Zurich Herald, 1942-02-05, Page 4PA 44c 1 ZURICH HERALD SISSisis A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the full face value of the Bond at the time stipulated, with half -yearly interest at the rate -of 3 90 per annum until maturity. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada. The entire resources of the Dominiod-gand behind it. AVictory Bond is an asset more readily converted into cash than any other security. National War Finance Committee, Ottawa, Canada A40 DASHWOOD I� Mrs. R. Goetz had the misfortnns to fall fracturing a small done 3t1 leg above the ankle last week. awiss Catherine Finkbeiner who has 1 been in Sarnia since Christmas has returned to her home. Mrs. E. Barteliff of Clinton, spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of. Win- gFor Your Rubber Boots and Sock Rubbers See 4. E. H. EDIGHOFFER 4. -T . We handle the well known 4 4.' MINERline of Miner Rubbers. They BB have stood the test for years ate moderate prices. a• (vacuam-prossurs cured) + q: We also handle the famous: .4r .,,105Vilgl. r Greb work shoes for men and "X,f,d bo s. These shoes will g r. .-• Water- proof you satisfaction. foot comfort In Shoe Repairing we give + ata you the best money can buy. moderate Just the NO FREE OFFERS AT thing for 1FDlGHOFFERS wet, sb. shy BECAUSE We do not believe in fooling our Customer,;. the cost of free offer's mast be wraps sl up some- where in the ,Selling Prim You get : rll value at elighoffers . days. x 4yn vs a call, cue PA:e, are right.,; . ,,4,4.4.„.,t,, ... ,..,.: - • Zurich, r' ds -or were week -end visitors with her Bend spent a week with her mother, parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Beavertown. Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac who has On Thursday evening last a large been visiting in Windsor and Detroit number of young people met ,at t he for some time, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer and Donald were Sunday visitors in London. .Mr. and Nlrs. Alvin roTTerman and babe of Chatham spent rile we- ekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Rlumpp Mrs. Lovina Kellerman is spend- ing a few days in Chatham this week Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile visited with friends in London on Sunday. Mervyn and Amelia Willert of London spent Sunday with their fa- ther Mr. Simon Willert. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Miss Veronique Ducharme of the Blue Water south left on Thursday Last for .London, where she will re- main for some time .in domestic work Mrs. Wm. Ducharme Jr., left on Monday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denom:me for a week, where they will visit Niagara Valls, and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Len Sararas and Mrs. Rachel Denomme of Windsor who is spending a few weeks with the former, motored to Goderich on Saturday last. Mrs. Rudolph Corriveau recently of the Goshen Line south, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mms James Masse of the Blue Water 41!?,Ir. Wilbur ; r of, Grand home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Den- omme of our burg, and a very ple- asant evening was spent in dancing and other amusements. Mrs. N. A. Cantin and Mrs. Telas Denomirie of St. Joseph north were last Tuesday visitors with Mrs. Den- nis Charrette. Mr. Prank Jeffrey was a week -end visitor with Mr. Edward Mousseau o.t Drysdale district. Mr .and Mrs. Paul Masse of the Bronson Line, south, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey of 'Bea- ver Town. Mr, Napoleon Ducharme of Lon- don spent a few days with his par- ents. Mr. John -Charrette of the Blue Water south is not as yet enjoying his usual health. We hope he will soon intprove as he has been on the sick list for a considerable tune. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hewitt of God- erich were Monday visitors in Bea- ver Town. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. A. Ropp of. Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Itopp. Mr, and Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson attended the funeral. of the late Mrs. R. K. Horsey in. London last week. Mr. ,and Mrs, I, ,Jones spent Thursday, February 5th,. 194 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Etc. At ZURICH, on SATURDAY, a?EBRU.A:R,Y xi 'tip, At 1.00 o'clock, p.an. Kitchenrange stove, 3 -burner coal oil stove with oven; Booking ut- ensils, kitchen table, 3 kitchen chairs extension table .with 6 leafs, 6 din- ing room chairs, buffett, parlor table, leather couch, 2 flower stands, hall seat, leather rocking chair, 5 other rockers, 4 -pc, reed parlor suit, rug 9x12 ft. practically new; 2 rugs 9x9; large rug 12x15 ft; pictures and frames; .3 bed room suites all with springs and mattresses; 2 -wheel tra- iler, curtains and quantity of bedd- ing, cellar table, t2 mirrors, .2 clothe racks, folding ironing board, 3 sad irons, 2 iron kettles, copPer boiler, gals. tub, washing machine and wri- nger, quantity of dishes, table cloth, 2 linen table cloths, 5 -gal. coal oil can; 3 gal. jugs; cooking utensils, electric radio, garden rake, hoes, shovels, lawn mower, hand saw, meat saw, hammers, square, axe, 2 saw- horses; 2 .ladders, porehswing; 3 gallon .troch; 5 -gal. crock, a quant- ity of -sealers, flower plants, lace cu•"•tains, 2 large pine boxes, 2 trunks 8 -day clock, alarm clock, quilting fr- ames, carpet strip, floor mats . and numerous other articles. In case of bad weather, sale will be held in church .shed. - TERM S—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Wm. S. Ruby, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 75 acres, being part, Lot 7 and 8, concession 16, brick house, bank barn, drive shed, poultry house, all in good repair, auout 7 acres second growth timber; also 39' acres, part Lot 22, Lake Road East, con. 17; pasture and wood. All in Hay Township. May be sold separate if larger parcel is sold first• " 'Jno. and Hy. Gaekstetter, Executors, Late Jacob Gackstetter Estate, Zur- ich, Ont. day last week with the latter's sister Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons of -Crow-- arty. Mr, and Mrs. C. Blatchford and family of Exeter, Miss Pearl Cann of Pte. Bruce Cann of Kitchener vis- ited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Harney Miss Doris Alexander of London, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mrs. H. Smith and Miss M. -Smith of near Varna visited recently at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Jarrett. L. A. C. Harney, .C.R.—RCAF, of Clinton Radio School visited on Sat- urday at the home of his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Homey. Born -In .Scott's Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday Jan. 31st to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacGregor, the gift of a son. - OBITUARY Dies at Crediton. Mrs. Louisa Swartz, a native an d lifelong resident of -Crediton district died at her home on Sunday. She had not been ill prior to her death and was in her 71st year, an active intim- ber of. the Crediton Evangelical. Ch. Predeceased by :her husband, who died five years ago, she is survived by six sons, Harry ry of Centralia, Wm., Lawrence. and .)toy *f Crediton, Jos- eph and Earl of Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. W. Motlock of Crediton, and Mrs. T. Mawhinney of Exeter; two daughters, Mrs. Alf. Wurth of Exe- ter and Mrs, 0, Weiner of Detroit .609144011111013121 four brothers, John, Christian and Harry Haist of Crediton and Mose Hoist of Pi,eon, Mich. The funeral was held in the Evangelical cemetery Crediton. Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. Zurich. . R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc.. arraduate of Ontario Veterinarg, :,ollege, University of Toronto. All liseases of domestic animals treated ,,,y the most modern principles, Jharges reasonable. Day or night ;ails promptly attended to. Also Bre- ;der of Scottish terriers. Inverness aennels. Office on Main Street* t posite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. Farm Produce WANTED F fIOI-IEST CASH PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY i_ Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurichs' Popular, MEAT MARKET' Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric R.efrigeratiom Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins: e Yungblut & Son' Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cam. OF WOODSTOCK t"iiE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MITT, DAL COMPANY DOING BUSIbNESat Off' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO, Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dem. 31st, 1986, $22,391,67.90 Total Cash in Bank and Bond $273,613.48. agates --$4.50 per $1,000 for "3 Year* E. P. KLOPP--aZURICI I Agent, also Dealer in. Lightnn 6 Rods and all kinds of Firt Insurance