HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-09, Page 4Volunteer today!
Join the Farm Service Force and help
Ontario farmers produce food for Vic-
tory. Be a Farm Cadet or a Farmerette
and make a real contribution to Can-
ada's War Effort this Summer. Hun-
dreds of farmers' have registered their
need for help already, and more are
registering every day. Last year more
than 14,000 young men 15 and up and
young women 16 and up, pitched in
and lent a hand. Thousands more are
needed this year. Get full particulars
from your High School Principal,
Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., or write On-
tario Farm Service Force, Parliament
Bldgs., Toronto. Volunteer TODAY!
CREST: Farm Service Volunteers are entitled
to wear this distinctive 3" Crest (right)
supplied on application to the Ontario
Farm Service Force. 21S
Mr. and tilts. Alvin Wesley and
Mrs. Marie Smith of Detroit were
holiday visitors with the Mousseau
Mr. Fred Gonlette of London is
remodelling his cottage at the Drys-
dale beach, adding to it a very mod -1
erate sun porch.
1tiir. and Mrs. Harvey Gelinas and
baby Gerard of the 15th con., spent -
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr
and Mrs. Louis Durand.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Durand of
Windsor, was a visitor with. his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand.
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Papineau and.
family of Windsor, spent Easter boll -
days -their home farm.
Miss Rosalie Corriveau who has
been emplpyed in Kitchener for some
time has returned to her home for the
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme are
spending :a few .weeks with their
children in Detroit.
Messrs. Chas. and Noel Laporte,
vi iiteed Mrs. Laporte who' has been
at the Clinton Hospital for some time
witha fractured thigh, .and report she
£n doing very well.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake were
visitor; with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Haberer near Zurich,
Sunday last.
The last Red Cross of the Bron-
son line was held at the home of Mrs
William Scotchmer. The next meet-
ing is to be held at the home of Mrs
Peet Dunn, Jr.
M ssrs. Robt. and Bert Cantle had
a very successful sale of farm stock
arts! implements recently.
McClinchey Nuptals
A quiet but pretty Easter wedding
took place at Trivitt Memorial re- h
otory, Exeter, Wednesday April lst, S
when Rev. M. A. Hunt officiated for
the marriage of Mrs. Sarah Lucinda
MeClinehey, of Hensall, and .Mr. Ar- i
thug McClinchey ""of Stanley Town
shier-. They were unattended. For o
!•: r wedding the bride cho c a triple a
blue sheer street -length gown, with
imported navy trieotine coat, and w
wearing a corsage of reel roe .
and Mre. McClinchey will r' aide in !at
S'enley Township. (ri h,•n Line. wh- 0
ors .he groon't is a prosperous farm-
O A S H W O O U Mrs. T. Hoperoft is spending a
few weeks with her daughter in. Ex -
a eter.
Rev. and ?virs. John Oe&&triecher
of Wioto and Milton of Berwyn, Ill.,
attended the funeral of their father,
the late Mr. G. 'Ostreicher on Sat-
NII•. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
Windsor spent Easter with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Guenther.
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor and
Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia spent
few days with her sister, Mrs. R
A large crowd attended the auc
tion sale of M :r. R. Goetz last Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reschke o
Detroit spent Easter holidays with
relatives here.
1!'!r. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman o
Chatham spent a few days with fri
ends here last week.
Miss Grace Kellerman and Betty
Broughton of Toronto visited a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kell-
Mrs. Currie and son Kenneth sp
ent the week -end with her parents in
Mr. and -Mrs. Rollie Grenier of
Windsor were Sunday visitors with
°riends in town.
Miss Kamen Pedersen of London,
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr. A. O. Becker of Kitchener,
spent Easter with his parents, 1Ir.
and Mas. Hy. Becker Sr.
Murray Wolfe is spending two we-
eks vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Wolfe,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and
Joan of Windsor spent Easter with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker
Mr. and !yrs. Albert Goetz of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
R. Goetz.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walper of
London were week -end visitors with
ifr. and Mrs. Edmund Weeper,
Mrs. Stadelbauer and Mrs. Flynn
of London were Sunday visitors with
relatives here.
Mrs. Sillery of Clinton, is visiting
with Mr. and Mr.. W. Wolfe:.
Mr. and. Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer
of London spent Easter with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer
Mr. Herb Wein of Fort Erie spent
Easter holidays at his home here.
Miss Shirley Doerr and friend o f
Detroit spent Easter holiday with_
er grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Ray Guenther of Toronto spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Tri. E. R. Guenther.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin .Schatz of Tor-
nto were Sunday visitorswith Mr.
nd Mrs. Vern Schatz.
Keys of London is visiting.
ith her mother Mrs. Matilda Kroft.
Rev. H. A. Kellerman of Waterloo'
tr:nde e the funeral of thelate Mr.
eetreieher on Saturday.
Mr=s. Nes and Walter o' London.
daughter Annie spent Easter with
- his einter in London.
H E N S A. L L
Miss Emma Johnston, who has
- spent part of the winter in Toronto,
returend home recently.
June Sundercock was rushed to
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,on
Thursday last and underwent an op-
eration for appendicitis. She is un-
der the care of Dr. Steer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and
family have proved to town.
Mrs. L. Kipfer of Grand Bend, is
visiting her daughter, Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Kyle.
Mr. G. C. Petty, well known local
resident, who has been quite ill at
London Hospital, undergoing an ,op-
eration is improving slowly and is
now able to sit up.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile were
being visited by their little grandson
Louis Willert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leeland Willert, Zurich.
Celebrates Birthday
Mrs. John Johnston, who celebrat-
ed her 92nd birthday on Tuesday,Ap-
ril 7th, is one of Hensall's oldest re-
sidents, she was formerly Catherine
Soldan, and was born in Tavistock.
Her husband passed away soma ye-
ars ago. She has a family of two
daughters, Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of
Hyde (Park, and Miss Margaret at
home, and a son of Kenora, Sask.
Adam Brock and his Columbiana
will furnish the music for dance to
be held in the town hall, Hensall, on
Wednesday, April 15th, sponsored by
the Continuation School of Hensall,
The Canadian Legion are sponsor-
ing a Bingo and dance to be held In
the town hall, Hensall, Friday April
10th, plenty of good prizes, music
by Murdock orchestra. This is ' the
last Bingo of the season. Proceeds
for charity and war work,
Mr. Cyril Coughlin of Camp Bor-
den, spent Easter with ,Mrs ancI Mrs.
C. Wolff and family.
Miss Eleanor 13e111, R.N., .of the
medical centre Hospital, N.Y., spent•
the first part of the week at he
^surge. 4r'eek-end visitors in town.
Tieman's Hotel, Dashwood
Murdock Orchestra
General Admission 35c. •
Quantity of hay, bean straw and
a trailer. Russell Manson.
Quantity of hay for sale. Clar-
ence Parke, Goshen line, Stanley.
To purchase a low -tower wind-
mill, Also cattle for pasture to
take in for season. Good spring water
Apply to Henry M. Willert, Dash-
A meeting of the Hay Township
Unit of the Federation of Agricult-
ure will be held in the, Town Hall,
Zurich, on Friday evening, April 10,
at 9.00 p.m. Mr. Archie Morgan
will give a talk explaining the results
of the Survey conducted recently.
Mr. Wm. Dougall will also give a
report on the convention held in
Toronto. Other items of interest
will be discussed. —Ladies Welcome
We are going to discontinue the
used car business for the time being.
All cars on hand are offered by us
at exactly cost price, and this means
Cost Price. These cars are all in
first class condition.
Now on Hand:
1936 Chevrolet Coach.
1936 Ford ,Sedan
1935 Chevrolet Coach.
1933 Ford Sedan
1940 Ford ,Sedan
1938 Ford Sedan
1 R. C. A. Victor Car Radio.
L. A. PRANG & Son, Zurich
home here, and also with her sister,
and brotheri-n-law Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Faber and niece Joyce Ann.
Federation Meet
A very successful community night
in connection with the Federation of
Agriculture was held in S. S. No. 1
Usborne, under the chairmanship of
Charles Keddy. The committee in eh -
Thursday, April 9th,.1-9::Z.
To the Men who .Till the Soil
Spring is here and time to start work on the land it
not far away. How about your work shoes for
r the spring work. You shoul dsee E, 0. Edighoffer
about them before you buy. We carry the famous
• •
line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has
stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con
sidering quality.
In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can
buy. Give us a call, our prices are right.
We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf.
also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are ade
with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and
narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H.
Edighoffer has them.
,ytts. After that every Tues: and Thurs.
Phone 48 Hensall Ont.
arge provided a very splendid pro-
gram, including violin selections by
the Jeffrey Brothers. The guest sp—
eaker, Mr. 'Grafton Cochrane, barr-
ister of Exeter, spoke on Iegal mat-
ters of interest to ,farmers. At the
election of officers Mr. C. Down was
sec -teas, and A. Tuckey, pesident Iit
was decided to hold the next meeting
in May. God Save the King was sung
followed with the gand Mach diected
by Harry Strang, lunch was served.
Lost Life in War
Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Laing, of
Woodham, in the Exeter discrict has
received further word regarding their
son Jordon Laing, who was reported
missing, that he lost his life when the
NI.V. ICingalese Prince was sunk by
enemy action. Threetimes enemy
torpedoes sank ships on which he
was serving, twice he survived, but
the third time lie lost his life. He
was one of the outstanding softball
pitchers of Western Ontario. He Lat,
er moved to Woodham'' and graduat-
ed from the St. Marys Collegiate,andl
later from the radio college of Can..
ada, Toronto. Radio Officer Laing en4
tered the marine service Oct. 19400.
he has served on the- high seas wit
three different vessels, and had vis-
ited Bomay, Gibraltar, Capttown, S.
Africa, Athens and Greece. All three
vessels on which he served were sunk}
by enemy action. On two occasions
he escaped with just the clothing iter
was wearing. He was born in +Staffaa,
was in his 23rd year: Russel' Laing
of the Ont. Veterinary 'Cblleg, Tort
onto, is a brother; Miss 'Margie Laing
B.A., principal of S.S. NO. 3; ,Stepe
hen a sister. • He received' his early;
education in the Belmont distriet.
You can help the man in uniform, merely by saving
regularly. Because when you save you increase the
flow of labour and material from civilian to war
And when you lend accumulated savings to the country
in War Savings Certificates and war loans, you help
Canada supply to our fighting men the arms and.
equipment they need. Seize this patriotic opportunity!
Pull your full weight! Start saving NOW!
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