HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-08-20, Page 8• • • • • oco• • • • • • FOR MEN • • • • • • • a • • • FOR THE HOME •• ar Weather Lit Us Supply Your needs in light Summer Wear FOR LAMES! Everything in Silk Lingerie; fine crepe and chiffon hose, ankle socks; Sport blouses in plain or striped A few fine Cellanese Dresses at 2.98 each. See us about Elastic Girdles. A new shipment ar- rived at 1.39 and 1.59 each. Dress Materials in Sheers, dotted Voiles, Crepes, Organdies, etc. A lot of Fine Dress Shirts, new ties, Sport Shirts, light weight Trousers, Jerseys, Breifs, Vests, Sox, and a complete line of Overalls, Work Shirts, Hats, Caps and a very fine range o•-, Men's and Boys' Suits. 0 • Ts • • • • • 0t • 4, • csti • • I PRODUCE WANTED 3 only fine Chenilli Bed Spreads, large full size, at 11.50 each A new lot of lace table cloths. All linen table cloths, sheetings, pillow cottons, mats, rugs. A complete line of Curtain Materials, and everything in Floor Coverings. CI -10 • 4. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! IBuy StormWindows and Doors ▪ Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials ''4 REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 4 LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL + TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU .4 WAIT. d 1 R e C. KALBFLEISC i v, 1 PHONE 60 _ ZURICH SON PHONE 59 ea • • 0 4, 4, a tie • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ito • • • 4, • • • a • • • • • • • • 0 a • • 4, • LET US QUOTE YOU! f 1 4 4 4 4 awr�� AESEtztapatillasomes Dead and nisabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) 1 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Our Coal Supply In a Bulletin recently received urging the peo- ple of Canada to put in their supply of coal early, as possible, as later oii transportation may become conjested, and the railways may be found 'necess- ary to be used for more essential purposes, so an appeal is made to all householders, whrrever poss- ible to fill up your bins and have your supply ready when the cold days will be here again. And how quickly these summer months will fly... We are filling orders as fast as we can get in the coal... So be wise; put in your order early and have your coal bin filled when winter comes along. . , The Coal Administrator also urges that where - ever possible people should use Western Canadian coal and thus conserving exchange and saving labour. The chief mines in Alberta produced some 2,1.37,000 tons of domestis coal in 1940 giving em- ployment to 1,966 miners for 95 days only in the six summer months and to 3,313 miners for 107 days in the winter months. Let us fill your order for either Alberta, or most any size of hard Anthracite coal, NOW/ STADE & WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. QUALITY -. PRICE -- SERVICE itosiosaseeseesseeesteee**08400•004.0004*****00**000e0e04to ZURICH' HERALD' sur ''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllilllllllllloNillli11111l1i111111111111111111111llilillthiIN]I1G l gl1IIII11111111111llflllilllll!1811111 llipillifir'iiiII llli111111111111BIIU11!it111UI" ��RII�i'S rocer Store CERTO per battle 25c SPAGHETTI WITH MEA'r, par can 14e: PRUNE PLUMS,. 2 Cans 25e • COOKIES, plain: per Ib I5c i ZINC RINGS,. heavy;. per dozen 29c LILY WHITE Cf}IZN SYRUP 5-16. can 506 • RAISINS, 2. -lbs.. for . .. 25e '- WHIZ Insect.Killer, 8 oz.. 206., Tennol Oes•ch PRDUCE WANTED. Zurich: Phone 165.. 11@iIh111illlll11181ll(III11111111Illlnitllllillfilllmu111111111111111110111111llIIglTAiifltllllllllllllllltTIII llllllltt I I I INILI�II 111 fI�llClljlh ITEMS OF 1.0CAL iNT€ FS T I.(3wsd 87; A. Etberington, Usborne 1186; E. F. Shapton, Exeter 85;•;Hrald' Miss Ethel Hess enjy;e.od. a delay at Rowe, Woodham 84; Cecil Rowe, London dash week. 'E\eter 82 - Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Rase were No. 21 Barley Oft London one day las t week ; ,i Clark Fisher. Exeter, 91; Bene &Ir. and Mrs. Elinore.• Klorpp were !-diet Dieterich, Dashwood, 90,• Frank ..t Wand_tock one day. last week. • Ricks, Centralia, 87; Archie Ether - Mrs. Susan Haberer has returned ingt.on Osborne; 86; George Link from London Hoaprtal• Dashwood, 81; Harry Coates, Cen- Mr. Aa11an Giascho.> of ih1an1riing tralia, 80; Allan Walper, Parkhill, Pool, Toronto, was a recent visitor 79; Harry H. Strang, Exeter 76; at his home in town. llr. Hrebie Turkhedn has return- Auto Accident cd after spending a week in camp at Fisher's Geln, Lake Erie. '1 v Mitchell girls were seriously Mrs. John Douglas has returned, injured in an auto chash on the Bru- homeafter spending some time alt ceii•?:l-l'ayfie?d highway, rie.ar Bru the home of Mrs. Ross, Seaforth. cefield, early Sunday morning last. Betty S?Ki,nne.r of Mit he1f, suffered Mr. and Mrs.- Louis Schilbe spent a fractured pelvis, body biui-es hcl Sunday at Clinton• visiting with rMr and MIs. John Snyder: Mrs. C. Eilber attended the wed ding of Miss Pearl' Harpol.e to Flying. Officer Peacock .of Godericli on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lours 'Schilbe, Mrs. Herb ,Krueger and daughter Jean, Mrs. Ivan Yungblut and children Lilly and Marion were visttares with Mr. and 1VIr . Henry Wand at God- ( -rich one say last week. Mrs. Conrad Schilbe is c:onfinectat Clinton Hospital with an injured hip her friends are pleased' to learrrthat she is gYt'ting along- nicely-. Mrs.. Chas Hagan and daughter Mary of Seaforth .spent the .past we- ek at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wendell Smith and other friends.. Fruit fur Red Cross Any one having fruit to donate to the Red Cross for jam, will you kindly leave it at the ,local telephone office by Tuesday noon of each week as the committee will be boiling ev ery Tuesday afternoon during the canning season Thur far 184 of jam have been made. Our pro- ject is aver 500 lbs. Many thanks to those wino have already donated fruit —The Committee! FINED—SELLINGG BEER Although he was only trying- to meet public demand. Frank Bayne, proprietor of the Arlington Hotel, PT'arkhirl, �' found guilty of keep ing liquor for sale and was sent to jail for three monhs by Mag. D. Men- zies in Mid'iesex co. court. earlier in the day a dozen well-known Parkhill farmers and businesnnen heti plead ed ,guilty to being on the premises and were fined $20 each. "If Park- hill wants beer, let them vote for it and get it rin the legal way" His War ship said. The Crown Attorney re- marked that the situation thrre was peculiar with a sharp cleavage be- tween the wets and the drys. LADIIES IF YOU COULD SEE YOURSELVES Some timely advice about who or e4nou•Idn't wear slacks, is given by Arthur "Bugs" Baer, one sof Amen ica"s best-known humorists, in The American Weekly with this iSunday's (August 23) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to get Sun: day's Det rolt Times WINNERS IN FIELD CROP COMPETITION The anunal field crop competition for the Town„ hips of Stephen, Hay and Usb.orne ;attracted 116 competit- ors in the oats division and in the No 21 barley, an additional class this y r,•there were 13 seeking honors. $150 was wild to the 16 fortunate farmers, The judge in both classes v, a; blex. 13. McKaguc, afTees�wator. "!'ne event waw spon.ored by the Dept. of Agriculture and the Exe- ter Agric. Society. Storms had aff ected the Cattier oats but the barley was standing well, The winners with scare oat of a possible 100 points Ascore out of a passible 100 points as rforlcw..: Cartier Oats Albert Etherington, Usborne; 01; Allan Walper, Parkhill 89; Wm. Oes ireicer, Crediton 88; Geo. Link Dras- Th,ursdtr. f lett 20th, P-Vilaz VOUR Fumiturej • YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS Vire Always Carry;. a Fust:' Line of the Best of ' 4l. t both Shelf and Heavy Stale Hardware',• Stoves, , Furnaces, and all Heating Equipment:3e., , Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Hdaters,at Very Reasonal;i%ftraces t FURNITURE I See Our Studio Ceuekes,. and Dinnette i'> s 4. A Full Line of �ail'°tlher Requirements .: AA{ways keep a Good Stock, of New and the very Latest. in, Furniture at Very Reasonable Prices, qual1y Con- #; cleied. Let us show you our Reds, Springs, Mattrese . .T O.$ning Room Suites, �Q�c. casionati Chairs Rockers„Ett., 4 SLIGHTLY USED. .tRNITURE For the more co Thserv'ative: purchaser we can save-� you many a dollar as we have. a, fine assort;racrt ' of c; ,,,4:.Mighty, Used tFurniture-that�will" gave you big value. for , S • 4.''' .pour. Money. Drop it-rand:kick these over an t our 7Z ' 4. Remarkable•liow Pri - •'• 1 3; Johns on& Kaibfleish- itt -,:o . a wareurn-2r u, 'h® 63F • '•i:‘,".4.4-4.+4.4“.;4451,4.9.,04.4'44,43,01,4>e4,F+4.4W4,444/74'+•'++++++++.4.4• ,,7- T11,7'6: CKEL'S • and face lacerations and her~ coin 4% �b pinion, Urna �Schell.enbarg, ;also ofl'''k .0,= a i Mitchell, is suffering froanx- shock:4 h°. ', girls were passengers in a car driven by David Campbell, of (Detroit, with a companion, Bruce Hyde, ,also al Detroit The young men- were taking the girls home ,after a- dance at Grand Bend With Descending Che Bannockburn Hill, Campbell TS be- lieved to have mistaken a light and shadow effect far a 'curve in the road and Swerved to snake the curve The big sportm odet' car -crashed- a fence and toppled over into a rav- ine. The car damage isestaimated• at nearly a .thousand dollars. Both yo-•, men escaped serious injury. FARMERS, BREAK ACT Two Peel county farmers w.:re found guilty by- Mag. 12,cDonald of Brampton last. week on oharg:es un- der the War Measure Act. Botlr, far- mers had been found guilty of using creamery -owned cans to ship dream to other than -the owneras of the -cans of withholding creamery cans from the ownetr•s, and -of placing c,. foreign' substance in the cans. The evidence showed that a far- mner li'slit -near Snelgrove had seven cans belonging to six creanmeries, in addi�tton to those required for- his regular shipments of cream. -He gat no time having shipped cream to any of the owners of the cans. Another 1 fanner .near Calecion, had ea ns be- longing to four crea�rneries and at no time had ever ,sola cream to auy of therm. Water was found rrn two cans on this farm. These were two tests of an Order issued last March under the .War Measures Act, 'to safeguard the sup- plies of tin and steel. In previous years many cans were put to im- proper uses on the farms, and cre- ameries were required to buy tho usands of cans each year too replace them. Now no new cans ane avail- able, :so it was necessary to compel till hc.dcco of �ereamery cans to re- turn to the owners. Unless each cre- amery uses only its own cans it is praictically im:poss:ible to trace the cans and prevent losses. Creaermies co-operated for a •fe'iv months this spring and mummer and held cream can exchanges at many poiints throughout Ont. Today any i'armer who has a can not lbelonging to the creamery where he sells his cream, can hand the empty ,can in to any !creamery, or ;place it on -any creamery truck, and it will be de livered to the owners. " Under the War Measures Act, as it otands it is now an offence for any farmer to use any of. -,the following, with. respect to the creamery -owned cream cans. (a) To hold, and fail tto promptly atom to the owner any .can not reur- may ,being -used +to transport cream o the owner of such ,can. (b) To use any such jean to tra- napo•?t cream to auy other ,than the owner of the -can. (c) To put anything except rnilir or cream into such .can. (If gaso- line or oil is plated in the ,can it is useless until it has been re tinned, and this is considered e. serious -off- ence. Even water standing in a cream iia soon ruins the -tinning, and 'rust -develops, making .inti unfit • for. use without re -tinning,) 1 CHOICE VARY - CAKE, PIE:,s'',, ANDfl I:. SWEET GOODS. ,• .r. 1, Ingredients Used. aiie of the Hight is � nnalit y �• Q.. �r ALL CONFECTIONS ICE CRAM: .• Our Store wilLbe closed each Wednesda, �,,Eveni; .g 3• r -l- ung 4, r r 4 4. Telethone 100 3 Y• • .t. *44444;4 ..+++ ++-? 44-+4 4.x..r +44 44+41+++++++44:44,44.4;44.444.4.1.4 RAL ANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, .. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich ••••N••N••••••s••••••••• N••M••rl•••••A•••••••N 1 Winter'sY� rOu Fuel 1 • A ORDERS WILL 13E FILLED We would ask our Customers not to become ex- cited about next winter's supply of Coal. It will take a little ime to get in the supplies, but leave your orders in early and there will be plenty of coal for all before it will be needed in the fall. Order now and you will be supplied. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe 04-e Son