HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-04-02, Page 4This Is An Important War Undertaking The sksils and training of every a+eekes- S in Canada must be known in order that they: may be used to the best advantage. This it the first . towards complete registra4.r`on of manpower. ._ x FARM SURVEY• TOWNSHIP OF 'STANLEY HURON COUNTY 1942 TATIST',TCS, (as supplied by the County Clerk) .Assessed acreage Total assessment valuation . $3,016,756 , 1,818 .44,777 Population RESULTS OF SURVEY Number of farmers operating A.verage of farm operators Average size of farm LABOUR: No. faz'mers' sons enlisted in Active Service No. farmers' sons enlisted in Reserve Force .. , ... , , ........... No. farmers' sons liable to be called for military training in 194Z, No, farmers hiring help • No of hired men enlisted in 1941 No. of farmers with a hired man at present No, of farmers with adequate help for 1942.. :No. of farm women helping with farm work in 1942 Women helping on farms more now than in ptace time 'Partners who could exchange more labor with neighbors to advant- age in 1942than in 1941 No. farmers who have sutiiclent help in prospect to maintain the 1941 production LIVESTOCK: •f . 211 4814 years 127 acres No. work horses in 1941, 740 — Plans for 1942 No. dairy cows in 1941, 514 — Plans for 1942 No. of brood sows in 1941, 269 — Plans for 1942 No. bacon hogs marketed, 3,619 — Plans for 1942 No milk beet cogs, 913 — Plans for 1942 No steers andheifers marketed, 1941, 1,276 — Plans for 1942 . No ewes marketed in 1941, 392 — Plans for 1942 No laying hens 1941, 19,575 — Plans for 1942 No. baby chileks purchsed in 1941, 31,355 — Plans for -1942, N;o, farmers expecting to purchase more feed in 1942 than 1941 FIELD CROPS: No. acres winter wheat grown in 1941, 1,492 — •Sown in 1942. , . . No. acres springgrains grown in 1941, 6198 — Plans for 1942... No acres hay grown in1941, 3937 — Plans for 1942 No. acrespasture in1941, 6879 — Plans for 1942 No. acres corn grown in 1941, 172 — Flans for 1942 No. acres turnips and mange's 1941, 95 — Plans for 1942 . No. acrescash crops grown in 1941 2,373 — Plans for 1942 No. acres of bush No. farmers having land suitable for reforestation No farriers desiring an application form for free forest trees sent them through the mail No farmers planning to leave more land down in hay and psture in 1942 No farmere planning to leave more Iand down in hay and pasture in 1943 No farriers planning to produce as much of the following products required by GreatBritain in 1942 as in 1941: Bacon 172; milk 170;eggs 183. Tonnage of commercial fertilizer used in 1941 Irma' rate per acre -125 lbs. 430 FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT No tractors, 78 (steel 42, rubber 31). No tractors that did sustom work for neighbors in 1941... , , 35 No. tractors that will be available in 1942 for custom work Amount of tractor machinery of following items on hand: Plow, 70; • 33 Cultivator, 48; Disc 37; •One-way disc 2; Row -crop machinery, 13, Comibine 9; grain separator 24. No. fertilizer drills No drills with fertilizer attachment 105 No shirking machines 17 No, grain grinders 1 No of cream separators /52 No. farmers requiring new machinery in 1942 153 � 12 3 �30 '77 12 17 52. 137 94 29 who had lived a number of years on the Blue Water north, have moved to their borne on the 14th concession on Mr. Theofilo Ayotte's house. Has Passed Away On Monday morning there .passed away in her 73rd year, Mrs. Jeremiah Corriveau, relict of the rate Jerome fah who predeceased hen 27 years ago, Mrs. Corriveau was a life. long resident of this parish, being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Simon Bedard, pioneers of the parish Deceased had been in failing health for some time, but always courage- ous and looking on the -bright side of life. Even though she endured much suffering, she is survived by a daughter, •. Valerie who was in con- stant care of her another,; Also three brothers: Joseph and Edward of this parish and William of -Windsor; Also two sisters, Mrs. John •Gravell and Mrs. Francis Geoffrey of Goderich. Interment was made in St. Peter's Cemetery on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, HEN•SALL` LAC Kenneth Passmore, of the 93 RCAF, Trenton, was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John '148 539 F . 285"' '. .. 3,686 ,. 889 1,051 386 23,474 .. 35,175 72 1'294 e760 3909 6766 206 96 2450 2317 52 44 63 63 MISCELLANEOUS : No. farmers with Hydro at present No. farmers who would install Hydro if available • • No. farmers with sfficient seed .grain for 1942 No. of radios No. farmers taking a daily paper 123; weekly paper 189; farm magazine 2,10; No. of phones 196; No. of cars 186; No. of trucks 2 Ifo, farmers who think that farm prices should be based on cost of production plusareasonable profit No, farmers who woul be willing to keep a record of the cost of 191 producing some farm produce in 1942 95 88 40 147 180 DRYSDALE Mr. Joe Denomme who has been employed at St. Peter's Seminary, London, all winter has returned home to resume his work with his father, on their farm Mrs. Remie Denomme returned home after spending a few day with friends near Hensel'. The many friends of Mrs. Chas. Laporte who is in Clinton Hospital, will he pleased to know she is doing as well as can be expected. Mise Rose Corriveau of Kitchener, r visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Corriveau over the week -end, ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Montague and 1 p :Pithily, .also Mr. Arthur Gelinas, of Alvinston were week -end visitors with the • Misses Gelinas. 1'1i Joseph Gelinas of near Zurich p M'. and Mea. Harvey Gelinas of the a 55th concession and :Mr. Chas. ken- w nedy of 9,Iagnetawan, called on ,the `g• MJfieees Gelinas one day recently, c Mr, and Mrs. Roy Rau have mov- sp t cl to Blake in Mr. Garfield Dertomme re house. Mr. Alvin Rau who has been in Windsor for the winter, has return- ed home to 'seri i+i• - Rau ihoniestead. Borden spent a few days with his mother; Mrs. W. Carnie. Red Cross Notes Last Wednesday afternoon, the Varna hall was the centre of attrac- tion for well over 50 women of the commity, who met in the interests of the Red 'Cross. The auditorium looked very gay with decorations of pretty quilts' in tiers across the front, pyjamas, pink and blue nighies, chil- dren's dresses, layettes, a quantity of knitted articles, and 100 initialed towels made and donated by the Jun - or Institute girls—all making a very fine display of Red Gross work. There were four quilts in the frames, which rovided entertainment for many of the ladies, others preferred • to keep the knitting needles clicking. The resident, Mrs,. Lee McConnell, pre- ided over a short business period, n noancing the -salvage campaign hi�ch takes place very shortly, and iving instructions on scrap to be ()Heated. Rev.. Reba H•ern gave _a lendid talk on ".How 'Winston Chu - hill Won His First Seat in Parlfa- en�tatage of25, mother on the: STANLEY TOWNSHIP iVliss Celinda Steckle is spending some time woth her, sister, Mrs. J. Smith of Markham. Mie,, Margaret Mahaffey of St. Marys spent the week -end with her sister, .Mrs,' W. Sparks, 'Ti'': `'em Rohner is visiting her ,sister, Miss Bristow of Seaforth. Trip. Bertram .Carnie of Camp • St. Joseph and Beaver Town � ;Mr. N. A. Cant. ]pf t on Sunday last where he will be employed in some construction work. Mrs. James Masse of the Blue Water south, motored to Goderich on Monday .last, where; she will re- main a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Rudolph Corriveau. Mr. Alphonse Jefi're • lefa on Tuwere esday of thisurrg y lac, has secured l. position in St, Peter's Seminary, at �. London. Mr, and Mrs, Lucien Corriv' I Eau, Passmore. Norris McEwen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphine McEwen, left for' •I amilton where .he will take a radio _tecrician's course in connection with the RCAF. Mr. and Mrs. James Priest of Port Huron, Mich, were visitors with has father Mr. James Priest. John Zuefle wh•o spent the winter with his daughter Mrs. Peter Buch-' anan at St. Thomas, has returned to his home for the .summer. Dr. Wm. Joynt of London, was a visitor with his mother, 1V1rs. Alice Joynt. Mrs, Harold White of Guelph .spent a few days recently with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty and also with her aunts Miss Katie Scott and Mrs. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs..Casey Hudson of Lis- towel were visitors with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mrs. Whitney Carter and daugter of Clinton spent the past week with her mother, Mrs, C. M. Hedden and sister Mona. Mr, and Mrs. Thos: Kyle were re- cent visitors with relatives in Lond- 011. Miss Margaret Tudor of Dundas, accompanied by the following fri- ends: Miss Mary :Stewart, Miss Pat Paterson, Miss Helen During, Miss Jessie Leyden, Miss Betty Tubb, Mr. Morris Tudor of ,Galt; Me Don Barr of Vancouver B. C., Mr. 'Clifford Kartes of Galt, were week -end gu- ests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan 'Tudor of the New Commercial Hotel, Jien- sa.11, Dentist Enlists Dr. W. L. Lawson, of Listowel, s.on. of Mr. and Mrs: James Lawson :of : Exetenfi has enlisted with the Dental Department of the Canadian Army Medical Corps. He is commissioned as captain and reports for duty at Lon- don 'April let. Dr. Lawson: is a pro- minent figure in Listowel, took an active part in church work in the Un- ited church in that place, holding sev- eral offiiees in connection with the church, he is nxarried.to the former Miss Grace Cooper, daughter of Mrs. Alaee Cooper of Kippen, and a sis- ter of W.R. Cooper, also of Kippen. School Concert Postponed The Red Cross Concert to nave been held in S.S.S10, Hay school house Friday evening March 27th, was postponed owing to the school being closed as some of the pupils have contracted scarlet .'ever, The concert will be held at a later date. Pupils that are confined totheir honki- es with this illness are ' all doing and Mrs. Dougall, highly respected citizens avere the recipients of many lovely gifts, cards -and congratulatory messages, Mrs, Dougall was born on the farm now owned by Russell Bro- derick, half mile north of town, while Mr. Dougall was born in. Hay Twp, They are members of Hensall United 'Church and are enjoying fairly good health. They will observe another cel- ebration at Easter when their son, Dr. R, P. I. Dougal, :wife and family will •be present, COUNTY NEWS Announcement Mrs. Harry Glazier, •Clinton,an- nounces the engagement of her youn- gest daughter, Dorothy Melinda, to Harold Louis Keller, youngest son of Charles Keller and the late Mrs. Keller of Dashwood. The marriage to take place early in April. Announcement •Mr. and .Mrs. John, Jarrott, Sea - forth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys .iliay Elizabeth to Edgar Hugh .Smith, only .son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Snaith, of near Varna, the marriage to take place early in April. Hitting Worker on Head Ralph Eagleson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson, who reside north of Parkhill, were seriously injured while working at one .of the hangers at Centralia air port when a ham- mer fell from about 30 feet and struck him on top of the head. He was rushed to hospital and was in an unconscious condition. 50 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Exe- ter celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at theeir home. The for- mer Annie Dearing was married to Mr. Sanith at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Dearing, by Rev. A. L. ;Russell. The couple are in" excell- ent health and their son, •Frederick H Smith, with Mrs. Smith, came from Edmonton, for the •occasion and all went to Grand Bend where Mrs. 0, Atkinson entertained. There are four grandchildren. Mr, and Mrs. .Smith resided in Stephen till they went to Exeter 18 years ago. CHICKS DIE IN FLOOD Elgin Rowcliffe, a well-known far- rarer near Hensall, suffered a heavy loss when he lost 400 chickens a month old which had been placed in a basement of a vacant house, for- merly known as the Ross residence on No. 4 Highway. Mr. Rowclifi'e had converted this house into a chicken house and owin3 to heavy rains the basement was flooded and chicks we- re drowned. Bagged Ten Wolves While • w rater may be waning, the Wolf problem, is by no means settled On the Bruce Peninsula, but if there were more Bunters like A. J. Carver, of`,Tabermory, It would not take long Recently he killed five wolves and set a new record by exterminating three of thein in a single day. This also lbro ught his total bag forthewinter to 10. Bounty of $150 and the sale of pelts will net him a handsome in- come -for a single week's work. Among the Missing Alex. Strang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang,.prominent Exeter resi- dents and forrnily of Usborne Twp., near Hensall, is reported missing af- ter his ship was sunk, according to a message received by the parents. AIex Strang was a wireless operator with the Marconi Company. The name •of the slip on which he sailed as oper- ator was not revealed, nor any details of its 'loss. He was horn in Usborne Twp., three miles from Hensall, 23 years ago. He received his education at Exeter high school and Radio Col- lege, Toronto. His father as widely known in the district and was form- ic( y. i erly Township Clerk of Usborne. Well Patronised The euchre and dance held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday evening, March, 27th, sponsored by Kippen E. W. I. was well patronized, the hall fiilled for• the event. Prize winner: were. Ladies, Mrs. Rose Chapman, The large Zion Evangelical church Brucefield; Mrs. Alphine McEwen, Kitchener, was bad' Hensel C y gutted b fir GENERAL NEWS CHURCH GUTTED BY FIRE onaolat_on, Miss Margaret late on Tuesday of last week e to 1 Fuss, Parr line; Gents., C. Boa, Hen- ing a loss by fire and water estimated sail, Oliver Fee, Hay Twp; •Consol- at $50,000. The roof of the church ation, Wilmer Broadfoot, Iii e was 112•rs, Wm. Kyle of Ki pp n.almost entirely burned off and Kippen was the the debris dropped into the church lucky winner of the ham, and Ted auditorium doing much damage to Oliver of the New Commercial WW1 the furnishings, The $)15 000 ipe the basket of groceries. Murdock's organ was saved when covered with Orchestra furnished the music for an asbestos tarpulin and the large the dance. All the proceeds will be Sunday 'School room adjoining the used for war work. church proper Dislocates Ncek 1 RED CROSS Alexander Broadfoot NEWS was left untouched, Tackersmfth Twp. farmer, whorrec- Tormito--By the first or :l'ia ently suffered a_ dislocated neck when expected than an ,, y 0 is0 he fell• oli' a load of ;grain, is now do- age are will • 2,00 - ing as well as could beexpected: Re- ing•uo voluntary ++b a week be gvs turning home from a neighbor farm rood to .the various clinics iii Ontario operate by the with a wagon load of grain 1VIr. Br- Ontario Division of the �R 1 stopped the team attire mail By a s eciol process developed Red Cross. box and reached downp p eloped by from the load such research worker's as Dr. C. H. to get his mail out of the box. Over- Best and Members of staff of the balancing, he fell headfirst to•the University of Toronto, this .blood is ground. fie was unable to move, al- concentrated completely though he remained conscious. shippedp y dried and overseas ready to be con - Marks 57th Anniversary verted for use for military •or civ - Mr, andsMrs.7 ain Dougall,if ilian purposes. From the four Ont - long residents Pierian, celebrated life e ario Blood donor •clinics that were tonge 57th residents fson, anniversary in operation last year, 81,747 don- their in 5wedding (littler waswhen alone were given by voluntary blood aloof the family able to art held donors, Besides the "Clinics" in op - Members were ofenc: oration at Toronto, and 12s Mrs.! Hant' I rs aril family of Hay W. R, Dougall wa and Kingston, Branches Otte Twp, Mr. and Mrs g , ranches were an - and Millie 1t, Rennie of ea.Sforrth, an, thorized for 13r ttntford, I_ oniion, St. 1VMlss Alice tlougall o£ Toronto, tharittes, Windsor Belleville B' onto, Ma 'cvillc+ , Bre- . acid New. Toronto, ' Thursday,. April. 2nd,, 1942n yammor :..0,:; seek. • To the Men who Till the Sod • • • • i i 4• Spring is here and time to start work on the land 'not far away. How about your work, shoes for the spring work. You shoul dsee E. FL Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in blackand brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These orfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in xned. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices • are right. E. H. EDTGflOpI'ER • From PVRIIA FED FLOCKS .yeti. After that every Tues•. and? Thurs. SHANTZ POULTRY FARM and HATCHERY Phone 48 Hensall Ont. qo 44. • 4 4a 4> 4a 4° 4• NOTICE OF MAWPO' 'ER REGISTRATION .At Ike ,request of the Honourable Htunphrey• M tckiell, Minister ,of Labour, and by authority of Order -in. Council under the War Measures Act, the lJnemploy.. anent Insurance Commission is registering alt persons.i industries. corning within the scope of the Vitempinyment insurance Act, 1940. is mandatory that the Registration Cards, now. tieing. supplied -lo .employers be completed for ALL, employees,,, insured .and non-insured, and forwarded to. the Local.' Office -of The Commission by March 31st. 1 Renew Unemployment Insurance; Books Bedore April 1 To avoid duplication of effort, the above registraitun is being combined with the renewal of Unemploymmit Insurance Books. A supply of new books will be .mailed promptly ova receipt at your local Employment and Claims Office. of completed registration forms and the old books stamped for the last pay period in March. For details consult the Commission's Local Office without delay. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS URGENTLY REQUIRED Unemployment Insurance Commission Ottawa, Canada. March 23, 1942. Some of these are now operating. Other Branche clinics are being con- sidered for Peterborough, Oshawa, and Kitchener -Waterloo. It as stated by competent authorities that the discovery of blood serum is likely to prove another• major advance' in med- ical science, The Local News The main aim of the weekly news. paper as the name implies, is to Rive news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially Is this true when you have visitors Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read• ing in the whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to ^have their tames tppear, so send theta in. Sometimes people come .in and give the impres• Bion that they are asking a favor when they want us' to insert the names of°their friends who have been mending a few days with them. No person need feel that way about git• ing us news items for we are indeed ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVER WEDNESDAY A:FPERNOON PROM THE • Herald . Printing Office SUBISCRIPTION RATES --$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2,00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discoing tinued until all arrears are paid up unless at option of publisher. The date of which evairy Subscription is• paid is donated on the Labels. ADVERTISING, RATES Professional of B'usi'ness Cards $4. per year and up. In Memoriam, ono verse 50c. 25e. for each additional verse; Card o Thanks 50c. Auction Sales—$2.00 per singlet• insertion if not over four- inches in length. Display advertising shade known on applioat1on. 1Vliscellaneous articles af' hot moria. than four lines. Por Sale, To Rent,. Wnted, Lost, Found, Etc., one inset tion. 25c; 2 ins, 40e,, 8 ins. 50c. 'Address all Connnunicatiorts to; HERALD OFFICE, ZURIC