied homes and to chattels, but the main feature of the Plan is that owners of most types of property can protect their property by PUR- CHASE of GOVERNMENTWAR RISK INSURANCE at very moderate rates. This type of War Risk Insurance is not being sold today by private insurance companies, 1 ecause .of the risk involved. Consequently, the Government has established: a national scheme to make it possible for each citizen in Canada -to purchase the sense of security that comes from knowing that if his property 'does suffer war damage (and the war has come much closer to •Carnada .in the last twelve months) he can call on the resources of t'•9:mada -to help him make good his property loss. HOW TO OBTAIN GOVERNMENT WAR RISK INSURANCE . The Fire Insurance .gents and Companies of Canada have volunteered to the Government the:servi esioftheir extensive facilities and personnel, on a non-profit basis, thus avoiding the setting up of the targe :organiza- tion that otherwise would be needed to handle details of this nation-wide Government War Risk _insurance scheme. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE AGENT OR COMPANY W IL:L -GLADLY SUPPLY COMPLETE DETAILS EDF THIS GOVERNMENT 1NS141: ANCE PLAN. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS .PVTALSEIED so that the public may have attune 4 s=he Government War Risk insurance ..Scheme. The information given •aborts is rant intended to be a complete resume' of the iccheme. Full information -regarding .conditions, „e.lusittr, etc., is available elsewhere. TO HOME OWNERS HOUSEHOLDERS and OTHERS Limited free compensation is provided under the Act for War Damage by enemy action to owner -occupied homes up to $3,000. Damage to House- holder's Chattels, up to $800— for those of his wife, up to $400 —for each child under 16, up to $100—for others, not house- holders, up to $200. No policies are needed in this classification but insurance addi- tional to the above amounts may be purchased. Ask any Fire Insurance Agent or Company for complete details. aLm ....-:J.A :INSURANCE AGENT: O. WR -2 Prblisbed by Authority of the Minister of Finalise STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Logan, of Hensall is renew- ing acquaintences in her old home district. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in St. John's Anglican Ch- urch, Varna, on Sept. 27th. Mr. Bob Peck has retrnued to To- ronto after spending his harvest le- ave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keys of Ste- phen Twp were visitors with lir. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon line. Mrs. W. J. Reid and daughter of Port Huron spent a few says at the home of her brother, Mr. Ben and Amos Keys. Friends are sorry to learn that Mrs Ralph Stephenson has suirered an- other heart attack. Also Mrs. Shan- non i; ver ill at the home of her niece Mrs. Fred McClylnont. Returned to Tranining LAC Gordon Key;, of the RCAF at Bella Bella, British, Columbia, has returned to that post after a three week's leave at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mr.=. i3' -r. Keys' and !brother Harvey, his bro.t,gert Men - n of the RCAF. who is at pry r t at . the IT$ in Toronto and..a,; who in Valleyfield, Quebec, a.',.., i.'freF, a' the parental home, it. byeir,g4 year; since they were all home trigtei73x-r. DASHWoap and son of Ela iiia were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mr. and r Rat H[roperoft and son of Pt. Colborne were holiday visitors with 3Ir. and Mrs. T. Hop croft. Miss Zeta Nadiger RN of Howell, Hospital, Mich., spent the wek-end with her parent:. Mr. and ,yrs. Wm. Nadiger. 31r. and Mrs. Elgin Merner are spending their vacation with friends in Detroit. :Hiss rene M•rtenie of Detroit sp- ent the holiday withherin other Mrs. Mary Marteni. Death of ,iacob 'Willett Duc'harane the past week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laporte and daughter Charlotte of St. Joseph, north were Beavertown visitors on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. R. - Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. JacobOber of De- troit and Mrs. Josiah Sararas mot- ored to Owen Sound on Saturday last. Mrs. Morris Denolnsrre of this burg was a Sunday visitor 'to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph ,Corriveau of the Blue Water south. The Misses Shirley and Doris Jef- frey of Detroit spent the week -end with their their parents in town. Mr. Victor :Brisson of Detroit, re- turned to her home after spending a week -end with her parents in St. Joseph. .Mr. Archie Campbell of Windsor. called on Mr. and Mrs, F Ducharme o.n Labor Day Mr. tend Mrs Willie Jeffrey and Mr and Mrs. Jack Bailey all of Chatham spent Labor Day with therr parents in this vicinity. Miss Antii,onette Jeffrey left • on ;$unday last for Windsor where she win be employee] at the Convent in that cit.y The Separate School No. 1 open- ed on Tuesday last with a good at- tendan/4e, there being several new pupils who had passed their entran- ce and are now continuing in. Grade nine. Miss Celia Hartman will al so attend that class and will stay with her .grandparents, so that she will be closer to the school, Henry Jacob Willert passed ;away ath is bogie on the 14th eon, en Twp. on. Tuesday Sept. 8th i.is riOth 2...ear following an illness of a- bout 8 months. Born in Stephen, he w a frnrare and a men-br of the Latheran church and i8 survived by a wire formerly Bertha Miller .n4 ore daughter Edna at home, his rno. `icer 21,1r4. Catharine Willert and one r star Su •ar at Dashwood. Phe fun - i.t being neki Friday at 2 p.m, foil - owed by a rnr:mryria service in the i, .r.�rren eh irch at 2.30 p.m. In- ,-., Ter , :Rr•, JSreirr-'girt "l'ne Lutheran LUJt rif€iciating. .5t.. Joseph anal, Beaver Town P, F.r<.• W1a M.1 and Mis Ruth Guether left last week ' danahrtAfr 1 + , r. *if Kline,# pent the I for Kitchener where she is attending Business College. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Wildfong took a motor trip to Niagara and Toronto last week. Ati s Myrta Taylor of London sp- ent a few rias with her hrothsr, Dr. and Mrs. Talon. Mrs. L iVlclsaac and Mrs, J Haist. of 1t ;t'e;di.tan viti,ite• d win friends here alt C ri thty MT kid MTS. W. S'hu't ; of eetroat i h week end with her alsN�e,�, Mr, and a„"..a. 1!1ztl7�ica K]til1Y.iilil,. Ate; anti Um Wr1ft'ed lilinlfmatt e.Jld visitong rY::,�.lt► - i Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Laporte' o f 1St. Clair, Mich., were St. Joseph vis- ' tors on Sunday last. Mr, and Mr. Leonard Sopha of Detroit and Mr. arta Mrs. J. :'Mahon- ey of Mt Carrnet were Labor Day s!sitars with :dr. andM \Lrs, Adolph 'Sopha of the Blue Water north. The essrsM.Avi]ia and Cyril 1)u charm', Max. and Alphonse Jeffrey all of Windsoy were visitor.. with their parents on Sunday last. t Miss Olivine Doupehouse of Wind. so :was l gust to Mrs. ;Vcrdruigtw HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Llod Redden, Jityce and Shirley of St. Catharinies were visitors with friends here. Roy and Donald, who ,spent holidays here, re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Valley and 2 children of St. Catharines were re- cent visitors hese, Herman Wolfe of Set, Cat•;hariies &sq Vetted hste,,wife her, , Mg Davis : .0 Ott . Tho - 'mass visited with a% r. and Mrs. Jos. 'Sangster. - Commencing Sept. G'there will' -be morning and evening services as us- ual In •Carmel Presbyterian church. Rev. Wm. Weir, whio has been away on vacation, having returned. Mr, and Mrs. Wm Hedden; Betty and Marie and Lee Redden all of Hamilton, also Russell Redden of St Catharines, !ware visitors with 'Mrs Cth. Hedden. ,Miss Edith Parkins of S. Cathar- ines, spent her vacation at her home here returning to that city. A. wedding of wide interest wiil be solemnized in St. John's Un. church, Chesley, on ESept. 19th, when Doi H Ankernvann of ChesIey, will be- come he bride of Ian Stewart Filshie eldest son of Mrs. A Filshie and the late A. Filshie, former Hensall resi- dents. Miss Peggy McDonald, who has spent a pleasant vacation at the homeo of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherritt, has returned to 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Gree.n and family of Pt Stanley, former resid- ents, called in town .recently. Rev. and Mrs, Weir and son have returned :from their vacation in the Huntsville district. Thursday, September loth, 111942 Escapes from Hong Kong Word has just reached Hensall of the aniraculous escape of Mrs. Frank 'Steven, of Hong, Kong, the former, rMiss Dorothy Gould, well known to many in the district and in Wippen. Mr. and Mrs Steven residents of Hong Kong, where Mr. Steven was emploed as an engineer in connect- ion with airplanes, he had placed his wife on a plane for safety, and de- cided to follow at the earlist oppor- tunity, during the trip the plane was bombed, causing the bottom to fall -out of the :plane and to fall into the ocean. Mrs. Stevens was able to swim a little until shecame across an in- flated tire which she held on to un - Donnell, of Hensall. til she was picked up by a rescue ship and taken to India, where her baby was 'born two days Iater. Mrs. Stevens •was born in Formosa, China and is a daughter of Mrs. Wm. Gould of Guelph, the former Miss Greta Melis of Klippen, who together with her husband the late Rev. W. Gould AD A It is now ILLEGAL to HOARD scrap steel or UNUSABLE machinery The Steel Controller has ordered that, after September 15, 1942, no person may retain in his possession scrap iron or steel weighing a total of 500 pounds or more unless he has a permit. (For the purposes of the new regulations, scrap metal includes machin- ery, structure] steel, or any other article or commodity containing iron or steel, which is not serving an immediate vital purpose.) The order also provides: That anyone, conning into possession after September 15 of scrap iron or steel weighing 500 pounds ar more, must dispose of it within 20 days. That any person having a valid reason for not disposing of scrap metal as scrap metal or who believes that it can serve some essential purpose, must send in a report by September 15 to the Used Goods Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Lumsden Building, Toronto. His report must reveal the exact description, quantity, and location of his scrap metal. The provisions of the order do not apply to scrap dealers who are already subject to previous orders; nor do they affect metal fabri- cators and processors who are in legal possession of metal to be used in manufacturing. A copy of the order, S.C. 16, may be obtained from the Steel Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply, Ottawa. Infractions of the new regulations are subject to a fine of up to $5,000, or imprisonment of up to five years, or both fine and imprisonment. Department of Munitions and Supply HONOURABLE E. D. HOWE, MINISTER 454 NATIONAL REGISTEATION OF WOMEN IN CANADA Sept. 14 to Sept. 19, 1942 THOSE WHO MUST REGISTER All females born between January 1st, 19'18jand De— cember 31st, 192, inclusive, who arenot now in pos.. session of Unemployment Insurance Cards Form 411 or. 413 (Illustrated below). Also all those who have such cards in their possession but who are not employed in insurable employment. WHERE YOU MUST REGISTER You must register at your nearest Selective Service Office (formerly the local Employment & Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Conunission), or a location set up for your convenience. If you reside in a rural area, you register at your nearest Post Office. THE DATE OF REGISTRATION You may register at any time between Monday, September 14th, and Saturday, September 19th, 1942. THOSE WHO NEED NOT REGISTER Inmates of Institutions such as hospitals and mental hospitals and members of religious orders. Those in possession of either of the two Unemployment Insur- ance Cards Form 411 or 413 (illustrated) and who are now employed in insurable employment, NOTE: I# you are now unemployed, you will be required to register. If you have an Insurance book number or registration certificate 'CJ.LC. 4i,'rl or 413 which you got when you were previously employed, bring it with. you when registering. ELLIOTT M. LIaTL& Dimolor National Selsoilto Sento* lirrx�� r iu y t: TTC1?E'r r x3ilw._ MtaistoratLabour 8$441