HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-23, Page 5NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL GOAL Pry your order for Coal in now! H MOM Care are oat order. A tail pimply of Coe', Cedar ,Poste, S. C. illedn lar, Concentrates, Stock 1�aersls, fIa1t, Oils and Fertilizers of edl brands. Hensel! Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIA.N .0r. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON- • INse with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store fns• -98. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary taste, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern prineiples, Charges reasonable. Day or night sans promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennas. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116 HENSALL. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. !flet, 1986, $22,391,527.00 • Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. !Rates_—$4.54 per $1,000 for 8 Years 'E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance WANTED FOR RENT—Comfortable home, in Hensall, opposite McCall-Frontenac station; Hydro and garden. —Apply to James Broadfoot, Parr line, Hay. FOR QUICK SALE Quantity of hay, bean straw and a trailer. Russell Manson. AUTOS FOR SALE We are going to discontinue the used car business for the time being. A11 cars on hand are offered by us at exactly cost price, and this means Cost Price. -.These cars are all in first class condition. Now on Hand: '1936 Chevrolet Coach. 1936 Ford ;Sedan. 1935 Chevrolet Coach. 1933 Ford Sedan 1940 Ford Sedan 1938 Ford Sedan 1 R. C. A. Victor Car Radio. L. A. PRANG & Son, Zurich NOTICE We still have a quantity of Con- tract Barley to put out among the farmers. Get in touch with us as soon as possible. Geo. T. Mickle, Hensall. FOR SALE A desirable brick dwelling in Zur- ich, including two lots. Apply to Mrs. Mary Miller, Zurich. For Sale L2 -hoe Massey -Harris drill, light wagon with pole, Fleury walking plow Apply to Samuel Ropp, Hensall, 1942 CHICKS NEUHAUSER'S (GOOD LUCK) BABY CHICKS A number of good young well started Cockerels for sale. Phone 112. Agent FERD HABERER, ZURICH. WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Horses. Phone Crediton Central, re- verse charges.—Jack Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-6 '41 ZURICH SMD • 0 +' Mr. Joseph Foster is having m ern conveniences installed in his home on Louise stereet. A couple of carloads of relatives attended the funeral of the late Wil- liam Knopp at Stratford on Sunday. Mr. Louis Ayotte of Cheboygan, Michigan is spending a few days at the home of his •daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Denomme, St. Joseph. The Zurich Flour Mill has recently installed a modern feed mixer f the convenience of the farmers axr feeders. This machine has a to capacity and mill mix all consentral in the best may, and is meeting wi very good •success. Mr. and Mrs..Austin Hey. of De troit;' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey, o Crediton were Sunday visitors wi their mother here. The former, Mr. and Mrs. Hey have just recently re- turned from a motor trip to Florida. The officials of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co., held their bus- od day mess aneetixlg at Dashfood on Satur- fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, Mr.' Eldon Johnston from Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe. Mrs. Johnston and chuldren who were visiting with the Schilbe'sith thethempast. week returned home w Rev. Paul Erb of the Wallace Evangelical church will preach on or Sunday evening in he Zurich Evan- gelical church. Rev. Erb is tlhe Conference statistian and also Con- n ference pianist. d es' th Womens' Institute 'Phe annual meeting of the Wom- - en's Institute was held at a, pot luck f ' supper and an old-time costume re- htview. The nominating coirimittee gave the report as follows:' Honor- ary president, Mrs. Menno Oeseh; president, Mrs. Harry Rose; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Wm. Hay; 2nd vice-pres. Mrs. E. Gascho; secy., Mrs. Newell Geiger; asst, Mrs. Ward Fritz; treas- urer, Mrs. J. Hey; asst. Mrs. J. A. Addison; pianist, Mrs. H. H. Hess; asst. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer; press cor- respondent, Mrs. T. Meyers; district director, Mrs. J. Hey. The judges of costumes, Mrs. L. Willert, Mrs. E. Heideman, Mrs. W. Hay and Mrs. E. Schilbe awarded the prize to Mrs. Susanna Haberer. Mrs. Newell Gei- ger, was presented with gifts. Have Become Organized • The organization for conducting the plebscite next Monday has about completed, with Mr. H. H. Neeb as organizer, among the officials ap- pointed are: Wm. Chapman, James Petty, Milford ,Sehilbe, Jacob Haber- er, Wm. Edighoffer, Mark Broken - shire, James McAllister, Leonard Sararas. Attended Tea Miss Anna Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London on Satur- day afternoon, the latter four at- tending the Tea at Brescia Hall, where faculty and student of the Home Economics Department at Brescia were hostesses. The work of the year was displayed. The social room was effectively decorated with daffodils and evergreens. Presiding over the attractive tea table were Mrs. (Dr.) W. Sherwood Fox, Mrs. J. A. Gunton, Mrs. T. F. Kingsmill, and Mrs D. F. MacDonald. Tea-room assistants included the five students who will receive their degrees in Home Economics at 'convocation this summer. They are: Katherine Kin- gsmill, Catherine MacDonald, Rosa - belle Mitchell, Megan McNaughton and Mac Smith. OBITUARY Dies at Stratford William IKlopp, Jr., died .at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Klopp, 231 Church street, Stratford, following an illness of a- bout nine weeks. He was in his 21st year. A native of Stratford, he was educated in public school and Strat- ford Collegaite Institute, living in the city till last June, when he became an apprentice at a Kitchener funeral. hone. Surviving besides his parents are three sisters, •of Straerord. A private funeral service was held at the family residence Sunday after- noon, April.19th, followed by a public service in Zion Lutheran Ch- urch at 2.30. Rev. H. F. Gruhn offi- ciated. Interment was in Avondale cemetery. Polls open From 8 a.m. tow 8 p rn , DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY DE PARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, OTTAWA, ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZIJAICH —.. ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing Wrld. Friday, 3h ---Luther League. `i'hurrday---fGhoir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. tn.—Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 p. m,—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m.-4-Divine Worship. 11 p.m. --Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Speaker—Rev. Paul Erb. Thursday, April 28rd, 142 Work Shoes WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF RELIABLE WORK SHOES In Panco and Leather .Soles. Best quality. In all sizes; at all Prices. A pair to suit you all, also Dress Shoes For Men, Women and 'Children. STYLED and PRICED Just Right! GIVE US A CALL Free Coupons with all your purchases IN REPAIRING Men's half ,Soles nailed for ...90e Women's •Half Soles Nailed on 70c Men's Half .Solesc Sewn on ..•x;1.00 All No. 1 Quality. E. J. DATARS Relialfle Footwear and Shoe Repair. ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us a Call! "We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Best" d.PURINA OHOW We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as • 4. Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey : + Feeds, Etc., Etc. 'I' rFresh Shipment EveryM�,ra.nol;.e,:.• + + at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 .:•++,...:-:•+++.:-.:•++++++++++++++ .. +++++++ + MASSEY-HARRIS NE VJ i Our complete line of Farm Implements are not to be excelled regardless of where they are made We have all Canadian Products made by Canadian Workmen and run by Canadian capital. ..See ..us for your next purchase of farm equipment All genuine M. -H. parts kept in Stock or orders taken. FOR SALE:—A. good Percheron Colt rising two, very cheap. O. KLOPP SONS Res. 67 lTd. Shop 149 111111111';ilGllilll!q;ilrill lailmiii H�I�111111111111 I 111111 IIIIII1111111f1111 i1111111E111111111111' i IMRE 1 ,1+<,II 1111111 „„ MPILAKI �u11 I;;'ulllu11111U Zurich lin Store QUALITY DRUGS NOTICE Help Win The War ---Tooth Paste and Shaving Cream Tubes are urgently needed. They are made sof tin .and will be znelten down and used for War purposes. Bring us your empty tubes. SEE OUR FINE SUPPLY OF STATIONcit EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES ..COD LIVER OIL Highest quality available from reliable Drug Houses. See Our Fine Window Display Dr. J. A. Addison, Proprietor 11111111111111111I111111111111111U11111111i1111111111lllllllllllilu 11111111111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111 KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Cease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car .for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used. Car Lot in Connection