HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-26, Page 5`'BUSS CA § UMET' C. tOLME S RARRI TER, SOLICITOR, ,NOT, ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. 00CX—At ;Court,)louse. Goa»1pIGIH -- ONTARIO Rlecial Attention to Comical and Court Work. fir. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone- and Phone charges reversed. NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative ' FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Zeveral Care are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Poste, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIAN Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON °Mee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store P one -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary io11ege, University of Toronto. All 4Weases of domestic animals treated by " the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness flannels. Office on . Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. AIso Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus is premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L.-Mellett - Proprietor. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats; Bolognas, Sausages, Ect. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yungblut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OP ANY CANADIAN MUT.- (JAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Det. 81st, 1936, $22,391,527,00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $278,613.47. ,hates—•$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years E, F.' ICLOPP---ZURICI- Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance J Put Your 'W'ant For Salt Lost, Found,.: Etc, ids. in this Column. FOUND A pipe wrench. 'Owner can have same by proving property anda - ing expenses. p y T. H. Meyer, Zurich. • FOR SALE PINE TREES FOR SALE The County of Huron offer for sale pine trees about 3-4 feet high, suit- able for windbreaks etc. for $12.50 per 100. Trees to be taken from ground on farm of J. J. Robertson, concession 8, Colborne. Apply to Nelson McLarty, R. R. 5, Goderich. T. R. Patterson, County Enginees, MAID WANTED Wanted—A responsible girl for general housework. Apply to Dr. D. G. Steer, Hensall, Ont. For Sale 112 -hoe Massey -Harris drill, light wagon with pole, Fleury walking plow Apply to Samuel Ropp, Hensall. NOTICE A meeting of the Farmers' Co - Operative will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall on Friday Afternoon, March 20th, at 2 p.m. All share- holders and interested parties are asked -to be present at this meeting. 1942 CHICKS NEUHAUSER'S (GOOD LUCK) BABY CHICKS A. number of good.young well started Cockerels for sale. Phone 112. Agent FERD HABERER, ZURICH. FARM FOR SALE One Hundred and twenty acres of good clay land with ton acres of fall wheat and forty acres spring plowing, good buildings, some bush. Apply Alex. Sparks, Clinton, Ont. WANTED CASH .for Dead Animals and F,ox Horses. Phone Crediton • Central, re- verse charges. --Jack Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-6-'41 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT—On ,Parr Line, 34ay Twp. consisting of 125 acres of choice farm lands, good bulidinge, water in house and barn, 9 acres fall wheat, 45 acres plowed, 18 acres hay. A very ,desirable farm home in good lo- cation, would prefer to sell, or would consider renting to suitable applicant Apply to John B. Forrest Box 186, Hensall. FOR QUICK SALE Two Singer sewing machines, drop - head, in perfect condition.—Mrs. Fred Thiel, Zurich. Zurich Garage Come in, purchase your Auto- motive requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station, We can supply all your needs. Expert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- ents, Acytelene Welding, Tire and Battery attention, Oils, Greases, and Repairs. B -A Gasoline in two grades. Give Us A Call! H. MO15SSEAt Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 ZURICI-I HERALD TITar Mr. and Mrs. Milne 'Rader, M Wm. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Victo Dinnin spent Saturday at .,London, Mr. Henry Wirsching of Preston is spending a few weeks at the hom of Mr. and .Mrs, Wm. Dietrich, jus north of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smrth visited their daughter Mae who is at resid- ence at Brescia Hall, London, on Sat- urday. rs. r e t I Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjardine and Elroy of the Babylon spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn .Stelck, of the 15th con. (Miss Patsie Stelck, Who spent some time with her aunt and uncle, returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams of the Bronson line will be leaving short ly for Paquette, near Windsor, where Mr. McAdams has a good position on a large dairy farm which belongs to Mr. Percy McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch motored to Victoria Hospital, Loncron, on Sunday to visit the former's father, Mr. Charles Fritz who is a patient there, and who i.s progressing sYowlf from his recent operation. The roads are drying up very nice- ly, as the recent rains seem to have settled them nicely. There seems to be very little frost in the ground, 'which is always a big hindrance to the roads drying up in the spring. The large graders have gone over the main roads and taken out most of the bigger bumps and soon we will be on summer-like roads. There has been no progress :on the new bridge on ,the highway to Hensall, owing to the high water which was caused by the heavy rains on Saturday. Rubbers/ Rubbers! KEEP YOU PEET DRi IN'; DEPENDABLE DOMINION BLUE BARS We can supply you with all your Needs; RUBBERS, BOOTS, HIGH -TOPS, GALOSHES, MOTOR BOOTS, ETC. ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICES Always a large Stock of Work Shoes or Dress Shoes on hand. Trunks, Suit Cases and Club Bags. CCXPONS GIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us a Call! 'ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —. ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h—,Luther League. Thursday --,Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m. --Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m,_ Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor, EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH HOLSTEIN CALF CLUB C. B. Hecken dorn, Pastor The officers of' the Huron Hol- Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist stein Breeders Club have made .ar- 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. rangements for the sponsoring of a Subject: The Way to .Power. Holstein Calf Club in 1942 open to 11 p.m. --Sabbath School. farmer's sons and daughters 12 to 21 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. years of age. The heifer calves must Subject: Which Sheep is Black? be born after January lst and could ..®,�,�, be either grade or purebred. Last year the calves were shown at Bay- field Fall Fair. Arrangements for the Show this year have not been decid- ed as yet. Any young man or woman interested in Club work should get in touch with J. W. VanEgmond, Clinton or Hume Clutton, Goderich. Zurich Red Cross News The Zurich and District Branch of he Red Cross ,So ' have shipped to headquarters the °Mowing. 10 skirts, 20 blouses, 25 infant nighties, 25 mothers' nightgowns,;, 26 dresses, 1 lady's coat, 1 lady's dress, 1 tam, 1 pr. slippers, 124 handkerchiefs, 1 blanket, 1 pr. trousers, 14 quilts,81 pr. service socks, 23 prs. seaman's socks, 5 pr. mitts; 3 pr. gloves, 5 aero caps, 1 alternative cap, 1 tur- tle neck sweater, 11 scarves. FOR SALE A number of horses for sale, all ages, 6 good ewes about to lamb. Apply to: S. Hohnes, Hensall Cen- tral 11-78. Bronson line, Stanley. MARCH 26th, DAY OF PRAYER Ottawa__ State Cecretary McLarty trey announced a proclamation is being issued setting Sunday, March 29, as a National Day of Prayer. "It is hoped that the clergy of all denom- inations in Canada will take steps to arrange that in services the Day of (Prayer will be observed," he said. In setting March 29 as a day of pra- yer Canada .acted on the request of the Ding. His Majesty has expres- sed the hope that on this day his people wherever possible, will unite in. giving thanks to Almighty God for past blessings and in humble prayer for strength and guidance in facing in facing the task that lies ahead. TO BE PROSECUTED • Ottawa—Munitions Minister Howe stated that reports have reached the office of the Controller from various parts of Canada showing that priv- ate individuals are hoarding gasoline for use after the rationing plan goes into effect April lst. Branding such hoardens as "out and out Fifth °Col- umnists" the minister declared: "An ices were held on Tuesday from her immediate investigation has been or - residence. Interment in Grand dared and those guilty will be pros - Bend Cemetery. ecuted. The orders provide that motor fuel dispensed for use in a Auto Accident, passenger car must go directly from •Martin. Hackey, Windsor painter, the dealer's pump into the tank of was lodged in the county jail by Tra- car in which it is to be consumed jilt officer Frank Taylor, charged and that no .person other than an with dangerous driving. The next established dealer or his employee morning he was allowed batt in the may so dispense it. Under the rat - sum of $500 to appear on Thursday. toning plan .anyone found guilty of It is alleged that Hackey late Sun- a breach of any of the regulations day, at the main intersection at may be fined up to $5,000, or im- Grand Bend, crashed into the rear fined ed for up to five years or both of a parked car, causing $500 darn- fined and imprisoned, age to it and his own automobile. Police alleged his car skidded 150 the e Federation Meet feet with brakes locked and out of On the evening of March 23rd, control before the collision, which the Unique Farm. Forum gathered at took place in front of a service sta- the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. Delbert Mon. A workman putting air in the Geiger, Bronson line, for their re- • tires of the .parked car at the time lar meeting, Mr. Bert Klopp was jumped to safety as did its owner, the speaker and convenor for the ev- standing alongside. Hickey w_ ening. The topic was "When the slightly injured, boys .come home" and Mr. Klopp handled it very ably. After group discussions the subject was discuss - OBITUARY Mrs. Betsy Baynham passed away at the residence of Sam Baynham, in Crediton en Monday in her 76th year after an illness of only a week. She was born on the 14th concession of 'Stephen Township. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Haddick of Lucknow, and Mrs. Elmer Picker- ing, of the 16th con. Stephen; two sons, Geo. of CCentralia and Harold of Windsor; four brothers, Isac Bes- tard of Grand Bend; Henry of Alb; Robert of Thorndale and Frank Bes- tard of Winnipeg. The funeral serv- PLAYS FAMOUS GRANDMOTHER Barbara Everest, the disitnnguished British stage and screen actress, who plays the role of the head of the hous of Whitsoaks in the special radio ad- aption of Mazo de La Roche's famous stories. The radio presentation of "The Whiteoaks of Jalna" began on •Sunday, March 22 over CBC Nation- al Network and +will be heard in 9 one -hr. productions Sundays at 10. p.m. EDT from Toronto. Rupert Lucas is producing the scrips which. have been prepared by Carolyn Dar- ling. ed unitedly and it was decided that we could reestablish, in our comm- unity, all the young men and wo- men who have left. And to enable them to be re-established when they do return we shall set up Credit Un- ions. These we cannot make use of could be put to public work. To ensure security throughout Canada after the war we should guard a- gainst overproduction of one prod- uct; and under production of another. This causes poor prices. Instead of Britain buying beans from the USA on the lease -lend bill, they should be buying from Canada on the lease - lend, and the government could af- ford to pay us for said beans of they Would economise on many unneces- sary things such as too high wages. We must learn to conserve in many things. A half hour was spent play- ing Chinese checkers after which re- freshments were served. The next meeting is to be'iheld at the home of Mr. Clarence iSchade, 14th, con. sS ' 111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1I1111111111811111 EIIIMMI )II I Thursday, March 26th, 19412 •:- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i-++++ :••z•ti°v•i•+Oo✓r f•+''•i•++„-i..,:rr+ :r "We eeoinen d FEET? A►rld SEIri. the Best” 4. 1;4. PIIRJNA h 4. We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Starterta, Lay ay Chows, Hog'Chows, Turkey Feeds, Etc., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Our complete line of Farm Implements are not to be excelled regardless of where they are made We have all Canadian Products made by Canadian Workmen and run by Canadian capital. ..See ..us for your next purchase of farm equipment All genuine M. -H. parts kept in Stock or orders taken. FOR SALE: ---A good Percheron Colt rising two, very cheap. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI11111111111111IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImM IIMII lu►Imululullllummllum0ullll pp�lll uululll►►uu11111 Illluu`�� 1111 Zurich Drug St.ore QUALITY DRUGS NOTICE Help Win The War ---Tooth Paste and Shaving Cream Tubes are urgently needed. They are made of tin ,and will be melten down And used for War purposes. Bring us your empty tubes..... SEE OUR FINE SUPPLY OF STATIONERY EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES ..COD LIVER OIL Highest quality available from reliable Drug Houses. See Our Fine Window Display Dr. J. A. Addison, Proprietor lIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111IIIII1111 IMIIIIUIMIIIIII I!IIIIIIIIIMIIIIII)I111111 IppIUMMIIIIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIgjjMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIi1• 47/1?sNOW/NO NEW Flambeau Red CASE Tractor Local Dealer--ALVIN RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r6. KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 hinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection '