HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-02-05, Page 8PAGE EIGIT 1 • • • 0 0 3 • SPECIALS IN MEN'S WEAR We are prepared to supply your overalls and work shirts for spring wear. A shipment received a few days ago contain the following: 10 doz. sjork Shirts Bib B brand in plain navy, to sell for 89c each. 10 doz. work. shirts Big B. brand in a fine med. blue Covert cloth to sell at 1.25 each. This is a coat style shirt of No. 1 quality Covert cloth in the well known Big B. cut, extra value at price quoted. We have just received a shipment of New Dress Materials for spring wear in Taffetas, Piques, Spun - see, Vita Shan ,Stith repps. All very suitable for Ladies' and Children's wear at prices from 39c. yd, to 59c. Yard. 3 Oftii6046.06ee ai 5 doz. Big B. Overalls in navy 8 -oz denim 2.25 pr. • • 5 doz. Bib B. overalls in a lighter wt. blue, same roomy wt. well made, to sell at 2.00 a pr. • • • • • • • • • • • PRODUCE WANTED A fine overall for spring and summer wear. You will note there is no advance in prices from last season. Some of these lines will be hard to procure as season advances. So you would do well to get a supplynow. CHO SON PHONE 59 a • 3 3 0 8 ee®eseeseceesseesoc 0 8 • • • • • • • • • '•4 00+i++§••Q••i4 4••F•t•+A.y,+k.•¢•.¢.g 4.4.4-4.4. ++ir-i••t•h•;•-t•4••€•-?•-i.•i••,•d•+++•i••I x. 46 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! a • uy Storm Windows and Diors 44. . LET US QUOTE YOU! 4 Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials 4 REPLA.CE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY .A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON NAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. PHONE 60 4.04-4,AS ZURICH 3 a ,t r n• Gl l anS REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seafot th 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 1'< tiA'JFdi' 1t1;% r F.:Z4.'' Cn }1', .4Ca ar-.,!' •i(v l;` *'r ,VMel7a'.•� Ali 49 tTr 1 1 HARDWARE SEEDS and FLPRIRC'TURE 1 ; "1010111161 .. .11110 00.1 I ZU'RIC HERALD I (11111188 jIIIIItNIII IIIIIIIIIITl�l81(11118111 Ullllllllll ll il9 l l llll I1 oiii(111(I1iIlllrlli ll 11 00.11. i'-. v rocery, Store Mincemeat, 2 lbs. Catsup, 25 -oz. bottle Blueberries, 2 cans Noodles, 14 -oz. qkg. Grape Fruit juice, 48 -oz. can Pork and Beans, 15 -oz. cans for 25c. Peanut butter, 2 lbs. sealer- 40c. Seeded Lexia raisins per lb. 1,7c 1.9e 25c 1Oc 25c MenMenno Oese PRDUCE WANTED. Phone. 165 rich • } t!lliUliiiclldllll,"ia, iu llll n IQII�lW�lllL:J'_ _ u iuljfl" 1104Sgl !.fC 14 iNTERFSTi, Mr. Morris Rau of Detroit, was a recent visitor with his parents here. , Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader motor- 1�1eunauser S, London ;+d to London one, day last week. Mrs, Clayton Smith and son Gor- don of St. Joseph motored to London on Saturday. Born—At Zurich, on January 321, to Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim, a daughter, (Marion Eleanor. The week -end including Ionday and .Tuesday was really cold, but to- day Wednesday, it is much more mod- erate and agreeable. Mr. Archie i'dacKinnon :a student of the Veteniary College at Guelph, was a recent visitor with his mother Mrs. Matilda MacKinnon. Ars. Mabel Snider who is spend - other Lng the winter in London, visited la: outbuildings.For fizrt3 par few days with her sister, Mr. and Mxs titulars apply to: Menne Flaxbard;. Hilton Truemner, 14th con. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and daughter Patsy and Mrs- C. Eilber r;. of east of blensall, were ,Sunday ""4•'!". r ioJL►E� 'arrg guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, w+' :ome in, purchase: your Abel` _Miss Anna Deters has moved her millinery and ladies' wear into the motive Regztirenxents from office recently vacated by Mr. C. !urich's oldest Established Fritz and owned by Mr: E. J, Datal's. 3arage and: Service Station. Miss Datars had formerly occupied!. ciwel}ing of Mr. and Mrs l�� a can supply all your needs. part of the Norman Gascho. These rooms are =.X pert T utomobiie repairing, being fitted up for living quarters, 1 vith the latest testing instrurn- and will Lei occupied by the end of : Lits Acytelene Welding; "fres the month by Mr. and. Mrs. John M I Desch, Mrs. Gascho's parents. ;Batteries, Oils, Greases and Fear Saw SI a,:'ow Repairs. MondayFebruary t4•;jBA Gasoline in three Grades ,lay lie �: comes cut to s, I . • shadow. Well, he 'saw plenty of it 1111401011111.110 1942 CHICKS 1111111 t,. `Light breeds AA grade $9.50, 100.. " " AAA grade $11..0:0, 10'0% Heavy breeds AA grade 10.5'0' to. $12:00) per 100) Heavy breeds AAA grade•$13 to $T5 per 10'0:, Tripple A eggs from yearliing hens:. Agent FERD HABERER,. z'IJ.•R•.I:CHt. Phone 112. FARM FOR SALE Farm consisting of' 1'00 acres. of land, being Lot 10, eons 9; Hay T\vpt. good •brick house, Bank: barn anti' Jame. McAllister, Parr line Give Us A Call! this year, from early morning the ! jBR U Pr,�f x •r un show:: h t ht anti clear, hie: ttheL.'V�`f Et J ,r was so cold we doubt if the bear Phone: T)ay 103. Night, 47 would lenture out at all. At the rec+nt annual meeting of St. P,•h•r's Lutheran church Mr. Al- 'hot Hess was elected as an e 1e4e• for t term of t1 , c.. y: firs and ?l:.F c'r tl. !'1•t'' •! 1 was appointed ti . - same; in place of Mr. T+ •.sly (rackstcttei ` Hatadlccrch1ef Shower" An uigein cell ler handke, :ale t, .oy o rv.c•.3•; has cow., -So ' ii' a v.'ill 1,'1:1 in the Zurich Town Hall, afternoon, F..3 "Won't ,o do your little bit thelp the ne:'i, of t} c 'e .finc boys N, -ho aro faeiting, this battle of tit for YOU. -- Come en a ! rin h nndkf•rclii'•f. Everybody ,..':e•n;r'! OMee's.,, :roved An eld n'i:ere or -1.311-. of 2 Must 1,, rt" 's.r.:: pnotla r r ' :!lay with Mr. ,... e' ,'rit'!, of iewe * who for ahoy a .i ,l_ a century h • • 1 r.njoy.•d the doily occupation of the!. olrr toy tor:: iii , ,:,, , ;:trod, rtmii wl"ieh plaice •has been the ''athering I spot of his ;Fiends for all these iMr. G. L. PARSONS, of Go..'l.e•rnch years. If' those walls could speakChahivan, Huron ionnty Second they could relate ni eny a jolly and Victory Loos- Organization, humorous incident; we have in mind an incident in recent years when Mr, MORE FACTS About the Real Fritz single handed 'subdued "The•, MacArthur! More Victor n Charge of the Light Brigade," One Reid—writing in the- Pictor- of this party thou wrote a poem of ial Review with this Sunday'. (1''eb- which Mr. Fritz to this day cherishes. roars 8) issue of The Dr troit. Sun - And so he has moved his office to day Times—casts additional light on "s the more modern and luxurious the life, character and personality of quarters in their new garage opposite the gallant leader of the American the 'lunch Creamery. Here Mr. I foices ni the Philippines. In addition, Frites will exercise. the best of hos- you will find photographs that will pitality to his ;nails old friends. i'be a welcome addition to your scrap-. book of World War II. Be sure to• !get Sunday's Detroit Times. 8 8 Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the al most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let 3 us fill your bin while prices are lowest. 3 8 3 0 YOUR WINTER'S FUEL YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably 'You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of .Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. DE ZURICH - ONS"'. QUALITY — PRICE -A SERVICE 0 5 e • 3 8 8 two +rbL EUOfia ilV0aa ar Qa ttitiai4 :aito C 100 •0.a ratj;+ ;; .:,.aq ata d9 HOCKEY NEWS r Zurich Wins Twice From Dashwood ANNUAL MEETING In a hard fought •battle in .Dash- • A fairly well attended annual me- eting of the Hay :Township ?miners'Mtttunl Fire Insurance Co., in •the Town Miall, Zurich on Monday. Jan. period Zurich scored two making its -:'(8th when the fol]owing official: were 4-2 which stood at the close of the c'e-elected: Directors, George W. s nne. Goal getters in this game' Armstrong, Albert •Iiendrick w•!1 Os- vv,e) r• .Tack O'I3i inn (two) ; C. Bedard 1 car T' lope; Auditor. , Jas ob Hellen). (1), and R. Kruori• (1). .and George Deicliert, Mr, H. K, In a recent game on home ire in. Bilher, the Secretary -Treasurer )p•e- Zita ich, the home team swamped Lias- .;tinted- the financial raper( e'.°hick is hwood by stns c• of 9-1. Scorers in in put: •cash receipts • $1(i,168.31; 1hi:; gam, were; J. O'Brien 2, R. The total cope noes of management ement Schilbr :3, 11. Turkhf•ini 1, C. Bedard was, $2,938.21 and the losses ,maid 2, and W. Thiel 1. Line up: Dash- were $12,000.34. The assets are, wood: ;'goal iitaytnr; def, Fisher and ;165,1(34.58; t"..:re are 21:-.13 policies 'l'ieinan, forw. J. Hayter, Musses. in force covering an insurance of Taylor, sub. Kraft. Zurich goal 11, $9,141,870. A strong anneal is be.. Schilbe, del'. R. Schilbe, H. Turk- ing made for all people to use every helm, fowds Jack O'Brien, R. Gas- 'precaution to prevent fire losses, as cho, C. Bedard. Subs. CY. Hess,. Tt. •iwe cannot afford to lose our national Krueger, 1.). • Bedard, wealth. wood, Zurich edged out Dashwood by the score of 4-2. It was two all for most of the game. but in the third ThursdaY, T+'obrua.ay 5414 194'2 '****+l►°iy'�°W°ih°�FW'AP'•IN'!** *•a• VI'^Nt'°.v,ir ...,,..• •... „�,.,,. x. y..t+•Ir •h•;w' •.•.e y'gr'•# •u,•,.VIP + 4 8 V V r 8 YOUR ar d Furniture YOUR SEASON'S ;'' EQUIREMENTS 1 We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of iI both Shelf and Heavy Stank Hardware: Stovers, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let U2 Offer You Good Suggestiaroans along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices t FURNITURE 4.4.rs See Our Studio Couches, and Dinette Suites .. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements 4 Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 3 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con-. sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, 2 Dining, Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc, a 4. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save your many a dollar as we have• a fixe assortment of 4. Slightly Used' tFurniture that will give you big value for ;: 446 ' your Money. Drop in and look these; over and get our If* �416:4 `i Remarkable,Low- Prices, JOhliBt011 Kathfi eisch Hardware 4g3 Fu- .lturet,. Phone 68 iti"P ++F+'.+ ++II++F•+4++II•+•i•+ # ++4•+++++++ 7 ++++++++++4++ ++++++++++.1,3* TRY cxi 'S own Task" v also: CHOICE VARIETY F CAKE, PIES, M1D SWEET GOODS. (i rt read All Ingredients Used are of the Highest ( ,ality Al .i , CONFECTIONS --. ICE CREAM Out. Store wit be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckes Bakery — Zurich Telephone 100 ':"++.144.4.4444 -it i ii 11 0 e 0 0 0 0 rd A 3 3 • • `t - a rw •'.'4.4.V4 A°°` TL.4t.a", +V+;,,reeg V4.4444 g.+g'4.4.'g'hi++:.a,,t.°'g,°rg i;+' 4. . .,. fir.:_ mir t'"3 A' 1 : ,,, a-• -, ex:.'ansa_ cres 1 • ,.:mac u t nr c:.s '�. . 4, s , 4rASINESIMME EXCEPT LIFE q Auto, aaTiaity �L El I UTJr atdrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich gyta�rtrra,ruatr�n,xf °•::..Mr2=022069§200962M422Nai 0900000 e;@099090 92098000 es i 00 +Leasr9esaaaaos tea C ick Starters The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have e11 the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. Coal Deliveries Owing to war conditions to conserve transportation we are making deliveries to our customers on Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 e 0099009099 9 949090090200909