HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-05-14, Page 3The Ja'p Air Raid Menace to India „,. faj United Nations beset Jap bows "Already bombed Railroad, Bombay to Sadiya, start of partially - built Chungking supply road. r:. t+' al a ;at ,004,4 Bay of B.nrsi Trincomalee LON j ,p ANDAMAN ISLANDS tr ➢iNICOBAR IS. otential air raid arcs show Jap threats to India with bombers based in Burma, the Andaman Islands and on aircraft carriers in the Bay of Bengaii, gifts and qualities, whish enabled him to inspire the whole organ- ization with his own zeal and his own devotion to the interests of the property. He was responsible for many improvements in faolt- ities and •service; for the rebuild. beg of the company's meroantllo fleet on a scale which made it a source of pride to all Canad- ians; and he enhanced and en- larged the position of the com- pany in the confidenoe and re- gard of the people it eexves throughout the world. His admin- istration will be memorable in the history of the company. "Mr. D'Alton C. Coleman was elected president of the company. Mr. Coleman joined the company in 1899, and after :reeving it in various parts of the country as an officer, was elected a director and vice-president in 1934. He is the fifth to hold the office of president since the formation of the company in 1891, and like his immediate predecessor was born and educated in Canada." HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a flower !sponge? A, Select a large sponge with large pores, wet it, and place two 6r three hyancinth bulbs in the pores near the centre. Sprinkle bgrass or mustard seed around the alance of the sponge. Hang the pponge in a sunny window and keep it damp. You will soon have to pretty flower ball entirely cov- ering the sponge. Q. How can I cement loose floor On fireplace tiles? A. A little plaster of Paris mixed with vinegar to a paste, should be Smeared on the loose tiles, and Wee can then be cemented into [place. Do not walk on the tiles !until they are dry. Q. How can I make use of old Dandles? A. Melt the ends of old candies Bind add this to common turpen- tine. The mixture will make an excellent wax for polishing the (Roars. Q. How can I renew an oil mop after washin.g? A. Into a tin box large enough to contain the mop pour 2 table - Spoons of parraffin oil, or 1 table- tppoon each of linseed oil and tepirite of turpentine. Tip and turn the box until the interior is fully coated and then pour off the sur- plus. Put the mop into the box, *over, and allow to stand 48 hours before using. Q. How can I prevent a. bruise Brom discoloring? A. A bit of sweet oil applied as soon as possible to a bruise will often prevent it from discoloring. Modern Etiquette 1. Is it proper when in a group of . people, to speak to another person while someone else is already talking to the whole group? 2. How many attendants does the bride at a home wedding %asuany have? 3. What is the fundamental principle of good breeding? 4. What type of social stationery is in best taste? 5. Is ten cents a sufficient tip for one person, when checking one's wraps? 6. When a girl is introducing her sister to' a person, should she call her "Miss Jones"? ANSWERS 1. No. It is rude to "cross con- verse."- When one attempts to talk with another person while someone is talking to the entire group it probably prevents that person from listening to the first speaker, He may be very interest- ed and wish to listen. 2. The most fashionable home wedding has but two bridesmaids and a maid -of -honor, and many of them have no bridesmaids at all. 3. Consideration for the rights of others. 4. Plain, unrule.d sheeta of note- paper that fold once into their envelopes, the paper may be white, delicate gray, or softly -toned to a pearl or ivory. Subdued tones of blue, green, or buff are not frown- ed upon, but be sure to avoid exaggerated tones and conspicu- ous designs. 5. Yes, Of course, some will give more, but ten. cents is sufficient. 6. No. "Mrs. Harris, this is my sister, Ethel." C.P.R. President Resigns Office Sir Edward Beatty le Sue- ceeded by ®'Alton C. Cole- man Sir Edward Beatty has resigned as president of the Canadian Pao- ific Railway and is succeeded by D. C. Coleman, vice-president of the company, Sir Edward remains chairman of the board. The change in presidency is affective immed- iately. The official announcement said: "At a meeting of the board of directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company held May 1, Sir Edward Beatty, chairman and president, tendered his resigna- tion because of the state of his health. Taken 111 In March "Sir Edward Was stricken with illness in March, 1941, brought about largely by over-exertion and too close application to his multi- farious duties and activities. There has been a marked im- ' provement in recent months, and that improvement, happily, is being maintained; but his doctors have advised him that early and complete recovery can be reach ed only if he divests himself of some of his burdens and responsi- bilities. The directors received his decision with deep regret, but agreed that he should not bo ex- pected to prejudice his chance of recovery. At their request he will continue to act as chairman of the company, and thus be available for counsel at all times. "The directors placed on record their appreciation of the out- standing work Sir Edward per- formed as president during the past 24 years. He brought to the service of the company and its shareholders a rare combination of Photo—Public Information Plans for acampaign S salvage to retrieve tons of thousands of tone of :wrap metal front Canad.iae. farrirs ate presented to Hon. J. T. Thorson, Minister of National War Services, by 11. C. Ray, representative of the International Harvester Company of Canada, Limited. The company will use its 3,000 dealers across Canada to help gel the scrap into the war effort, A. W. Wright and W, 0. Maxwell, company officials, look on. Took Post In 1918 Sir Edward graduated to tiib' presidency of the company from the law department in 1918 when he was a week under 41. During his tenure in office the railway expanded to become known as the world's greatest privately -o w n e d transportation system. Under him Canadian Pao- ific developed railway, chipping, telegraph and hotel services with expenditures of many millions of dollars. When Lord Shaughnessy retired from the presidency he offered the goat to Sir Edward, who at first refused. Shaughnessy is re- ported to have exclaimed: "My God, Beatty, do you want to be a mere lawyer all your life?" Sir Edward was an exponent of a unification program for the Can - adieu Pacific and Canadian Na- tional Railways. He wanted the unification to be under private op- eration. The Government decided for co-operation but with each company maintaining its own. management. Sir Iidwerd was born at Thorold, Ont., in 1877, son of Henry Beatty, Irish founder of the Beatty Steam- ship Lines operating on the Great Lakes, He was educated at Tor•outo. He went to Harbord Collegiate Insti- tute, Upper Canada College, Tor- onto University and finally Os- good° Hall. Later McGill 'Uni- versity and Queen's honored him with chancellorships. 75o Package FREE FREE -75e Package—if you suffer from pains of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Sciatica, Arthritis, Lumbago, Neuralgia, take' PAIN -X Sr. Rheumatic Treatment to: give you relief. Send for a FREE 113e1 PACILAGE today and rid yourself at. pain and misery. There are no. strings to Chia offer. We will send one Free 71 Paeksgeyto each sufferer for trial. Welt*. to'-. The PAIN -X Co., Dept. A, P.O. Box 67, Station 10., Toronto (!Write plainly) ' Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkhans's Vegetable Compound nob only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly Rine - dowel disturbances, It helps build up resistance against distress of ° eiifn- cult clays." Macle in Canada. Have You Heard? An attractive girl dressed 111 the W A T.S. uniform, and a plain Middle-aged spinster were wait- ing for a bus. "Have a eigarettei;' asked the girl, opening her cape. "What! Smoke in public!" ex - 'Wined the woman, shocked to depths. "Why I'd sooner kiss the first man who came down the ;street." "So would 1," retorted the girl. "But have a cigarette while your are waiting." A young fellow had just been introduced to a very deaf old man, "I beg your pardon," said the old man. "1 didn't quite catch your name." "Rutt - .. Rutt," bellowed the young man . . "Eh, no," answered the old man. "I take it drop oe- casionally." There was an earthquake in a South American town which badly *eared the inhabitants. An English family who lived there sent their little son to stay with an uncle in another district for safety's sake. Two days lacer the parents received the following telegram: "Am returning your boy. Send the earthquake." "1I wish you'd atop talking about golf." "Golf 1 4 haven't said a word about golf!" "You said something about a hole in one. I heard you!" "I was talking about sny only pair of clean socks." A reporter was interviewing trite oldest inhabitant of the vil- lage, who had completed his cen- tury. "Have you over been mar- ried?" asked the reporter. "Married!" exclaimed the old man, "Married! I should think I have. Four wives I've had. What's more, one of them was a good unl" "It says here in the paper that in Egypt women carry baskets of fruit and flowers on their heads." "That's nothing so remark- able. Women do that over here and call them hats." "I suppose you find it rather dull in the evenings to the R.A.F. sweet young thing to the R.A.F. pilot. "Simply nothing. to do at all," sighed the pilot. "We just play darts, do the crossword puzzles in the evening papers, drop e. few bombs on Hamburg, and go straight to bed 1" GROWN iN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO "Soma of you pedestrians walk about as if you'd bought the streets." "Yes, and some of you motorists drive about as IP you'd paid for your carat" Jerry: "Why do you fey *at there's too much favorithwtt hs your family?" Tom: "Well, when I bits my nails, I get into trouble; but when baby puts hie foot in his mouth, it's cute." Sweet Young Thing: "Whir' are you running that harrow over the grain field?" Young Farmer: "Oh, Pm raising shredded wheat this year." What Science Is Doing TO CURE "HICCUPS" The case of a man who hiccuped himself to death was reported re- cently. The hiccups lasted 26 days and nights; he could neither sleep nor eat, and finally died of eichanrstion. The average oase of hiccups lasts only from a few minutes to a few hours, but it can be a tantalizing complaint, restat- ing many kinds of treatment, Hicoups are apparently due to a spasm of the diaphragm, the broad, thin muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the ohest cavity, says 'Science Digest. Scaring the patient is about the. most useless of the many "reme- dies." Other supposed Qures i elude drinking water slowly, hold- ing one's breath, counting num- bers, pressing the upper lip, elec- tric shoes to the skin, and ee Borth, The following is a reliable meth- od of treatment that has been used successfully in several cases. It he based on the fact that carbon di- oxide gas—the gas that is used in soda water and that we exhale from the lunge—can stimulate the respiratory nerve centre. The only apparatus needed Is ars ordinary paper bag.. The bag is hfmly placed over the nose and mouth of the patient, who is asked to breathe into and out of it. A.e the oxygen in the bag is used up, the exhaled carbon dioxide gas ao- cumulates, so that in a few mid. otos there 10 enough to produce a curative effect. If the patient begins to hiccup again, the treatments should be repeated. In one case in whiok. this method was used, the patient, a .girl of 22, who began to hiccup while convalescing from infienza, was relieved six minutes after she had been Hiccuping continuously for 42 hours. After seven hours, the spasms again began; the bag treatment was again effective, this time permanently. General MacArthur'5 Flight From Bataan "The inside story of why Gen- eral MacArthur was pulled out of the Philippines can now be told,°' comments Newsweek. "As Iong as it was possible to get supplies to Bataan, Washington believed Mao - Arthur's chances of holding out until the U. S. was able to organ- ize an expedition to relieve him were fairly good. However, it was feasible to run the Japanese block- ade lockade only from the Netherlands In- dies. When Japanese successes late it February made it apparent that the United Nations could not hold Java much longer, it was decided to order MacArthur to Australia." ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS..._. DADY CHIC;cS MARTINDALE'S CANADIAN AP - proved Chicks from bloodteated stock_. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, White bridal A poet LightSussex,our folder and price list. Order your May and June Chicks now from Martindale's Farm Hatchery, Caledonia, Ontario, BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT AF - proved White Leghorna a n d Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets or Cockerels. Breeding since 1902, Send for price list: Wright Farm, Brockville, Ontario. "THEY ARE GREAT CHICKS and rvou can't beat thein for value' writes an Ontario cus- tomer who has been buying Tweddle Chicks for nine con- secutive years. It will pay you to investigate the profit snaking ability of Tweddle Chicks. We have nineteen purebreeds, 9 hy- brid crosses and four breeds of turkeys to choose from. Send 1942 catalogue and MaHatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. THERE'LL BE BRAY CHICKS for later buyers, June delivery chicks and pullets, dayold, start- ed. But it's necessary you tell us now what you need. We're preparing to satisfy all, with a little co-operation, but we've been busy filling orders placed months ago, by poultrykeepers who depend on Bray year after year. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont, CHICKS 'BABY CHICKS IMPORTED ALL - Purpose lairds nine cents, Cocker- els, five cents. May delivery. Hurry! Marshall's, 1300 Yonge, Toronto. PLACARDS, STICKERS WRITE FOR lIIEI) CATALOGUE, Latest Sensational Books. De - Luxe Book Company, 57 Queen St. West, Room 21, Toronto, Ont. BAKERY EQUII'Mi1NT BAILERS' OVENS AND IIACIIIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. rd Portable Oven invited. Bathurst at., Toronto. HELP 'WANTED WANTED AT MUSKUICA HOS- pital Gravenhurst, a married Couple to work together in diet kitchen. Good wages and per- manent position it satisfactory. Experience not necessai'Y. Apply .1, T. Murray., Trincomalee, Ceylon, is little more than a village, but it con- tains one of the six greatest na- tural harbors in the. world. The Andes system is the long- est and highest mountain system in the world, HELP WANTED WANTED WARD AIDER 801t Muskoka Hospital, GravennUrst. Apply to The Superintendent o Nurses. WANTED AT MUSKOK.A FiQ$- pital, Gravenhurst, hoes waitresses. Experience not nen- essary. Apply to J. T. Murray. ECZEMA. SUFFERERS ECZEMA A N D ALMOST ANT itchy tediittircieirnewh Arthur Emmet, Ointment, City Hall Drugs, 70 Queen West, Toronto. CARS — USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 612 Mt. Pleasant Road 2040 Yonge St. and 1660 Danforth Avenue. friendsr . W rite ed rfor our®us Fee Book- let ook let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cars. CAMERAS WANTED CASK FOR YOUR CAMERA. If polut,at modern matte. Let us quote you 00 either still or movie equipment. J. i ichmlund East, Toronto MEDICAL FUJI S T U Al A U H TROUBLES, faulted uwhite acidity, upset ulcers, ach from wrong eating, use Elik's No. 2" prescription of eminent stomach specialist, Ole, $1.00, $2.00. Llrlc's Medicine Co., Dept. \VN saskutouu. 1) i MING •l: CLEANING; HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment l-1, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. o- ronto _... _.. 110li,I)1C.:Ah IT'S .1'1lOVh)N—Every sufferer of Rheumatic: Pains or Neuritis ehuuid try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. l'ostpaid $1.00. PRINTING PAT1UOT1('. (H'Ai STICKb)ltS FOR envelopes and letterheads, 30 for 15e. Placards for doors, win- dow:, a0tomohiio;, hills, and homes, 't0 for 80e. IIaa vie's Flag Store, 208 King !'last Toronto. Itlli;t MA'J'IC'' PAIN SAT./ '"Y Y'UU11n11.P---Every suP,- fe'r'er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Uixon's Rem- edy. Sold only alnnro'8 Drug Store, 811' Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1,/,10, FARM 7/1411IPMENT SPEC/ALS WHILE THEY LAST — DEMON- strating and Rebuilt, Melott0 Cream Separators, # h.p. airs cooled, 11 h.p. Cub engines, Re- built Diesel Engines. in sir 22, 25 and 26 h.p. New ildelottll Cream Separators, Portable Milk- ing Machines, Myers Water Sys- tems, Coal and Wood Stoves, Washing Machines, Melotte, Mag- net, and Premier Separator par Lets Mill ie Grinder parts, oa ried in stock. Special for Apr and May while it lasts. Pal 31.76 per gallon f.o.b. Toronto Write me your requirements t day. S. A. Lister, Stewart Streo Toronto. SUMMER SCHOOL MIDLAND SUMMER SCHOOL Eighth annual session, July sixth - August seventh. Courses for teachers include: (1) Refresh -at work in new upper school twat e- matics and science; (2). in upper school English and bi- ology; (3) tuition in the Normal School subjects; (4) classes in handicrafts, choral reading. and folk -dancing. Enjoy a profitable summer in this glorious Thirty, Thousand Island Vacationland.. For information write the Sec- retary, Midland Summer School, Midland, Ontario, or in Toront' phone Hyland 2684. PATENTS FETli.l;ltSTONHAUGH ea COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Sing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PAPER SALVAGE REMEMBER: LETTERS W 1 T 16 stamps on before 1870 are valu- able. Write R. G. Purdy, 31u Glen Manor Drive, Toronto, for free appraisal. PLANT BARGAIN alit; GEST PLANT BARGAIN E 26 different perennials and bulbs' 4 shrubs; tree evergreen, all, $1,25 prepaid. Two urdei's 5200, Dollar Nurser fes l?unthili,— Onki OLD RUGS I(EWOVEN NEW 0111GS, N1:A1` RUGS A1AJ)J) I'1103& old. Dominion !tug Weaving Coin. pauy, 964 Queen St. W., Toronto. Write for booklet. WANTED MALI) TANNERY LABOURERS, ago 45 to 65 years or younger, it you have diaehar're paper's. Good wages to good workers, :Donnell .5t Mudge Limited, Neat Toronto......_ i'HOTOGRA1'IIl' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The iloat, 0ti,in, or Dail HAVE YOUR SNAPS Dole ered by Mail Any 0 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25o. Sum eine quality and fast service gear'ahteed, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Ste tion 8, Tor"irt.ii