HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-08-20, Page 4zui is >i ri< aH Employers and Post Offices have been requested to dis- play in a prominent place the official Table of Tax Deductions. Forms TD -1 may be secured from your employer, Posr Offices, or local Income Tax offices. Income Tax is Fair to All In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 from every man, woman and child in the country. Even with the highest income tax in history, 52% only of the money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The rest will have to be borrowed by means of War Savings Stamps, Certificates • and Victory Bonds. Starting with the first pay period in September representing Sep- tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your income tax from your wages or salary, and send it promptly to the Government. Everybody will pay his share as he goes along. It's going to be tough ... but not too tough! Here are some good features: 1. You will pay as you earn, so that you will not be faced with a large lump sum payment next year. 2. The National Defence Tax already de- ducted during the first 8 months of this year has been taken into account in the Table of Tax Deductions. 3. Though die income tax rates show a sharp , increase over last year, a large portion of this" increase is actually savings, to be paid back to you with interest after the war. 4. The money you are paying for life• insur- ance premiums, annuities, principal repay- ments on your home, or into a pension fund may be deducted (up to a certain maximum). from the savings portion of your income taxa In many cases this may be sufficient to make payment of the savings portion of the tax unnecessary. CNART' SNOWING 1542 TAX LIABILITY OP A MARRIED PERSON WITN TWO DEPENDENTS $ 5E AND COMPARISON WITN THE ,ei, +.X ........ TAX PNAPIE '4000 bsoo yooc MNL IMA t'AYAI3LE soo 11111111111.1111 :500 ullllllll��������������lllllllll ' soo �innllllllllllllllllll lIIi • • � ANNUAL TA%118 E IMCOME 0E ESQ �p}IONS 00 7500 8000 leo FIXED TAX Unless you are single, without dependents, and not making payments of the types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should file Form TD -1 with your employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the credits to which you are entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD -1 with your employer at once so that you may get the full allowances from the start. DOMzwiOW OF CAJJADA -- DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE HON. COLIN GIBSON, Minfsttr of National Ret,eaPtti, GRAND BEND ------------- After making an unexpectedly crape edy recovery alter being near dearth from drowning, fuor year-old Deanna McKenna. was taken home to ,Guelph front St. Joseph's Hospital London, where she had been under an oxygen tent to prevent pneumon- ia. 1'he little girl slipped into a ]mole in the lake at Grant( Bend on Wednesday and had bee under wat- er •rose to five minutes before an unidentified swimmer stumbled over her body and 'rushed her to shore, where she was revived. DRYSDALE Threshing is now the order of the day hi this vicinity. Mrs. Celia Ayottc of Zurich spent a, few days visiting' with friends in this vicinitty. .Miss Georgia Laporte ;returned to her home in Detroit: after spending some time with her grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Laporte I Mrs. Frank Corriveau le again able to be arounr iii 'her house.: after a ; bad spell of eye teoul,le. lti xt •:itmil l,, fledge loriOn, also"rI 4 , v• _e.,c Iliiv, INCOME TAX DIVISION hies of Lodon were Sunday visitors' with the (Miss Gelinas. Sorry to report that Mr. Verdon Rau has met with a very painful a.c eident while out with his gun when it discharged and the bullet went through his foot. Dr. Taylor is now tending to the injured foot. Mrs. Victoria Den'omme of the Blue Water Highway, south renewed old acquaintences last ,meek. DASHWOOD Mr. and (Mrs, Al Mercer and dau- ghter Ferrol Ann of St. Thomas, vis ited with Miss Lavada Hartlei'b oast 1 Fr^day. 1 Mr. and Mrse. E. Flynn of Lon- ! don 'visited with friends here on (Sunday, i Miss Tenet MMlcCrea of Meaford is vi'iting with her sister Mr. and Mrs.! • S. Currie'. Theodore Luft of Hamilton spent ''+ holiclayo with his ;parents, Rev, and Mrs. T. Lu ft. 1 Wm .Ness of Si: Thoma: ,pent the' week -end at his home hare, Resell Haperot't•. is spending his ! holidays with hie •1,»othprin Port Colborne. Mrs, 1Z 1' lemn tl\'ei and >4IJ y.;., i Shirleymand Marion ,y mStl ,^.r ,•:.".,.7.-.4- in C. FRASER ELLIOTT, Commissioner of Income Tox, Bowmanville antl Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Burns of Port Hui on _end their 'daughter Mrs. Shaw and son Norman of Toronto spent few days with tMre. Burns' mother Mrs. Witzel. appropriate address and Myrtle Ga - user and Verdi Pollen made the pre- eenrtation of a beautiful ent table, a and lamp. The evening was spent in , playing games, after which a dainty lunch was served following which all joined in wishing •Nary and Maude nunih. jjay and -happiness. Preset' tatioh, An enjjojla'ble evening wars pent at the home of kr. and .Mrs. T. Har- ry Hoffman, Dashtwood, on Saturday Last wh n Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Archie Rowc1if'e, Hensalil, were joint hostesses at a (presentation in honor of Miss Pearl Harpole, bride -elect of this month. The amusements of ithe evening were held in the recreation room after which the guests withdr ew to the spacious living room where the presentation was made and lun- cheon served. Iilie following address was read by Pte. Alda Bolton, Lon- don, and the gilt presented by Vic- toria Bolton, Toronto: Dear Pearly: We. your relatives have 'come here this evening in hon' our of the occasion ;of your 'coming marriage. We dike you Pearly, for yourself and also for who you are being a descendant of one who is held very dearly among us, the large 1 i (ton t'amily . We are pleased e�asecl that lea hero tonight to enjoy this . event with us. It is our wishes thee T• T the best of happiness wail be yours1 Howard Klumpp, who isattend'ing University in Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. sor spent a few dyaa with her moth• er, Mrs. Hayter Misses Gertrude Homan, and Rose Guenther are spending a week's hol- idays •at Grand Bend. Bre. Dr. J. Sippelrl of Detroit, ,1p_ ent 'the weekend -with Mr. and Mrs. C (PlfJ Mr.Fred Heagy of .London was a week end visitor with Mr. Donald Oestr. eiche, , Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Coxworth London called on. Mrs, Gill on Thursday last. The forty-second Convention of the Ontario District of the Evangel- ical Luthern Synod of Mousauri, will be held at Dashwood on Aug- ust.3.�ith to the 28th, A vary pleasant evening cent Thursday eve last when was 11fi=Lssion 'Circle and Choir of -im tthe Evangelical chunch gathered atthe t«1c ivc home 1J r 0 f Mr, Zi. + �,nci Mrs. +r T Harry } a } I ih. .t11t1 tri honor . e. li;E:v. 0. Ee ke ' read a ve yj k watt], :met' .daughter at 1(gag Thursday, A.uguset 20th., 1942 • fee ,.E.00++++;fi!€l.+iee++ ~+�¢++ +�k++ +++ 0++++++++..+ '+++++•i.+;.++.+. "We Recomend FEED - And SELLthe Best" t, RTN.A CO 'VS 4. We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as m Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey .;. Feeds, Etc,, !'Etc.4. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made it at reasonable distance 44 ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 f+ 4.444•A++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 MASSEYIIABBISNBWS Now Is the Time SECOND HAND PARTS For Deering Binders, Mowers and Cultivators. Also used parts for Massey -Harris Machines. Just Received, several thousand parts to add to our laarge stock of repair parts. Checy your machines and order parts early to avoid disappointment later on. Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Re8- 67 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lllllllllllll IIIIIIIlAIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(IIIIIIiIIIII IlIIIl119111(I!! 1(fl11HNIU! Zurich Variety Store Mrs. Edwin Gascho wishes to announce to the public that she has taken over the stock of the Zurich Drug Store and will carry on the business in the same premises, but under the name of The Zurich Variety Store. We have a large stock of toiletries, films, magazines, tobaccos, and Patent Medicines. Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated ii lIl lii111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIItIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII111111IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII111lliii ielleillli in a long and happy married life. with these wishes we ask you to ac- cept this gift. --(Signed, Your Re- nati'ves. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Smith and da- ughter Joan ,of Windsor spent the holiday with her parents. Joan is staying to spend her holidays Harry Hafftnon attended the Ont- ario Undertakers' Convention in Toronto last Wednesday. Mr. Czar Klellerman of Toronto is. visiting with relatives hese. Mr. and. Mrs. J. Franois of Tav- isto,ck spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman iVLr. and Mrs. 3'. Bruce HENSALL RCAF, Goderieh, sin of Col. and. Mrs. G. W. Peacock of Toronto. The •cere•mony was solemnized by Col. G. W. IPeacocock, Toronto, rather or the groom, assisted by Rev, lt. A. Brook, of Hensall United •chgurch. Miss G. Lanvniie ATOM was at the. console of bhe onga,n and during the signing of the register played sof�tly- "Intermettzo". Given in marriage. by her grandfather, Mr. Henry Hoe. ton of Hensall, the lovely young bride chose a floorlength gown of whnte sheer, with lace, fashioned on princess lanes, ther only ornament was an airforce locket, gift of ithe of Wind- groom. The attendants were Mdsa Dorothy Peacock, Toronto, sister or the groom, as maid of tonor, Miss. Elizabeth IMorphy, London, and Miss Mary Beck, as bridesmaids, The 'bridesmaids being gowned alike Aa S Gordon Peacock, RCAF, Montreal was his brother's groomsmain, and the ushers were Liet Bull Thompson, and W. 0. John Andrew RCAF,Lonr don. Mrs. Harpole, mother of 'the• bride .received and was assisted by Mrs. Peacock, mother of the groom; 45 guests were present for the rete_ leading Aircraftsman Roy Grosser, R ption which was hedd on 'the spacious CAF, Toronto, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. . lawn at the lovely residence of Mrs Wm. Grosser of Toronto, Rev, R. A. Anne Berry of Hensall, the bridal Brook officiated. Miss Greta .Lam. table 'centred with the wedding cake mie ATCM, church organist, was at • was attractive with vases of .red the console for the wedding music, ]'roses, and. pink and white tapers, and the soloist Miss Florence Welsh i Servling were, Miss Helen Hartry, of Hensall., sang "Because". TheIMris. John Peaker, Mrs. John And.' lovely bride given in marriage by her f mese all of London. Por item two: father, was attractively gowned in' weeks wedding trip t Geoorgisin :Bay floor -length white sheer with inser- ; the bride wore a tan trete ensemble tions of Chantiilly 'lace. The <atitend- with dark brown accessories. Thu. alms were M.r�ts• Jack Reed, sister of I bride and groom will take up rend• the bride, as matron of honor, and deice in •Godericli: Guests were pre.. the bridesmaid was •Mrs. Earl Sar- sent (from IMorilbreal, Toronto, Cotta aras. Leading Aurcraftsman James don, Oshawa and Hensall.. Jack RCAF Toronto, was grooms • roan., •' and the 'ushers were Ross Saraasase and Ronald Caldwell. Tho receptio was held sit the home of the brides parents. 35 guests were i Goderieh--Judgmme,,,t for ,284.22;,. present and Mrs. Samaras, mother of , wiitih, costs in favor of Wiliam 3, the bride 'received, being assisted by ; Elliott , 'Clinton conitretor, the groom's mother, Mrs. Grosser. Mrs, Mary Jane Rath,alsoas f against For (their wedding trip to Grand : ton, is ,contained in a Countyof Clan Bend, the bride wore blue and white Court Time eouple will reside in Toronto . judgment issued by Judge nrV. Guests were lerneit, who tried the ease on Jn present from Toronto t 1'l, and reserved judgment, The co - and Kitchener, uniterc9ainm of Mrs, Rath is dismniseed• peaeoek—Harhole ; Elliot suet] 'for z Pink an'cl white Picardy Gladioli ! maadc' en one f2 33(1¢ for nous sr formed the floral 'back,of Mrs. Rvati houses ,sound at Dien- • the wok included the excvationo f a call United Church, Saturday Aug. , cellar, with cement walls Stir at 3 p.m. s n. forfloor 1a charming and arming wcr1- drain, Defendant tndant iia'.. ling or wide interest, when Pearl work was •faulty, th:t the collar tae Tarvi•s, only daughter of Mrs. Crane , almost conetntly flooded , but Rio.. "'n'?1e, of Hen0al1 ime. eeme • fele i Hon. ruled tht there was no evic eoeees aiclt;