HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-23, Page 1ZURICH HERALD Farcy Second Yeah ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING" APRT[,, 23 L942. s: $1.25 in Canada, in ads M P.50 128 L. HSM Till, Publisher All that we have. is in peril; .Are You Suffering From Headaches? 12 so; Have your Eyes Examined with eke Latest Methods and 'Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERILB -- ONT. Good Glasses M Raswnaal• Prices BETTY ANN BEAUTY :SHOPPE Permanent Wave is always as Very acceptable raft, and greatly im- proves the ;uppesrance of ries head., • (Rake this :your a notto. No increase lea prices. (Give us a call.. MRS. EDW.. GABOR% Prop. rHIEL'.S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE • C% have recently installed a '.>new Shenton Waving Machine -and can serve the public now Whetter than ever. Be sure and .give us a call. MRS. FRED TtHIELE, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER T. Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday,. APPEALS TO VOTERS (W. H. Golding, M. P.) Ladies and Gentlemen of the Radio Audience: As the Executive of the Huron Co- unty War Service Com. has under- taken to organize our County for the.: purposerypsecuring a splendid affir- mative vote for the Plebisite on Ap- ril 27th, I have been invited by the Executive to.speak to you this ev- ening on this Plebscite vote. My first words this evening, threr- efore,is to assure the Executive that I deeply .appreeiate their kindness in extending this invitiaion to ane at this time, as I fully realize the fact that this committee is definitely non- partisian and is only concerned with to successful prosecution of this Co- untry's war effort. I congratulate the committee on the action they have taken, and which is a splendid example for all other counties to ollow. The decision of the Gov. to it old a, Plebscite, to determine whe- her the people of Canada are will- 4g'•'M•••••••••e••r•e•e••••••••••••••• ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the • business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and the surrounding community. Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- ional service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake & Brokenshjre FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE • • • • 0 • • • 3 i • • • • • • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich • p••••••••••••••••••••m••1/ a WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday a, St. Williams Strawberry jam, jar ... 31c Aylmer soups per tin ...,................,.... 8c Choice quality canned apples 28 -oz. tin 15c McCormick"s Sodas, 1-1b. bag 15c Coffee, Par, 1-1b. tin ..........., 49c Chocolate Mallow cookies per lb. 19c Hawes floor wax, 1114 tin 45c Catellis spaghetti l6 -oz tin 15c Aylmer peas and carrots 1 5 -oz. tin ,..14c Minute tapioca, per pkg. 12c Sweet meaty prunes large, 2 -lbs. 25c Choice quality pumpkin '28 -oz tin ..13c .Kleenex .... 2 pkgs. 25c Sani white Toilet tissue 4 rolls ..., 25e Grape fruit juice 2, 20 -oz. tins 25c Peas, corn or Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c J. {K. MERNER P,a MAKES APPEAL help to protect it; Save and Give W. H. Golding, M.P., for Huron - Perth, urging everyone to vote "yes' on the plebiscite, declared this was an opportunity to convince .the Gov- ernment nothing short of :an all- out war effort would satisfy the el- ectors. ing to release it from "any obligation arising out of past commitments re- stricting the methods of raising men 'for military services," adds a new duty to the many have already assu- med. It becomes incumbent on us all is we are to be true to our aim of fostering and encouraging a maxim- um war effort, to unite in an inten- sive campaign to ensure that the re- sponse to the proposal to free the ad- ministration from past undertakings, shall be a decisive, an overwhelming and emphatic "Yes." Nen, voters lists will .be prepared. Our first duty then is to see that the names of all loyal and patriotic citizens are inscribed on the rolls. Make sure that the voice of your fri- ends and yourself are not silenced throu.gs some carelessness or over- sight. Our second duty is to see that on that day of the voting, every eff- ort is : made to ,record a huge affirm- ative vote. We. have heard a great c of about an "All out war effort." Here, then is your opportunity -to convince the Government that nothing: shore of an "All out" war effort will satisfy the elesctors of this Dominion. In every appeal that has been made to you, your response has been magnificent. Your efforts in connection wine the war loans and other phases of our determination to prosecute r.nis Co- untry's part in the war, to the limit of our ability, has been such that it has made me feel proud to be rep - i esenting you in these critical and serious times. You may wonder then why I now feel it my duty to urge you to follow what is so obviously the only logical course of action in this particular case.. Many of you, no doubt, have al- ready fully realized the implications of a negative vote. To refuse to waive' past commitments is to declare, in affect, that no matter what emer- ' envy may face the Country under vastly changed conditions, no one should be compellled, under any cir- opmstan.ces, to defend Canada in any field of action beyond the geograph- ical limits of the Doninion. That no one is to be called on to strike a blow for his Country until the enemy has landed or is about to land on its ;homes. It does seem to me that If each citizen will endeavour to anal- yze the serious situation which this country, as well as all of the Allied Nations, are now facing, there would he very few negative votes polled. And these votes would probably re- present the following types of per - Bons. (a). A few sincere individuals who believe that no one should tight or he compelled to fight no matter what the provocation or how` just the cause. (b) Some misguided persons who till believe that the Axis powers 'lave no designs on Canada and that we should remain neutral and iso- lated.. . (c) People who distrust the Govt. that they suspect that it will intro- duce overseas conscription whether or not it becomes necessary or advis-. table. (d) Those who are not in symp- ,rtny with the aims of the Democrat 'es and those who may abstain from r-oting for reasons, which when ex - ''mined and analyzed, provide no "I• ltidication foe such action; they represent whims, prejudices, suspic- 'nee and grievances 'rather than con- sidered thought. Let us then clearly understand and 'be prepared to discuss the following points: I ( Continued on isagc' rove) Mr. Louis Wurm of near Hensall, celled on Zurich friends the past Week. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne neywo.od of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Me. and Mrs. Albert Clausius. Ma•. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut, Miss Inez Yungblut, Mrs. Earl Yungblut, and Mr. Jacob Deichert motored to London, Wednesday last: Beginning this week stores are be- ing kept oped Tuesday evenings, for the convenience of the public,- till the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ducharme of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Du- charme and Miss atricia and Mr. Russel Ducharme of Windsor, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, David Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barry who have spent the winter months with Mrs. Barry's mother, Mrs. Helen Campbell, have retuerned to their home in •Dunville. cople are busy puttin in the gar- de s, its plenty early, as there is little growth in these cold winds. The farmers are about winding up with the spring seeding. jr[r. and Mrs. Alfred E. Moritz of. Guelph motored up on Tuesday and paid a visit at the C. Fritz home. Pleased to report that Mr. Fritz is rm roving ,slowly, and able to sit up a,,Ii tie -each flay. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz and daughter Eunice and Mr. Whitney, all of Detroit motored over last week Mrs, J. Fuss who had• been with the former in Detroit for a few weeks, of pleasant visiting, returning to her home in Zurich. Hymn Books Dedicated The Sunday School of the Evan- gelical Church purchased New Hymn books which were dedicated On Sun- day April 12th. The Superintendent, Mr, Milton Oesch led the Service. The New Hymn book is called "Chr- istian Service 'Songs". On Sunday, April 19th New Church Hymnals were dedicated. The Evngelical League of Christian Endeavor raised enough money to buy fifty books for use by the congregation and choir. The service of dedication was .led by the League president, Miss Shirley Krueger. The Young People occup- ied the Choir chairs and sand a number. Happy Birthday Party A very happy event took place on Friday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs William S. Johnston'when the latter invited several neighbors in honor of Mrs. IViagel who has been in residence at that home for the winter, to celebrate her 79th birth- day, and who was taken by complete surprise when the guests presented' het with tokens. Tea was served by the hostess in the dining room, the table.' being decorated in green and pink, `a delicious birthday cake bear- ing the figure 79 with burning pink candles was .set before Mrs. Magel, by Mrs. Johnston. The guests: sing- ing "For they, are Jolly Good 'Wo- men." Mrs. Magel expressed het many thanks to- the hostess for her kind thoughtfulness, also. to all present.. Bast wishes were expressed for many years of health and happ- iness and all enjoyed the pleasant time at the Johnston hoeie. OBITUARY Late Mrs. David Mireau As we go to press we learn of the passing of an aged and respected citizen of Zurich in the person of Rosalie Gravelle, widow of the late David :Mireau, who passed away at her home in Zurich on Monday even- ing, April 2,1st u her 82nd year. Mrs. Mireau has been ill for quite a time and the end came as a relief to her sufferings. Before coming to Zurich to reside some years ago, the family lived on the Blue Water Highway, north of •Drysdale. The remains are testing at the faimly re- sidence till Friday morning when Repuieni Rig1i Mass will be et St. l3onifnee ehurchy Zurich, interment will follow in It. C. cermet 9' )' DO YOU NEED GLASSE.S HAVE A SPECIALIST Examine Your Eyes :.et Hess fill your prescription. Ful Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 'blue coal For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co, Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensall • WANT TQ BUY? A GOOD _ USED CAR SEE WARD FRITZ (FIRST) FOR THE LOWER PRICES, CLEAN CARS, TIRES LIKE NEW. EASY TERMS, AND A,LARGE SEL- ECTION TO CHOOSE FROM., 1930 Chen Special DaLux Sedan, a dark blue, heater, gear ahift on Steering Column. This car is like new in all' respects: 1937 Pontiac Sedan, black, defrosters and heater, very clean, priced below $600.00 1938 Ford Delux Coach, heater, Banjo type steering wheet, dual horns, grill guard, upholstering and finish like the day it left factory I938 Chev. Coach without knee action; full front seat, as clean as a New Car inside. 19.312 Ford 4 Cylinder Coach, with a brand new Motor. 11939 Dodge Custom Coach, dark blue, motor completely overhauled, full front seat, trunk and steel top, 193.7 Chev. Standard Coach, dark green, steel top, trunk. These models are scarce. Hurry - 1938 Ford Coach, new motor, Only $535.00 1934 V8 Coach, Trunk $415. 1934 Chev. Coach, original Finish $345. 1934 Ford Coach, a beauty, at $375. 1928,.Ford Coach as is $80- 1929 Ford Coupe as is $73 1937 Chev. Standard Sedan, only $395- 1933 4-Clyinder Ford, very nice, but scarce , , . $295. 1930 Chev. sedan, newly paintd 1930 Chev. Coach, runs and looks like new, small mileage 1929 Ford Coupe, one that has had good care. 1933 Dodge coach, trunk, Newly Painted .. , . $425. 193(1 Dodge Sedan, overhauled, and repainted with trunk $465. WARD FDTZ Spring Requirements Housecleaning Time is here again, and also Paint- ing and Papering time. We have a good variety of Scarfe's House Paints; Four-hour enamels, var- nishes and schelecs. Corrie in and see our sample book of new wall Papers at popular prices. Don't forget your seeds for early planting Good supply of Chick starters, also mast called for feeds kept on hand. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THL' BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 .. o