HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-07-02, Page 4l' .+'tut
Behind the lines where men and women are risking life to defend Home
and country, other men and women are toiling to supply the materials of war
—ships, planes, tanks, guns. These manufacturers—management and work-
ers alike—are thus fighting shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces.
But what about the farmers? They are doing a work of equal impor-
tance. They too are marching to battle, by toiling early and late to per-
suade nature to increase food and other essential supplies on which the
issues of the fight so greatly depend_ The farmer marches side by side with
the soldier and his armourer.
Farmers who are doing their bit to help -Canada's all-out war effort max
find it necessary to borrow money at the Bank. You should not hesitate
to discuss your requirements with oar nearest branch manager. Your
business will be regarded as strictly corsfidential.
Modern, Experienced Banking Service . 6 .. 6 the Outcome of 124 Years' Successful Operation
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG. Manager
DASHWOOD 1 her mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver last wk.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson of
Sowummanviile spent a few days with Detroit is spending their vacation
4.+++++++++++++++++++++++*+:•++•i•++++++4+*4 F+++ +4*+++w
"We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Best"
We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as
Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey
Feeds, Etc., Etc.
Fresh Shipment Every Monday.
Deliveries made
at reasonable distance
ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20
Rlllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllplllllllllll____ llllllllllllilallllllllllllllllllllQllllllllllllllf1111fiItlElllllf 111 Ihllllllll II IIIIIIIllil1113III1II(lllII I I IIIIIIiHHll 1L
Zurich Variety Store
Mrs. Edwin Gascho wishes to announce to the
public that she has taken over the stock of the
Zurich Drug Store and will carry on the business
in the same premises, but under the name of The
Zurich Variety Store. We have a large stock of
toiletries, films, magazines, tobaccos, and Patent
Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated
JiUalirtlllikiluuil�uilltia ull�ui.(:r
!llltilllLak�ulu;il�Glt111 liillll(I
nighties 2; 1 girl's knitted ,dress g�an-
ties size 4; 1 ,girl's pullover size 10;
1 boly's knitted suit size 4; 1 (girl's
dress size 6; 2 ladies knickers size
16, 2 ladies blouses size 16; 1 lad-
ies coat size 16, 2 boys blouses size
6; 1 boy's jacket size 6; 1 boy's
pants size 6.
The Walther Leaague of Zion Lu -
>iheran church held :their annual l�i•c-
nis last Tuesday with a good attend-
ance and •a good program of sports
was run off:
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey and
family of Detroit are spending their
vacation rin tiheis neighborhood with
their relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and daugh-
ter Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc-
Donald and the Messrs. Avile, Cyril
Pierre Ducharme and Miss Olive
Damphouse all of Windsor were cal-
lers with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme
of the Blue Water, south.
Quite a number of men from. this
burg .and surrounding are working
at the air port in the Pinery district.
The Messrs. Hubert Ducharme and
Alex Hill of London spent Sunday
with the former's parents.
Mrs. Daniel Berard of CCourtright
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ducharme.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denomme of
Chatham; Mr. Philip Bedard of Til-
bury and Mns. Lawrence Jeffrey •of
Windsor are spending a few days
withtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bedard.
Mr. and iMrs. Wm. Bell, Hensall,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Margaretha Marie, London
to Lieut. John Daniel Carter, R C.,
NVR, Halifax, son ,of Mrs. Beatrice
Carter and the late Mr. Albert Car-
ter, the marriage to :Fake place qui-
etly the clatter part of June.
Hold Picnic
The teachers and pupils of the
Continuation school enjoyed a pic-
nic at Bayfield on Monday, June 22,
a mostenjoyable time was spent in
sports of all kinds. After a most de-
licious supper being served two
presentations were made Miss Ruth
Mclrivenna, asst. teacher, who has
resigned and accepted a school at
Thornburg was presented with :a
zconsole set. Mass . Patsy McDonnell,
'a atudenit. at. the Continuation, and
Who is leaving shortly for Harlan,
Texas, was presented with an over-
night case. Suitable addresses were
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mx. Jack Taylor and sister Myrta
of London were week -end visitors
with Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Monday
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford McIlsaac
and family of Detroit are spending
their vacation with his mother, Mrs.
Lucinda Mcisaac.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder of St.
Catharines are' visiting with her
mother Mrs. Hayter.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guenther and
family of Indiana are visiting relati-
ves here and in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb of Pon-
tiac, .Mich., are visiting with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Mary Neeb.
Miss Ruth Tiema,n of London, is
spending her vacation here and at
Grand Bend.
Births—ohs June 22,6th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Rader, a daughter.
Recent Red Cross Shipment
Army socks 2 pr.; turtle neck
sweaters 2; aero caps 2, sea (boots 5;
quilts' 3 large, 1 crib •puilt; ladies
Zurich Garage
Come in, purchase your Auto-
motive requirements from
Zurich's oldest established
Garage and Service Station.
We can supply all your needs.
Expert Automobile repairing,
with the latest testing instrum-
' ants, Acytelene Welding, Tire
and Battery attention, Oils,
Greases, and Repairs.
B -A Gasoline in two grades.
Give Us A Call!
IPhone: Day 103. Night, 41
Be British! Be Careful!
To our Policy—holders:
The Mutual Fire Underwriters Association for
Ontario at their Annual Convention instituted a
Campaign for a "25 % loss reduction" for 1942.
At the last meeting of our Boards of Directors,
resolutions were passed in support of this Campaign
Do not smoke in or around your Outbuildings.
Do not handle Gasoline near a flame or spark.
Do not allow oily waste to accumulate.
Clean up all Rubbish and Litter around Buildings.
See that your Chimneys are all in good condition.
See that your Electric wiring is properly done.
Fire is a demon of destruction and causes the
greatest of all wastes, both in property and life. We
therefore appeal to all our policy -holders as loyal
citizens to make a determined effort to see that no
fire, large or small, is allowed to start on your
premises. By doing this you will contribute
doubly to the war effort by saving a Ioss in the
first instance and saving the materials and effort
necessary for replacement.
The Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company..
B. W. F. Beavers, Sec.-Treas, Exeter.
The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
H. K. Eilber, Sec.-Treas., Crediton.
Now Is the Time
For Deering Binders, Mowers and Cultivators. Also
used parts for Massey -Harris Machines.
Just Received, several thousand parts to add to our
laarge stock of repair parts.
Checy your machines and order parts early to
avoid disappointment later on.
Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67
!lit, 7 f T!li e�T""ar
i ^ �
Shortage of Materials
—Reduced Production
Factory Facilities
devoted to war work
FOR these reasons the supply of Duro Pumping Systems will be.
considerably reduced this year.
Te will supply our dealers with as many new Ptnnps as materi-
als and manufacturing facilities will permit but if you already have
a Duro Pump, we suggest that you ask your Duro dealer to check
it over and replace worn parts, if required.
Make certain your pump is in first class running order to insure
a continuance of the satisfactory Duro pumping service to which:
you have become accustomed,
If you haven't running water in your home, your Duro dealer•
may be able to secure a Duro Pump for you, especially if it will
increase farm production and your efficiency.
The Duro Special shown below pumps 250
gals. Per hour and has 25 gal.- galvanized tank.
EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixture's and Fit-
tings are still available in a good range of styles
and prices. If you need new plumbing fixtures •
and fittings for bathroom, kitchen or laundry,
look over the EMCO line, They will please you.
Loudon itol_i $:, zdbuy Totouto 1/712.1JMs�J 4 N aiicou V'1iw .