Zurich Herald, 1942-04-02, Page 1Forty Second Year 0 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2 19421, Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance . P.so ha U.S.A., in advance .. CHESTER L. SMITH, Publislase All P t we have is in peni N 1 Are You Suffering From Headaches? Pit so; Have your Eyes Examined wiith lre Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORI'A LE GLASSES At -REASONA.BL iE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of E.yesig.ht Testing Used, Open every We Day Except Wednesday. rn 0 .1.19 °toot it; 13ave a id Give IN MEMORIAM Stelck—In loving memory of Will- iam H. Stelek, who passed away on April 7th, 1918. Beautiful memories he left 'behind. Sadly missed by his wife and dal- ghters Rose and Ella. ETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE A. Permanent Wave is always a :eery acceptable Gift, and greatly im- proves the appearance of one's head. litlake this your motto. No increase :dn prices. Give us a call. MRS. EDW GASCHO, Prop. HIDSUMMER TIMETABLE The timetable for the midsummer H.S. Department examinations has been issued. The first surbjejcjt for Upper School is English Composition starting June 17th. The High Sch- ool Entrance examinations will cbe held Thursday and Friday, June 25, and 26th, TI-IIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE • `We have recently installed a -new Shelton Waving Machine .and can serve the public now 'better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED 1H1iiLE, Proprietress =t0 4 NI a► a 1 s 1 • • SPEED LIMIT TO BE 40 M.-H:s' A Canadian Press despatch from Ottawa says: "Munitions Minister Howe, announcing a 40 -mile -an -hour speed limit would become general throughout Canada to conserve gaso- line and rubber, told Canadian mot- orists that when the' tires you have are worn out, your motoring is over until some considerable time after the war ends. ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and the surrounding community. Our permanent aim is the rendering of a prof es-- lonal service with sympathy .and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake & Brokenshire e, a e e e P s+ 3 FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich * 06ibWtkiit66060i606b6$ dl'weQ416411060®@01100i0if►O111OA®0wd0s'00 �.a...cen....mwr... r.ab.assmsomw. w.maa+.ay..+.+.+..w«..awrorw. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear hus- band Charles Kalbiieisch, who passed away two years ago, March 28, 1940. Sweet is the spot where you are Iaid Many a visit in silence is paid, To say a prayer in remembrance of thee You are never forgotten, nor will you ever be, His loving wife, Matilda. Was Laid to Rest The funeral of the Iate1 ev. E. Tuerkheirn last Wednesday afternoon ',ryas: very largely attended, and the tion, the community and all his beloved companion, mourned the loss of what we think a much needed citizen. But God's ways are not our ways, and when the Angel of Death calls us we must answer our call. A very interesting gentleman to meet at all times ,a1 - ways ready to give of his services to community welfare,. whether in dir-, ect connection with his church or not, and always was a big help to such organizations or groups. We do miss him greatly and his place 'will be hard to fill. We shall always remember the many confidential chats we enjoyed. with Mr. Tuerk- beim about tho more serious par- of life and the Iife beyond which he is now enjoying "the blessings of a heritage beyond comprehension. STEPHEN COUNCIL WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS P and .G Soap, 4 bars .19c tOxydol, large pkg..,,...,...:,................ z3c, Coneau Soap, 3 bars for 1 9c :Snow Flake ammonia, per pkg. 5c Nugget shoe polish, per tin r 1 2c 'OS..S.:Scouring pad, 4 pads 14c. 8 pads ..,23c Hawes floor wax, 1-1b. tin 45c Ivory Flakes, large pkg. 27c Chipso, large pkg---.... ,.. 27c Javox Concentrate per bottle 1 5c Bonarni, per box 1 4c .Magic Blend, per bottle 1 Oc .. Ivory soap 2 med. bars 1 3c. Large bars ......;1Oc +'Cheese, half lb. pkg. 20c :Blue Boy coffee, 1-1b- bag ....., 39c Van Camp's Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins 25c WALLPAPER , See our New Wallpaper in Newest Designs for any Room, yo uwish to decorate at lowest prices... Also Room lots very cheap. Curtain Nets by pair or by the yard. Also Frilled . Curtains at all Prices. W Phone T'40 The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cre- diton, on Monday the 2nd of March, at 1 p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were -read and adopted on motion. The Clerk reported he had receiv- ed a cheque from the Provincial •Tre- asurer for $4,763.08 as the 50 p.c. subsidy allowance on the Road Ex- penditure of the Township for the year 1941. A letter was received from J. V. Ludgate, District Engineer of Muni- cipal Roads stating that the Depart- ment of Highways approves the Twp. action in awarding the contract for hauling ;Travel to Geroniette and Ire- land. Mr. F. C. Walker, Director of The Blue Wter- Highway Association, ad- dressed the Council nd asked for a Grant to meet expenses in Publicity Advertising. On motion the Coun- cil made a grant of .$50.00. Mr. G. E. Foist, Collector of taxes Miss Myrtle Geiser of Dashwood, silent Sunday with her friend Miss Helve. Truemner 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Basil O'Rourke and Leonard of Brucefield were Sunday guests of ?Ir. and Mrs. Harold Over- holt. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Gascho, Mr. Tile. E. Gascho, and Mrs. Dorman Gascho motored to Toronto on Monday for a few days. • Mr, and Mrs. 13. Horsecorta of the Radio School, 'Clinton, were week -end 'guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. X. A. Addison, - Pte. Lawrence Bedard who is at present stationed as guardsman at Niagara Falls, visited with his wife 'and parents over the week -end. Mr. Wes Hughill is at present in residence at the home of .Mr. and Mrs A'. M:elick. The former being em- ployed in the Zurich Creamery. Mrs. Allan, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Mous- seau for the past winter months has returned to her home at Grand Bend. County Constable Emmerson Qverholt, Mrs. Overholt and family of Goderich were Sunday visitors •With Dr. and Mrs. W. 13. Coxon. ''Professor Herbert Kalbfieisch of 1:,Ontlon and family were Sunday vis- itors -at-the home of his sister, Mr. d `Alerts. 'Whitney Brokenshire, of town. • Mrs. Ward Fritz, accompanied by Mrs. W. B. 'Coxon, Mie. Howard Klopp and Miss Martha Heideman motored to London on Monday on business. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Whiteside of ,Tan- etville, Ont; her daughter Dr. Mrs. Gray and husband Professor Grey of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the home of the former's brothers and sister, the Williams Fancily. Dr. Mrs Gray is engaged in the lablrtories of the Bantung Institue, while ;Professor Gray is a teacher at •the, Toronto Uni- versity. CLEAN UP Our Village Fathers are making an appeal to citizens to remove their large ash piles which have accumal- ted the past six months, and are any- thing but pleasant to the eyet o be- hold, and die time is about here now for a clean-up. Some complaint has been tirade as to the deteriation of the telephone poles around which this is being usually dumped. A by- law of the Township strictly prohib- its the act of dumping ashes on the highways, and all that is needed is to enforcethis by-law and our streets would be crea:rred up quite rapidly. gave his report of collections to date Most people have plenty of room in and on motion was extended to the their back yards for their traditional 25th of March. pile of rashes; just why they have not Motion, that 13y -law No_ 567 to become acustomed in depositing them :intend by -Laws Nos, 475 and 02 .vtth reference to the salaries of the Clerk and Treasurer having been read three times be passed and sign- ed by the Reeve and Clerk and- the .;col of the Corporation attached thereto. Motion, that by -yaw No, 568 to ap point Stewart Webb and Geo. West- lake, constables for the Township of Daslievood last Thursday, March 26, Stephen for a period of one year ` in her $'Ttlt year after a lengthy ill - without remuneration, having beeny g y read. three -tines be passed and sign- ed by the Reeve and Clrkr and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto. Motion, that the Treasurer be em- powered to invest $1000,00 in the :Se- cond Victory Loan in the name of hr Municipality. Mr, M. W. Talfer gave his report to the Council as to the result of the audit of the Treasurer's books, whi- "•,a wee adopted ,on motion of Roy Ritz nd N. Schenk, and the Clerk was instructed ' to order the usual number of the Auditor's Reports to be printed. . e' goodly number of aecounts were pawed, and the Council djourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday, the. 611t day of April e942 at 1 pan, there we do not know, probably it is another of those things wo call "our liberty." OBITUARY Late Mrs. Bertha Stacey Dask ood Mrs. Bertha Stacey passed away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hoffman in Herbert X. Silber,, Twp, Clerk, pass She was `porn in Hullett Twp. and has been a resident of the vill- lage for the pate: 50 years. She also resided at Farquhar. Slie was unit- ed in marriage to Thomas Stacey in 1877, who predeceased her 56 years ago. She was a member of the Zion Lutheran church, She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Henry Hoff- man of Dashwood; two sisters, Fan- nie Preeter of Dashwood; Mrs. Lena Willert of Centralia; four grandchil- dren, Mrs, Nom maty Evane of Kitch- ener; Mrs, J, M. Tiernan, Gertrude and. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood, and four great grand children. A private funeral service was hold from her daughter's reeidonce, Dashwood on Monday at 2 pen. followed by a public service in Zion Lutheran crh- urch at 2.30 pen. Infitgnient was made hi Exeter Cotnc.tr+ry, itov. Theo Luft Orli; sating. DO YOU NEED G L ,A. S S E. c.J HAVE A SPECIALIST Examine Your Eyes ..et Hess fill your prescription. Ful. Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any colour. A G. HESS MOH YOUR 0 lei i, f For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for Jeweler and Registered Optician. BLUE COAL 4-1.30: Rosedale AIberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co, Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensall Good Used Cars ARE GETTING SCARCE We have a large assortment of high class used cars equipped with Tires like new. Most of our Cars have original finish and spotless interior and some with very low guaranteed mileage. IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE FORDS 1941 DeLux Coach, 6000 miles 1940 Coach, 15,000 miles 1938 1938 1938 1934 1933 1932 1034 1031 1921 1931 1034 1029 DeLux Coach. De Lux Sedan 5 Passenger Coupe. Coach. Coach, 4 cylinder Coach 4 cylinder Roadster V8. Coaches (2) Coaches (3) Half -ton Truck. 1's Ton Truck.. A Coupe. CHRYSLER MAKE 1940 Dodge Coach 1938 Dodge Coach 1936 Dodge Sedan 1935 Dodge Coach 1936 Dodge Coach 1039 'Plymouth Coach 1929 Plymouth Coach. CHEVROLET 1939 Sedan, green 16,000 mile= 1939 Coach, low Mileage 1939 Sedan, Dark Blue. 1938 Standard Coach 23,000. 1937 Standard Coach. 1935 Standard Sedan. 1934 Coach 1930 Sedan 1937 Half -ton Truck. 1937 Pontiac Sedan. WARD FRITZ USED CAR SALES. PHONE 123 ZURICH ring ng LADIES! Now is the time to do your early Spring Sewing. We are happy to announce that we can supply you with these needs. Come in and see our New Prints at various prices. Also many other lines that will interest you. Good supply of Chick starters, also most caped for feeds kept on band. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TU1 itk Rei ST4�;f Edmund Swartzentruber, Prt Ia. Phone: 11 97