HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-30, Page 1ZURICH HERAL 'Forty Second Year ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30 (942. All that we have is in peril; Rates? $L25 in Canada, in advance. #1,58 is U.S.A., in adwanal CHESTER L. SMITH, Pulrlisl es help to protect it; Save and Give Are You Suffering From Headaches? f so; Have your Eyes Examined with • the Lattest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIGH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE A Permanent Wave is always a very acceptable Gift, and greatly im- proves the appearance of one's head. —Stake this your motto. No increase in prices. Give ue a calL MRS. EDW. GASGSO, Prop. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine And can serve, the public now !better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. AfRS. FRED THIEL'•, Proprietress 1 COMFORTABLE' GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday,. Mrs. John Baker of Zurich wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Margaret 'Caoline Reichert to Eric Benson Switzer, both of St- anley Township. The mariage to take place early in May. FINDS TRADE COIN We are in receipt of a communi- cation from Mrs. Carl Burn (nee Miss Catherine Mesmer) froln Mil- verton a id formerly of Zurich stat- ing that Mr. H. Porteous, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Milver- ton had handed th.em a little token he had picked up in the streets of Toronto, and thought as Mrs. Burn had been a former Zurich resident, it would be of some interest. The article was an aluminum trade check good for 5c. merchandise at the general store of John Preeter, Zur- ich, Ont. The writer is of the same opinion as we are; Who dropped it? And it's not such a small world after all. 6090•411•0•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••: • 1 ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the T • •business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a 3 •72 position to render courteous and efficient service To - • to Zurich and the surrounding community. • is• 3 •3 0 • 0 FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE •• Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich e • • 1,l0O0i•••••Wll••••••/i•000061•0•00••/•••••a•••••••0!• • ,.r Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- ional service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake & Brokenshire WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Van Camp's tomatoes, large tin 11c Marmalade, 32 -oz jar 25c Cheese, half lb. boxes .. 1 8c Miracle Whip, 8 -oz. jar 21c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin, 2 for T 9c Par Coffee, I -lb. tin .•••••• 49c Fry's cocoa, half -lb. tin ....._.....„.. 19c Kellogg's 3 pkgs. ......,.... 25c Palmolive soap per cake ...... ......... 6c :Princess soap flakes, large pkg. 25c 'Minute tapioca per pkg. 72c Giant peas, per tin ,-......... 1 5c Red River cereal 2 -lbs. pkg. 25c Tea Bisk, per pkg...•.._-...... 19c Pork and beans 2, 20 oz. tins, 2 for 19c Magic bleach, 2 bottles 1 7c J. W. MERNE THE PLEBISCITE The Dominion -wide Plebiscite of the people of Canada taken on Mon- day was not as largely voted on as was possible. This was probably due to the fact that there was no part contest to get out the voters. How- ever, the results • are as many had anticipated, with the majority of Canada rolling up a big "Yes' vote, and the Province •of Quebec .rolling up a big "No” majority. But the total majority over 'Canada will be in favor of "Yes" and the present Donimion Government now will 'have authority to prosecute the war effort to whatever extent they see mostad- visable. Local Results. .Hay Township Poll No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s "No" Majority Hensall Exeter ,Seaforth Stanley Twp. Yes 88 65 65 39 19 "aS 27 26 387 331 943 490 520 St. Joseph and Beaver No 19 5 141 145 77 85 27 66 565 1'78 12 71 50 78 Town The Messrs. Alponse Jeffrey and Benedict Denomme of St. Peter's Seminary, London, were Sunday vis- itors with their parents of the Blue Water Highway. • Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte of the village of Drysdale were visitor on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the Blue Watch. south. Messrs. Calvin and Robert Will- iams motored to London on Sunday Mr. Wilmer Snyder of London, spent a few days at his home here. Mr. Daniel Smith is spending the week in town renewing old friends. Mr. Chas. Hay of London was a week -end visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1Iowald who have been at London for siome time have returned to Zurich for the sum- mer. Lovly growing weather is greeting us these days, a nice shower of rain would help considerably. But the weather is nice and warm. Sorry to report that Mr. Rudy Swartzentruber of the Bronson line recently fell down the barn embank- ment and injured himself somewhat. Mr. and Mrs Samuel E. Fau c of Mitchell were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man. Rev. Paul Erb of Wallace was the speaker of the Sunday evening services in the Evangelical church. He is staying for the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch. The ever-growing town water sy- stem has recently added five new customers and is making quite fav- orable progress, as at present 65 dwellings and business places are being supplied. And the more cus- tomers that hook on the line with Mr. N. A. Gantin of St. Joseph the very limited pumping equipment capacity, the customers will have to conserve using water only when nec- essary during the peak load hours. Three large tractors are busily engaged day and night, 24 hours a day in levelling off and shaping up the grounds in the emergency land- ing airfield west of town. It is re- ported that the Department has also purchased the Rose farm at the cor- ner of the Zurich road and 15th concession, `containing 100 acres. The fine brick residence of the Sch- ilbe farm is being torn down this week, we understand, ane all former property owners are asked. ro vacate as soon as possible. OBITUARY left on Sunday .last for Wmdlior;^ where he is employed in carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Masse motored to Goderich on Sunday last where they were visitors with some of their children who reside there. • The Sararas family. of the Blue Water motored„ to Brueefield on Sun- day being guests to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor. Mr. Hubert Ducharme of the Home Dairy, London, visited with his parents, on Sunday. last. Tho Master Hubert has been only a short time in the bakery and -only in his 'teens, • he has been given charge of a floor. Congratulations for your promition. Farmers Busy We still hear the buzzing of trac- tors in the fields, but they are gett- ing over the last leg of the grain seeding. There .may be left a few acres for bean seeding, but due to the falling market, well, we believe in this neighborhood they can be counted on the fingers of four hands. Just Went Astray On Monday last a team of horses hooked to a grain drill gave a little excitement to her driver; although they were captured before any harm was clone. Oh, Well- taking every- thing else in consideration, there is nothing wrong in it, if dumb ani- mals do go astray] AUCTION • SALE Fr Property and Household Effects At ZURbCH, on SATURDAY, MAY 2nd, 1942 At 1.00 o'clock, p.m. Property—Frame house with. kit- chen, upstairs and cellar, 'hard water tree, 1 -5th acre land, nicely located at north end of town. Sold subject to reserved bid. Terms -10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Effects—Kitchen range nearly new glass cupboard, other cupboard, kit- chen table, piano ease organ, wash- ing machine and wringer, 2 beds with springs, large bureau, 2 trunks, cedar chest , 6 -gal. erocks, small crocks, 60, fruit sealers, 2 wicker chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, S -tray clock, Inner set, ladder, garden tools, ;.citing desk, baby carriage, iron pot, aluminum kale.,pails, pans, picture frames, wash tub, 2 coaloil 'amps, coffee grinder, carpentertool chest, bread pan, sad irons, cel- lar table, studio couch new, and numerous articled.. TERMS—CASH • Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. :MISS' Medeline Mireaa P.ropetress. Laid to Rest The funeral of .the late Rosalie Mireau of Zurich was held on Friday morning with Requiem mass being I sung at St. Boniface R. C. Church, Rev. Father L. W. Power officiating. Interment following in the R. C. cemetery. The deceased was in her 82nd year and had been ill for a year and a half. Was born at Dundas and movedto Drysdale when nine years of age. She was resident in Zurich for many years, her husband the hate David Mireau predeceased 1)1 yrs Surviving are three daughters, Mad- eline, and Bertina at home and Mrs Win. Thompson of Brussels; foot sons, Edward Mireau of St. Clare, Mich;, Jerry of London; Win, and Fred of Zurich; four sisters, Mrs. Wm. Bedard of Courtright; Mn. Louis Denome of Detroit; Mrs. Jos. Corriveau of Drysdale and Mrs. Ed. Bedard of. Drysdale. Late Philip Schade There passed away at his home, on Monday, on the Blue Water, 4 miles south of St. Joseph, an aged double garage, grape Vines, pear • and highly respected lifelong resi- dent of the community in the person of Mr. Philip Schade, in his 89th yr. Deceased who was .always of a kind and helpful disposition, had • been born in the neigborhood, living all his lifetime there. and has been con- fined to • his bed for the past two• years or so, during which time he did considerable suffering, although always in good spirits and of good cheer. maintaining great christian fortitute. Surviving besides his bereaved companion for 48 years, Christena. Turnbull, is one son Joh; and a brother Henry Schade of Lon- don. The funeral is being held on Wednesday afternoon with inter- ment in Grand Bend cemetery, and services in Grand Bend United Church, with Rev. Mr. Beacom officiating. And so .another highly respected resident of the westerly pant' •of Ray Township has gone on to Rest wath his Maker, DO YOU NEED GLASSES HAVE A SPECIALIST Examine Your Eyes ..et Hess fill your prescription. Ful Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. _ aw PHONE YOUR 0 ��h►l��rt� For positive identification oI the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co, Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensall WANT TO BUY? A GOOD USED CAR SEE WARD FRITZ (FIRST) FOR THE LOWER PRICES, CLEAN CARS, TIRES LIKE NEW. EASY TERMS, AND A LARGE SEL- ECTION TO CHOOSE FROM 1939 Chev. Special DaLux Sedan, a 'dark' blue, heater, gear shift on Steering Column. This car is like new •in all respects. 1937 Pontiac Sedan, black, defrosters and heater, very clean, priced below $600.00. • • • 1,938 Ford Delux Coach, heater, Banjo type steering wheer, dual horns, grill guard, upholstering and finish like the day it left factory 1938 Chev. Coach, without knee action; full front seat, as clean as a New Car inside. 1932 Ford 4 Cylinder Coach, with a brand new Motor. 11936 Dodge Custom Coach, dark blue, motor completely overhauled, full front seat, trunk and steel top. 1937 Chev. Standard Coach, dark green, steel top, trunk. These models are scarce. Hurry - 1938 Ford Coach, new motor, Only $535.00 1936 V8 Coach, Trunk $415. 1934 Chev. Coach, original Finish $345. 1934 Ford Coach, a beauty, at $375. 1928 Ford Coach as is $80. 1929 Ford Coupe as is $73 1937 Chev. Standard Sedan, only $395• 1933 4-Clyinder Ford, very nice, but scarce ... $295. 1930 Chev. sedan, newly paintd 1930 Chev. Coach, runs and looks like new, small mileage 1929 Ford Coupe, one that has had good care. 1935 Dodge coach, trunk, Newly Painted .... $425. 1936 Dodge Sedan, overhauled, and repainted with trunk $465. ARD FRITZ Spring Requirements Housecleaning Time is here again, and also Paint- ing and Papering time. We have a good variety of Scarfe's House Paints; Four-hour enamels, var- nishes and schelecs. Come in and see our sample book of new wall Papers at popular prices. Don't forget your seeds for early planting Good supply of Chick starters, also most called for feeds kept on hand. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phoned 11-97