HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-19, Page 1Forty Second Year 0 1.1•••,,,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••116•1,....m.............•••••••• Alt at ••••:•••••••••*MIONOMNIMinall*•1111. ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 191942. Rates: $1.25 in Canade, in advance fe" Le UM hi 'U.S.A., in advance • CHESTER L. SMITH, Publiui skea rt3 o protect it; Save and Give 1Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with Wee Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Zilood Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY :ANN BEAUTY :SHOPPE .ek. 'Permanent Wave is always a very acceptable •Gift, arid greatly im- proves the appearance 'et one's head. • Wake this your motto. No increase in prices. Give us a tall. .MRS. EDW. GASCRO, Prep. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING ' :NOTICE tWe have recently installed a .snew Shelton Waving Machine .rid can serve the public now 'better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. MED THIELV, Proprietress I w "When the Boys Come Home." COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRiS*1 EXElEit rhe Newest. Approved Methon Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except. Wedoesda); - -- FEDERATION MEET 021 Monday eve. March 16, 27 members of the Unique Farm Forum gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner 14th con., to hold. their regular weekly meeting. The speaker for the evening was Mr W. H. Edighoffer who really did jus- tice to his topic which was "Educat- ion in Rural Schools . Group dis- cussions were held at which the .groaps got together and discussed it unitedly. Mr. Delbert Geiger, sec - retry, had the chair for the business It was :deeided upon to call this Foe - um, "The Unique Forum." After the business, Mrs. Mervin Stelek led a half hour recreation in which every one -willingly took part. A very de- liscious luncheon was served by the hostess. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger;the subject be /1 ilOssigasseseessesesosseeessissesseesseassessissesetsesso: •ts 3 • • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich •1 ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the business of W.. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and the surrounding cormnunity. Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profe's- ional service with sympathy and undefstanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake ok Brokenshire FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE 1 a. a a a a Ca 4 4$041100.010111641516,44,0006CM4000.660000,0660.0000$000094066 als........eavaerameammo NOS.1•01....1131..3.41111..1111.11•1111.0:111.11.111M.R•••••=0.1.1111•MiVal..0•11•SMOVii.drtelettRIMIII=.9•14***,.........'...11 Francis Drake unsweatened grapefruit juice, Peas,2 0 -oz tin, 2 for Choice quality pumpkin, large 28 -oz tin 48 -oz tin 25c 1 1 c ..i' * -. t , , I ;'. iLi. 46 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Van amps tomato juice 20 -oz tin 8c 27c Sweet mixed cookies Ib. I 9c • Corn Syrup 2 lbs. 27c. 5 lbs.59c Heinz pork and beans 2, 15 -oz. tins ...... .25c Hawes floor wax 1-1b. tin • ' 45c GlenGrove cheese, half -lb. pkg. ... 20c Aylmer choice peas and carrotts, m ed 2 tin.s..27c Blue Boy coffee, 1-1b. bag ... . . ... ... . . . .. .........39c Shredded wheat, 2 pkgs. 25c Good bulk popping corn, per Ib. ....15c Cowans Perfection cocoa, half lb. I Sc; 1 lb ..... 25c Our new 'Wallpaper now here howing newest pat- terns, prices are not any higher than previous years Come in and ses our patterns. Also new Curtains and curtain nets by pair or by the yard. ERNER • HOCKEY NEWS (Hal Stade Stars Again) Last Friday night at Stratford arena the Seaforth Beavers clinched the group title, to meet Windsor in the ,first round of play-offs. Hal. Stade as goelie, registered his second shut -out defeating the Waterloo team for the second time in shutout hoc- key. r'ese—ae_eefa-e-ea'. Mr. Harold Stade, son or Mr. and: r. Gladinan Melick of Godeniah, Mrs. R. F. Stade of Zurich, butmove 'leas in town on 1VIonday. a resident of Stratford, who for the ; Miss Betty Dietz who had beesaat past four seasons tended goal km :Detroit for some time has returned Seaforth Beavers is doing sensatiam- 'home, 1 al work, "another (Brimsek) A number of villagers attended in the Itii funeral put it. The past week Hal igettwa! , Seaforth cage, as the Beaconefferal'd I I .at Ingersoll on Tuesday. of Mrs. Melinda Wiggins shutouts, one game 3-0 at Seel:tel. llie. C. Ayotte, who spent the the second game t ,.Stratford 2'4' Lwintdr in Detroit, has returned to both games with Waterloo "Garffeld's. • We congratulate "Gibb" as wen Itralw on the streets of Zurich.:117141haomaned inlVIrZ:1.1Hieehnry Flaxbaati have him . +—+ moved their household effects.. on the 7,000,000 Could Vete farm. they recently purchased!' on the Babylon line. Ottawa — Nearby 7,0000(} Can- %number of hockey fans: attend- adians are expected to have an op- t e play-off game at Stratford on portunity, through the fcathcoming 'ed tridav eve where the Seateeth Bea - plebiscite, to express their opinion on very °were 'again victorious.. whether the Government shauld be released from past conimitments in• Mr. Iobert Truss of Dauphin Man respect to methods of' raisrng men and who is at present in, RCAF' is for military service, spending a few days at she home of his cousin, Mr. and Mrs_ Earl Triel. THERE WILL BE BINDER TWINE • The members of the Dorcas Bible Farmers will not go short on their Class of the Evangelical church of binder twine requirements to harv- which Mr. E. IVI. Dagg is teacher, est the 1942 crop, but will have to presented Mrs. Newell Geiger, (nee find other types et' rope than man- Beatrjce Manson) who, is a member ilia for other farm use, as result of -of the .clees, with a. casserole, on restrictions which have .been placed Sunday at the perio,d. Mrs. Geiger on the sale of manilla rope in Can- thanked the daze for the kindness ada. The outbreak of war in the Pac- thown to her. ific has jeopardized future supplies of manila fibre, which largely come .Mr. Charles Fritz, who has benn from the Philippines and the Dornin- 41.1fiering with kidpey trouble the ionGovertimene has taken steps to pt week or se vas last week taken conserve available supplies of both eaVlstoria Hospital, London and on Saturday underwent an operation, at the hospital. We are pleased to state that Mr. Fritz's condition is very favourable and induetime will be back again at home. iHs wife, Fritz is with him at the hospit- fibre and rope for essential purposes. This type of rope is now restricted to a few marine' and drillmg uses. Manufacturers are iilacing - on the market a new type of rope, to be known as "Wdrtime" rope, made. Mrs. from the best type of fibre available, 'al other than manilla. This will have 80 per cent of the breaking strength of. manilla rope, while selling at a sli- ghtly higher price. Hensall Council Minutes Regular meeting of Village Coun- cil was held on March 2, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber withal' me- mbers .present except Councillor Hor- ton. :Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted, R. J. Paterson, Tax Collector re- eorted having received 894.55 since :at meeting. Motion that collector ee given until April 6, to hand in the tax roll. T. Kyle reported as to mood for library being nearlydone. Reeve Shaddick reported as having received a letter from Dr. J. Bell, complaining about boys tresspassing and shooting on his property . J. A. Paterson reported attending the Convention at Toronto and stated some of the proposed changes likely to take effect to the assessment Act, also reported re relief to C. 'Mitchell and E. Stapleton also re sanitary bills A delegation from the Huron Co- unty Plowing Match Commatee ap- eared composed of H. Hill and .1, hearer asking for a grant of $75 r seine, laid over until next meet - Correspondence read as follows: Stapleton, Inspector of Mothers' lowance, Dr. J. Bell, Dept of He- th, Dept. of Highways, Association Rural Municialities, Bell Teleph- e; A.C. 2 K. Mantis; RCAF Pte. P Bur RCOC; Monteith & Monteith, Mrs Melinda Wickens, widow of wn of Dundas, same considered, Joseph Wickens died Saturday night d filed.at her residence in Ingersoll, hi her Motion, that we grant a taxi lic- 64th year. She had been ill for only. o to anyone desiring one for a two weeks. She was born at Zurich, of $5.00. and with her husband moved to In - Bills and Accounts—P. G. Bonth- gersoll from North Oxford 124 years ins. rink $25; Manic, World sup- ago. She was a member of St. James s 11.71; Hydro, hall, 9,80; R. Anglican Charch, the Women's Aux- ddleton, soldiers' bils, etc. 16.05; Mary and the Welcome Circle of affirm). & Drysdaie, hall and rink Kings Daughters, She is survived by 40; J. Paterson membership Mun- one stepson, Herbert Wickens, Ern - al Assn. $5; T. Kyle salary $70; bro; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Byron G. Bonthron postage $5; 0. Geig- Brown Thamesford; two sisters, Mrs, snow and plowing 15.20; W. Dab- Philip Fassold, Dashwood; Mrs. Ed. labor roads .80; W. Love do .80; ward Stelek, Zarich; two brothers, Hildebrand do '.80; R. Dick rink William of Hay Twp., and Samuel 0 H. Noakes de 2,60; 3. Beer do Hey of Blake. The funeral was held 'Motion that ,bills be paid. from the residence on Tuesday after - hat by-law e 4-5 be given 'their noon to St. James 'Church for serv- lings and filially passed. ice at 3 pan, following a short Priv- hat we adjourn to meet again on ate service at the house. Interment il Oth or the cal] of the Reeve. *ase:ade in the Ingersoll Rural Ceme jellies A -Paterson, Clerk. etr, 8 _Co in E. Al al of. on C, To an Is Buried Wednesday As we go to press we learn of the death of Mr. William S. Ruby who a few weeks ago sold out in Zurich and Went to Kitchener. Mr. Ruby has not been well all winter and has gradually become more feeble. He passed away on Monday and is buried in the Bronson line cemetery with service in the, Evangelical church this Wednesday afternoon, Surviv- ing are a eon Emery and a daughter, Mrs. A. Dieterich, both of Kitchener. Mr. Ruby was for many years a resident of Zurich, for a number of years being in the general merchant business. His many Zurich friends :win regret of his demise. Had Heavy Rains Exceptionally heavy rains and a lot of thunder for this time or year prevailed on Monday and Tuesday night, and the old snow banks and ice have practically vanished. The heavy miens put the drainage syst- ems to the test and many a cellar in town has had considerable water backed up, some to an uncomfort- able depth. But the ice and snow are practically all gone and spring is ushered hi, many of the early birds have made their appearance and it is a treat to have the robins with us again. • But there will be the odd bluster a snow and winter, but on Saturday is the official opening of spring and we hope that will help it along. OBITUARY ens fee tan plie Mi Bo) 17. P. us W. 39,5 $4. mat Xpr DO YOU NEED GEAS S ES HAVE A SPECIALIST' Examine Your Eyes - et Hess fillyour prescriPtion., Ful Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any colour, A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification 4 the World's Finest Anthracite aek for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta,, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co. Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensall Good Used Cars ARE GETTING SCARCE We have large assortment of high class used cars equipped with Tires like new. Most of our Cars have original finish and spotless interior and some with very low guaranteed mileage. IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE telmaceavougmmorsommoasemmormarmosmammakea•rameuesc./tsemoue.sammeenco.t FORDS 1941 DeLux Coach, 6000 miles 1940 Coach, 15,000 miles 1938 DeLux Coach, 1988 De Lux Sedan 1938 5 Passenger Coupe 1934 Coach. 1933 Coach, 4 cylinder 1932 Coach 4 cylinder 1934 Roadster V8. 1931 Coaches (2) 1929 Coaches (3) 1931 Half -ton Truck, 1934 1 1 Ton Truck. 1929 A Coupe. "a—a—eV CHRYSLER MAKE 1940 Dodge Coach 1938 Dodge Coach 1986 Dodge Sedan 1935 Dodge Coach 1936 Dodge Coach 1939 Plymouth Coach 1929 Plymouth Coach. CHEVROLET 1939 Sedan, green 16,000 mita, 1939 Coach, low Mileage 1939 Sedan, Dark Blue. 1938 Standard Coach 23,000. 1937 Standard Coach. 195 Standard Sedan. 1934 Coach 1930 Sedan 1937 Half -ton Truck. 1937 Pontiac Sedan, WARD FRITZ USED CAR SALES PHONE 123 ZURICH AMIMMIONCENAMESMIIUMMEMEOMMIMIIMMININNIMMISi, Your Spring Sewing LADIES! Now is the time to do your early Spring Sewing. We are happy to announce that we can supply you with these needs. see our New Prints at: various prices. other lines that will interest you. Good supply of Chick starters, also most called for feeds kept on hand. Give us a Call! Come in and Also many FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TICE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11.97