HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-02-05, Page 1'Forty Second Year ZURICH. THURS serve * nacia • Are You Suffering From Headaches? ..tf so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANN BEAUTY_ SHOPPE A Permanent Wave is always a very acceptable Gift, and greatly im- proves the appearance ofaone's bead. Make this your motto. No increase in prices. Give us a call. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Prop. - EMIPSWINNIII419111, THIEL'S HAIRDRESSIING NOTICE •We have recently installed a -new Shelton Waving Machine • and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a dhang- ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 1.1.15 a.m..—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Doctor Leaves Hensall Pr. II. G. active in church and social life in Hensall, is giving up a successful 12 -year practice to accept a position on the staff of the General Hospital at Kamloops, B.C. Dr. D. G. Steer of Hensall, has pur- chased the practice. 15 13 06400eldiaaegMeiettazoptiosaa .7•4 ANF OUNOEMENT We wish to announce that we have purchased the business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and the surrounding community. Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- ionai service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake d5. Brokenshire FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich Veralr....4,.....01-10.../..........6...1.117..,20.7%.1.7,..G.Mer4r.r.Pxdr...,.,,,,,, grer4...1. • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT, YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS. SIBLE PRICES. Phone 140 111! AY MOHNLN1 FEBRUARY 5t942 ng forth COSTS TO RUN AUTOS It cost County Constable john Fer. guson of Exeter $69`7.80 and qlon- stable W. Gardner $748.70 to. operate their cars in 1941, a considerable in- crease over the previous year. This includes everything, depreciation,ete. An increase of ten cents a gallorin gasoline was responsible for the l!ig- gest end of the jump. Co. Council allowed the constables $180 per 'Yr. more • . • PARTNERS DISSOLVE ',• After a period of 31 years m b4s- iness, the firm of Bonthron & ,DrYs- dale, of Hensall, will on March 1st, next, by mutual consent, dissolVe partnership. After that date the Hardware, Tinsmithing and Plumbing etc., ,will b,e carried on by G. X. Drysdale, and will be known as Drys - dale's Hardware. The furniture and funeral service will be carried on by J. ,Bonthron and will be known as J. Bonthron & Son. A BAD ACCIDENT Three persons were killed and 3 others injured, two seriously, when the car in which they were riding was struck by a slow moving CNB freight train at Pottersburg crossing in East London early Sunday morn- ing. It was the highest -death toll ac- cident there for over five years. The dead are. Mr. and Mrs. James Salk- eld, agen 219_ and 25 of Goderich. Mrs. J. Lamont of London. William Sutherland, 27, Goderich lawyer was one of the injured and is in the hos-. pital with injuries. DIES AT BAYFIELD The death occurred in Goderich Hospital, on JEL11. 26th of William ru Rates7 $1.25 in Canada, in a dvams kr . PAC" In ItT.S.A.,, in adynes? CHESTER L. SMITH, Publish's* st effort LalialasilWasumyesamakbrmayas.allaaa Airs. Flossie Brown has returned home after spending several days with friends et St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau and daughters were recent visitors with relatives at Woodstock. Messrs. Ward Fritz and Gordon Smith were to London early in the week, returning Shirley cars. Misses Shirley Krueger and Belva Truemner enjoyed a pleasant day at London last week. Mr. E. Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich., is visiting with his father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. The many friends of Mrs. P. Jk.i O'Dwyer will be pleased to see her out again after her bad fall over a week ago. • Miss Ellen Fremlin 'accompanied by Misses Margaret Glenn and Ruby Church spent Sunday at the former's home in Clinton. Miss Gwendolen Eckert of Holly - rood who has been teaching for the blind in this community has returned to her home. She was in residence :ivrateitilelke. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. • Mr. Everil Smyth of Toronto, vis- ited at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg, re- cently. Mr. Smyth was engaged at Johnson of Dayfield in his 90th London by the Kellogg Co. as an year .acc Born on the Blue Water Highway ountant. near Bayfield in 1852, and lived here'. MaGus Denomme, his father, Mr. .I4r practically .all his live with the ex -a ank Denomme motored to Niagara ception of 20 years spent in Goder-over the Week -end. They were lz.vrapanred,.._ home:. by ‘Mrs. Frank ich He was married to Sara MacDon.- 01 of Bayfield 'on, Dec. ,•:1818....a.;iO4';'?,(ml'MMi'i'.A''"i'ancl-lac"1/1111'6- Mrs. Adolph •Bedour and Miss Julia Denomme who had ,been visiting at the Falls for a week. The Many Zurich friends of Air. L. Mellett, proprietor of the Zurich Creamery wish to extend their sym- pathy in the death of his mother in Prinee Edward Island last week. She was 7,1years of age, and leaves b- ides her husband two dangbters and two sons. The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society VMS held on Saturday afternoon with a good nt- tenclanei•, The financial report was very satisfactory as the society has a nice working balaMT ort ba114, 17110 former officers were re-elected and the society is now all set for 1942. RED CROSS THANKS The Red Cross Society acknowled- ges with thanks these donations in January: Stade & Weido, machine oil; Mrs, Go. Smith, London, 2 quilt tops; Miss Agnes Love, 1 dress, 1 tam; Airs. Wm. Siebert 1 pr. trousers, 1 pr. braces; Mrs. Wm.. Truemner, 1 quilt top. Your Old Auto Plates All persons owning autos Wad who have old auto markers are kindly asked by the Red Cross Society to leave these old markers at some gas Station where they will be picked up and returned for scrap iron. ztrany hundreds of tons of old metal can be salvaged this way, and the Red Cross is doing the managing. Clean Your Eggs! Local produce dealers have been strictly notified by the government against spots on eggs for the export market. Any spots regardless of how small, cannot be passed and must be culled out. These eggs suf- fer a reduction .of nine cents or more in price, and and dealer found not having his eggs true to grade is lia- bir for a heavy penalty. So be sure and well clead and polish up your eggs „before bringing them to mark- etr,ice.insorder to command the geed. 1:) HYMENEAL Popper—Deichert who predeceased in 1935. He was a kind and likeable man, surviving are 3 daughters, Mrs. Guest of Toronto; Mrs. E. Weston of Goderta and Mrs M. Toms of Bayfield; 3 sons, Percy of Goderich, Garden of Paris and '‘Velter of Windsor. Tim remains we - r, laid to r.--st in Ilayfield cemetery. SURPRISE PARTY A. pleasantsurr.r1„:,e i)orte nL -as hel a4. the loint, of Mr. and Ah's. ij Gaacho, Broneon line, Hay, on Sat- urday "%•-ening.1.•,.‘h-ri friends from far 9,1q t'lr t:, .111,11(1 gOeffIl 1;11). 7.11'. and Mrs.. (.ascho, • family. But time fled only too quickly, and it was soon time for to s rve 11.1,01 *X11.:11 r',7, amply provided, and of the very c•rt!, Gifts were both irerr,o:oe.4 sand costly, showing the high esteem • %.-111....1 the couple were held, as it \vas the 21st anniversary of their Mr. and Mrs. Gascho in a wen chosen wo,ds thanked them all for the hospitality shown and in- •.1ted them back for another such an event in the near future. Presentation On Thursday evening the neigh- bors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch of the 15th Con - Hey, invaded their home to spend an hour of social fellowship prior to their removal to their new home in Zurich. During the course of the evening they were presented with _Ettl approp- riately worded address accompanied withwith a suitable gift to which Mr Kalb eisch feelingly responded in well ehoscn words and invited all to visit them in their new home. • Mr. and Mrs. Kalbfleisch have .been residents of the 15th Con., Hay for more than half a century and it is the riTectionate wish of their many friends that they may be spared to -tioy many years of health and hap- piness in their new home. A program of short addresses feat - mod and enlivened the evening and nmny expressions of love and :esteem were vo'eed by neighbors and..others. • IN 111 -,...man's Hotel, Dashwood ON ..RIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. Murdock Orchestra NEW AND OLD TIME DANCING • General Admission 8 5e, The Lutheran parsonage, 71road- hggen, was the setting for a quiet wedding when Rev. William Schultz united in marriage Laura TIllizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor TM - chert, of Stara, and Clifford Francis, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Popper. The bride chose a. streetlength dres, of rose erepe. licr flowers WM? Talisman roses, pink carnations and baby's breath. Following the recep- tion, the bridal couple left on a hon- eymoon.. They will reside on the' if)th Concession Hay Township. The many Zurich friend ,; extend 11, ongrat u 11) t on s ,,,actstsfonfimmoommegescarlMEIMUMwtwormaReRMMOSsaiminnaw DIAMOND RINGS $15 UP. WEDDING RINGS $5 UP. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For- positive identification a the World's Finest Anthracite askfor BLUE COAL USO: Rosedale Alberta, Sernet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co, Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensell se Oars • Any Reasonable Offer Accepted. We do not want to carry any of these Cars over the winter. BUY NOW! 1939 CHEV. MASTER DE LUX Sedan, 4 Door, Heater, Built in DeFrosters. Dual Hams, Fog Light. Save $100 on this Car 1939 DODGE CUSTOM COACH, Steel Top, Hydraulic Braks Trunk. Motor Overhaulti. 1038 CHEV. COACH. Heater and De Frosters, Nearly New Tires. Very Clean Inside and Out. Priced Low 1;./35 CHEV. STANDARD:, 4 Dor Sedan, Original 'LIphalido.-i- Ang. Good 1931 FORD COACH, Newly Painted, Upholstoing Nearly as °o dAaissNevo 1937 FORD COACH, Trunk, Very Rearsornb("Ile. Coupe 1037, 19341034 CHEV. COACH, Original Finish $390.00 1920 FORD A COACH $125.00 1930 FORD A COACH $135.00 7A, /74 Ai it% i37,1 .4? -A NEW AND USED CAR SALES. TZ - ZURICH alu S Good Values for your Money.. has always been our motto, and especially do we wish to follow this tradition in 1942. We can give you Splendid value in Rubber Footwear, and niany other .staple lines of every day cornmodites... Let us show you our Splendid lines. Also Pioneer Feeds for your Live Stock. Purity and Robinhood Flour in stock. Give Us a Call. FRESH Edmund GROCERIES ALWAYS 1474 IS IL A it Swartzentruber, Prop. ON HAND ST1) 1E Phone: 11.97