HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-19, Page 8• i • • • • FeIto1 Rugs in all sizes. We have about 30 to ',. Floor Coverings Deliveries of Linoleum, Congoleum and Other Floor Coverings are very slow, However, we were fortunate in securing a supply of Congoleum and a offer. If interested do not delay. No advance in • ,• prices. • • • • MEN'S WEAR • See us about that New Suit. VI, e can supply you ethe finest rnade to measure suit, and have also a o . good stock of Ready to Wear for Men, Youths or Boys, and a complete line of Men's Work Clothes a of every kind. • • • • • New Cabbage per Ib. Limberger, each • Grape fruit, 4 for 2 Bakin gbran, large pkg•. • J. Grp = PRODUCE WANTED GROCERY SPECIALS Oranges, 2 dozen for , 35c Old nippy cheese, per lb. 43c Head Lettuce, each i 0c Canned peas, 2 for 19c 6c 30c 18c T Oc SON PHONE 59 -�..-.�•.�.m. --- -- --•=moi • 0 • • • I a 0 0 • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 0 a 0 0 0 • 0 • • i • • • z • • 5++14F+++++++++++++++41•++++++++.1.+ 4- 4-4.444--x.-+4,4-14,4._1 •, , 4.4, • f t Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy StormWindows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials + REPLACE THOSE WiNDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A t LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU i WAIT. ° ami f di 4. �! __Se._, I III PHONE 6QISMMIESIMIPOMZEI ZURICH 1 11112M11111146. VOIX4, a>a Dead and Disabled Animals Dead and isabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. zattiol�L^:'i♦eetgeei3abiV77i,24013•� �'+ftO`$ r1Q+1. F`�:",•k"3 ^� $^*..'::k4.+atii+ t • . • 0 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Coal Goal Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment, Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. YOUR WINTER'S FUEL YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer /Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsthithing Our Specialty, Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY .. PRICE — SERVICE a 0 0 0 1 0 • • • • • • ,R • 1 ti ZURICH , HERALD �IIIIIIIIIIiI lllJlllill�lilll111 III(11111111111111111111((11111111111iIII111111HII11 IHIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111.11I1111111111f1IIIll'111111111111111111111111111111111111111�"i ZURICJ1'S Grocery Store Tomatoes large can,. 2- for Crown Tea mixed per lb. Mincer -seat, 2 lbs Sodas, salted, 2 lbs. Toilet Tissue, Huron) 7 rolls Super -suds, per pkg. Lipton's noodle soup mix,, 2 pkgs Blue Bell coffee (fresh ground) per Ib 25c 60c 25c 25c 25c 23c 25c 40c Menn Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. Aigli i�,��1. "�>~ 'i'"_�I ll(�➢I�]I� I l i 11i 1 ! 71,_ �I�.' aI iIC I i TEres?'"'�., ... _ .. ...... r Saturday, March 2.lst, will''be th first day of Spring. Mr. Alex. Masse of Windsor, was a recent visitor with friends in this vicinity. The Missis Doreen and Patricia O'Dwyer of London and. Stratford, respectively spent the week -end at their home here. Sugar beet growers of South f-Tur, on have organized in an effort .to obtain a better price for their pro- ducts Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ings of Varma, visited at the home of the latter's mothei, Mrs. J. W. Horner on ;Sun- day. Mrs. Ed. 'Stelck of the 14th con.; has for a time been with her sister, Mrs. Melinda Wiggins at Ingersoll, who was ill and has passed on. Mr. Archie Mustard of Brucefield, and Misses Norma, Elva Hey, of Blake, spent the past week -end in in London. Miss Patsy Stelck of the 14th con: is spending a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and •Mrs. Herb. -Des- jardine, Babylon line. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn ,Stelck of the 14th con., spent a very enjoy- able week -end in Crediton with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday.. visit- ors at the home • of Miss Jane La mont. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and Miss Anna Datars, iMss Frieda Hab- erer and Mrs. Peter Haberer, visited at Toronto, Kitchener and New Hamburg recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yunghlut and Mrs. Louis Schilbe of town, accomp- anied by Mrs. Henry Volland, of G•oderich, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Brenner, of Midland, Mich. Dr M. C. Fletcher, M.O. of Exe- ter has nearly completed the vaccin- ation of local pupils of school and pre-schol age against smallpox. A. bout 350 including 30 of the young- est division have been treated, The Bell Telephone Company has completed a fifty per cent. increase in the switchboard capacity of its Exeter office, in order to accomodate the increased business expected when the •Centralia airport is fully occup ied. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church, Zurich are planning to hold a rummage sale in Town Hall, Sat- urday April 11th. You are cordially invited to be present as there will be sure to be something there which you need and at a very reasonable price. Watch for our handbills for more complete announcements. MMlr. M. C. Milliken, a former prin- cipal of Zurich public and continu- ation school paid a recent visit to Zurich old friends. Mr. Milliken is an instructor in the army at Camp Borden, while his wife is on the tea- ching staff of Seaforth public school whee the family rsside. Invest in Victory Bonds .. At a special meeting of the Coun- cil of Hay Township held recently, it was decided that application be made for $3,000.00 of the second Victory Loan. The Hay Telephone System Loan. The Hay Telephone System applied for $2,000,00 and the Town - ;hip ;for $1,000, payments to be made out of the monies on hand, Presentation On Friday evening the neighbors of •I41.r. and Mrs. Dennis Ducharme, 15th Con., 1 -fay, gathered at their home to spend a short time with thein before removal from the farm to pti-hwood, The evening was ple- asantly spent in games and an address read on presentation of a rocking chair, made to the family. Both Mr and Mrs. Ducha.rmo .responded in their happy way thanking them for' heir gift and, expressed their apprec- i ition of the fine sportsmanship ex- isting. in the neighborhood during their rix years sojourn among thein.. tip LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Bg;gs dozen 26, 24, 20, 18 Butter, creamery 38 Butter, dairy 36 Chickens dressed .. 23-16 Wheat, bushel 1.10 Oats, bushel 50e Barley, bush. 70 Buckwheat, bush. 65c Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.85 Pastry flour at mill 25-1'b .... 65c Shorts and bran, ton .........30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Rousseau and Mrs. E. M. Dagg, motored to Lon- don one day last week. Mrs, (Dr.) P. J. • O'Dwyer has re- turned home after spending several days at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader, Mrs. Theo. Rader, Mrs. Wm. Johnston, motored to Tavistock last week at- tending the funeral of a relative. OUR WAR DESTINY— Will It be as Nostradamus Predicted? "Everything's going to be 0.:K." according to uncanny old 16th Cen- tury prophet, who foretold practic- ally everything that has happened, including Japan's attack on the U.S. and now—as will be told in The American Weekly with this Sunday's March 22, issue of The Detroit Sun- day times. HURON OVER TOP ON NEW VICTORY LOAN Good old Huron_ County Tike many other lmunicipalitie.s shawed what they re made off in the recent new Victory Loan which ended [last week and'which was a ,big success through- out Canada. The country is loyal to the Government for the appeal made and many a one is pulling up the belt strap a little tighter and giving to maintain our freedom which we so graciously enjoy. Hay Township like many other municipahtes in the County went over the top. Below we wish to mention a few in the im- mediate district of Zurich, as the latest reports reveal: Goderich, Town 119% Tuckersrnith 115 McKillop 102 Seaforth Clinton 104 117 Stanley 107 Hensall and Hay East 126 Zurich and Hay W. 103 Osborne Tp. 94 Exeter 103 Stephen Twp. 98 County total $2,097,250 117 The above percentages are taken from the schedule drawn up by the committee before the campaign start- ed, OBITUARY Dies at Hensall Mrs. Peter Moir, prominent Hen- sail resident, died suddenly on Mon- day evening at her home, the result of a stroke whichshe took the day previous and failed to rally. She was the former Annie McAllister. She is survived by her husband; two sons, Clifford and Melvin of Hensall; four daughters, Mrs. Oscar Tuckey of near Exeter; Mrs. Passmore, of Us - borne; Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, of Hensall, and Helen at home; two brothers, Dr: Arthur McAllister, of 'Georgetown and Charles McAllister, of Toronto. She was a Member of Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall Died at Seaforth '.1'he funeral of Frederick Gregg Neelins, for 60 years a widely -known Seaforth resident, who died on. Sun- day, ,was- held from St, `Phomas An- glican Church on Wednesday 'last. Coining to Seaforth in 1878, he com- menced publication of a weekly news paper which he continued to operate until his appointment asa customs officer' 30 years ago. He was born near Ottawa, Always active in all things pertaining to the welfare of the town, he served for many years as secretary of the board of trade and was a, member of the Library Board at :the time the present li,br- 'ar'y Was es'ected• • • • • 1 Thursday, March' 19th, 1942 y-n•1i,.L w,.ie.,n 444.44. ,41;* YOUR Hardware and Furniture 14 YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS .1 We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware; v Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us ' Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices 1 ,r „1 FURNITURE a 4 See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Horne Requirements .Y Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 1 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con-' I Fsidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, ; Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc, SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE . For the more conservative purchaser we can save : you many a dollar as we -have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our 4 Remarkable Low Prices. . ' ,,:1- ,:, . ' I Joh- & nstonKalbflejsch I Hardware & Furniture. Phoner •.r• .4.4.44 h444.4 4.4.++.4'4.**1. Yitn4,* .i.his,e"r444.444-a-t-q..b++++++449:4' 0.+++,v+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .++43 +++++++++444444•; ++ H+++++++++4+4+4++ ++++ 444+ TRY E CKEL'S STORE 4' + + + + . , i. 1 CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND .}., SWEET GOODS. 4 .1 All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality 4 ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM 4. 4.1 ur OStore will be closed each Wednesday Evening I Eckel's • Bakery — Zurich + + i.Telephone 100 4- +4;++4;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4,4++++++++: +++3;+++++++++++++++++++++++++ §!+++++++++++,4+++•;:•g•,{.++ own Talk" also li road oJr 1 GENERAL INSiJRANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich ••••••••H••.••.••••19•••esseesse•rr••••••••'••••••• Chick Starters The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc.,' Etc. Goal Deliveries Owing to war conditions to conserve transportation we are making deliveries to our customers on Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays. L. 5chilbe & Son "•"•"w"•