Zurich Herald, 1942-06-04, Page 4s, 1
For War -time Production
If you need money to improve your production of food and other essential
supplies to help Canada's war effort, you are invited to discuss your
needs with our nearest branch manager, wlio will treat your business as
strictly confidential.
Supplying credit to farmers for constructive purposes is traditional with
the k3ank of Montreal, which since 1817 has co-operated with all Canadian
injdustry, including agriculture. Our branch managers . undersif:d the
banking needs" of farmers engaged in every branch of production.
Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 124 Years' Successful Operation
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
DRYSDALE and relatives.
• Mr. and .Mrs. Robinson as lam
Ay ' rare spending a few hol;ia is wit
the latter's father. Mr. George Den-
Mrs. Kenneth Denomrne •of 1Kitch-
. ever has been a 'visitor with Mrs.
Vitiline Denomme.
'Messrs. Bernie Denomme ;and
Claude Bedard of St. Peter's Semin-
ary, London, spent the week -erre with
their parents, Mr. and ,Mrs.Amend
Denemne and Mrs. 'Masse.
Messrs. Oliver aamd Eugene Can-
tin of Detroit called on their grand-
parente, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporee
during week --end holidays.
Mr, 'Philip Durand left Monate
morning ;for Crumlin where he Ina
employed at the Fleet air craft. •
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Denomene •of
Detroit spent a week vacation with
Me. and ' ilrs. Wm. Denonime.
Misses 1174. and E. Gelinas with
Mrs. Jane ;tau teat Sunday.
Mrs. Ray Leacher of the 1.5th con.
Balled on friend~; on the Bloke Water
ah "'n'n Sunday last.
• Mrs. Rachel lrenornme of Wind-
sor will speed t -•he summer eno.nths
with Mrs. Leon Jeffrey .in Beaver
tMr. and EVIrs. .Rudolph C: nfveau
of (Gocderich spent :a few days withthe later's .parent eon the Blasi Wat-
er sows.
St: Joseph eknd Beaver Town
Kr. and Mrs. Lenard Denomene of
liThelsor were week -end visitors in
this neiglarborhaad with relatives.
Mrs;, Joe Gentile ,of MVl,ontrea1 anti
M,is,s Eva Cantin of Detroit Who have
been guests to Mr. 'Frank Jaffee of
ur8', eft on M ,nnday morningfon' Detroit where they will remain+ot' 4,9 .e bine.
Mr. and•Mrs. Joe Bedard Jr. of
Chatham spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Bedard of St..7oseph
north. With the .former's parents.
Sucker fishing after the 'eeent
heavy rains in the well known Hey.
nock ,Creek has drawn ;the attention
of our local f shemm�en, seine coining
a considerabledistanee and we ire -
greet to report, ,poor suckers.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Masse and,'
two daurghtere and Mr. Frere l Wa,.
'gout• nil of Detroit were Sundayv it>alee 1i -this vicinity with * en&
Ri I
Mr. and Mrs. Slattesry and Miae•;s
Tillie Rose .,and Anti,amette 'Zimmer
of Detroit .s;ient a few days with Mr;
William Zimmer and daughter Ida.
ale. Ezra lender is ton the .sdeki
Fist, we hope for a speedy recovery
Mrs. Currie lie visiting at the home
of •her ,parents n Meaford sowing to
the ,serious illness of her pother.
Mics Mildred Luft and friend of 11
Toromo spent tee week -emit with
her per,rents Rev. amid Mrs. L,St,
112x. Dyke of 'Tavistock Is visiting
with his daughter Mrs. Ness. an
Pte. Garnet Wei.berg S.P.R, -who o
has been Yris.iting with his parent for
the past two weeks :Maar returned •,to e
Gaspe, Que.
Miss Karen Pedersen and three -
friends •a' London were Sunday1 visitors with her parents, '!r. , and
Mrs. O. Pedersen.
Misses Jean and Betty Jane , Mc -
Isaac and Mr, •Leo Teschendorf and
Rtedie •Bcechedl all of Detroit were
week -end visitors with Mee. Lucinda
' McIaaae.
Walter Ness of London ,spent Sun-
day with his mother, Mrs. Ness.
Mrs. Stadelbauer and family -of
London were Sunday visitors with
her parents Mr. and Una P. Kraft. 1
Miss Clara Kraft who has been'
vleitieg with her sister returned
home with thorn on Sunday,
rank orertz aitd best wishes of Ore
Mr. Ed. Morenz of Desroit, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Watts.MnilaWatts.fleeter cGaiser :was taken. to Lon-•
elan Heepital on Tuesday for treat-
ments. We wish Chester the best of
Sack and lope to ;see .ham aide to be
;bauxite ;again soon.
Kenneth Wein, Mrs. J. Wein and
Maida .Miss :Pearl Kraft were on
trip t
o Toronto and .Kitchener ov-
;er the week -end.
Mr. :anti airs. Alvin Kellerman re -
lamed to ;Chatham on Tuesday.
Mrs. Web r who has beep ill .at the
home ;of her daughter, Mrs. cCaldwell
in Exeter, has returned to her home
Mrs. Pearl .Smith of Lonelo;, call -
ad ,on ;Miss .J,i. ;Elatntlei�b.
and nd 'Mrs. Taylor and Mrs•
auen��ther and Rose attended thefuneral of :a ,relative in Detroit on
Wednesday last.
4$ Z .Nsdtger eta. N., who has
been attending her another Hollowing'
et• operatiion has �reju;nr ed to How -
IR Hes> iba$ fi . Mich.
Mr. d M;rs. Hubert E�estenneyer
d Miss Onrieela Resteny ser R. N.,
f London. spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto nt'stem-
(hate. Ross Chief 11l r end Jack We-
ber of Kitchener and Glen VVaiper
of Camp Borden, spent the week-endwith their parents.
Howard Klumlpp left on Tuesday
r Toronto where he will'atttend
liae E,C.A.:.'. Radio school,
Prior too his departure for RCAF"
dio School, Howard K1umpp. was
Ie�asanfly f�•urprised on Friday even -
g when a number of friends and
a+tive•e ;gathered at the home of
sties Watts, The evening was
en.t at cards and Howard was •.pre-
nted with a purse of money and
adhese, conveying t- hint tine roc
R -
lk' r and X
rra X
Of R'ousehold Effects, etc. +on the
Blue Water Highway' 1.31 axles north
of Drysdale at meter Corzuveau's
Property orSATURDAY, JUNE meetj
At 1.39 (o'aloek, fast time
Kitchen stove, ,chairs, lounge, cab,
inet, cupboard, sealers, iota and
pans, ,gas stove, washing shine,
3 tables, big extension tables 4 beds gnarttr�esses, 3 .stands, dresser,
rake, wheelbarrow, rip . saw, nope,
nails., shovels, carpenter tools, China
cabinet new, some dumber, car '28
Chev,, carpets, $ lamps, ;Janette-1.,crocks, boiler, tub, cistern pump, 3
rockers, dishes, knives, forks, spoons
side board„ drop head :sewing ma-
chine Singer, windcharger, mail box
numerous articles.
Ar't'hur Weber, Auctioneer.
John Denomnne, Clerk
Peter •Corriveau, Proprietor.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yailop of
Toronto, and LAC Toni Scotchmer of
the RCAF at Ottawa were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Scot-
Mr. Joe Wields of Hamilton wan .a
visitor wfith his mother, Mrs. V.
Mrs. James Barnes of London,
who spent a week with faiieds on the
Bronson has returned.
Miss Irene Scotchmer •of Hamilton
spent the weekend with her parents;
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Scotehmer.
Mr. 'Saunders of Hamilton, repre-
sented the British and Foreign Bible
Society in the United Church, Varna y morningSundamorninglast, and stressed
the need of work along thi line.
Mr. and Mars. Billy .Reid, newly-
weds, were invited to the Varna
Hall to meet their many friends. Af-
ter the usual preliminaries the young
couple were presented with a gift of
money. The ,groom also receiving an
extra ;gift.
Mr. and Mrs. ,alarry Cook of Win-
dsor were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Cook.
Mr. G. C. Petty, who has been inMemorial&otrt Memorial Hospitar, ,Seaforth,
for the 1 few weeks, has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Philips and
family of Toronto ware recent visit-
ors at their .sumer home here.
Dr, and Mrs. moth and"family .of
StMa a' were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. G. V. Petty.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Tuckey and
fenrdy of London, were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle.
Miss :Beryl Pfaff was a visitor in.
Lindsa-'the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Moore.'
Mr. and -Mrs. A. Merrier and fam-
ily of Zeirich were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kyle.
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor of Toronto
spent a 'Week at the manse recently
the guest of her sister and ,brother-
in-law Rev. and Mrs. W. Weir.
Miss Pearl Harpole of London vis-
ited at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Drysdale and Jack
were recent visitors at Toronto.
Ted -Munn of Toronto was a recent
visitor 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Robert Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson were
recent visitors with friends at Kitch-
Ray Paterson of Toronto visited
with his •parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Paterson recently.
Noels --. Appleton
A lbvelYewedding Was solemnized
at Calvaty United church,•London,
when Rev. D. McTavish officiated for
marriage marriaof Jean Elizabeth, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Apple-
ton, of Exeter, and Percy Austin
Noels, of .London, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. Noels, of Sain+tsbury. The
couple were attended by.Mr. and MrsWin. Coward of Usborne. The bridal
party dined in London after which
they left on a short wedding trip.
They will reside in London.
Red Cross Notes
The final. figuresc of the Red Cross
drive held recently in Hensel and
district are not available as yet, but
le is felt that when returns are in the
local will not be very far off
off its objective of $2200. However
it aet be remembered than Included
in the amounts credited to this can -
Vass 'w' a 'gift of .$600. from. the
County of .Huron so that in a sense
we as a onninun�ity fell far behind ,the
goal scat for tis by Red Crosis head-
quarters. If by any chance you we.
re missed In the recent •canvass or if
you desire to give more to this great
work kindly leave your donation with
H. Lawrence of W. R. Davidson, A.a
ra•ngernents to pick up eatvage !n the
district around.Hensall were not.
completed in biane to have this work
done during the ;last week of May
as was intended. However this matter
is being attended to this week and
it is axpected that a good pile of
material for the War effort will be
thus obtained and at the nacre time
the Red Gross will reeedve the mon.•dnrvgd frpin the sale of the sal..
171:1111111tr• g'3 - r . f vie. ' r •. t .. ..a+, ,. 1.. (.I
Thursday, June 411tH, I94z
Phone 48 Hensall
i Spring is here and time to start work on the land
• not far away. How about your work shoes for
i the spring work. You shoul dsee E. }L Edighoffer
i about them before you buy. We carry the famous
i • line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has
• stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con-
sidering quality.
� We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf
1 also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are made
4- with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in rued. and
÷ narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H.
* Edighoffer has them.
4 In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can
+ buy. Give us a call, our prices are right.
To the Men who Till the Soil.
4 -
Winghamn's population, as return-
ed by the assessor, is 2058, three less
than (last year. The tax rate for 1942
is 149 miIUs, the same as last year.
Hugh McGregor, well-known resi-
dent of Brucefield, died in his 89th
year. His wife predeceased him, and
surviving are two sons and four da,
Appointed Turnkey
Jlackson Jerry, who has been act-
ing .turnkey of Huron County Goal
since the death of the late Kerwood
White, has received official notice of
his permanent appointment to the
Demonstrated New Organ
A new Mintshail •electro organ was
used to lead: the services of song in
Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter,
on Sunday May 30th. On Monday
evening a short organ recital was al-
so held when Mr. Ewart George, . of
London ;presided to preside at the
console. A new instrument was in
big demand.
Picnics at harbor Park
eGoderieh town Clerk Knox has al-
ready received several applications
for the use of Harbor Park for *-
Ides parties in June. A School picnic
for June 6th starts the season Doff.
Hot Top (Dressing
The Sterling (Construction Co. has
put its asphalt plant at Port Albert,
just north of the ,airport, into shape
for the season's operations. Its first
job will be to put up an inch -and -a -
half hot (bop dressing on the Blue
Water highway from Dunlop to She-
ppardton, the stretch build by the
Department last fall.
Pass With First Class Honors
Three former students of ;the Ex
ter High School who have ,been
tending Normal School in Lando
have been successful in passing, the
examinations with Best -(class hone
They are Misses Grace Beck'ler. A
Mongan and Greta Webber. With,th
scarcity of teachers, the young ladi
should have no difficulty in ;secu�r3
positions.—Exeter Times -Advocate.
Sheep, More Sheep
Canada's +cake for more wool wa
answered on aturday when a flock o
20 head of sheep made its appear
ance at the rSeaforth Golf are Cour
try Club. The sheep will pasties
there. through an arrangement rove
the club, during ,the summer. Thnearby "Ba, -Ba" of the new arriv
cls had atendancy to distu,re •certain
golfers during the Bret few days the
sheep were or the comae, but now
they are becoming used to them with
,the result that the number of bad
drives that car be bleared on the
sheep is negligible.—Huron Expos-
At the home of her parents, Mr'
and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, BayfieldLine, • Goderich Township, on Satur-
day, March 28t'k when June Harriet
Stephenson, ,beeanne the 'Bride of Ran-
dall Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pepper of Stanley. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev.
Harold Currie of Bayfield,
at -
Eirlist With Dental Corps
:Or. W. L. Lawson of Listowel son
of Mr, and Mrs. James Lawson, of
Exeter, has enlisted with the dental
department of Canadian Army Med-
ical Corps. Re is commissioned as a
captain and will report for duty at
London, April 1—Exeter Tiines-Ad-
Was Honored'
A distinct honor cones to a son of
a pioneer Bayfield family, when Cap-
tain Charles Ferguson was presinted
with a certificate of merit—an awards
of achievement commending the Cap-
tain and his officers and crew forty
ansportating a record' volume of rave
materials and other •cargoes vital to
the production of war equipment and
supplies during the national emerge
ency period of 1941. Captain Fer-
guson is a brother of Miss Nora Fer-
guson and Mrs. • Oliver Rhynas all.ox;.
Bayfield. .
• Nicholaas Schoester cls a native of
Holland. Once he thought. of set-
tling in Java, but the heat wave
drove him back to Holland. He took
ship forCanada then—that was in
1917—and ,the ship took so: • tlong to
sight land he thought he was; on hie
way to Java again. Finally he came:
up the St Lawrence to Montreale
stayed a while, saw Canada on a:
harvest excursion, crossed the United
States as a v,c;•,ing artist. In Hall -
fax, where he has made his home
for some time, he remembers music
dates in six or seven countries, con-
ducts his own programmes of Salon,
Music aturdays at 7.30 ,pin. EDT:.
Established 1900 .�
l-lerald Printing Office
year, strictly in advance; $1.50
arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U.
S. $1,50 in advance, No paper 'discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid up,
unless at option . of publisher. ' The.
date of which every ,Subscripee ne i
paid is donated on the Lahei, • _ -.,
(Professional of Business C;tir de
per year and up. • . .
In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25-e;:
for each additional verse; Card o £'
Thanks 50c.
Auction .Sales—$2.00 per singles
insertion if not over four inches iia
Display advertising made known
on application.
Miscelrlaneous articles of not more,
,than four lines. For Sale, To Rent,
Wnted, Lost, Found, .Etc., one inner.
tion 25c; 2 ins. 40e., 3 ins. 50c.
Address all Communications to:
ItICRAW OFi"Zt ll..,