HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-30, Page 4Loyal citizens do not hoard. They buy only for their im- mediate needs. They cheerfully adjust their standard of living, realizing that their country's needs must come first. They do not try to gain unfair ad- vantages over their neighbours. Are you a hoarder or a loyal citizen? Are you hampering Canada's war effort by un- necessary buying? Or are you People 'who buy more of any- thing than they currently need, and merchants 'Echo encourage them to do so, are sabotaging the war effort and are therefore public enemies. co-operating to the best of your ability to save Canada from such horrors as Hong Kong? If Canadians do their duty, there will be no more hoarding. Everyone will get a fair share of the goods available. More food can be sent to Great Britain. More raw materials -- more manpower — will be available for making guns, tanks, planes and other armaments to back up our armed forces. In cases where it is advisable for you to buy in advance of your immediate requirements — such as your next season's coal supply—you will be encouraged to do so by direct statement from responsible officials. WARTIME . PRICES AND TRADE BOARD OTTAWA ZURICH LD 'Thursday, April nth, 29;42 UB ER Is now a vita/ wat material Enemy action in the Far East has caused such an acute shortage of rubber that our whole war effort is in serious danger. Canada and her Allies must have rubber, quickly, for the armed forces, for factories, for ships. 'The Javanese control our source of crude rubber imports—the only other quickly available supply is old scrap rubber, which can be reclaimed. Every citizen in Canada must do his part in collecting all the scrap rubber in the country and turning it over to the Government for war purposes. Here is how to do it. THIS IS AN' Tir GENT APPEAL FOR YOUR HELP Question: Is the rubber situation really serious? Answer: The shortage of rubber is so grave that any citizen hoarding rubber or using it unnecessarily is committing an act of disloyalty. It is now illegal to destroy any rubber article. Question: Of what use is reclaimed rubber? Answer : Old rubber is processed so that the rubber content is reclaimed. This reclaimed rubber is used in the manufacture of essential articles for our war effort, thus replacing crude rubber. Question: How trine% scrap rubber is needed? Answer: Fifty Million Pounds. This is a large quantity, but it MUST be found. Every old piece of rubber in Canada, no matter how small, is needed, QUICKLY. Question: Should I turn in any usable rubber articles as well as worn out ones? Answer; Absolutely not 1 By no means discard anything that is still useful and that might have to be replaced. On the other hand, rubber tires used as boat bumpers, swings, etc., should be turned in for war uses. HOW DO X TURN 1 L The school boys and girls of Canada are being organized, through the school authorities, to act as Official Collectors of Scrap Rubber. The school nearest you is, therefore, your best Collection Depot. You may dispose of your scrap rubber in any one of the following four ways: Question : What kind of scrap rubber is needed? Answer : Every all -rubber or part -rubber article must be salvaged. Here are a few of the: articles you must turn in: Old Tires of every kind Rubbers. Old Inner Tubes Overshoes Rubber Boots, Hats, Coats, Aprons, Pants, Gloves, Tubing, Matting, Toys Sport Shoes (crepe soles are especially good> Garden Hose Hot Water Bottles Stair Treads Bathing Caps and many other articles Questions What happens to the scrap rubber - collected ? Answer: The scrap is sorted, baled and as- sembled into carload lots and is then purchased by the Government at fixed prices throughout Canada. The Government pays forwarding transportation charges on these carload lots, and is responsible for their allocation. You :nay be sure that every pound will be used directly or indirectly in the war effort. Question: How do I go about saving scrap rubber? Answer: Start hunting for it TODAY. Clean, out your cellars, attics, garages and sheds right away. You will find more rubber articles than you expect. Start them all on their way to the battlefront. 1. Give it to the children for their school collection. 2. Give it to your local National Salvage Com- mittee. 3.. Leave it with any Service Station or Tire Dealer where you see the sign; "Voluntary Scrap Rubber Receiving Depot." 4. Sell it to a junk collector. When you gather up your scrap rubber and dispose of it by one of these methods, it will be used by the Government for Canada's War Effort. Do it NOW! Department ofunnitions and Supply SCRAP RUBBER DIVISION RO'kAL BANK BUILDING, TORONTO This advertisement is issued in co-operation with The National Salvage Campaign, Department of National War Services 1 : e A S H W () O D 1 Mr, Samuel Gottschalk of Ilan-; her daughter in Ingersoll. Ir. ar 1 .Mrs. A, Koossol and rani-•'sa,i1 called on friends her on Priday 141is8 Antionette Tiler who ,has illy of I-ln ing, Mich., spent the Seca- Mr- iass•�td hal re+rrihrt hom i, ::71 ill London r, snr for time, ha,: ol` ` .,-,b ,,,.. cz l weeks W1i,h+ at.curned borne., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel of ',Cor- gnto spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Stadelbauer and family and Mrs. R. Flynn of London, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P. Kraft and Mrs. Tiernan. 'Mats, Ness who has spent the win- ter in London has returned home. Miss Jean Weber of Woodstock, spent the week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Weber. Mrs, Meyer of Chicago is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Becker at the Evangelical parsonage. Quite a number are attending the Evangelical Conference in Zurich this week. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan of Hensell accompanied by Miss Mitch- ell visited with friends here on Sun- day. uite a number have been on the suck Iist with the flu. Wt are pleased to report that Mr. Herb Stephan who has been iIl is improving. Seeding in this community is a- bout finished but the farmers report the land dry and in need of rain. FOR SALE A quantity of Green Mountain potatoes for sale. —Apply .to Harry IVIcAdanis, Phone 82r25. To the Men who Till the Soil Spring is here and time to start 'work on the land not far away. How about your work shoes for the spring work. You shoul dsee E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This lime has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER NOTICE Beginning Wednesday May 6th, the places of business in Zurich will be declared as a half holiday every Wednesday afternoon during the summer months. By Order. —Zurich Police Trustees. ��—...�3�•"'^�•.�••�"•3C^I••.^F139R"�WvfC.••.YA:YSRCIiiIYf':.+.•:-=_f�G9Z�6^�.JVSfTT.3TiII .P.i:urMVXi.dR-.. ;r For Sale The following Sewing machines 1 Raymond cabinet; 2 Singer drop. heads; 1 White drophead. All iit. good condition.—Mrs. Fred Thiel, LOST In Zurich a pair of ladies black • kid gloves. Finder please leave wiik Mr. Herb. Krueger.. Nobody can keep a tire from wearing out ... but we can keep it from wearing out too soon. We can make tires give mileages that you never dreamed possible. We do this through Goodyear Tire Life Extension Plan. And YOU, Mr. Motorist, can have this plan start to work on your tires .. RIGHT NOW. Thousands of motorists KNOW they are on their last tires now . . . but they're not worried ... they're giving their tires the tremen- dous benefits of regular, sys- tematic care . . . AT LOW COST. If you want your car running •a year or two from today then you'd better sign up, at once, for the Goodyear Tire Life Extension Plan. HERE'S WHAT WE DO FOR YOU We see your tires every week to en. - sure absolutely accurate air pres- sures. Every month your tire treads. and sidewalls get a thorough going; over to stop troubles developing ... wheels and brakes are examined.. Every two months tires are painted, valve caps and cores replaced if necessary. Every four months tires are removed, examined inside and out to stop faults from developing, tubes are tested, rims cleaned and graphite applied to rim wells. Every six months tires are switched to reverse direction of rotation and°: prolong wear. Three tube repairs are included in the policy. In addition to above .services we give, if needed, one vulcanized section tire repair or two vulcanized spot repairs and one road service: call at no extra cost. Klopp's One -Staff Service Zurich - Ontario