HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-03-05, Page 2Jails grab oil fields of Indies, but Dutch burn installations 6dAWAI l Pacific Ocean Possible oil route from South Amer. lean fields Hitler threatens spring thrust for middle east oil U-boats sink oil tankers along Amer- ican coast; shell Dutch West Indies refineries I allied Oil Routes 1 j9 14 Allied Oil Sourced I Oil, long thought the Achilles heel of the axis, may become the United Nations' weak point in the Far East as Germany and Japan begin to squeeze the allies In the world-wide oil blockade shown on map. Modern Etiquette 1. What is one of the most charming traits of one's person ality? 2. What is the proper ma- terial for calling cards? 8. Is it necessary when writing for information regarding a trip that one expects to take or for the tickets, to enchr.se a stamp? 4. Is it proper for an office employee to hum or whistle while working? 6. What is the chief requisite of a good letter? 6. Does a woman ever wear a hat with full evening dress? ANSWERS 1. To be a good listener, even f the stories one is forced to hear are not always interesting, neither are yours. The habit of polite attention is not a nerd one to acquire and will win many friends. 2. White bristol board, glazed or unglazed, and of medium thickness. 8. No. You are not asking a favor in this instance and in no way under obligation. 4. In most cases this is apt to prove lather annoying to the other employees in your immedi- ate vicinity, who may be trying to concentrate on some problem. It is more thoughful not to in- dulge in any disturbing noises. 5. To have something interest- ing to say. One should never force himself to write when he _hags nothing of interest to com- niunicate. 6. No. G-2 Chief New head of Army intelligence and press relations (G-2) is Brig. -Gen. Raymond E. Lee, Blackout Toll During December 1,024 persons were killed in road accidents in Britain, compared with 1,316 in December, 1940. More than half, 668, were killed during the black - gat. Ten thousand flashlight/3 are being made in Britain every week, '° In six Greek towns the Germans Jett not one house standing. Army dispatch riders in Ameri- ea dashed off in search of a prie vate soldier to give him a tele- gram saying "Cecilia's had trip- lets." rip-lets " Then they learned that Cecilia was the family cat. Singapore's cathedral is built an ground shells, sugar, and white of eggs, the resulting mixture being etrongor than granite. During foggy weather, ships tinder way at sea must give sig- nals by siren every two minutes. Gas Rationing A reduction of one-sixth in the basic gasoline ration for Febru- ary, llearch and April has been announced in London, England. Private owners of automobiles of 20 horsepower or over will re- ceive 20 gallons for the three months. What Science Is Doing 450 MILES PER GALLON -IF Gasoline is sufficiently power- ful to propel a car 450 miles to the gallon, petroleum technolo- gists say, if means could be de- vised to obtain complete effici- ency of consumption. With fourteen gallons of gaso- line a new model of any popular make could do 6,300 miles at twenty miles per hour on a per- fectly level road, provided there were no power losses through fric- tion, heat radiation, wind resis- tance, and a few other fetors. The trouble, it is explained, is not in the gasoline, one gallon of which contains 99,000,000 foot- pounds of potential power, but in the difficulty of building vehicles and highways which will permit complete advantage to be taken of this dynamic fuel, Scientific progress will do much to improve operating efficiency of the motor vehicle, and azo will improve the highway, it is believ- ed, but the complete elimination of power losses cannot even be imagined as the present time - and probably not in the future. FROST -CRACKED HIGHWAYS A recently developed and effec- tive method of preventing frost heaves from cracking and break- ing pavements relies on rock salt as a road base, both -in new con- struction and in repair work and patching, The salt reduces the freezing point of moist or water- logged soil, but it is no .sub -smote for adequate drainage, excavation, or backfill with granular meaer- lel. Highway engineers in the Northeastern United S a ea, •as well as in Canada, report that practically no frog heaving haa occurred Un sast-trea:e .sub grades, even though the area oat of salt incorporated is ' e a 'y is only five pr ends pee s.,aa-e yard of area. HOW CAN 1? Q.-I1ee, aieee. :ae of left -over oatl'esai - A. -The cue, sr trill. left from hreakffase .hall` at - Beams firs s muffins -Gr azatheee.To one cupful a rys,ked oe ca. aid one and a half cupfuls of feyar, three tablespoons of s sga r , four teaspoons of bakitg sa, ,f'_r, e. little salt, one egg, half a cepfzii of sweet milk and two ta, e gpeen- fuls of melted butter. Hake in buttered gem pans in hot oven. Q, -How can I take proper care of the elect tie iron? A. -Make . a habit of rubbing the electric iron once a week with paraffin, applied on a soft cloth.. This will keep the iron clean and smooth. Q. -How Can I avoid watery eyes when peeling onions? A. -It is said that a cork held between the teeth while peeling onions prevents the eyes from be- ing affected. Q. -How should tissue paper be used for dusting? A. -Tissue paper, alightly moi- stened, will remove dust easily. It is excellent for keeping a brass bed looking bright, also silver toi- let articles, mirrors and windows. It leaves no lint, and does not, of course, need to be washed when the work is done, but simply burned. Q. -With what should baked bananas be served? A. -Baked bananas are delic- ious when served with pork chops or ham. After they are peeeid, place in a buttered dish, season slightly, then sprinkle paprika and butter over the top. Australia Mobilizes Men and Resources Prime Minister John Curtin an- nounced recently the war cabinet had been directed to mobilize all human and material resources in Australia for the defence of the commonwealth against the Japanese. Austalia was put on a full: war footing in answer to Curiin's call for mobilization of the island con- tinent's manpower and resources. "That means clearly and spec- ifically that every person in this country is now at the service - of the government to work for the defence of Australia," he said, in a mobilization statement. "Only two things stand between us and the overthrow of every - we have and hope to have. These are the heroism and fighting pow- er of our men going to battle and the indusiee, zeal and devotion of the men left behind!' In his statement on mobiliza- tion, Curtin said: "We have reached the stage when a new way of life is impel- led on us. All your leisure now -whether dos to industrial regu- lation or your fortunate pc"ix-tion. -must be devoted to the service of your fellow men .. "The challenge has been flung down. Adversity has never cowed you, overwhelming odds have ne- ver intimidated you, and today I call on you to invoke all the best qualities of your ancestry. Go forth to the workshop and fac- ;fry to work there as long as you can ,r Marginal Mines Resume Operations S n e. the price of mercury has gaze :vel from $162 to $2155 for a fl -aa-. of 75 pounds in the last gear, some of the marginal mines have beet able to resume opera- ions, states the Windsor Star. The prices have been the highest for any prolonged period since the lase war, Mexico produces about .18,000 flasks of mercury annually. Ja- pan used to bid higher than. the Crited States for the metal, but the Americans have peen getting the total Mexican export for the last few months. Apart from pro- duction in the United States, the Mexican mines provide most of the mercury used by the Ameri- cans, The way the Japanese were purchasing this Mexican. mercury is another proof of the prepara- tions that were made by Japan for the present war. Tokio ex- tended a long arm to gather in the necessities for munitions, while other countries still hoped peace could he sustained. DISLIKE WASHING DIRTY 150 SINGLE TISSUES 10c HANDKERCHIEFS? Here's freedom from your most unpleasant teak. Tnstead of washing dirty handkerchiefs, Gibson'e • 'ontpntd Tissues are so cheap you it simply destroy them - germs and all! Order TIIIAL OFFER NOW. lxznso v'y-71SSx,1 S,� - is Cranston Ave., 'Z''oronto, (int. Have You Heard? The Negro sexton 0f a wealthy church had a stylish -and capen- sive --- wife whose extravagance was creating an ever -widening gap between his income and his ex- penses. He decided to write the church officials and apply for an increase in salary. His letter, as a whole, was not a masterpiece, but its final sentez ce was. It read; "It's mighty hard to keep a sealskin wife on a muskrat sal - Enclosed find 10c for generous I 1 trial offer of 150 tissues in die penser box. 1 Name Address ,.,., ...r. ar.a..r..l. a ID LWsl. GET` WOMEN EN firs 1) HEED THIS ADViCEII If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -- Suffer hot flashes, dizziness ---caused by this period in a. Woman's life - try Lydia n. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, laade especially for woman. kluncireds of thousaztds re- markably helped. p'oitow label direc- tions. Made in Canada, a,» "Had you heard that What. chacallit's daughter and Whosit's son -the boy that's in the army - were married the other day?" "Yea," replied the other, "but this is the first time I've heard the real details." A dapper little man applied for a separation order to be made out against his wife on the ground of cruelty. When asked by the magistrate if he could prove his case, he re- plied meekly: "One night I dreamt I won $100,000, and the .following morning my wife nearly killed me for not putting it in the bank be- fore I woke up." Traffic Officer: "As soon as 1 saw you come around the curve 1 said to myself, `Forty- five, at least.' " Woman Driver: "Well, you're off. This hat is what makes me look :Co old." "I carne across a characteristic example of the war joke trait, when I went into a London tavern for lunch the other day. On one wall was a big printed sign which aaid-"In the event of a raid, this house will remain open -in the event of a direct hit, it will close immediately." Herbert: "Who was the smallest man in history?" Jasper: "I'm ignorant, who?" Herbert: "The Roman sol- dier who went to, sleep on his watch." Hugh bad ridden around the pony track twice with the pony walking slowly. The third time his daddy decided to go with him and let the pony trot. After bouncing halfway around the track, Hugh said to his father desperately, "Daddy, I want to sit dawn." Officer (examining re- cruit) -Have you any scars on you? Recruit -No, sir, but I can give you a cigarette. 4704 TASTE II FLAVOUR • FRES!'ECON WE PI 1°• EVE M TTNING Farms and. Homes Are Danger Spots So you think you're "safe at home". More than 30,000 persons lose their lives annually in the United States largely beeause of literal acceptance of that expression, the National Safety Council said in starting a new phase of a nation- wide emergency safety campaign. Col. John Stillwell, council president, said: "It is within our power to change the conditions which permit 37,000 deaths and over 5,000,000 injuries annually in farm and home accidents. We must search out the formule for making our homes the havens of safety they are mistakenly be- lieved to be." W. H. Cameron, managing di- rector of the council, asserted "in 85 percent of all accidents there is a human failure of some kind," National Safety Council records show home accidents are second only to traffic mishaps as the na- tion's chief killer, 32,000 and 40,000 respectively in 1941. Farin accidents fatalities totalled 4,500 In 1940, making agriculture the nation's most dangerous industry. More than 10,000,000,000 con- tainers were used by the United. States canning industry in 1939. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Any druggist will return your money, if one bottle of Ru-Yla does not give you relief from rheumatic aches and pains, sore, swollen and Painful joints. No matter how long you have suffered, you must get relief or "no pay." Try Ru -Ma and be convinced. Accept this generous offer now. S u s C L A S SI L'i 1E Here's The Answer "Where in the world is our Pacific Fleet?" fumed a war - minded straphanger on a ciawded bus. Ray Lokey, Navy chief [Jetty officer, had an answer. He handed the man an enlist- ment application blank arid sug-. gestecl: "Join the Navy and :find out!" HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with ,tebui$ piles or rectal soreness, do nut de- lay treatment and run the risk of• letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool is uaLure's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. 1+or this purpose get a package of Idem-1toid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula witieli is used Internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly, relieve the [telling aiid soreness and aid m healing the sore tender spots. kIem-itoid is pleasant to use, is higllly recommended and 11 seems the height of folly fur any ane to aisle a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy; may . be had at such a small cost If you try Hem -Road and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. The Buckley way. The new improved Buckley) 'f ormula now ell medication -no syrup, not only rings quicker relief but gives you more fot youv money. But be sure it's the genuine ... q-, ADVERTISEMENTS... 0101.1.1 BIG ROCK "PAY DAY" CHICKS make more profit, because they are bigger -stronger, are sold on a 100% satisfaction guarantee, Rocks, Reds, Leghorns, Hybrids, as hatched or sexed, six week old pullets. Write for prices and free calendar. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont., Box C. (Where Satisfaction is a certainty). BABY C1l1CKS $IX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS, growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- talogue, alonkton Poultry Farm, Monkton, Ontario. B achlh 25 tree icksour choice vel every 100 pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered in March, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. CHURCHILL COULD VERY WELL say I told you so' -don't have that said of you, poultrykeepers, later on. Markets call. you'll need $ray Chicks. Cockerels March delivery -also Turkeys - should be ordered immediately. Wide choice. Order now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. WREN PEOPLL DISCUSS BABY chicks in terms of 'pennies" and point out that from a certain source they may be obtained at two or three cents less than from another source, they are ignoring sound business principles. A baby chick • in itself has little or no value. People don't eat baby chicks - baby chicks don't lay . eggs. They obtain value through growth - and that growth brings s that havenbeen breey d into the chick , The most important thing to re- member when buying your chicks is - Have your chicks been bred specifically for egg production - Tweddle Chicks have. Order early, save money by booking orders be- fore March 15th. Free 1942 cata- logue. Turkeys, older pullets, hatching egg's. Tweddie Chick I:Iatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario. BAICBILY Extull'sfr7N'r BAKERS' OVENS AND MACTIIN- ery,, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspoudenee Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St. Toron to. ..... BUSINESS OPPOIVIlLNVJ.'1f1 S INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS WHO take orders at home, sell 1iamilex Products in demand' In each home If there is not a qualified dealer In your district, Increase con- siderably your volume of busi nese and profits. No risk, mer- ehandise always fresh and ship- ments each week according to orders. C.orne to see us for con- ditions or write' FAJt1JiX PRO- DUCTS', 570 St. Clement, Montreal. CARS - USED AND NL4W i1t3N'.0 PLEASANT eityrr)RS 1,1d., 'CorOtito's oldest Chrysler, PI,vM- ottth dealers, three focttiiutre, 032 t. Neaten( Road 21140 Yunge 91 and 11)50 De forth Ateflue Our Used Ca re male tis trifid1 .`tends. %V rite ter put 1'r ee Book lent on tied igteed 1ell ew(el and r t ,Hied used aiatll. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE -183 HEAD OF STOCK, farm equipment, sufficient grain, 800 acre farm; ideal location for mixed farming, $26.00 an acre, $14,000 cash. For further particu- lars write Tohn Davidson, Two Creeks. Man. FARM 85(1UI1'RE\T MARCH SPECIALS - I HAVE A few remaining bargains in ale - lotto Crean[ Separators, demon- strator and rebuilt models 15 used Grinders, 6" Fleury Engines, 22 aiid 38 H.P. Marshall and Deutz Engines; Lister Surf Portable Milking Machines; Myers Pumps and Water Systems; Gasoline Engines; a.. few Lister Tine and Link Harrows; used Basins at bargain prices; Melotte, Magnet and Premier Separator Parts in stock; Letz brills and Parts and other used equipment. Save money, Purchase now while these bargains last. Write me today. S. A. Lister, Stewart Street, To- ronto. FARMERS B T T` ERIE 13, IN1J)eTICl.l)r1S, .Electric Fence Controllers, House and .Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc. Be an agent for us -free samples. Write Wa.rco Grease & Oil Limited, Toronto. FARMS TO RREN'r IN EVERY: PART OF SAt11 A.TClllil- wan. Write John Armstrong, In- spector. Box 362, Regina, Sask. , HOUSIe FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM BRICK, (clear). Sell or exchange, small improved acreage, Essex, Kent county, 1620 Arthur, 'Windsor, On- tario. 1lA0It1)RIlSSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ItUB- ertson method. Information on re- quest regarding classe% Robert, eon's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. Ob'l''1)11 i'0 1NvPAAN'1'Oits AN OFFER 'P0 ER l• 1NVIIN'i'U14 List of inventions and full iufer- matien sent free'rhe, Itatnsaty Co Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 'Sank Street, Ottawa Toned t. PAT t+:Y'I's FETA l,lIC-1'1'0NA AUi1Il s'c COM1'AN Y Patent tolititOrs Estiabltened 1890; 11 fling West, Toronto Booklet of Iniurmutlon on re. quest. NIVIDIe. AI, IT'S PROVEN -EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 385 .Id'1- gitt Ottawa Postpaid $1.[11), The western edge of Queens- land, Australia, has the world's longest fence. It extends for 600 miles. ISSUE 10----'42 L19C:AL J. N. 1.1NUSA1, LA%V OFFICE, CAP, ttol Theatre 13u[tding, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. POULTRY SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES FOR heavy breed Cockerels for March delivery only. Barred Rucks, Hy- brids, $5.00 per hundred. Assorted heavy breeds $4.00 per hundred. Prompt delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oui' ',39th year in Poultry bustuese,. fisher Poultry, i.'arni, Blyton, Ontario. N1;RS1\G COLBele COURSE: FOR \VU1111N AT. i'1]ND- anis'. Verdun Protestant Hospital, gives a year's training for ,rental attendants. ltegturenients. two years high school and app,rcants must be 21 years. tmntediato vac- ancies. Apply to Uireetor of Nursing, 1'.O. Bo 5031, Montreal. ML SI:-'.tJ. lles'I.'itILC11Oi'a NO\V IS THE TIME TO STUDY music • at home, Speetally prepared courses on all tusttutnents. White Studios of Music, 359 Glen lake .lvenale, 'Toronto. • PUPS b"01.% 5.9.1..1!; NEWFOUNDLAND 1' L -P MALES $12.00, Vern:tie spayed $15.00 and laa•ttnation Males $12,06, .led. Deit- t'ich, Elora, Ontario. RAW FURS WANTED M1Nli, FOX, 51USIele.4.1.`, WEASEL, Rabbit, Skunk. Ship Goods Par- cel i'oee. Highest. prices 1'aidi Payment by return mail. Refer - olive: Canadian Bank Commerce, Phillips Square. Abe Ger Inger, 868 St. Paul West, Montreal. 0.11:19TJNATIC St i'1 11., ERN SATISFY YOURtsleL1 17 V le R Y sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis shanld try Dixon's ktem- rely. Sold only Munro's Drug Store 835 1nigin, Ottawa, Post- paid $1.00. I8,l11R.ELS l""Ori SALE 13AR1.1 1 S, iCleleAN WOODEN, $8.1)0 eaeh, (',0,0Toronto S. Ilarber & Sons, 411(111 1lundas St. West., To- ronto VEGETABLES '1)'AIBLES WANED 1IIiO'I 13, 1 1 1 f. S, ON IONS, TUR - nips and I otetuus---ltige or small •, gtlant.i0ea. iltght sl prices paid. Ship to or write Mutual t rowers Market 1dntited, Federal ,Dealers license No, 10118 and W P.T.13. L1uense 35128. 41 Church Street, Toronto. 051101 el ANTED WANTED: WOMEN TO 00 H08311) sewing% Best pay. Postage Paid an all work. Selit anyWbere, Bon tax Specie Ity Co,, Box 27, Chase, 13.C. FOR QUALITY SERVICE 8.ND rs abACTION TitV INPPR IrIL 6 or 8 exposure trines, devO)opee and printed, or 8 reprints, 25e, Lion with free enlargement. IMP't.RRIAL, PHOTO SIM VICE Station .1, Toronto, %1 •