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VOICE WHER . E YOUR $ALVAGE GOES THE WAR- WEEK --Commentary on Current Eivents
OF T K :e June, 1942, Opens With Grounds
PR E IS IS i ence
For Hope But Not Overconfld
A yr-. WORRIED, KkN June begins. this Near with a early as they might have wMed,
ilitary prospect than any
A 113.AU W4 kut.-Nv' in, a vity 1% better 3n their general' offensive in South
Russia. NO doubt the nvssiams
*aujxt) a 1jandivd miles frxmi one, bad good reason to hope for take Kharkov;
UN Is ver -y NN"Irriedi Ile bskl a three months ago, and certainly would have liked to
Q,axmAn Hai d. -when the Nvar stml- far better than any one had dared, but also, no doubt, they are right
*a. And
aft z R, jolig lime his too bope a Year ago, A$ June Nyben they say their primary Puy -
opened last year, Germany had pose. was to prevent an all-out
Small he had assault on JZ4stov and the tau-
beezi everywheve victoriousi ox -
�T s oil fields, The Naii drive
ter t*b the
ro`Altbaugh T�e U -M, W31 W. L: ganized Yugoslavian resiss-Eance. casu a clear indication
�,! on Kerch was
shed in an appa,
had been cm Iling
qult* rntm slhe W -`is rigM, 114
the Germans
-wrt time, the BrIfisen had not of the direction
ly sh,
BABL'y 'NY'Nut to the jl,�' meant io, ta . But thus far the
wa, them the, =Mi Ness GL-ralan, only been swept out -of Greece,
but huni' latingzy dri en out of drive on Kerch hat; gone no
bo Avu. $ha Was S24 right. has alreadY
Crete, s ng hage naval lozzes farthe'r. Su n
but h4 s�la and Marribal
't he ljWer"s. Tepu- come in South Ru.
in the L_
lot thwa, ku�,iv, J�w in nko has plainlY uP.5('t a�e
tat' i,:ir Lnv1ne;br3ry�, Eays the
xx�A�! right", th-e YWllo�a IP
iT etab'e. The main forces
New Yt%f& Tl rad never been
=s=ed hz=, -Wo,ye bee --..
. . . . . . . . . -1.ter. of fhe two huge arrnies, have
t�-, 'ae Q011vel;1�4- M4~
D -nto action. A regroup.
Doubtful, yet come
ls�nms�, fro
Y"Ur hz,iZsi S Outcome in Lib,
Ps Jurw be neces ry before they
o,�ens tins year ing v, -r the
�akptE of
R 1'is has The Lrs, c
X,Amv tl�e is 14Q -*ng -rns cle;�.rly to
adly The 'eng- �pr_ , drive" see
ons -'rate That the easy Gcr-
hers.ded Nazi zig dr!'e in dein
-r are
Russ- has the rman, v _--orles o' :ast Sumff)(
i 14C
b Though the
-rlrer Poss
-Nn:: aze no liz ,
On =eY a!,e Un- - - "Ought Tnagnifi-
RzLss'ars hs;c
SUNI GLZAMS -e Russin-_S. for near:� a year, in Spite
do-a-k-ZEY sz:Nering wage cer_%.
Az'a .`1.r 1'4i io jiz�� Nks= cto we do not
amd the.r pro- o! z�e=endous :0.
they call go on,
Eress, is �be,."g
Tbo so"'Vicr:7n�-.t -a!'z C;z Battle. o f Atlantic
ever ri�e wpy. The oz -
"i It Nr -.Z kwcmep Up *e y fc-e: ' of ye ourse'Ves, must face in all
V=e jr. 12'6Y3 4S ;-nM dQU�Y41
fzaeknesss the fact that we havO
bav ace :-e
of stories S year
been iosing,
'ie Y,5z:= i�,z pjam*s . t and are still loeing,
"'QL�� Ve a, tzat .xykv *,-,C-:", h,. -L go of C_ a& v4f M- antle. A sta-
Hez-, a avez- Ozeze aLd 0: Erhss,,- sc:Zers the batzle of the Af
summary publishe4 late
S --e pzw w:z,_�azj z!z� yrc-ee-5.- the Be-i�sh
yz,=. ft�hl showed 221 merchant
a Nv.=w n S, MS: ng. �zz--.s•Z., gpc, to sr& 3:Ke to T*ison -c&a_v _a-_ the last week
Iss a ftiva�-,�o�hree six arips of American and othei
ths.!: zsef�:: �11� -,�-zh tl:s regiz sunk on this side of the
SM L3 ZE=d _117
4.�! R _*es T Wss Atlaznz-e sine e mid-Tanuar-,.,
heap Of -k�_ns:7 %-:r 3-2pre=ac, "prc-
IL Tin wzec! �,,C%kt A:ds ta s -r -4,—gainst this. even when
L F-tv P= P-bl e " slnifings are taken into
F%4a'ex 4:'�s-s BritAim Pays Back conssidera-rion, the number of sub-
vz,-+7i zM NVI.,tM, vmmi!- -r 1: here appears to have
L n2x- es sur,
16c samsl-` am -d espezz-
rme�tenth of this
AM been ony anon
June. 1. ure..
ALAN M-_ Yez shipping is the bottleneck
;M A.
/'11 1164 T
at through which practically the
*T, �a -who.e Amercancontribution to
MU.1. TXIMI*� Ftr=�dcn Nz-,n. a n I the exception of
A Wtek� Columm A�-Qut TI& aDd T132t im TIRe C"rH gzieazoec:; air the war (wirli h
- : ]Gn.-range planesi must be flun-
'NOT EvE-N, A- LIWLF- ozz:
jwre�;j eTez Ger
zn� 4z
=z:Z*�24: am -a' C'e- nelled. The British depend up=
=ez, ,.e
iz- us for the= foo� supplies. The
L --SLS im 7,Le h 3sannes that rain. destrue-
Vve ZLL-- tuezz =i,. --s 'z'T .w._-3'-'G-
-.4c,a zy tor. or. Germany depend upon us,
zZ.- sz_- Z�Ps= fz..Ir i;: $a-;- :F,
7xwriz*zs�%7 Sze' -tv
; t �= : -r 14. amd above a;1 on American tank
S*.-S=;� siz_� t2ra_. 1h1s 14 -c -'d
em, !or- Their gaso"Ine smaphes.
Z, let, zu C 7,z, _t*L t, ir e.
*W,*Zes 7-",:ZU -,,,I SY n to
Tivlz sa-e 7 Th e most im-pozzanx. quesuo
hmir I,= t'v*!r ZI-Y-6L T:* 77a•-_�z s� =erra s5zTzz*.3=. .
4, -"-:e I -e -er-rilic bombing'
-Co:o- e
MM't ba lvp--A� •i t, -t'.'. 1� __r :4,tx. T,,r_z, �2n s� r. an,., -rerorted over
4�e:�T 14 -C- lz� —_Nz 1Qz ":e- fzz I&-, e-, = �ac- -zzr- wi-ether such bombin-gs can --qow
Gdk;=Z=i9. z iot-a eT,6r. bte z -as -ml -red, We rnust not forget
vm.* -Nq�zzv,! cf :.rs I r�i
1_z - _ze-scale
zz� 1-sler X, V 1=d W=er -0,f tc� thvi -Chis is the _Z
-d z -ma 7:Le Grer- t�=:Mng aperazzlon over Germany
-zzr,- C1 nj t zgp-d 41 51 is,
M&411 _-, .12 m
:,ou snince r ever -Mannhe; on _1ky
X. !P, and �befozre zlhaz ssince Ma: E;.
..a.:,.)CAmto FCUQ,If "C'mbings, winch on sucZ
Mzg-4�7% L4 a r- va-ze m4ght dezer,=:ne thhe ouzr-
Ag- mez ZL
2�rl=e M=;�, zeme A.�� t1e -- a s-=,vzi_�Lngly
Vq,;_!z =I�M, to be -., as
-+-1st ftcrt ilmel. sare - kept, ujp ,
'M !r -n Or 0�1 =im-SM= -Xf.= Z;r z,- J Zee' 'M SZ=,2eYe 272y sczh
UwA, S=s� t2t�br cr fs�sr zz cz
SA, zz, zz
=!g�iT s±zier our -up-
'of C=_ be
bea fzziz- "IT se_e must LOrl-
ev ih: .LM2 s4z -.4"`e ae Z'iml ZZ =kVLa:-L=,:-
: 23&-
B,1�11 15C_kLE EMYRT -Wry tz %7-; A=i--'-
Saz=_ez k M,�T.
&g,4 Eco n., onnic Warfare
-4-- -zz:
-.- zS=,-* -1z Squeezes Germans
z'attz- I's 11=.-451
sxnr <z w- ;Iz, Flz. Nat'xns
1i4z- ac- sj=-S V70.
_'4Z ZZ -rr,--7 12n- wsz� a:n'L ....,.a--6
z, Ivm_i z z -g zz. -Ar*
It, ZZ
-:. ; kM A=
-7 11$ Mac- 7:1., 2-Z ,L-W_T, r1eT -F-iz
Ir A in
V, B'- -i Puts
llam - •_-&t!Le
U t Get Taugh, e-
P.P; IntooldSterS
ZZ7-c -;2_* . z - I
_Z7 - _T Z :Z_.
Nk i !Dun _fa$ �P%
Ytvi �s
viara• re
IL-, Dz- �U�k -sm =.eazi �z_, iz�zi_ lize. a -
.4 - :f sn' 2
q J rtm e& -�Lt _=-ex, -1E
; I
g zx-c, UeMOEZ,
-ZaL�7.- -7- 7,kZtl ---:
=z -&T
x=_ Zr4z=A7_-
, !,- = �z A Z- ra,
'�Zlk�A e�!t�tin zz �-lzzm--z lez,,t� 1�.r Z�
ia �1 E
WW� C A �Zw
VZZ_Az.. ilz a1_ ei =z Q., -Zi
x! :.=Z-- Ze
N�f g Zp.�ft-
izz -zr,:� f.7* z1flIK-11ri.4 1z. z
I wt_—;k� t:vsm, zr
zz Il Ma
V1 2U
eq; Lax- ZL2!-' u:
4-,;:: -d„":2_:. 7tti ze 11,i -
et: I.�
!uz it-:
'fm --f.
W—r-m-4-- :Le
kikT Ttla irk:; -�X tx;_C=
ftizae. 'M T11: _1M
twZI. iii,;ILZ lat i
I I -,= _f 'Ir =.
S, -=�ZLM- ,
r*Z Z' -;z wt�,- t:* 1z. =,;.I na
znzvi z
lvi y -,LTE
za_, X_
ti4 zP11 V.1_1_16171_*��,
.1jj j! 1,.1 T,"j.T
00410+1 'M Z.11 tzjx,�* I:!, Z, la.i %q-=L�
V. 7+
-q,4 .1 rw-,
ta* °,." p. "z%w, -44 'IS
q-vm Z_� _rl 4-14, Ma'a Z.�!.nl'Lz%, "! -V-i- vla._'. -Q-
WM VSW 1,1__ in
gEllath Dag B,
F ire s,
h ` 'u H
40 z tzgr- zk `'Lnrc iw xkL�., :.xz,-.
10m r. is, vf��Ia
mmz_ 0*. -L; 7'.2:x7 Zknx lijz,
41mur, N
!%lot ,V,_,JZ :1,.?
R" EG7LALRx in Color
gooK ST0996 oad Oku RETPA STORES
appeared, R
Bmbas.sy E(xrjrm�L WarL'..1
.None of the litafl
those doors vvebv2, uL-_`)eTr, yr
CaXTlrr_,,, a mull.
Kill With Ploney
But their ior, if,., .f,, kL. 112tA sn-
times batter, frxwt ;re
Nazis made iiej rfjpijlar.
Each day bronic of 3f,,'J
go to the Mindstr:. if
nomic Warfam. There. in a
brown -panelled ,&crn, 3it
with three Birt sr eco n,'74a� CX-
perts arounni a 'mit-,e
reports — rejjOrl_ of'
sale in Turkey, r'p`am f!_ 2tr-i"L.,
tungsten M pertaval al.
in Irak,
Cables stat np rj-j:;
Buy the cotv."-
needs it for
Buy the oplrizr, (X"rraany
needs it fax drag!':.
Buy the tting_-ren i3e-rraany
needs it for rnun:':;cr.s.
Buy the hides — Germ-iji so:-
diers are Ehorz: of brIlots.
Battlefields Narrowel
IV -hat the paice f1riez;% ''-fta
ter. -Nor does ft Jr!_
twin and the Un%ed Stan-
trol more hider_ &r.c tat -.".n hat
they can use.
Britain has cirt,'. en:AA In
this type of wa;%rc '17w
war began— F, uuEn; ouz
She fougrr batt.es An
kans, for throme., nil. NUX.."a,
tobacco and a h,.mdre._, :cher
f the lbazz'befteids- awf,,- nar-
r-owed. Briza'm :.rd th_ ',rjited
4z-zates hake shat Gtrrm-az.y and
Out of :1
I , - he scuth _*Merican
Eeld throufa the tiocka,--t. That
has become a nava7- ma:--,j-r and
Germany now can Luy en:- m the
pzacers s:*he ear, ty :"md.
c'ec-ey z'%1*.10AE,,F !"I.' 4Pwn,
Stat,�s an,�
At -jL
gr a1Y rtu-e w. irk:
-w, r
:,iv Z NV37 ;n4
The Unzwl-
st'as ard 44,0
jjjs10. tv. X-Q"v -%
Nigv VM4
40 ttAtttAN A
A 44m�IwA, MIT r
. Wsd`&N.
VMIM., b)tV$ NV %'Stk' MW 1144 t" ;t caVl
A IVLT* jv1 IIrst t%A�A
NN T;it't Jev bXA. %mo