HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-06-18, Page 41',A: btu ZURICi HIERALD ,Thursday, ,i'utte 18th, 1.042 • APPLICATION CARDS FOR COUPON RATIONING OF SUGAR will be mailed next week to every Household in Canada Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 1,p week period, commencing July 1st, may be issued immedi- ately. At the end of that period a coupon ration book, good for six months, will be issued. HOW TO IR EGIST.ER Residents in Urban Areas not served by, Letter Carrier, and Residents in Rural Areas Application cards will be distributed to all house- holders through the post offices on or before Tues- day, June 23rd. Additional cards will also be de- livered for every person resident in the household, who bears a different last name from the head of.. the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured from local post offices. These application cards should be filled out imme- diately and dropped in the nearest mail box or post office. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be delivered with each card. As soon as your name is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards, good for a ten -week period, will be mailed to you— one ration card for each person in your home. These will be for sugar only. Coupon stationing for Sugars Becomes Effective July ist Beginning July lst, no one will be permitted to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon.. Prompt co-operation on the part of the public in filling out and returning their application cards is necessary to ensure return of the ration coupon card .in time to purchase sugar on or after the above slate. f.?.emember—the amount of sugar allowed each indi. vidual under the new coupon rationing plass will be exactly the same as allowed at present; ,pound per person per week. PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS LEAVE SUNK NAME ONL s. APPLICANT'S FIRST NAME(S) i, NUMBER STREET (OR RURAL ROUTE) 4. $. {:11 i Un PUbt UhrtUe PROVINCE FIRST NAMES OF OTHER PERSONS AT SAME ADDRESS HAVING SAME LAST NAME AS AT TOP, JAN, COUNTY) AGE II ISM 16 LEAVE THIS BUNK 6, 7. a. • *. • 10. 11. - THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD CANADA 12. —DECLARATION= - IN SUPPORT OF RATION BOOK APPLICATION. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT 1 (ANO THE FOREGOING MEMBERS OF THE SAME FAMILY) LIVE AT THE ABOVE ADDRES,S„BEIN4 ACCURATELY DESCRIBED HEREIN, ANO THAT NO OTHER APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE ON OEFNIJ of ANYONE MENTIONED HEREIN. - - RBA SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR SPONSOR The provision for -additional sugar for preserving, etc., 'Will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied toall retailers. No person may have on hand more than two weeks' supply of sugar unless resident in a remote district. DO NOT SURRENDER YthUJIt APPLICATION CARD TO ANY IT ANI IOR:IZED PERSON TH,E°WARTIIVIE PRICES AND TRADE -BOA -RV Be British! Be Careful! To our Policy -holders: The Mutual Fire Underwriters Association for Ontario at their Annual Convention instituted a Campaign for a "25% loss reduction" for 1942. At the last meeting of our Boards of Directors, resolutions were passed in support of this Campaign YOU ARE NOW ASKED TO DO YOUR PART! THIS IS HOW: Do not smoke in or around your Outbuildings. Do not handle Gasoline near a flame or spark. Do not allow oily waste to accumulate. Clean up all Rubbish and Litter around Buildings. See that your Chimneys are all in good condition. See that your Electric wiring is properly done. Fire is a demon of destruction and causes the greatest of all wastes, both in property and life. We therefor e appeal to all our policy -holders as loyal citizens' to make a determined effort to see that no`. fire, large or small, is allowed to start on your premises, By doing this you will contribute doubly to the war effort by saving a loss in .the first instance and saving the materials and effort necessary for replacement, The L?sheren 11/1'•1ual Fire Insurance Company.. B. W. F. Beavers, Sec.-Treas, Exeter, T';,c I coy '1 otivus:.j1, Farmers' IVlutual Fire insurance Co, sl. K. Eilber, SSec.-Treas., Crediton, Zurich Garage 'Come in, purchase your Auto- motive requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station. We:can supply all your needs. Expert Automobile repairing, with 'the latest testing instrum- ents, Atcytelene Welding, Tire and "Battery attention, Oils, Greases, and Repairs. B -A Gasoline in two grades. Give Us A Call! H. 1VIOUSSEATJ 1?hone: Day 103. Night, 47 DASHWOOD Mrs and Mrs. Archie Bender of Toronto rent the week end here owing to the serious illness of his father Mr. Ezra BentIer. We are pleased to,say Mr. Bendier is impro- v3tng slowly. • 'Pte. Herbert Miller who was stat-! Toned at Petewar#,a has returned homes for the summer. Pte. Ross Guenther of Kitchener,' spent the week end with his parents.; Mr. Lorne ;Milner RCAF of i a3 k., is:visiting with relatives here. A nu nniber from here 4Lcco)npan- rd by Miss Jean Cole visited at , her home in .Rus�seldale. on Sunday. o basswood MemorialBand attend- t, ed the Decoration Services on the r- ?3r'nson Line ,cemetery on Sunday.I Mr, said Mrs. lien Heilman vis- SHIPMENTS EVERY TUESDAY & THURSDAY SHANTZ POULTRY FARM and HATCHERY Phone 48 Hensall Ont. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • da e • • • • e 0 FARM .FIELD DAY Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, June 20th, 1942 Under auspices of Stanley, Goderich and Colborne Units of Federation of Agriculture. Bring your Lunch Basket and Tea... Hot water will be provided for Guest Speaker, H. H. Hannam, Pres. Federation. Full Iine of Sports. Frizes. Tug -of -War. All farmers and their friends Welcome. • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • i • 4' ited with friends in Zurich on Sun- day. Under. the auspices of Zion Luth- eran church a lawn social is to be held on. Saturday evening, June 20th on the lawn next to Tiernan's hotel. In case of bad weather the social will be held fn the Motel dining room. Mrs. D. Pfaff and Miss Harris and friend of Sarnia spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Hartman Elsie. Womens' Institute The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's 1lnLstitute held their regular meeting on Monday evening, -June 1, this also was the last meeting for flit. summer months. The meeting was opened by singing the 'Institute Ode and .the Lord's IBra.yer m unison 'Matz Pearl 'Wz favoured with a humorous reading. A male quart- ette consisted of. Ephriam Gingerich Alfred Ropy, Alvin. Gin+gcrkoh and Newell Geiger, sang several numbers which were enjoyed by ail, followed by a duet by Helen and. Dorothy Gi nger'ich. The guest speaker, for the evening was .IVLIss Olive O'Brien, A splendid discourse was delivered on the sub- ject "Canada sat :War'", and she also dealt with Current Events. Alpha Meyers land Milton Dagg favoured with a piano instrumental. On be- half' of the institute, Mrs. Addison was presented with a gift. She is moving from our community, and we wish her every Rucccss in her new r(lsidenee. "God be With You, till tive •mrtr't again" was sung by every. Ho, fr,llowed. by the Nairional An - hem. The president then conduce- d lanitYess. I43Preshmenits were >.1 i.y th3 C(n Lnitte-ri and it ,sense me was 4)0 04 "MY HUSBAND and the children say that: now there's so much money coining; in, should have all the things I've' alwayls wanted." "But I say no thank you! My Freddie gave up his job willingly and lives in a tent. The least each of us at home can do is to go without this and that and buy War Savings Stamps every week so the boys over there will have everything they need for victory." Buy War Savings Stamps from banks, post offices, telephone offices, department stores, druggists, grocers, tobacconists, book stores and other retail stores. National War Finance Committee tier HENSALL Dr. and Mrs A R. Canipbell,Billy and Mre:s. Nelson Blatchford visited with relatives in Toronto recently, making the trip by motor. Raye Paterson of Toronto, was a recent visitor with his !parents, Mr. and 11Virs. R. J. Paterson. Miss Pearl Jennison- was a week isitor with her parents,. on the Blue Vater Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKay and little daughter of Hullsburgh were visitors with the former's brother and sister, Oliver and Margaret MacKay. Mrs, N. E. Cook and daughter, Norma, spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Mrs, Kate 13engough, who recently had the misfortune to fracture her hip in a fall at her home and who wasa a patient at .Scott Memorial Hospital, ,`,•raforth, was brought to her home Sunday last, and is doing' as wet as could be expected. The Hensall W. II. are holding IS lawn picnic at the home of t1Vir. and Mrs. T. J. •Sherritt en Wednesday, Jeune 17, the roll call to be answered. with suggestions for a picnic baeKet,. The 65th anniversary of the open inng of St. Paul's Anglican Chunk was held, Sunday, June 14, with sp. eeial services. The guest speaker. was Rev. Herbert Naylor, of Listos• wel. Flier Gets Wings y,• His Excellency, the Earl of Atli -4. lone, Governor General of Ca.nadit, was pictured in the press as he pin. red the wings .of a Royal Cana,Bai Air. Force pilot to the tunic of Leake ding Aircraftsman G. L. Pessrnorei of Howell, LAC. Passmore was ci member of a large class of pilot* which graduated gat No. 2 Service Plying 'Training.School., Tl'pland sl, near Ottawa, , •,r