Zurich Herald, 1942-04-23, Page 4iliwyS FOUR
(I) THAT a Proclamation of the Governor in Council dated the 9th
day of March, 1942, ordered a plebiscite to be taken in every
electoral district in Canada on the question set out in the ballot
papers to be used thereat in the following words and form:
Vote by making a cross, thus X, after the word 'Yes' or
after the word 'No'.
Are you in favour
of releasing the gov-
ernment from any
obligation arising
out of any past com-
mitments restrict-
ing the methods of
raising .men for mili-
ilitary se rvi ce ?
THAT the date fixed as polling day for the said plebiscite is
Monday, the 27th day of April, 1942.
(3) THAT polls will be open in each polling division from 8 o'clock
a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. (daylight saving time).
(4) THAT new lists of voters have been specially prepared for the
said plebiscite.
(5) THAT the said lists are what may be termed "open lists" which
means that, in either urban or rural polling divisions, any qualified
voter whose name has been omitted from same may vote on polling
day in his polling division upon taking the required oath and upon
being vouched for on oath by a voter whose name appears on the
list of voters for such polling division.
(6) THAT National Registration Certificates are required to be pro-
duced by qualified urban voters whose names have been omitted
from the lists of voters, and by those voters only, before being
allowed to vote.
THAT advance polls will be opened in the same localities; and on
the same conditions as at the last General Election.
(8) THAT, as a general rule, every person who has ordinarily resided
in Canada during the last twelve months is entitled to vote at'
the said plebiscite if he is twenty-one years of age and a British
subj ect.
(9) THAT voters will be entitled to vote in the polling division in
which they were ordinarily residing on the 30th day of March last.
(10) THAT urban voters have been advised of the location of their
polling stations on the notices left at their dwelling places by the
(11) THAT rural voters have been notified in the Notice to Voters
posted up in the post offices, and should have been verbally advised
by the rural enumerators of the location of their polling stations.
(12) THAT, generally, polling stations for the said plebiscite will be
established at or near the same premises as at the last General
(13) THAT arrangements are being made to collect the results of the
'plebiscite on the evening of polling day as is done at a General
(14) THAT every Canadian on active service or in training in any of
His Majesty's forces or corps, within or without Canada, is entitled
to vote at the plebiscite in advance of polling day by virtue of a
special procedure provided.
Dated at Ottawa this 20th day of. April, 1942.
Chief Plebiscite Officer.
(Concluded from page One)
1 You are not called on to declare
wat tiler you approve of the policy of
holding a• plebscite; you may deno-
une it as cowardly, conteintable and
shameful or you may praise it as
honesty ,statesmanlike, far-seeing and
democratic but the 'ballot gives you
no opportunity of expressing either
of these views. If you believe that
the Government should have assumed
the responsibility without recourse to
a 17lubscite, you will injure your own
cause if you abstain fro pivoting of
vote "no" to indicate your disapprov-
al. Your "yes" vote is the only
means open to you of bringing pres-
sunri on the. Govt. to make the de-
cision you desire.
2 Noy are not called on by this
Plebseite to declare whether or not
you believe in constription for over-
s aka now. And affirmative vote simply
mcon,, that in the event of compet..
Q+tit, informed opinion concluding the
itkcfat of the Axis powers can best
be obtained by the use •af compulsion
to ensure adequate forces to points
where they can be of the greatest
.value. Your Government will not be
held back by undertakings given un-
der conditions which were. entirely
'different from that which new exists
3 You are not called on by this
Plebscite, to vote for or against the
Government. Party affiliations and
political views should not affect your
judgment as all parties in the House
.are asking f'or an affirmative vote on
4this Plebscite; at least that is the
wish !of the Liberals, Conservatives,
C.C. F's and the Social Credit group
ion .affirmative vote is not a vote for
!the Govt, nor is a negative one a.
;condemnation. This is the answer,
alike, to those who never voted for a
Liberal Govt. and to those who fear
an affirmative .answer will cnbarass
the Govt. by removing the last ob-
stacle to its making• a difeur,. decis-'
4 You are not called on to decide
any question, other than whether the
Government should feel free to foll-
ow .a policy that may become ncces-
sary to ensure victory. The decision
:must not be affected by other con-
siderations. Therefore, disregard poi -
"hits raised to distort your judgment
!on this one issue. We have certain
sections of our people who denounce
the Govt. for coddling labour; other
;sections denounce it for being too
hostile to labour; others insist that
all wealth should be constripted or
that this class or that class is not
receiving fair treatment. The Pleb-
risite does not give any one an op-
portunity to record his views on
such questions. The one question
you will have to answer if brief and
'definite nd is as follows; "Are you
in favor of releasing the Governm-
ent from any ,obligation arising out
of past commitments restricting t}u i
methods of raising risen for military'
5 You are called upon to cnti'c:ipatt.
Ivhnt the. Govt. many or may not rlr
in the even) of an 'ablative reply
If you feel that the Govt. should be
released from any commitments al-
ready made, then you should so vote
to relieve them. As citizens, this is-
sue is definitely yours and your re-
sponsibility cnnot be passed on t o
some one else. Indeed T .feel that I
cannot emphasize this point too str-
ongly. You feel that on account of
the scarcity of gas, etc., you can-
not conveniently get not to poll
your vote. This must be squarely met
by yourself. However, we should re-
member that splendid votes have
been given on important issues long
before we had gas for transportat-
6 You arenot voting to put Caan-
ada ahead of any other part of the
Empire. This is our war as much as
k is Britain's war, as much as it is
China's or the war of the United St-
ates of America. It is more than that
It is a war of free people everywhere
and of those seeking to regain their
freedom. It is a war too prevent the
world fro mfalling back into the dark
ages. Enlightened self interest dist-
ates our full participation. Finally,
we must remember one thing above
all else -the probable re -action of
our Allies and of our enemies, to
the hesult, We can analyze, discuss
and explain the vote to our own sat-
isfaction, set our leisure, but the re-
action .abroad will be immediate and
conclusive. A substantial:affirmative
majority will be accepted as a dem-
onstration of National unity. A decl-
aration that the Canadian people are
ready to make the utmost sacrafice
for the .Commno Cause. A negative
majority or even a substantial neg-
ative minority would be a vertible
tragedy. Canada would be classed as
largely Isolationist and neutral if
not openly anti-British .sand anti -Allyl
The proud position which our Dom-
inion gained in the comity of Nations
through the heroism of her sons and
daughters in the years 1914 to 1918
would be sacrificed. Undoubtly we
would be lowered in the eyes of all
our Democratic Allies. Therefore,
let there .be no doubt or complacency
or apathy as the Plebisite approach-
es. Unanimity is too much to hope
for but let us all unite in an eff-
ort to roll up a majority that will
silence Canada's critics.
In conclusion, may I appeal to all
Legions, Service Clubs, Chambers of
Commerce., Boards of Trade, Munici-
pal Councils,County Councils, Lea-
ders in Church work and all others
who in any way take an interest in
the welfare of our Country, to use
their influence and lend a helping
hand in assisting this County's War
Service Committee to make t,iis vote
one which every citizen in this dis-
trict, in this country and throughout
the Empire, may well be proud -of.
Now Ladies and Gentlemen, I
am glad to have had the Opportun-
ity of making this appear to our co-
unty and to my own riding of Huron
'Perth and I am anxious to make the
sme appeal to all those who may be
listening in on athis program. Ap-
peals along these lines are being
made in many sections of our Dom-
The business people of Dashwood
will observe Wednesday afternoon as
half holiday during the summer mon-
ths beginning the ,first •Wednesday in
Donald Gaiser had the misfortune
to fall down a step fracturing a bone
in his ankle.
Glen Walper of Kitchener spent
the week -end with his parents.
Theodore Luft of Kitchener spent
the week -end with his parents, Rev.
'and Mrs. T. Luft.
' Mrs. Fred Willert who spent the
winter with her daughter in U.S.A.,
has returned to her hone here.
Miss Mildred Luft of Toronto sp-
ent the week -end with her parents.
Charles Tieman while in the bush
last Thursday climbed into a tree
and fell to the ground cutting a
nast gash in his head which render-
ed him unconscious. However, we
are pleased to report he is getting a-
long nicely providing no after eff-
ects follow.
The Dashwood Evangelical congr-
egation have purchased a new Min-
chel electric organ for the church.
Ray Guenther who has been in
Toronto for some time has returned
Grand Bend Red Cross Society
held their April meeting, which was
undtr the -chairmanship of Mr. Holt,
president. Dr. R. H. Taylor, of Dash-
wood, guest speaker was an added
feature of the event., presenting a
most able and informative address,
A committee of eight men were ap-
pointed to liik after the salvage cam-
paign which is in progress; $49.50
was realized from the qur;t draw;
Miss Audrey Gill of Grand Bend,
the winner of the quilt; the silver
Collection amounted to $6.15; enter-
tainment was provided by Mrs. M.
Mason, Mrs. E. Desjardine, Mrs. R.
Holt; Messrs. E. Desjardine, 13. Ray.(
elle, Ezra Webb, Jas. Dexamme, Mrs 1
Ross Disjardine presented the report
of work accomplished, and, forwarded
knitting --24 prr. service socks; 5 pr
sea hoots, 3 alternative caps; 1..areo
cap, 1 turtle -neck ,sweater, 6 scarves
2 pr.. whole mitts, 8 girls, sweaters,
size 16; girl sweater size 8; 2 in-
fants sots; Sowing----pr...mens pyja-
mas, 4 nightgowns; pr. bloomers, 2
girls bloomers, girls dress and pan-
tie set; 2 pr. boys pants; 8 quilts;
A social hour was spent and lunch-
eon served; the hostess were Mrs.
Rods Desjardinc, MissM T)isjardine,
Mrs. Earl Finnan, Mi.'s. Mason, Mrs.
Wallace Disjardine.
'Thursday, 2,3;.(1;,190'
To the Men who Till the Soil
Spring is here and time to start work on the land
not far away. How about your work shoes for
the spring work. You shoal dsee E. H. Edighoffer
about them before you buy. We carry the famous
line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has
stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con-
sidering quality.
We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf
also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are made
with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and
narrow toes, If it is quality shoes you want E. H.
Edighoffer has them.
In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can
buy. Give us a call,,our prices are right.
II.. • •
• • •
Phone 48 Hensall Ont.
As Warde n of the County of Huron I hereby urge
that all electorst in the County of Huron exercise
their franchise on the Plebiscite vote which will be
held on Monday April 27th. It is necessary that a
"Yes" vote be recorded so that our Government
will be relieved of their pledge and in a position to
wage an all out war. A "Yes" vote at the forth-
coming Plebiscite is a vote for a United..Canada..
To stay away from the polls is paramount to voting
"No". Use your franchise and vote.
George Armstrong,
Warden, County of Huron.
Melodramatic, tragic, something
cynically comic! Read Princess Kara-
pow's article—Loot!—starting In
The American Weekly with this Sun-
day's (April 26) issue of The De-
troit Sunday Times. Be sure to buy
The Detroit Sunday Times this week
and every week.
A limited number of small pigs
for sale. Apply to Sol Gingerich,
Goshen line south.
Beginning Wednesday May 6th,
the places of business in Zurich will
be declared as a half holiday every
Wednesday afternoon during the
summer ,months. By Order.
—Zurich Police Trustees.
Farm Produce
Have your Eggs Graded scien-
tifically on our approved grad-
ing Machine which gives the
producer every advantage.
Also Cream and Poultry.
Wm. O'Brien
Phone 101, Res. 04, Zurich
Zurich Garage
Come in, purchase your Auto-
motive requirements f r o m
Zurich's oldest established
Garage and Service Station.
We can supply all your needs.
Expert Automobile repairing,
with the latest testing instrum-
ents, Acytelene Welding, Tire
and Battery attention, Oils,
Greases, and Repairs.
B -A Gasoline in two grades.
Give Us A Call
Plicate: Play 103., Night, 40'
against the Estate of John Eckstein,
of the Village of Zurich in the Co.
unty of Huron, deceased, who died on .
or about the 25th day of December,
1941, are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on or before the •
4th day of May, 1942, .full particul-
ars of their claims;
Immediately after the said tot
mentioned date, the assets of the •
said estate will be distributed e*-
mongst the parties entitled thereto,.
having regard only to claims of which.,
the, undersigned shall then havei
notice, to the exclusion of all others,
and the undersigned wilt not' be liab1•
to any person of whose claim the un• •
dersigned shall not them have notice -
for the assets so distributed or anz
part thereof.
Dated at Zurich, this 14th day or
April, 19142.
Samuel Hendrick,
Lloyd Hendhiek,
Executors, Dasltwood, Ont.
Zurichs' Popular.
Let Us supply you with that
very Choice of Fresh and Cur-
ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,,.
Ect., always on hand. Kept
fresh in Electric Refrigeration(
Highest Cash Prices for
Wool, Hides and Skins;
. Yung1)1ut, & sou
Zurich Creamery
Your Home Market for Crearm
Eggs and Poultry.
Highest Cash Prices paid plus,
a premium for delivered cream
We are equipped ' '.,.
to give �effa
dent accurate service. Egg
and Poultry department in.
charge of Mr. T. Meyers.
A. L. Mellett ., Proprietor.,