HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-06-11, Page 8ZURICH HE roirmerrommoorimme Items of Interest IN MEN'S WEAR We are now carrying a very extensive range of • Men's Wear and invite your inspection. We have a fine lot of ready to wear Suits for men and boys, • also take order for Cambridge Made to Measure • Suits... Prices range rom 28.50 to 75.00. • Men's fin3 fintrousers in browns, blues, greys, greens, oextra values in all wool cloths bought some time ago. We have 90 pair to choose from priced 3.75 to 6.95. Also a lot of medium priced in fine cotton weaves, prices 2.50 to 3.25 a pair. .. 06100000698911 g • • e 3 g • • • • • 0 • • r 4 PRODUCE WANTED • We would like to show you our lot of men's work Clothes. Walkers Overalls in fine zero shrunk cloth at 2.90 a pair, less 35c. allowance for printed pockert. Big B. Overalls 8 -oz Redback special value at 2.25 pair. Big B in lighter shade blue $2. IVlonarch red back light weight at 1.60. 'Windbreaker Smocks at 1.95 to 2.75 each. Work Shirts of every description. 200 shirts on hand at 89c to 1.49. GROCERY SPECIALS Fresh gr. coffee lb. 45c. Cocoanut cookies 17clb Cornstarch, 2 lbs. 19c. Canned peas 2 tins 21c Rideau Hall coffee ib 55c. 2in1 shoe polish 1Oc Libby milk tin 10c. Aylmer catsup 15c Caledonia Cheese Half -lb. pkg. at 20c. ;:.O.;•SO PHONE 59 • • • • • i • • • • w a e 0 • a • •• • • • • e • • • ti+447+ +.q++t. a++ai +¢ ,,`p+++.q++.r'.I.•t +.'i'.{,++,T^.;,.r.`i..; .i..e+.., ^+ +++•s ++ •3•a '•; .i,.:..g +4 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F OAS PHONE 69 • aP11111111110111111.111ra. fit) FLEISC ZU12lCt! SI 4 7 4 4 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collects Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. i8 N••*F;*°vB**•S*4 •aeatt?,DZRP^lZ44,4k.'air= Int• . • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE P ur CoaI Suppiy In a Bulletin recently received urging the peo- ple of Canada to put in their supply of coal early, as possible, as later on transportation may become conjested, and the railways may be found necess- ary to be used for more essential purposes, so an appeal is made to all householders, whrrever poss- ible to fill up your bins and have your supply ready when the cold days will be here again. And how quickly these summer months will fly... We are filling orders as fast as we can get in the coal... So be wise; put in your order early and have your coal bin filled when winter comes along. The Coal Administrator also urges that where - ever possible people should use Western Canadian coal and thus conserving exchange and saving labour. The chief mines in Alberta produced some 2,137,000 tons of domestis coal in 1940 giving em- ployment to 1,966 miners for 95 days only in the six summer months and to 3,313 miners for 107 days in the winter months. Let us fill your order for either Alberta, or most any size of hard Anthracite coal, NOW! 0 • • • 4 STARE &WEIDO ZURsC-H — ONT. QUALITY . PRICE SERVICE I 114.00041,11Ml ��uiumillllll►imumuililillluuii►iliiil�j[ilulii�liili►►►iliulip�ii�iiiaul_liu►iim►►i uilli►iui(iJiipj►iitli ill►ilii: i1i illilliiiiiiii►r�iu�uii►u►,um�►►u��� ZLJRIews Grocery Store Sodas, broken, per Ib. ...,.. .,......�-.iiQc°. Wonderful Laundry sciap, 5 bars, .... Hawes floor waz, lb. can.............+,......++.....,..,,+.49c Cream cheese (Golden Spray) per lb....... -..,,.3.+5c New potatoes, per Ib. 5c Colgates toilet .soap 6 bars ... 25c Crown tea, mixed perdb. ............. ....... .....................C9c Special brand coffee, per lb.. , _...._30c Me PRDUCE WANTED. each Z ., ,?); Ill _!!iLTr Alii ;ip ililm rich Phone: MS III �II�(`;91 aril 1► Gi1�►11ti1lllll 1\irs. Peter 1-laberer is at present r•i<siting in. Kitchener. Mr. Wes. Kercher of Port Huron visited with relatives in this vicinity for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel are beautifying their residence and gar: age with a new coat of paint. Things are looking wonderfully well ar there is a good growth after the rains Iast week. Mr. -and Mrs Pitt .and daughter Alma, from Hyde Park, were week end visitors at the home of 1VIr. and IVIrs. Elmore Thiel. Heavy rains visited these parts;the past week, .the ground at times be- ing fairly flooded, but this week is plenty warm, dry and hot. Mr. Sol Bechler and daughter, Gladys„ Mr. Chris. Gascho and Joe Sv:artzentruber motored to St. Ag atha on Tuesday where they. will: be a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm and family from Baden; Mrs. J. Geiger from Waterloo, were Sunday visit - ors at the hone of • Mr. and! Mrs. C. O. Smith, St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton. D. -Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley of the Blue Water Highway; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of town ,attended the Convocation exercises at Western University, London on. Thursday of last week. 4.W+ TO BE OPENED NEXT MONTH Exeter will scan know what it means to have a million .and a half industry going full swing for that is What it will mean when the new Ser- vice Flying Training School is open- ed up next month.° There ere those whose opinions we have every rtasgn to respect who tell us that it is the largest School -of its kind in the Do- minion of Canada. In addition to be- ing the largest airport, it is also one of the finest. if not the Brest. Mr. W. F. Evans, of the Dept. of Nation- al Transport, who :is the engineer in charge, and who had the overseeing of several airports, clans that the best features of the previous airport have been incorporated and improved upon. The buildings are now about ready for occupancy. Work is pro- gressing on the runway although the wet weather .of the past couple of weeks has greatly handicapped the work.—Exeter Times -Advocate. WATER HEMLOCK POISON Farmers having low, wet land or marsh would be well advised to keep a close watch for water hemlock, the chief ,poisoning plant of Ont., advis- es the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. Ofii cials state that the heavy rainfall this spring will likely mean more water hemlock thn usual and already several cases -of fatal cattle poison- ing have been .reported to he Dept. This weed is poisonous to all . live stock, 'prticularly .sheep, who pu]1 up the roots when grazing' and eat then. Nuanerous cases of human poisoning have occurred from eating the roots in mistake for edible plants.. It has lance -shaped, shartpe toothed leaves, usually in twos or threes, has small white flowers., arranged in flat-topp- ed clusters The root consists of a number of spindleshaped tubers,these tave a strong aromatic odor whieh ,.erns to attxaet live stock. Within two hours after eating the plant, cat- tle may show nervousness, twitching of the muscles of the mouth and ears, salivation, bloating, frenzied movements, dilated pupils, spasms and convulsions, frothing at the mo- uth and nose, twisting -of the head and neck backwards and roling of the eyeballs. There is practically no cure for water hemlock poisoning owing to rapid .action of the poison, Watch for the weed 6n low wet areas such ss nmarshes -and the edge of ere eks. 1Iandp-all. all plants, pile on dry land and burn. MEI E I it l Illlllll LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs, dozers ....... 26, 24, 18 Butter, creamery 38 Butter, dairy 36 Wheat, bushel .. 1.10 'Oat's, bushel 50e Barley, bush. • 70 Buckwheat, bush. 65c From., cwt. 2.60, 2.85 Pastry flour at mill' .7.,5; -lb 65c Shorts and bran, ton .........30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 MIIISSEEMEsooKezenzsammagmmail WANTS- DIVORCE Detroit — Mrs. Aisne Laurine Mac .Donald Dodge Lange, the former Gore Bay, Ont., tefephone operator who was widowed' when her first hus- band, Daniel 0. Dodge, heir to a auto fortune, drowned on their hon- eymoon in Norfhern Ontario in 1038 is suing her second husband for es divorce whi'cli has been granted. aF--#4 STRAPPING. FOR ASSAULT "The penalty I am about to im- pose upon you is possibly the :only one that effective in cases of your kind," Magistrate F. W. Walker -told Floyd Smith, convicted of assaulting his wife. "You will spend' the month in bail and in addition receive 10 strokes of the strap within a period of 10 days before your sen- te:tl;Ce expires." —Walkerton. MAY RATION 0.1AL Toronto — Coal may. be rationed both in Canada and the U.S. this winter, J. ,McG Stewaru Federal coal° administrator for C;fnada told the convention of the qt;anadian Retail Goal Association. If rationing of coal goes into effect in the U. S. as a result -of transl{;vrtation conditions it will surely be rationed here. We have been trying; to arouse, the pub- lic' and persua5Se them to get in their fuel supply ttriy, he said, GETTING' MORE MILES OUT OF YOUR LIFE How to keep your bacly in the best of. condition by following the rules of the National Nutrition Pro- gram and by eating muselebuliding proteins and minerals your boleros and teeth must have. . pointed out by Dr Leonard Keene Hirshberg, director in chief of the Institute for Medical Research.. in The American Weekly With this Sunday's (June 14 issue) Detroit Sunday Times, POST OFFICES SELL THEM 7/w pant di.e FROM BANKS + POST OFFICES DEPARTMENT STORES • DRUGGISTS GROCERS . • TOBACCONISTS BOOK STORES and other RETAIL STORES ess Klopp's OneStop Service ZURICH ONT. 4. 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 aE 4 • SLIGHTLY USED ' FURNITURE For the. more- conservative purchaser We -can save you many a dollar- as we have- a fine assortment of . Slightly Used f urniture that' will give you big:value for, '• your Money.. Drop in and' lbok these over and get our• �e Remarkwable• Low Prices. hard ware,, :.Furniture. Phone ea .£ ..&.FK+a°$'aS`+°'.'"S'4•RM+ ++ +` 3,+ ++eRdF,!D.A*4.tf T+++yes•,^,i.,.,e{'.,{++, °+$'�li'+M'4pF'4i''b+•dM` TRY T CT Fi!T,' • n. T betd ` �1� �1'r'i�+F!F' '!M M.'P Y �V,r.✓ l t 7` r�r.►.�. r+r trarxn}.1ri c •sro•r r. .w 4 YOUR Hardware and Furniture STORE YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line' of the Bests of both Shelf and Heavy Stamle Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating; - Equipments. Let Us, Offer You " Good Suggestions along this Line. Some -Good Used''eaters at Very Reasonable Prices, FURNITURE See- Our -Studs© Couches and Dinnette Suites A. Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest' in Furniture at Very Reasonabl+ e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites. Occasional Chairs Rockers, Eft. Johristo Kalbileisch also +. CHOICE. VARIETY OF CAKI,. PIES, AND SWEET GOODS... All Ingredients, Use. I; are of the,: Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- INCE CREAM Our Store- will be dosed each Wednesday Evening • EckePs Bakery. -- Zurich Telephone ,I00' 1 GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew Fe Hess, . - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich •••••a •••• •••••••••••••••• Nt•••N•d•••300000•••i1•- Chick Starters The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. - Coal Deliveries Owing to war conditions to conserve transportation we are making deliveries to our customers on Mon. days, Wednesdays and Fridays. 1 L. Schilbe & Son I*