HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-06-18, Page 1'Forty Second Year ' ZUH1 CH, THURSDAY ERAL JUNE 18 Rates: $1,25 in Canada, in advameea �vs,!.N is TJ.S.A., in advaame� CHESTER L. SMITIi, Pu'blisker All t at ,r�.c hero � in s per11 hc�protect� top �t_ Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND MORNING,(942 .Are You Suffering From Headaches? so; Rave your Eyes Examined wits rho Latest Methods and 'iiquipaaent at A. L. COLE, R.0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN • faOD'Ei RIR ONT. • Geed Glasses at Reasonable Prices ATTENTION We wish to announce to our ellen- te1e .that we are now in our new lo- aration, formerly Dr. Addison's office adjoining the drug store. The 'beauty parlour 'will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and evening and 'Saturday evenings. Call 68 for appointments. ,Mrs. Edwin Gasoho, Proprietress. SATURDAY, .DUNE 20th. BOB WYBROW And his Orchestra: 111 (Musicians A TRULY FINE BAND GRAND SUMMER OPENING SATURDAY JUNE 27th. And Every Night Till Labor Day Toronto All Stars `yMODERNA1RES" The .Best Orchestra in Western Ont- ario. Give them a Welcome to Remeanlber. Every Saturday :Straight Admission. Owing to .Present War Conditions Nickel Dancing Monday to Friday. DECORATION` SERVICE ''THIEL's HAIRDRESSIfI BRONSON LINE CEMETERY Hay Township SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 21. At Two 'O'clock . We have recently installed a P•rogranr, will consist of Decoration Mew Shelton Waving Machine .of Graves, special Singing by the Choir; Addresses by Rev. C. B. Hec and can serve the public now kendorn, .of Zurich and Rev. Clayton better than ever. Be sure and Becker :of Dashwood. Come and give us a Call. honour your departed friends by. decorating their graves. MRS. FRED 'i1IuI3±;LE, Proprietress Dashwood Band in Attendance NOTICE oesee S•••••••••err`eeeesetaNeoeeee'ooesee••••••eeea•ea ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and the surrounding 47.ommunity. Our permanent aim is .the rendering of a profes- ional service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. e i CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Jacob Ko- ehler wish to express their sincere thanks to all the friends and neigh- bours for the kindness and .sympathy Shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Also for the beauti- ful floral ,tributes. Special thanks to the choir and Rev. Heokendorn Land those who so kindly loaned their ears. Mrs. Wm. T. Truemner is at pre- sent visiting -relatives in Milverton, R. N. .Creech of Exeter has resignand Listoweil. edhis position as treasurer of the Ex-- M'r. .Archie MacKinnon of Water- eter Agricultural Society and Mr: loo was a visitor for a few days with Clark Fisher, secretary, has been his mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. appointed as secretary -treasurer. Mrs. Lindenfielld of Toronto, is St. Joseph and Beaver Town ofspendingg a few weeks at the home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Well- ington J. Johnston. Mrs. J. J. Sclater of Seaforth, sp- ent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore, town line, Zurich. Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., has returned from a visit at Kitchener and Des- •bor o where she visited with her ;children. NOTES—The Messrs. Pierre Dti charme and Alphonse Masse left on Monday. for Windsor where they ex- pect to remain for some time. Mrs. Rudolph Corriveau returned to her home after spending a week in Windsor. Mr. N. A. Cantin was a week -end visitor in his home, St. Joseph an Sunday last. The Messrs. Fred Ducharme, Jos- iah and Len Sararas motored to London on Saturday last. Wedding bells are ringing and banging on the Blue Water Highway north. Well! here's good Luck to yea all. Sixty Years of Wedded Life In this issue of the Herald we have the pleasant privilege to write of a long and blessed life of two' of our most beloved and respected cit- izens in the persons of Mr. and 14Irs. Joseph Bedard of this French Sett- lement Parish. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard are the third married couple in this parish, who have lived,_ to see sixty years of married life, In .the year 18.82 this young couple a groom. of 21 years of Cage and his bride of 18 years, marched up the aisle of this present parish church, and were married by the Rev. -Father Moran, then parish priest; his brother Pierre e 'acting as groomsman, end Miss Yr- • gina Brisson supported the bride. • Whilst • the other honored couple to • assist the marriage were August Masse and Roselle Denonmme, all of the later have Basset' to the great beyond, ,longe since.. Mr. Bedard' voas born at Ho.mleville, :a snort dis-• tance from Goderich, and Sit the early age of seven years the far-. fly moved to this parish and settled' within a stone's throw of the French Settlement Church, the parents be - ins, pioneers of the parish. lrs. Bedard wasborn and dived her entire life a quarter of a 'niile from where she now resides. Mr. Bedard celebrated his 81st birthday fn February,. while Mrs. BedarcUwas '78 also in FLrbuary last. ;.moth 'hav- ing lived their entire life inthis par- fsh. ' Contributing greatly to the wel- fare and advancement of this parish. From this 'inion seventeen children were born, thirteen still survive.From !the elder bora they are: Justin, de- ,ceased in infancy; Mrs. Frank Den- omme Aunie of Chatham; Dennis of Zurich; Jiowseph of Chatham;• Plii,Tl»> of Ti'llbury; Leon and Theofile of the Parish ; Simon of Windsor; J eremiah deceased;, Charlie of •Courtriglit; Lawrence of Tilbury, deceased;! M. Gilbert Jeffrey, Rachel of the 15th con. Hay; Sister Eugine of Glan- gard, Windsor; Mrs. Lawrence Jeff rey, Beatrice, of Windsor; Gertrude,' deceased; Melvin of Detroit, and August of Windsor Mr. and Mrs, Bedard did not ael'e- 1-"ate in union with their children, due to their adnced yearn;, but were the recipients of many vaTu- rble gifts and greetings. We hope they will enjoy the fruits of their hard labor for many more years to come as they have in tl'; years of their reti'remwt. 1 Westlake , Brokenahire f FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE o Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich sapematsormsamoosoommomarM• •s••••••••••••••••••••�•••! WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Speciato for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Shortening, per lb. 18c Coffee, i -lb. tin ..... 49c 'A/Tirade 'Whip, 8 oz jar 21 c Bandwic'h cookies per AL 19c Aylmer Soup, 2 tins .... 15c 2 In '1 'white shoe cleaner per bottle . 15c. 'Green Grant peas ....15c Aero floor wax 1-1b. tin 25 c 'Toilet 'Tissue sani -white 4 rolls 25c. Puffed wheat 25 pt. siee 39c ' Grape fruit juice 2, .20 oz tins 25c 'Kelloggs all bran per pkg. 23c • `Ready cut macroni per lb. 5c 25c 25c Chili Sauce per bottle 17c Wax paper 40 -ft. rolls , 15c jar Rubbers 12 cwt. 4 for 25c 'Van Camp choice golden. corn 2 tins Seedless raisins. 2 lbs. J.W. MERNERPhone 140 -OMFOETAELE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER the Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednestbik*;, Rev. Lloyd H. Kolbfleisch of Elmira will he ;the minister at the >sunday evening services in St. Pet- er's Lutheran church, Zurich, next Sunday evening, June 21st. Mr. M. D. Stutznman of Tofleld,- Alb. delivered a very profitable mes- sage at the Bronson line church. Homer Noitz of Napinee, Ind. pre- ached the sermon in the Zurich Me- rionite church on Sunday morning. Dr. and Mrs. J'. A. Addison are packing up their effects and leaving for Sudbury where the Dastor has a responsible position in a hospital. WVhi'le we regret that they are leav- frg Zurich; we wish them every suc- r ss in their new home. Anniversary Services Anniversary services will be held next Sunday, June 21st in the Blake United Church. Services will be nt 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.an. .Special music will be rendered for the ocl casion, and the pastor, Rev. Reba Hern will be the speaker. Exery- body is cordially invited. • FOR OVERSEAS Boxes are being packed and sent to our boys who are seving our Co- untry overseas. Boxes have been placed in the stores so when doing your shopping put a donation in :these boxes. This is an opportunity for •aII of us to do something for .our bays who are making .a sacri- fice for us. Have your -donations in ;by June 24th. OBITUARY ATTEND FUNERAL A goodly number from Zurich at- tended' the funeral of the late Miss what atharine Peary Guhr, Reg. nurse and daughter of the Tate Mrs. Guhr and'. Mr. A. Guhr tot Goderich, who died in Queen Alexandra Sanitarium London, on Friday, the funeral be herd! on l%fenday from the Oatman .6iunerat chapel, London, Rev. T. J. Watson of New St. James Presbyter- ian tebureh officiated. The departed ;was: wet and fairaurably known to •many do Zurich, visiting here fre- quently while visiting relatives. The pallbearers were: Robt. and Calvin — Williams, Ed, Beaver, Harry Gall - linen, G. Simpson and P. Colmar. In- imr,etery. In - lenient was ,tirade in Woodland Ce- • l Sumrner W Clothes! Late Percy Clark Percy Clark, 53, who fought int France in the Pint World War with the 58th Battalion, CEF died on, Sunday at his home, 1746 Glandstone,' We carry a complete line of Men's Work Clothes, ave., Windlsor after a three -weeks illness with heart failure. He was a at veryreasonable member of the 58th Battalion i sox. prices. Also have Fine Shirts, ciation, Detroit -Windsor Brandi, en_ Summer Underwear, Etc. listed in Hensal'l, Huron County; with the 161•st Battalion, but was trans- ferred to the 58th on arrival over- m seas. (Pallbearers were members of WORK SHOES the 58th Battalion Association. Born in Hensel', he had been ; resident We have a full line of Men's Work Shoes, also a of Windsor the past 22 years and for several years was a Chry'lor Car- fine display of Ladies' Oxfords. See them poration of Canada smpioyee. He also belonged to the Canadian Pen- olrerS' Assocition. Surviving i:' his widow formerly Fannie Gaseho, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.asc7ma of'Zurich, and .two sons, Bert FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND oi' St. Catharines and Kenneth, liv- ing att home. The funeral was con- ducted from the Morris Fuxrt+rat Wiztdsov, on Tuesday by Rev. G. Everett Anhton, pastor of Ottawa United Church, Windsor, Burial in Victoria N.einoriel C11Erl'dl, THAT BROKEN SPECT- ACLE LENSE Bring it in and have it dupli- cated. 24 -Hour Service at prices less than you will pay ose Dale Alb in the larger centres. A1so:Miller Creek Coalsta and Any Shape. Any Colour. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Herman 7) PHONE YOUR O For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAD A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. DON'T Buy a Used Car BEFORE SEEING WARD FRITZ. IF YOU WANT A CAR AT A LOW PRICE PLUS QUALITY AND A CAR WITH (TIRES TO SUIT YOU).—INVESTIGATE 1938 Ford De Lux Coach, hot water heater, Upholstering and finish like the day it left the,. factory. 1936 Dodge Custom Coach, Trunk,, Steel Top, new rings, find inserts, Full Front Seat. 1937 Panties Sedan, heater and; defrosters, dark blue, clean upholstering, -only $590. 1938 Ford Coach, new motor recently. $515. 1935; Dodge Coach, trunk, very cl®an ... , $425. 1.936. Dodge Sedan, recently overhauled $445. 1934 V8 Coach, only $285. 1935, Ghee. Standard Sedan, •clean $395. 1929- Ford Coach, good tires $115. 1928 and 1929 Ford A. as is„ YaurPiek $58. 1932. B.4 Coach, brand new Mntar. 193k Ford V8 Coupe Hydraulic. Brakes. 193.0: Chev. ,Sedan, also 1929 Chev. Coach. Both these Cars have: had good care. 19311. and 1930 Coaches (2).. (3). .Gar Radios at a sacrifice. 19.3,? Chev. Coach, Low Mileage, Full Front Seat. WARD FRITZ 111111111111111111111111111111.111111111, Full line of Hardware, Feeds, Dry Goods, and Patent Medicines. Give us a Call! THE BLAKE STORE Edrnund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone, 11-97