Zurich Herald, 1942-08-27, Page 1N Forty Second Year ' Z "HICH. THURSDAY ',MORNING, AUGUST 27 1942 Let F. T eIleraid .Are Yonas Suffeiring From Headache s? If so; Have your Eyes Exawkined wale •4he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, rf . � OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERLCH -- 0N1'. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ATTENTION We wish to announce to our clien- tele that we are now in our new lo - .cation, formerly Dr. Addison's office .adjoining the drug store. The beauty parlour will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and •evening andSaturday evenings. Call 68 for appointments. Mrs. Edwin Gascho, Proprietress. FirMizmarenimemionatrealimanifetwatheinior.mmacamzerasettoszuranice HAMDRESSING SING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED let ii LE, Proprietress ublish your Su COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REAS'NABLE PRICE'S C. 2Zurbki9g, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER fhe Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ST. PETER'S vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. A Changeless Christ for a ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. Chang- PX1116.031MIMMIPOIMIGIVIIIABLOR.01.1..17...=•===1:=1:10..1 •- EMMANUET. EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oescli, Organist For Sundays July 26 and Aug. 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton — Ontario ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM SEPT. Sth. Be ready, in It few months, to do valuable and necessary office work COURSES—CLERICAL, STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, 'SECRETARi1AL. M. A. Stone, Conti. Specialist Voce Principal., Ph one 198 2nd. mess rargn sea 1: 4, 4 4. • 's 4 4. 4. 4. .4 .4 B. F. Ward, B. A Principal cars. If you wish to own a Better Car, look these over! 19411 CI-T1,V. SPECIAL COACH, Clock, Heater, and De Froster. Oiniy 12,000 Miles. 1941 FORD DE LUX COACH. Clean inside and out. 1940 CHEV. SEDAN, Upholstering and Tires like new. 1937 Chev. STANDARD COACH. Lacally Owned. 1937 De Soto Coupe, like New. Guearanteed 15,000 miles. 1938 Ford Coach. 1935 Chev. Coach, new tires 1934 Plymouth Coach, new tires. 1931 Chev. Special Coach 1930 Clrev. Sedan. 11929 Ford Coach ARD FRITZ Used Car Dealer - Zurich, Ont. .5 ee Sumer ork Clothes We carry a complete line of Men's Work Clothes, at very reasonable prices. Also have Fine Shirts,. Summer Underwear, Etc. WORK SHOES We have a full line of Men's Work Shoes, also a fine display of Ladies' 'Oxfords. See them Full line of Hardware, Feeds, Dry Goods, and Patent Medicines. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND '1111.Er°r 'LAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 Leavitt's 'Negro_ Exeter, Ont. Phone 133 Thursday, Friday, Saturday SPECIAL FEATURE "KING'S ROW" Starring Ann Sherden, Robert .Cum- mings, Ronald Reegan. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday TWO FEATURES "THE SPOILERS" Rex Beach Story; Starr John Wayne and Marline Dietrich "MEXICAN SPITFIRE'S BABY" Feature Comedy, with Leoon Erroll and Lupe Velez. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • Varna Red Cross Concert Success,. The Varna Red Crss ,Society sp- onsored a ery successful sacred con- cert on Dr. tMof"ratt's grounds on Sun day evening, August 16th, when ap- proximately 800 persons wended their way through the entrance and up the drive, where a perfect setting for such an occasion come into view All around were dozens of rnaject is trees spreading their sheltering branches, leavin space for the star to .twinkle through. The lovely of stone mansion, with its stately pill ars, pretty shrubs and flowers, bre athed out an . atmosphere of grant- ous hoSpiteli:ty and formed the back wound for the stage which was built in frfiet, having baskets of flowres and many colored lights for decor- ation. Many who came eaarly had a Ichance to meet .friends and stroll through the park to the left, viewing the pretty shrubs, fountains, flowers, etc. mer Miss Shlrlcy Stnith of Windsor is wi.eiting, with Mr. and \Ire. Ed. Edi- ghofrer. Mr. A. Melick has been confined to the house, ;vnth illness. the past week. alar. Fred Hess left over the week- end for Toronto where he is attend• ing Mecliezd School. MentheMiss Menthe Thiel of the local phone s.taf1' is holidaying with relati- ves at London and Detroit, Mrs Vic+or Dinnin i, relieving at centrali Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bowden of Toronto. (bridal duple) are visiting at the bride's home, llrs. E. Turkheine of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Overholt, on Wednesday moved their effects to Stratford. where Mr. Overholt ha employment. :Mr. Qiumhy II' , of Northrn On- tario is sp.'nding his holidays with hi parent::, Mr. anti Mrs. A. F. Hess of town Mr. and 1?rs Henry Volland, Mrs .91 Eldon Johnston and children Leotta -j and Jack of Goderich, spent Sun, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. k : Schilbe. Mrs. Wm. Witmer and sister Mrs iViles of near Dashwood spent a few idasy at Toronto last -week, '-rsiting _ Teir ciotl:or.Milfred tTttley who is 11.1. " Mrs. Edgar Schnell of Tisdale, Sas and her sister, Mrs. Beattie, of Win gham, were recent visitors in Zur- ich. They were visiting with their father, Mr. Robert McBride, of Kip - pen, a former resident of the Gosh- en line, Stanley, and who is not en- joying hi.s good health at present. roniptly at 8.30 the chairnran,ll,ev J. Graham, opened the program be• fore al arge acted audience. The choir of 212 voices from Clinton Rad io School was an attractive feature of the program, giving three anth- ems, which were greatly appreciated and aesisting with the hymns - "Nat ional Anthem, • "0 God of Bethel' 1"Onward Christian Soldiers" and " "0 Canada'. A very interesting ad -- dress was given bySqua dron Leader Scott Morton, Padre of the Radio School. LAC Beattie, of the Radio School, rendered two beautiful solos accompanied on the ,piano by the or ganits and choir .dricetor of the ,sch- ool LAC Gibson. Mr. Carey Joynt t of Hensail, delighted the audience with two solos, accompanied. by Miss 1 t Gladys Luker. Mr. R. Harvely11e- Gee of Auburn, in his usual capable manner sang two sacred solos, ac- companied by Mrs.. Philips. Another soloist was Mr. C. Meakins, of God• erieh, who with Mrs. Meakins aslris accompan•ieit, gave two ,pleasing num- bers. A vocal duet was niely given by Mrs. E. A. Keyes and Mr. Floyd McAsh of Varna, with LAC Gibson accompanyiing A collection was ta- ken at the gate in aid of the Red Cross, which amounted to $81.25. SCHOOLS RE -OPEN Public and Separate Schools will re -open for the fall term on Tuesday Sept. 8th. Collegiates and Hi;h Schools will re open on Sept. 22nd, according to a recent announcement by the Dept. in regards to secondary schools. Many of the pupils are wor• king on farms or ,otherwise employed KILLED IN ACTION iVIr. Harry Dalrymple, of Bruce" field received word that his only son Lance iCoatporal Robert Dalrymple, with the 2nd division 7th field Co. Royal Canadian Engineers, is miss - ng in the battle of Dieppe. He is 24 years of age, enlisted two years ego in June, went overseas Septem- ber 1940. Born in Bruceneld, and received his educatin there and ini the Clinton Collegiate. " Two sisters ean, Port Colbourne and Grace of Hensall survive besides his parents. DIES IN CALIFORNIA Word was received here lay his ister, Mrs. Josiah ,Sararas of the Blue Water Highway, south of St. heph of .a !former resident of thean emunity • in the person of Mr. Daniel 'Miller at his home in Los Angeles, Calif., on Friday cast, aged 2 years, after an illness of a few ears. Mr. Miller left these parts fly years ago and will be reinemmb- eed by many of the older people of he community.. Surviving besides is wife are two sons and a daughter two brothers, Ezra in Naperville, I11. nd Conrad in Wisconsin, and his ister, Mrs. J. ,Sararae in Hay Tower INJ''JRED AT GRAND BEND Mrs. William Jennison, 76, of rand Bend, was rushed to St. Jos ph's Hospital, London, last Thurs ay afternoon witr both legs broken nd other injuries suffered when ruck by a car while crossing a eat in ,Grand Bend. Louie Plater f .Forest, :said to have been the dri- er of the car, was not held, nor -was charge .laid after constable G. Wes - aka and Officer Inch inveetiga'ted. r, R. R. Taylor, of Dashwood, who ttended Mrs Jennison, ,said she had iffe�red fractures of both legs below e knees, a compound fracture oflee left leg, and injuried to her face d shoulder. Her co•nd tion at .the ospital was said favorable, Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY On taxies Best Band THE "MODERNAIRES" REPEAT PERFORMANCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th. 9 pan. 'TAVISTOCK BRASS BAND VARIETY SHOW Singers --Dancers — Performers Entirely different horn last show - MIDNIGHT DANCE, SEPT, 6th. J s 0 c 7 y fi r b a s] t3 d a F tat c v a tl D a st th nn lr ,xi.k.:...• ,. M. -uests and Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in adv anea $1.511 he U.S.A., in adranot CHESTER L. SMITH, Publishes THAT BROKEN SPECT- ACLE LENSE Bring it in and have it dupli- cated. 24 -Hour Service at prices less than you will pay n in the Iarger centres. Any Shape. Any Colour. G. HES Jeweler and Registered y Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL .Iso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farris Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fol' Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hansell asseo®®ae aa aawD b i0,5tRIeareEi',gusts'iGr3G3eectest9e6+E?seae,°.ifgave _AAlPstlake _ Brokensaire a FUNERAL SE ''VICE LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS e Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich a t.5lhAigeFllastm otEiee,e4?+v1u04K—.*". EsgTattAG60140.50000101VDt. t-0000C4P AMBULANCE SERVICE are WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. o W.MERNE.. m;,. Phone 40