HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-12, Page 1Forty Second Year Z All that Are You Suffering From Headaches.? Pf so; Have your Eyeth Examined with the Lsitest Methods aasd Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO.DERICIH -- ONT. Good.Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE Ad,.Permanent Wave is always a very acceptable Gift, band greatly im- proves the appearance of one's head. Make this your motto. No increase in prices. Give us a call. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Prop. 'HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE 'We have recently installed a . .new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now Presentation :better than ever. Be sure and Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger of :give us a call. j the Goshen line, north, were pleas- e MRS. FRED NiIELE, Proprietress antly surprised last Wednesday ev- I u have is COMFORTABLE , GLASSES At REASONABLE PI ..C.F S C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Tho Newest. Approved Meei'rted. of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE to all open charge acco- unt Customers regarding New Gov- arnment !Regulations! The Wartime Prices and Trade Board regulations require that open charge account balances (not instahnent accounts) must be paid in full during the month following that in which the purch- ases are made. After a further per- iod of ten days, additions may be made only if,the overdue balance is paid, or an aErbement is made to set- tle the overdue balance as if under a "Contract of Sale." elp pTotec; it;Save, .rife;^ ffiates: *1725 in Canada, in advanoa $1.00 in U.Ss,A,, in advance CHESTER L. .SMITH, Publishes ening when the young people of - 11 ieh Evangelical church visited them et their home. The social evening ended with the presentation of a Ky� beautiful tea-pot, which was acceMe e � ponied' by the following address. To Newell and Beatrice: --,On 1)e- half of the group that has gathered here tonight the E.L.C.E. wish to '- congratulate you and extend oil -h,` "" best wishes. We hope your life 0 married happiness will be bright and Miss Doreen O'Dwyer of London, cheerful. We wish to express Oto: was a week -end guest with her par - appreciation of the fact that you will eats, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. still be in our midst- and will be co- A number of villagers attended the workers in aur organization. In ack hockey game at Stratford on Satur- nowledgment we wish you to accept - iy evening, betweed Seaforth and this little token, remembering it is Waterloo. from the E.L,C.E, who wish your Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger, bridal future bright. couple, , have returned from their Wedding Bells -A honeymoon, honeymoon and are at residence on A Happy groom. and bride, their fine farm home on the Goshen May Joys of this sweet live on ; line north. As you walk side by side•. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook and baby May wedding bells keep echoing ;Mss Eveien Zoller, Mr. Ed. Brenner Love's old sweet song for you P of Kitchener, were recent visitors at And may your honeymoon Iast the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bren- A happy lifetime through.. ner. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored Several evenings later, seventy-two •to London Friday and were accom- neighbors and relatives welcomed paniod home by their daughter Mae, home the same bridal couple by vie- par spent the week -end again on SwithSher ane of a .shower of .beautifulgifts,to Br ts, returning unday tq which Brescia Hall where she is in resi- were introduced by the .renew- Hence. ing wards: Dear Beatrice. and Newell a .The Ladies :did of .the Evangelical few of your relatives and close fri chtircn, Zurich are planning to hold ends have gathered here this even- h 'rummage sale in Town Hall, sally ing to spend a short time with you t flay April 11th, You are cordially to be present as thre wil be and to wish you all the joy that she toted be something thereewhich lyou need and at a very reasonable price. vords can express on this happy oc- anion—You both have lived among s, most of your lives, and in that Tlie Provincial Department of ime we have ]earned to love you .highways has commenced operations both, for the sterling ' qualities of for the construction, of a new culvert character you ' both possess, •true,. ' they big swamp, the one to the noble, manly, and kind, are but a t, as it coven in some timeago, few of the qualities you both have And immediate repairs had to be exemplified.—This community is in- -imide regardless of the unfavorable Gleed richer to have you in its midst, maze of year: Mr. Finnigan is in and we wish you •both .health, liana ,G n thg,.wel,l..:and h xs a targe piness eta} Trospet ; -earev6uld -8A. , of. ll,t:is ` EEL "{tiJA. A. stempoi-ar, ask you to .accept, these gifts as a eul'vert:has been putt in to the south slight token of "the esteen_ to us.— of the old bridge for lighttraffieuntiI Signecl on behalf of your mends the new- bridge is ready for use. and neighbors. , 0004000000000•900000000000000000000000000000000^00000 t«) I' ANNOUNCEMENT 1 We wish to announce that we have: purchased the business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a 0 position to render courteous and efficient sex -vice to Zurich and the surrounding community. • 3 •Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- .ional service with sympathy and understanding, 2 .:holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake STT Brokenshire to FUNERAL -• AMBULANCE SERVICE '!s Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich .00106 't: 0000i00P:6 et0F.0000000®Wff00000111000 ;00004R`0*@i"r}9000 • 0 0 a) 0 0.1 0 We are having Blue Ribbon Coffe an dTea Demonstration Friday and Saturday, MARCH 13th and 14th. By Miss Dufault of Windsor, Cor,nd'' in and get a'cup of this :Delicious Coffee,' it is our lar. :.gest selling brand, bait ; we -want everybody to know how much superior this coffee is to any other on the market, Blue .Ribbon Tea and Baking Pow- der will also be demonstrated. Price of coffee for Friday and Sat. only 1 -lb. Mass jar .:54c. al .BLUE RIBBON AND PURE GOLD COOK BOOK SE1ENTEENTH EDITION MR EVERYDAY 55E IN CANADIAN HOMES ::.� Blly A ONE POUND TIN OF BLUE RIBBON BAILING POWDER AND A PACKAGE OF BLUE RIBBON TEA OR COFFEE AND GET ONE OF THESE FAMOUS COOK BoOXts FREE ct:`e ESNs hi. Phone 140 1 HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, March 2nd with all mem- Jti'y present. :Minutes of the Febru-. nary meeting were adopted as read. After disposing of the communicati— ons the following resolutions were That by-law No. 5-1942 providing for remuneration for Road Superin- :cenclent be read first and second time 'mi forwarded t o Department of Highways for approval, and that by - 'r es No, (i, 1942 providing for remu- e ration for operator of power grad- er and for the weed inspector be read three times and finally passed. That Tenders be advertised for operating twp. crusher and foit'>truc- 'd ng gravel for season of 1942. 1'en-- :lers to be opened at a special meet - ;lig of the Council on Saturday eve- ning. March 14th at eight o'clock. That tax collector be authorized continue collection of 1941 tax :arrear•, and shall return the Tax Roll an April 6th next. Thet Road Superintendent loolc af- ter portion of Adams Award Drain to ecce constructed by the Township of Hay. That 1941 assessments paid on til- ed portion of Schwalm Drain be re- funded and that assessments be. made on open portion of said Drain in 1 942 and years following until suiii- :dent money is raised to pay to Tp. of iflay amount expended on said Dram for repairs made during past. PATRIOTIC CONCERT S S: No. 10, Hay on February 25 had a most successful Patriotic Con- cert which was well patronized and a good program. rendered. Miss Esther McElwain is teacher of the school. Mr. Wm. R. Dougall acted as chairman; Mr. Sam Ronnie as musical director and Mrs, Ed. Munn Pianist. The proceeds will go for Patri'oti'c purposes. • Did You Blow Away? Is what everybody was asking the' other fellow Tuesday morning, as on Monday evening we hoc the worst ,blow in.many a day with snow flying and piling up, it was not safeto be out on the streets much less being caught on the highways. Thiel's Tra- nsport was on its way home from Londoii.asid took about four hours to Make the trip as it was ' unsafe to travel any speed as there was no vis- ibility. HYMENEAL Heywood—Gerber The -weddi'ng was solemnized at Crediton United Church parsonage, Saturday March 7th, at 3 p.nr. when Rev. Lawrence Turner officiated for the marriage of Beatrice Gerber of Hens ll, end , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gerber north of Zurich, and Laverne Richard Heywood, of Exeter. The bride was lovely in a cala blue street -length gown, with matching accessories, carrying a. bo- quet of American beauty roses. She yeas: since drain was constructed. was attended by her sister Mrs. Al- bert Clausius of Zurich, wearing a street -length dress sof blue crepe, and carrying American beauty roses. Mr. Albert Clausius of Zurich was groomsman. Later, following the ceremony a wedding dinner was bee ing served at the home of the bride`: parents with twenty five guests be- ing present. The house decorations in color schemes of pink and whiteeThe bridal table centred with the wedd- ing' -rake. Vases of red were; and pink tapers completing the decorat- ions, Out of town guests• attending were Mr. and Mrfi Nelson Riley of Tippen iti1. and Mrs, Harvey Claus- lus, Zurich; 3.h', and Mrs. Gotdren Heywood, ileaverk y and Jack; M e and Mrs. Dalton Heywood and Wayne ne. 1'lr. and '.firs, Eldon llieywood and Eleanor .all of Exeter. - The leappy noun= couple will reside n flay Township and have the hest, es i,hcs of their may friends, - That the following accounts he passed as per vouchers: Township Roads: Guenther trans- port cartage .84; W. F. Jennison, =law plowing $500.49; H. Steinbach "gad Supt. 11.76; Hoy Telephone '3vstein :---Bell Co. tolls Dec, to Jan 173.75; H. G. Hess salary 1'75.001 'el Floe, Co. supplies. 100.46; T. H. Ilorl'oesn salary 183.40. 'ne;1, ,and Relief Accounts---lul'ieh eleeeee lights hall 7.50: Johnston ST. 'z.n''1tuei,,.h act. hall 3.08; Honed!: '7;,ie n!rent 25.00; seh lbe, e: eat, • •,1. hell 70 3'3: T. 1?, Petere,n. " '� Dain. P.37; 74,anlds ,1*rr0m Drain 177.05;VI's: C.Shiro- -see lIm •nnee $1 i;,; R. ri da- • 111 • E. \Vleerth do 2.40: L. ' , do 2:40; International Plow grant 100.00; Tp. Clerk Ad Award ',5; J. Supiet allowance $10, The Council adjourn to: meet :stain for r c gulan monthly meeting on Mon- day, ,r,» tt. (ith, at 1.30.pan. '.A. F. Ho, 0eI S, DO YOU NEED GLASSES HAVE A SPECIALLST Examine Your Eyes ..et Hess fill your prescription. Ful Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any Gorton. A G. HESS Jeweler and Register Optician. PHONE YOUR 0 W FON For ,positive iderittfacation of the 'World's Finest' Anthracite ask for • BLUE COAT. ALSO: Rosedale . lberta Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co,, Miller Creek, • Etc: Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices - paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Herman Good: Used Cars ARE GETTING: SCARCE We have a large assortment of high class, used cars: equipped .with' ar'es.li e new. Most of •our Cams.,. have original finish and spotless interior and some .with very low guaranteed mileage. IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE FORDS 1941. 1)eLux Coach, 6000 milks 1940 Coach, 15,000 miles 1938 DeLux Coach. e938 De Lux Sedan 1938 5 Passenger Coupe 1934 Coach. 1933 Coach, 4. cylinder• • 1932 Coach 4 cylinder 1984 Roadster V8. 1931 'Coaches (2) . 1:929 Coaches (3): 1981 Half -ton Truck. 1934 1 is Ton Tettck.. 1929 A Coulee. w USED CAR SALT CHRYSLER MAKE. 1940 Dodge Coach 1938 Dodge Coach 1930 Dodge Sedan 1935 Dodge Coach 1936 Dodge Coach 1939 Plymouth Coach 1929 Plymouth Coach:. CHEVROLET - 1939 Sedan, green 16,090 rale° 1939 Coach, low Mileage 1989 Sedan, Dark Blue, 1988 Standard Coactl -2?,9'i0. 1987 Standard Coach. 1935 Standard Sed.t .. 1934 Coach 1930 Sedan 1937 Half -ton Truele. 1937 Pontiac Sedate. Fd T�Z PHONE 123 7.1!RICI g LADIES r Now is the time to do your early Spring Sewing. We are hv,ppy to announce that we can supply you with these need's.. Come in and see our New Prints at various prices. . Also many other lines that will interest you.. Good supply of Chick starter, also most called for feeds kept on hand. Give us a Call! FRESH GRRCCE %IES ALWAYS' ON HAND r Ear?.lana •t�:e>isit>r uber, Prop. PhIme 11.07 yiv';v; ,".,,w P i",, t!(tic;}.* iar...tra-Ensirr °" E,..1.57mmemormagafrottn-