HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-02-26, Page 5• ouourrE.Elorimns OSUMI% SOLICITOR, NOT ART PPUBLIC,' ETC„ TICS—At Court House CODRILICIFI — ONTARIO 111000101 Ait41041111 t� Colthoil and Cowl Work. ihr. Ulna nsay be consulted at MollosIob by Phone, end Phone skews mom& PIGS FOR SALE A lumber of Young Pi, Es 5 weeks easId for sale. Apply to W. T. David - eon, Hillsgreen. 1,,111011■1•11..1011.111■14WINIOW101111..11,1M,00101111.00. Zurich Crumory Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg -and Pi3ultry department in -charge of Mr. T. Meyers, A. L Meliett - Proprietor. Zurich Garage Come in, purchase your Auto- motive requirements f r o m Zurich's oldest established 1 Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. I A Expert Automobile repairing, I rit° with the latest testing instrum- I t ents, Acytelene Welding, Tire! and Battery attention, Oils, Greases, and Repairs. 8-A Gasoline in two grades. Give Us A Call1 11. MOUSSEAU Phone: Day 108, Wight, 47 LOCAL US Mr. and Mas...David Ducharme mot ored to Goderich lits Thursday to at- tend the reception of their niece, Miss Plante. Mr. and Mrs. Len Prang were at Dashwood on Sunday atending the But anniversary of Mrs. Prang' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. *I% and Mrs. Alphonse Dietrich and family have ni,oved unto the farm owned by Mr, Perd Haberer and re- cently vacated by Mr and M. Rudalph'ICorriveau. ?Pte., Lawrence Bedard of Camp Borden spent the week -end with his wife tat the residence of his brother Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard Jr. al- so visiting his harents. Misses Doreen O'Dwyer of Lon- don and 'Patricia of Loretta College, Stratford were week -end guests at the home of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. RED CROSS NEWS The Zurich Red Cross Society shipped to headquarters the following 13 Turtle neck sweaters; 4 seaman's scarves, 14 army scarves, 14 pr.glov- es, 27 aero gaps, 12 alternative caps, 7 pr. mitts, 14 quilts, 1 blanket, 1 afghan. Mr. Harold Stade of ?Stratford, who has received an infection to his right foot owing to an injury receiv- ed while playing hockey, spent a few days at Seaforth Hospital, before re- turning to his position he was a vis- itor with'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade of 'Zurich, for a few days last. week. 'PLAN PARTY The Huron ?County Junior Assoc- ation of Toronto plans to hold its annual winter frolic at ,Malloney's A tr Gallery, 66 Grenville St., Toron- on Friday March Gth. The entire et proceeds of the party will be urned over to the Red Cross 'British Bomb Victims' fund and it is expect- ed that quite a substantial sum will be realized for the bombed rock of Britain. The committee in charge of entertainment is planning numerous novelties and surprises for the en- joyment of the many Huronites and their friends who are expected. Music for the dancing will 'be provided by the Round Towners' Orchesera. • ZURICH HERALD Mr. and Mrs, Albert Horner of Varna were Monday visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. J. W, Horner. Born—In Hay Township on Jalrill ary 31st to Mr, and Mrs, Elam Shantz a, son (Douglas James.) The Lenten season was ushered la laSt week and the local churches are holding services every Tuesday even- ing in commemoration of the oc- casion.. Those wishing to help giving our boys overseas a •treat are asked to put your donations at the local stores no later than rtext Wednesday or bring them to the town hall Thurs- day afternoon, No later than March 5th, as boxes will then be packed. Come and bring the boys a cheer. This is very important. SOON AVAILABLE Ottawa—Gasoline ration coupons will ,be available in Ontario this week, it was learned. Detrails were released on Monday. Private motorists, not entitled to a preferred rating, .vill obtain their coupons from issuers of motor vehicle licenses. Your appli cation •form will be supplied by your local postmaster. Those eligable for preferred classes must make applic- ation to a, regional office of the oil controller. HAD ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Rader, of Dashwood enjoyed a most ipleasant day of their married ife on Sunday, the occasionbeing their Thirty -First Anniversary of their wedded life. During the afternoon their entire family assembled, eight children, some of whom are married with their life partners and two grand children, Myron and Glen Rader, about twenty were present in all. The afternoon was fittingly spent and a most bea- utiful and well laden table was spread in honor of this couple thirty-one yrs young. One of the outstanding incidents was that the couple at the supper table wore the very same flowers or bouquets that they wore when fiirst married, although some- what dried up in these years, but they had been carefully Preserved. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rader wish this genial couple •many more years of married life with iealth and prosperity. In 1918 THERE were 1,147,057 sub- scribers to the last Loan during the war of 1914 -1918. In 1941 THERE were only 968,259 A subscriptions to the First Victory Loan although the popu- lation of Canada was more than 3,000,000 greater than in 1918. In 1942 '1 , LIVERY person in Canada La should subscribe to the Sec- ond Victor3i Loan and have a abate in the defense of Canada. stv lev, OW CAN DA •rt.4:4frial "4, awrowifICTORY BUID This space donated to National War Finance Committee by EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED rauseccon Hamiltoo • Toronto - Sudbury Winnipeg - Vancouver and their DEALERS Makers. of DURO Pumps and EMCO Quality Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings Rubber:I Rubbers! KEEP YOUR FEET DRY IN DEPENDABLE DOMINION BLUE BARS We can supply you with all your Need,s: RUBBERS, BOOTS, HIGH -TOPS, GALOSHES; MOTOR BOOTS, ETC. ALL. AT LOWEST CASH PRICES Always a large Stock of Work Shoes or Dress Sheee on hand. Trunks, Suit Cases and Club Bap. COIPONS GIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE E. J. DATARS Reliable? Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us a Call! "MMIENIMmion EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heekendorn, Paster Mei. M. Osseh, Organist' 10 a.m.—Worship and. Praise Sermon. "The Way Back to God" 11 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. --A Special Service by the Albright Brotherhood. The men's choir will sing." . FOR QUICK SALE Fresh Cows. Apply to Aaaron Oestreicher, Bronson line, Hay. NOTICE CONTRACT BARLEY We are again taking contracts for malting barley for the Canada Malt- ing Company. Best Seed provided. Phone or write to, Geo. T. Mickle & Sons, Hensel', Ont. Phone 10-3. NOTICE-7— Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Irsavonal Care are en girder. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, R. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of ell brands. • Hensel" Co -Operative Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ln the' Estate of JONAS HARTLEIB AR persons having claims against the Estate of Jonas Hartleib, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County. of Huron, Gentleman, deceas- ed, *dm died on or about the 26th day.417,f *November, 1941, .are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or ?before the 28th day of Febru- ary 1942, -full particulars of their claims. . Immeditelly after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said • estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which undersigned shall then have notice; :to the exclusion of all others, and theundersigned will not be liable to any person of whose elaim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 9th day of February, 1942. . K. T. McLEAN, Barrister, Etc., Sea and Hensell, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Zuriehs' Popular HEAT MARKET , Lei Us supply you with the leery Choke « Friuli and Cur- gl ,M90.. RolOgnss, ssunim., &L, oiraili ,ota, hut Kept fraah kralectrie Refeigetatiop Highest Cash Prices tor Wcet Iliduo and SlOp• - • • 4. - ' EL Yunghlut & Son HYMENEAL Compean—Plante St. Peter's church, Goderich, was the scene r Op a pretty wedding on Saturday morning last, when Doris Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Plante, Goderich, was :married to Lyle F. Compeau of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Corepeau of Tillsonburg. The ceremony :was sol- emnized in the sca,netuary by Rev. H T. ,Fallon, who also sang trie nuptial mass. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a suit ?of pale blue with matching hat, and corsage of white roses. Her sister Vera was tbe bridesthaid, in a. beige suit and hat and Corsage of pink roses. Sidney G. Card of Tillsonberg ,attended the bridegroom. After a wedding break– fast at the Park House for irinnediate relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Compeau left on a wedding trip to Montreal. On their return they Will reside in God- 4rich. Thursday, February nth, 1942 i•++++++++++++++++4. -14+++++++++44+++++-:-+.;-1-4-5÷:4++4.44++. 1: "We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Beet" 1 - PURINA CHOWS We carry a full line of Purina Products, Mai es ++ Steffen*, Lay Chows Hog Chows Turkey Fee4. P I + ds, Etc., Etc. 4. t Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made + • - at reasonable distance + ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20 : + i•++++++++++++++.,+++++++++ 4 MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Our complete line of Farm implements are not to be excelled regardless of where they are made We have all Canadian Products made by Canadian Workmen and run by Canadian capital. ..See ..us for your next purchase of farm equipment All genuine M. -H. parts kept in Stock or orders taken. FOR SALE:—A good Percheron Colt rising two, very cheap. TeL Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS R"' 67 111111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111M11111111111111111 MIIIIIIIIIM1111111111111111111111MM11111111111111MIIMNIMM Oplin 1EF Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS NOTICE Help Win The War ---Tooth Paste and Shaving Cream Tubes are urgently needed. They are made of tin and will be melten down and used for War purposes. Bring us your empty tubes..... SEE OUR FINE SUPPLY OF STATIONERY EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES ff.-71 .•?? ..COD LIVER OIL Highest quality available from reliable Drug Houses'. See Our Fine Window Display Dr. f. A. Addison, Proprietor OA SAW/NW Nitif namboctu Rid CASE Traretor Local Dealer-ALVIN RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r41. KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. ' Engineered Lubrication At Klapp's you get Guaranteed India* Lubrication, using 7 kiwis of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and sees how Trained Attendant. Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 26c. Gallen Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy gest R002118. Zurich's Finest and Mast Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Driver in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car.for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE • C. Fritz & S.11 Used Car Lot in Connect,*