HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-12, Page 3COUPONS FOR GAS RATIONING "Fill her up" will become an unfamiliar phrase when gasoline rationing goes into effect in Canada on April first. For each coupon the service station attendant detaches from your book, shown here, he will deliver one unit of gasoline. If you want only half a unit, the seller can bisect a coupon along a perforated line. When the plan was first announced it was thought a coupon would be for five gallons, but the shortage is becoming snore acute and no one can predict how much it will represent. Modern Etiquette Questions 1. What type of social letters always demands a prompt letter in reply? r• 2. When dancing with a girl and one notices that her slip is showing below her dress, should one tell her?' 3. Does the bereaved family is sue invitations to a church fun- eral? 4. What is the correct thing to do if a mistake is made in one's order when dinng In a restaurant'1 5. Is it necessary to introduce children to adults? 6. Is one suposed to leave one's card at a wedding reception? Answers • 1. Any letter which invites one to attend an affair of some Icind. it asked by one to attend a din- ner, supper, or even breakfast, or to spend an evening playing bridge, or to go for an automo- bile drive, a note of acceptance or regret should always be written promptly, The telephone should never be used for replying to this ONTARio W tt TICE TO TRUCKERS HALF -LOADING REGULATIONS Copy of an Order -in -Council approved ley the Honourable the Lieutenant- ;GG•overnoor.dated the 3rd day of March, Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways land 1Vtunicipal Affairs, the Committee !of Council advise that, pursuant to ,sub -sections 3 and 4 of section 35 of the !Highway Traffic Act (Chapter 288, ;.S.O. 1937) the provisions of the said 'nub -sections be declared to be applicable 'to the King's Highways described on Schedules A and B attached: - SCHEDULE "A" HtghwaY 4 Hanover to Fleshcrton and Wing - ham to Highway 0 0Highway 21 to Tobermory 7 Wisebeach to Parkhill and from 7 miles east of Poterboro to Perth 7A Manchester to Highway 28 9 Orangeville to Schomberg 12 Midland to Orillia and Beaverton to Brechin 14 Belleville to Marmora 15 Elgin to Smith's Falls ISA Kingsville tea Lakeshore Road to Highway IS 1813 liuthven to Highway 18 19Milverton to Tralee 21, Forest to Owen Sound 28 Mitchell to 1lginfield /4 Guelph to Orangeville and Shel- burne to Collingwood Milton to Acton Dundas St. (Highly ee to Barrie Arnpreor to Smith's Fall's Brighton to Havelock Ottawa to Morrisburg Gananoque to Highway 15 Stirling to Bloomfield ands Picton to Kingston. Hawkesbury to i aneaster Newcastle to HighWay 7 Belleville to Actinolite Cataraqui to Highway 7 Windsor via Bene River to I-Iigh- way 2 • 40 Comma to 91,e miles south 41 Platen to Kaladir 42 Westport. to Forthton 48 Winchester to Alexandria 44 Carp to Almonte 45 Cobourg to Norwood 47 Stouffville toHighwayhy2 48 Port Bolster to Z 91t Kleinberg to Highway 50 Highway 7 to Highway 9 Caledon to Highway 24 Highway 2 to Peter's Corners and Highway 8 to Highway 91 Duff's Corners to Highway 20 Catnsville to Cayuga Hamilton to Highway 53 Blackheath to Highway 3 Bismarck to Highway to Woodstock to Delhi Atherley to Washag° Dorchester Road to Port Bruce Belmont to New Sarum Watford to Highway 2 via Both- well Alvinston to Highway 2 Delaware to Grand 73end Port Pranks to Highway 7 Brewster to nusselldale St. Joseph to Hensall Amberley to Highway 7 Innovate to I•Iarriston Bondheati to Bradford Primrose to Cookstown Duntroon to Stayner as a Beach le'4Va ra Fimvn to Waverley to Highway ITo. 11 T Hickson to rroelton 1 Dundes to Highway 24 Tilbury to Blenheim via Merlin Woodstock to Thamesford Titamesfin'd to Highway 7 via Kintore Mglinton Aurins. Dawes Read to Scnrbo'•• 8( 111elir a "11" 25 5 Ali roads lying north ot the Severn .'diver and north of Highway 7 froth Saanderland Corners to Perth and north tend west ot FiIghway4 15 and 29 from Perth to Arnprlor, with the exception teatntt'irnprtorrto Peimbroke tghwa5' 17 freerouto, Ontario, March Gilt, 1942. type of invitation. 2. Yes; tell her without making it sound like a calamity and she will thank you and mean it, 3. No, 4. Tell the waiter in a courteous manner, and try to attract as little atten- tion as possible, 5. Yes, it is good training and they should be taught at an early age how to acknowledge an introduction properly, 6. No, it isn't neces- sary. HOW CAN 1? Q. How can I clean tarnished French jewelery. A. French jewelery that has be- come tarnished can be cleaned and polished by using any good toothpaste. Q. How can I prevent crumb- ling when slicing hard-boiled! eggs? A. The Slicing of hard-boiled eggs is more easily done with a knife which has been dipped into boiling water and wiped dry. This, eliminates any cracking or crumb- ling. Repeat as often as the knife cools. Q. How can I make the base, ment floor more attractive? A. Many people keep their basement floors in excellent con. dition by painting them with-deak paint. This paint comes in varied colors and is a fine resistant to dampness, besides adding to the attractiveness of the basement. Q. How can I make a good toilet . perfume? A. A good toilet perfume may be prepared by putting into a bottle two ounces of alcohol and one-half ounce orris root; cork tightly and shake well. Q. How can I relieve heart- burn? A. A pinch of soda dissolved in half a glass of warm water often does much to relieve heart- burn. Nice War London heard that the Russians are using a new secret weapon. It is a pump driven by an elec- tric motor, which squirts cola water upon the Germans who aro quickly covered with ice, in the below -zero weather. Sewing and washing machines, vacuum cleaners, toasters, grills and scores of other appliances will soon become very scarce ow• ing to restrictions on steel. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it sou are troubled with rtehlnt; piles or rectal soroneea, do not delay treatment and run the risk ot letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of •stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Rem -Roil from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Nem-Roid is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when Stich a fine remedy. may be had at ouch a small coat: it you try Hem-Eoid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money, wituftt COUGHS coos The now Improved Ruakloy Feusi to ii all medirarllon •••- ne swop astr tow en counts and collie -siva you mora for your mono/. bel Marrs It o the genuine .. -, X1.2 UC K LEY MI)11 u nor Have You Hear Moths can't grow big b rKliva they eat only holes. In Holland they use l to' - power to drive their winAmil a. Silence is what you don't hem. when you listen, Compliment is when you ,Har something to someone which,'he and we know isn't true. Double-dealing is when you buy something wholesale to sell retail. An antique is something no One would be seen with if there were more of them, but which everyone wants when no one has any. A Scotsman was leaving on a fortnight's business trip and called back as ho left home: "Goodbye• all, and Katherine dinna forget to mak' leetie Donald tak' his glasses off when he's looking at nae thing," A Lancashire man and his wife' found a gas bill on the footpath when they were out for an ova - fling stroll. The main picked 4` it up. "1'm going to pay this 'ere. brill,• Maggie," he' said. "What do you want to do that for?" his wife demanded. "It isn't Tours." "No," he replied, "but there's three and ten discount, and I might as well have it as anybody elaei,','._„ "Yes, my wife gets more out of a novel than anybody." "How's that?" "Well, she always starts in the middle, so she's not only wondering how it will ail end, but how it began." Stories continue to dribble from the fall manoeuvre area in the South, says Collier's. Latest to reach us concerns the Negro driver of a Camp Croft (S.C.) quarter- master truck who was being quiz- zed by a Carolinan. "These black- outs lackouts are tough, aren't they 7" asked the citizen. "Yas-suh," said the driver, "Specially at night." Fay -Mrs. Dashaway's hue. band didn't leave her very, much when he died, did he? Ray -No, but he left her of- ten enough when he was alive. Old Gent: what does your father.. do for a living, sonny? Tommy: He chops down trees. Old Gent: And what does he do' when he has chopped them down? Tommy: He chops them up. "How many of your girl friends are In our little sea ret?" "Six, all told." "They would!" Nazis Could Bomb Canada With Ease A young Belgian artillery offi- cer who was a Nazi prisoner in Belgium claimed that Canada is within easy range of German bombers based in Norway and that Canadians should not feel they are safe from the horrors of war. Thirty-year-old 2nd Lieutenant Nicolas Van Stein, now serving with the Belgian army unit at Joliette, Que., said in an interview that Nazi four -motor bombers now stationed in Norway could fly to Halifax and back with ease and have available a good amount of time to locate targets for their bombs. FOr€able Dwellings For War Workers 'Trailers and dormitories to be made available for temporary war housing . by the Farm Security Adminstration of the United States of $13,000,000 will provide 12,269 dwelling units for workers in 24 war industry areas, the De- partment of Agriculture announce ed. The trailers, the Department said, will be camouflaged, will be equipped with blackout curtains and will be set Up on wooden sup- ports so that the wheels and time can be removed for use in mov- ing other Units. There are 9,000 facets in the eye of a June bug, while some in- sects have as high as 25,000. DEAFNESS 1 LEONARD XNVISIBLId RUSHER EAR DRUM helpful fn nosy caress. Sold mince 1007. Seed for special 42.50 trial offer and recommend - odious of satisfied criers everywhere Wrile A. O. Leonitrt: Suite 12, Ci noon ,9.c... Toronto. Relievesdistress Iiclr MONTHLY Y FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly. pain but luso weak, nerve one feelings -..lite to monthly funic• tional disturbances, It helps build tie resistance against distress of dim cult days, Made in Canada. What Science Is Doing LOCOMOTIVE WHEELS FASTER THAN TRAIN Those things which were hard to believe about swift motion, like the scientists', story that a locomotive wheel can travel faster than the train, can now be seen, in pictures taken by the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology's muitiflash. The photos are stills, but there are so many of them, that evetry bit of motion can be measured to a millionth at a second. The outer rim of a locomotive Wheel is shown to travel at the tap of itsrevolution just twice as east as the locomotive. It is slower by the same ratio at the bottom of its turn. In the pictures 1t looks as if just at the point where the rim teaches the track it is standing still. That is what the scientists say happens. This standing still, however, is not relative to the rail, but to the train's forward motion, as Einstein would say. A ball dropped straight down, and one shot out horizontally from the same point, can be seen falling toward the ,earth under gravity's pull at exactly the smite rate and time. A ball bounced up, if not too light weight, slows down instant by in- stant, and when it starts to fall, picks up at the same rate it stop- ped, until it is traveling v:' ': its initial velocity when it re '• ire starting point. -0- TOOTH ftiNGS Teeth' have ,growth rings, just like trees; they are found in the enamel and dentin, which are the two outer layers of the teeth, the construction of which begins three to five months before birth, says Pathfinder. Dr. Isaac Schour, Uni- versity of Illinois scientist, has been able to trace periods of ill- ness and malnourishment in chil- dren by a study of the mioroscopio "tooth ring" layers. -0- WASHERS Faucet washers of synthetic rub- ber are now made which are said to outlast natural rubber washers many times, particularly in hot water faucets subject to much use. Ontario Marksmen Win High Awards Three Ontario marksmen, D. Coburn of the Little Long Lae Gun Club, Geraldton; Hugh Me - Arthur, Bramshott Rifle Club of Orillia, and F. B. Yeats of the •Timmins Rifle Club, have nue- "Seeded in gaining one of the high- est distinctions in sporting rifle marksmanship in Canada - the EXPERT SHIELD AWARD - it Coolrug. sooth- ing Mentholatunx instantly relieves the stabbing pain. Jars and tubes. 30c. roe icoE.1 IT DOES TASTE GOOD INAPIPE ! GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO is reported from the headquarters of the Dominion Marksmen organ- ization in Montreal. Mr.. Coburn is the Secretary of the Little Long Lae Gun, Club and is the first member of the club to win this high honor., Scores of 5914, 5900 and 6915 respectively were posted by these marksmen out of the possible 6000 points. It requires outstand- ing marksmanship to post a score better than the necessary mini- mum of 5860 points of the pos- sible 6000 in this competition in which each marksman must shoot 20 targets from each of the stand ing, sitting and prone positiditn. BECOMES BRITISH WAR SECRETARY First civil service career man in British political history to step directly into the British Cabinet is Sir James Grigg, above, who was named by Prime Minister Churchill as War Secretary to succeed Capt. David Margesson. SAFES Protect your BOOKS tool Ud.5111 from VIRE mad TUIS)VES. Wt have. o size and type of Sate, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit us, or write for price.., etc. to Dept, W. ,-I.8C-I . TAVILEIR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1.n i ."c.1 :•1 rs.. 1 oronto Fistat,tished 1555 To Shift Millions In U. S. War Work Serious Shortage of Mangey er Seen in United States Americans needn't be surprised if some trine'' in the next year or two they have to pull up stakes and go to work in a war industry. The United States is headed for its most serious manpower shortage. Some say as many as 10,0000 000 •housewives and non -defence workers will have to be transfer- red to war industries. Other estimates of the number who will have to change jobs run even higher. Here's the picture as reported o by sources familiar with the man- power requirements of the United States: The army and navy need at least 5,000,000 more men. • War industries at fall pace will require about 10,000,000 addi- tional workers. The number of .persons looking for work in December was re- ported by the National Industrial Conference Board as slightly more than 3,000,000. This number, however, is hard- ly important since the labor force on farms is at its lowest during the winter. About, 3,000,000 workers normally are taken on by farmers between now and June. If they use thaf number this year -and they probably will if they can get them-unemploy- ment hem-unemployment this summer will be pretty, close to sero. One ounce of radium is the prom duet of 14,000 tons of ore, JusT 119 ...CLASSIFIED ADV BAIIi CRICKS SIX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS, growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- talogue, Monkton Poultry Farm, Monkton, Ontario. BABY CHICKS -3 TO 11 CENTS, 25 free chicks, our choice with every 100 pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered in March, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. PRODUCTION - IN EVERY LINE. is what your country wants. From farm as well as , factory.' You'll be wise to order your °hicks now. Bray has what you want in a dozen breeds, crosses. Cockerels, capons, Turkeys. Bray Hatchery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont. POULTRY TAICi2 NO CHANCES BUY YUUit chicks this year from a reputable firm, one that has been in bus- iness for eighteen years. A11 our chicks aro from Government Ap- eleoved bloodtested stock. All turkeys • from Ontario Turkey Breeders and Hatchery Approved bloodtested stock. We have nine- teen purebreds; 9 hybrid crosses and four breeds of turkeys to choose from. Send for free 1942 catalogue. Twiddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. HAIUORY OQ,UUPRMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand, Terms arranged, Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St., Toronto. FARMERS YOU CAN MAKE CONSIDERABLE handling one of the finest lines of Insecticides. Electric Fence Con- trollers, Paints, Fire Extinguish- ere, etc. Write WARCO GREASE & OIL LIMITED, TORONTO. DOGS & KITTENS WANTED PUPPIES AND LONG FLAIR KIT - tens wanted, Highest prices paid. Dixon's, 1821 St. Antoine St., Montreal. CARS -- USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- oath dealers; three locations, 682 Mt. Pleasant Road 2040 Yonge St. and 1660 banf rth Avenue, Our Used Cars stake us many friends. Write for our Free 13ook- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cars._. - ENLARGEMENTS ' 1,'1tt1E lift ,A1ttiEIVMI,NTS WL?'11 • each toll of .films developed or ten reprints alt for25 and.05 , mail in stamps. Photographic 1,c.• boratorios P.C. Box 545, Sher' brooks, Qua, TI NTS FAIt:11 1.'0it SALIN FOR SALE -183 HEAD OF STOCK, farm equipment, sufficient grain, 800 acre farm; ideal location for mixed farming, $26.00 an acre, $14,000 cash. For further particu- lars write John Davidson, Two Creeks, Man. 110USSI FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 3 13111)itUUM 13RUCK, (clear). Sell or excilnnge, small improved acreage, Essex, Kent county, 1620 Arthur, Windsor, On- tario, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN ii uRiettleselNte £tail ISili- ortSon method. Information on re- quest regarding classes. Robert- son's klatrdressing Academy, 137 Avenue !toad, Toronto. OFFER 1'u INVENTORS AN OFFER 1'U l)Vlrlltt LNVt!1NI'OE List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada; 'PATENTS FleTkkl11tSTUNHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. lestabllsned 1890; 14 ;(Ging West, Toronto. Booklet of Lntormation on re- quest. MEDICAL WANTED - EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. S BIG ENLARGEMENTS SEND US YOUR FILMS OR TEN reprints and you will receive not only one or two free enlargements but all your photos will be en- usize for only .40 1:irged dole b Y (plus .05 mail) stamps accepted. Postal Photo, P.O. i3ox 622, Sher- brooke, Que. LiIGAL J. N OFFICE, CA. St. ThBomas Rol Theatre l Building, 1.1NUSA LAW U 1! ar Ontario. Special Deartment for farmers collections. POULTRY SPACIAL BARGAIN PRICES FOR heavy breed Cockerels for lvlarch delivery only. Barred Rooks, Hy- brids, $6,00 per hundred. Assorted heavy breeds $4.00 per hundred. Prompt delivery. Satisfaction glee ran itied. Our 89th fear in poultry 1m::ine:le. Fisher Poultry li'it1nt, .\,,toil, ttrltnl'i0. ISSUE 11-'42 o e NURSING COURSE--�` COURSE FOR WU11iEN ATTILhi3-. ants. Verdun Protestant Hospital gives a year's training for mental attendants. Requirements. two years high school and applicants must be 21 years. Immediate vac- a,ncies. Apply to Director of Nursing, N.U. box 6034. 'eluntteat. NURSERY STOCK • BULBS, PLANTS, SHRUBS AND Evergreens. Numerous varieties and colors; sensational new intro- ductions. Write for descriptive catalogue. James Seed Company, Liudsay, Ontario, SIUSIUAL 1NS'r'1tueT1u.r NOW 1S TEE TIME TO STUD music at home. Specially prepared courses on all instruments, Wilms Studios of Music, 369 Gieniaiee Avenue, Toronto, 4AW l.`UltS FV AN TED MINK, PDX, MUSKRAT, W l rl Sl l y Rabbit, Skunk. Ship Goods Par- cel Post. Highest Prices L'atdt Payment by return mail. iteier- enee: Canadian Bank Commerce, Phillips Square. AbeGerittger, 368 St. Paul West, Montreal. RHEUIIIATIC PAINS FRUIT JUICES - THE PRINCIPAfe ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 - Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. BARRELS FOR SALiP .00 BARRELS, CLEAN WOODEN,.e3.06 each, f.o.b. Toronto. S. .Barber Jllc Sons, 4000 Dundas St. West, To. ronto. VEGETABLES WANTED CARROTS BEETS, ONIONS, • TUR - nips anti Potatoes -large or small quatttities. Highest prices paid. Ship to or write Mutual Growers Market Limited, Federal Dealers License No. 1098 and W.P.T.13. License 35128, 41 Church Street, Toronto. WOMEN WANIITE D WANTED: WOMEN TO DO HOME sewing Bost pay, Postage paid on all work. Sent anywhere. nontex Specialty Co„ Box 27, Chase, P.C. FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND ti,11.0 Ii'tCl'ION '1'I1Y IMPERIAL 6 or 8 exposure slime, rte vcloped and printed, or 8 reprints, 26e; Both With tree entargcmen1. IMPERIAL I'OIOTQ SERVICE Station 3, Toronto,