HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-19, Page 3STREAMLINED SKIING a 55 Do en the powdery slopes of Lac Beauport skim Quebec's much discussed parallel_ technicians — Fritz Loosli of Quebec City who originated the streamlined instruction method, and Jack Miller (right) eki instructor at Ste. Adele Lodge, Ste, Adele en Haut, P.Q. Both are Staunch advocates of the system which enables skiers to learn the sport without resorting to the stemm, snowplow and other cum- bersome details. , At a recent rendez-vous in Quebec City, the two skime•isters laid. bhe'foundations for a parallel ski instructors association, designed to protect beginners from unqualified instructors of parallel methods. Encouraged by the growing popularity of his streamlined methods Loosli has presented the story of parallel in his new book "Parallel. Skiing" now available to the public. —Canadian Pacific Photo Shortage of Tires Won't Hinder 'E Leon Henderson, director of oivilian supplies in the United States, believes that ingenuity will produce something to enable ,motorists to travel "setting down" even if they can't get rubber tires. Testifying before a United States Committee, Henderson said he thought ingenuity would pro - duce a new type of wheel or tire for automobiles which would be used "even if it bumps, even if it destroys the peace of the night, and even if it only goes 15 miles" an hour. "This native urge — as Bill Knudsen says—to go from one place to another 'setting down' is net going to be destroyed by e shortage of tires," he said. Lt, - Gen. William S. Knudsen, motor car production expert now is War Department Procurement Direc- tor. MESSAGE FROM SI is x 'O f'" E "So long, my Canada! You may not hear again From one to whom your very name is dear . . And so this message I must send you ere The yellow tide of death. that creeps so near Flows over yet another of your sons Whose priceless freedom is your greatest dower , . To help preserve this birthright for mankind, 1 dedicate my life to its last hour , . , "I go to join my comrades of Dunkirk -- Narvik — Tobruk --- Hong Kong — and many more Whose names in tears are written on' your heart From sun -lit West to grey Atlantic; shore ... Gladly give I, as they have given, -all One man can give to pay the debt I owe To you, my Canada, who, freedom -blest, This blessing on your children still bestow .. . "The sands are riunling out . the yellow pack In full and snarling cry is closing in .. . So little time is left in which to play My humble part ... but, if my death should win One single foothold for the steps of those, My brothers, who — to save your freedom dear— Must follow me, with gladness I shall go `1'b meet my Maker ... and without a fear!" EPITAPH He died, this son of Canada, for you! To help preserve your towns from raining hell— Your wives from rape -- your daughters from the lust Of beasts — your shores from shot and shell He died for lack of guns — of tanks --- of planes Of ships -- of all that wins in modern war .. All he had left was courage! . , . and the rest Is what we stay-at-homes are paying for. Squadron Leader G. L. Creed, R. C. A. F., Ottawa. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I prepare Javello water? A. Dissolve one pound of wash- ing soda in one quart of boiling water, and '1s -pound of chloride of lime in two quarts of cold water. Pour the clear portion of the lime solution into the soda solution and allow to stand for mottling. Decant the clear Iiquid into bottles, cork tightly, and keep in a dark place. Q. How can I cover scratches on dark -colored furniture. A. •By wrapping a swab of cot- ton on a toothpick and •dipping into iodine; apply this to the rycratclaes and when dry rub with :furniture polish, Q. How can I :remove rust from rslock hands? A. The appearance of rusty Block hands can be much improved by a coat of asphaltum varnish, Q. How can I make a satisfac- tory roof paint? A. 13y heating • six to seven parts of coal t11 pitch until thor- oughly melted After removing from the fire, add slowly and with constant stirring three parts of solvent naptb.a. If it is desired that this coal tar paint contain) asbestos, mix in 'one part of as- bestos fiber to nine parts of the above paint. Q. slow can I !avoid knotting the end of darning cotton when mending stockings? A. A knot is unnecessary if the end of the darning cotton is moistened to prevent its slipping through. Avoid making knots In the thread, as they are hard on the feet. Shop on Wheels A mobile butcher shop, firet In Groat Britain, has been put into service by the Birmingham Butch- ers' Association, ao weekly ra- tions may be delivered if meat shops are destroyed during raids, The Pacific end of the Panama Canal is twenty-seven miles far- ther east than le the Atlantic end. HEY! SARRE WHIRR'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS RUR OUT TIRED A HES 'lave You Eduard r' There were over 600 employee); in the works, but the "boss" 14 a kindly eye on them all. 'res. ently he noticed one young man developing very expensive tastes in elbthes; but said nothing until the lad turned up to work in rat smart little car, Summoning him to his office, the boss said kindly: "How are you managing so well on your wages? I hope you're not running into debt." "Oh, no sir!" replied the young lean brightly. "You see, sir, I raffle my pay envelope every week, and all the other men take a ticket." "Sonny: "While Billy and I were playing in the gar- den, Mum, we knocked Dad's !adder over!" Mother: "Well, you had better go and tell your Dad!" Sonny: "He knows already —he's hanging on the bed- room window sill!" The school inspector was exam- ining a class of small boys. "Now boys," he said, "Noah was an active man, and must have found it irksome to be confined so long during the flood. How do you think, he spent his time?" "Fishing, sir," said one bright boy, "Yes, I should think he did some fishing," agreed the inspec- tor. "He wouldn't catch many fish," interjected another, youngster. "What makes you think he wouldn't catch many?" said the inspector, "He had only two worms." There was a young girl In the choir Whose voice went up hoir and hoir Till ono Sunday night It went out of sight And they found it next day in the spoir. My niece, Valerie, aged four, was watching with interest her mother sitting on the bedroom window ledge cleaning the win- dows. Valerie: "I will hold your lege, mummy, so's you won't fall." Mother: "And what should you do if mummy did fall?" Valerie (brightly) : "I would clean the windows for you, mum- iny r, "So you've just had a medical examination. What diad the doctor say?" "He said that I was in pretty good condition but that I shouldn't start reading any continued stories." A manufacturer was engaging -a new traveler, and explained that the last man he had employed had got things into such a tangle that he thought he would have consid- erable difficulty in getting order out of chaos. "I don't know who Chaos is," put in the applicant, "but I'll get an order out of him if I have to hang on • to him for a week." Sergeant: "Have you any preference?" Draftee: "Yea, sir." Sergeant": "What would you like to be?" Draftee: "An ex -service man with a pension." Santa Claus Stops Working For War Even some of Santa Claus' workshops have been turned over to the manufacture of munitions, it was learned at the Canadian Toy Convention in Toronto. It was said the manufacture of metal toys in Canada has completely stopped, "The trend today is to wooden toys and other substi- tutes for steel and rubber." DHOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness. do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- ic Any itching or soreness or palnrul passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Rold from any druggist and use aa directed. This formula which Is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Iiem-Road is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seers the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. entirely pleas pleased with the reaulte your druggist will gladly return your money, ,You GIRLS WHO SUFFER� DYSM[NORRIIEA If you suffer monthly Cramps, back- ache, distress Of irregularities," nervousness—due to functional monthly disturbances—try Lydia, E. Pinkha.m'e Vegetable Oompottnd Tablets (with added Iran) . gado especially 102' women.'F'hey else help buildbu1up red blood, Made In Canada. What Science Is Doing TRIPTANE Super -fuels now being made in laboratories in eye -dropper quan- tities may smash all present standards of motor performance, Harland 1Vlanchester writes in Harpers. One, called "triptane," is said to give 50 percent more power in bench tests than the best aviation gasoline. The . use of an organic com- pound of magnesium in the pro- cess makes it too expensive for motor car tanks, but that has not halted the chemists. They are looking for a cheaper method of synthesis that will do the job of the magnesium, and when they can find it, triptane may have a brilliant career. The war in the air furnishes the most conclusive proof of the su- periority of the new American fuels. The struggle for air su- premacy may be won by octane numbers. Gasoline taken from captured German planes averages no better than 87, and it is known that Japan's supply of high-octane fuel is limited. British and • American planes have an ample supply of the 100 -octane fuel made possible by improved refin- ing and blending methods. Only a few years ago fuel of this grade was so rare that samples cost $30 a gallon. Now the United States Government is buying it in tank car lots, and plans are under way to increase production to more than 5,000,- 000 gallons a day. Modern Etiquette 1. Do well-bred women kise each other when meeting or tak- ing leave in public places? 2. What is the first duty of one who is preparing to leave a din- ner, party or reception? 3. What is the proper sequence of pages in a social letter? 4. Flow much time is the bride expected to spend with her guests at the wedding reception? 5. What is the real and final test of good breeding? 3. What should a woman do when calling, if she finds her hos- wee ready to go out? Answers 1. No; even the most intimate of friends will only shake hands when geeting each other at par- ties, church, teas or in public places. 2. To take leave of the hoot and hostess. It is not neces- sary, however, to seek out each person to whom one has been in- troduced :and bid him or her a separate farewell. 3. It is cor- rect to write on the first page, and then on the third, or on the first, second, third and fourth. The latter order is probably the better in the case of very long letters, as it avoids confusion. Never write sideways or avast - wise, as it leads to difficulty in reading. 4. Not more than two hours, She may then retire to her room with her maid of honor to change into her travelling cos- tume, 5. Observance of those rules of conduct which snake it easier and simpler for one to mingle with other people. Arn- old Bennett, the noted English playwright, once said: "I cannot too strongly insist that the basis of convention is a symbolism, primarily meant to display a re- gard for the feelings of other people." 6, She may say: "I see you are ready to go out; I won't keep you," However, if the hos- tess insists that she stay for awhile, it is perfectly proper to remain. War Material Sent Abroad By Britain Lord Halifax Asserts "Appal- ling Risk" Taken In 1941 1941 Great Britain shipped 9,000 planes and 3,000 tanks abroad in 1941 at "appalling risk" to the safety of the home front, Viscount Halifax said recently in answer to accusations that Britain "leaven the fighting to her friends". Some of that material played a vital part "in the historic de- fence of Moscow," the British ambassador said in a speech be- fore the American Academy of Political and Social Science. "In 1941, we got 2,000 aircraft .from this country, but we sent more than 9,000 overseas," he declared. "We imported 200 tanks but we sent abroayl 3,000. We have had to take appalling risks with the safety of Great Britain by sending vital war material at critical times to ohter theatres of war. "I hear it said that Britain site behind 3,500,000 bayonets in her island fortress and leaves the fighting to her friends. "2,000,000 of these soldiers are home guards whose full-time work is in war industries. The other 1,500,000 have got to defend something like 3,000 miles of coasts and 90,000 square miles inside them. "Certainly, I do not think that the idea of the British Isles being over -insured is one that would be accepted by any responsible military opinion." Lord Halifax said seventy pea' cent of the Empire's casualties on land were borne by'the British Isles and "at sea they have been heavier still." The Golden Gate and the San Francisco -Oakland bridges - were designed and built to resist air attack, CHEW BIG BEN BIG TIME CHE ig Increase Seen In Canadian Navy Canada's naval forces will be Increased to 40,000 officers and ratings by the end of 1942, Navy Minister Macdonald said in an interview recently. He added that Canadian shipbuilding was progressing so favorably that the number of ships on active service would amount to nearly five hundred by the end of the year. When the war was declared, the Canadian Navy consisted of 1,700 men on active service and "about Half a dozen ships." ®..CLQ`:" SHIED ADVEDTISEMENTSW BABY CHICKS SIX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS. growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- talogue, Monkton Poultry Farm, Monkton, Ontario. BABY CHECKS -3 TO 11 CENTS. 25 free chicks, our choice with every 100 pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered in March, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. RECEIPT FOR BIGGER PROFITS. In our new 1942 catalogue are reprinted letters from grateful Tweddle Chick Buyers from all over Canada. They bought some of our nineteen purebreeds, 9 hy- brid crosses, 4 breeds of turkeys. Some purchased day old — 2 week old — pullets — cockerels — older pullets. To meet more con- ditions of climate, location and equipment than you can shake a stick at. We want you to read the results of these customers. Send for our free 1942 catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. DRAY CHICKS SIX MONTHS FROM NOW YOU'LL want your poultry to bo in the peak of production. Bray chicke are ready for all markets. There's a wide choice of breeds and cross- es, among them B,R., Leghorn, x L.S., N.H. x B.R. immed- iate delivery. Cockerels, capons, started chicks. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont. iIAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACI•IIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged, Correspondence invited, Itubbard Portable Oven Co„ 108 Bathurst St., Toronto, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES X20.00 TO $60.00 WEEKLY COM- miasions will be earned by seine widoawalte salesman introducing brand new Government required Record to every small business man in your county. Write quickly for particulars. Five dollar de- posit brings saleable $7.50 unit, with sample kit, and secures ex- clusive county sales rights on Bldg.quota, Toronbasis,to.APEX, 314 Brock BULL FOR SALIII FOR QUICK SALE rime JERSEY' Bull, Westonway Victory 'Volun- teer, Blood tested, sired by the famous Brampton Standard Vol- unteer The Second, dam Weston - way Noble Beauty, twine Silver Medal, born November, 1138. This 13u11 will make outstanding 6 herd sire. Reasonable price, Westonway 1'nvm, R.IR, 1, Weston, FARMERS 1'()1) CAN MAIC17 CONSIDERABLE handling one of the finest lines of Ineeettcides. Eieetrle Pence Con- trollers, Paints, Fire Extinguish- ers, etc. Write 4VARCO GREASE .t, OIs, i.IMITi011), TORONTO. ISSUE 12 --''42 CARS -- 105210 AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three Locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road 2040 Yonge St. and 1650 Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cars. ENLARGEMENTS 2 FREE .ENLARGEMENTS WITH each roil of films developed or ten reprints all for .25 and06 mail in stamps. Photographic La- boratories P.O. Box 545, Sher- brooke, Que. HOUSE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM BRICK. (clear). Sell or exchange, .mall improved acreage, Essex. Mont county, 1620 Arthur, Windsor, On- tario. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN E4AIIWI ESSIN (I THE ROB- ertson method, Information on re- quest regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, IST Avenue Road, Toronto. TOLL' WANTED COUPLE COOK GENERAL AND Handy Man for modern tarns home. Westonway Farm, R.R. iH Weston, Ontario, HONEY WANTED FOR QUICK RETURNS AND BEST prices communicate with Joseph A. Rozon, 411 Confederation 81 Montreal. OFFER'VO INVEDITORS AN OFFER TU 1dVLIRY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full lntor- mation dent free. The Ramsay CO., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 97 13ank Street, Ottawa. Canada. PATENTS FETHERSTONFIAUGIl & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1810; 14 icing West, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest, MEDICAL DON'T DILLAYI EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Reutedy. Munro's Drug Store. 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. H 111(4 ENLARGEMENTS SEND IIS YOUR FILMS OR TION reprints and you will receive not only ono or two free enlargements but all your photos will be en- larged double size for only40 (plus .05 mail) stamps accepted. Postal .Photo, P.0. Box 522, Sher- brooke, Que. L ELI AL J. N. I.iNOSA k, LAW OFFICE) CAP. Rol Theatre Building, St. Thotnaa, Ontario. Special Department for farmers conectlone. NURSING COURSE COURSE FOR WOMEN ATTEND - ants. Verdun Protestant Hospital gives a year's training for mental attendants. Requirements: two years high school and applicants must bo 21 years. immediate vac- ancies. Apply to Director of Nursing, P.O. Box 0034, Montreal. fiUItSERY STOCK BULBS, PLANTS,—SHRUI3S AND Evergreens. Numerous varieties and colors; sensational new Intro- ductions. Write for descriptive catalogue. James Seed Company, Lindsay, Ontario. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION NOW 1S THE TIME TO STUDY music at home. Specially prepared courses on all instruments. White Studios of Music, 359 G1enlake Avenue, Toronto. RAW FURS WAN'rIi,n MINK, FOX, MUSKRAT, WEASEL* Rabbit, Skunk. Ship Goods Par. cel Post. Highest Prices Paid! Payment by return mail. Refer. once: Canadian Bank Commerce, Philips Square. Abe Geringor, 368 St. Paul West, Montreal. RHEUMATIC PAINS PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUIS. ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neur. itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa. BARRELS FOR SALE BARRELS, CLEAN WOODEN, $3,0 each, f.o.b. Toronto. S. Barber . Sons, 4000 Dundas St. West, To- ronto. STALLION FOR SALE, EXCHANGE, CLYDX Stallion, 6 years, dark brown,, white markings, thick set, best of feet and lege, extra action, Good breeder, consider worker attractively priced. F. J. kiassstrd, Weston. STALLIONS PERCHERON AND BELGIAN STAIc- lions—young, sound. enrolled; sell cheap; moving to city, J. Aylward, Queensvine. VEGETABLES WANTED CARROTS BEETS, ONIONS, TURA. nips and Potatoes—large or small quantities. Highest prices paid. Ship to or write Mutual Growers Federal MarketLimited, , 1 ederal Dealers License ,na e ,e No, 1098 and W.P,'.I'.B. License 85128, 41 Cltnrch Street, Toronto. FOR QUALITY SERVICE ANI) SATISFACTION TRY IMPERRIAI. 6 or 8 exposure films, developed and printed, or 8 reprints, 23e. Money refunded if not satisfied IlMMPIORIAL PHO'T'O SUIi'VICE Station J, Toronto.