HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-29, Page 4Thursday, January. 22m!, 1„42 By Order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board You Must Have a Licence by March 31, 1942 Every Person or Firm is Required to Have a Licence 1. if engaged in the business of buying for resale or selling any commodity; or it engaged in the business of supplying any of the following services: the supplying of electricity, gas, steam or water; telegraph, wireless or telephone services; the transportation of goods or persons; the provision of dock, harbour, or pier facilities; warehousing or storage; undertaking or embalming; laundering, cleaning, tailoring, or dressmaking; hairdressing, barbering, or beauty parlour services; plumbing, heating, painting, decorating, cleaning, or renovating; repairing of any kind; the supplying of meals, refreshments or beverages; the exhibiting of motion pictures; process manufacturing on a custom or commission basis, IF YOU HAVE ALREADY APPLIED FOR OR OBTAINED A WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD LICENCE UNDER A PREVIOUS LICENSING ORDER, YOU SHOULD NOT APPLY AGAIN Why Licence Applications Apart from the legal requirements, licensing of your business will enable the Board to advise you quickly and fully of the price ceiling regulations that affect your business. AMMO To Get Your Licence 1. Get an application form at your nearest post office. 2. Complete the application and mail it, postage free. There is no licence fee. 3. You will receive by mail a Licence Identification Card bearing your licence number. _ Those Who Do Not Need a Licence 1. farmers, gardeners, livestock or poultry producers, and fishermen, unless buying goods for resale. 2. employees of a person or firm which is itself subject to licence. 3. operators of private boarding houses. NOTE: -Persons who have already applied for or' obtained a Wartime Prices -and Trade Board. licence should not apply again. Should Be Made At Once The name of every person who has been granteda licence or who has already applied for a licence is being placed on the Board's mailing list. Your name will be added when your application is received. WHALIT THE LAW REQUIRES YOU TO , 0 After March 31, 1942, any official, representative, or investigator of the Wartime Prices and Trade 9oard may require you to produce your Licence identifica- tion Card if you are subject to this licensing order. after March 31, 1942, you must notify, the Director cf.Licensing of° the Waitinie Prices atierrade Board,. Ottawa, in writing, quoting your licence number, of any change in the name, address, or character of your business within 10 days of such change. You must retain your Licence Identification Card as it will remain in effect, unless suspended or cancelled, as long as the Maximum Prices Regulations continue - if you are already licensed, a Licence identification Card, valid for the duration of these Regulations, will be automatically mailed to you before March 31,. 1942. You need not apply for a renewal and there is no licence fee. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF LICENSING, WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, AT THE NEAREST OF THE FOLLOWING CITIES: VANCOUVER, EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, HALIFAX, SAINT JOHN OR CHARLOTTETOWN Issued under the authority of THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, Ottawa, Canada HILLSGREEN Late Jlohn R. Jones Mr. John R. Jones ,passed away Thursday morning, January 22nd, 1.942, , at the home of his, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and MTS. Wm. J. Davidson; Hillsgreen, after an. iillress of ten days. The deceased was born near Hampstead in North East Hope, Perth County in the year 1855 where he spent most of his boyhood days. In the year 1876 he took for his life partner Dorcas Mar- tin of Mornington Township, where they farmed for some time, ,after which they' moved to Maryborough Twp. near .Dorking, where they far- med for forty-five years. For the past -thirteen Months Mr. Jonce has resi- ded at the home of his daughter Mrs Wm. 'Davidson, Hillsgreen. .Surviv- ing are his aged wife, five daughters and three :,ons, one son having pre- deceased' hire. Mrs. D. Moser, Strat- ford; Mrs. W. Gowing, Glenallan; ilrs. M. Lombard, Mitchell; Mrs. W. Gaul, Detroit; Mrs. W. Davidson, Hillsgreen; Mr. A. E. Jones, Bran- don, i\Ian; Mr. A. E. Jones, Meose Jaw, Sask; John A. Jones, Cal- gary, Alta; Twe ity-nine grandchild - ran and fourteen great grandchildren The funeral was held on Saturday, to Avondale cemetery,Stratford. The pall bearers were: Wellington Gewing, Wm. Davidson, Lorne Moser Joseph Smith, David Davidson, John ,Davidson. Floral tributes were:wreath the family, spray Maser and Smith; grandchildren, spray, David, M trh or^ie, Dalton, Dorcas and Grace; spray Mats.:. l". JonMrs, Lottiennd' Phoebe; bray, Mr, and Geo, Martin,, Mr. and Mrs. •Geo. Davidson; Mr. Wilkie of Forest was do charge of• the services. CARD OF THANKS riv1r. and Mrs. Wm. J. Davidson wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the expression of ind- ness Extended to them, ,dnrmgtlie r recent bereavement, alb to . thiisor who sent •flowers, loaned cars or helped in any way. . STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of y 'P Stanley met in the hall,, Bayfield, an Wednesday, Jan. 114, and elected the following officers: W.G., Fred Mc Clymont; D.C,, Jas. Petty; Chap. A. E. Erwin; Rec. Sec„ .C. C. Pilgrim; Teas,, Ehner (Webster; 1st Lett., P Johnston; 2nd Ben Fathwell; lst. Con. J. Pease; 2nd Con., LewisClark, marshall T. Stinson, sentiner, Anson Coleman; herald, Geo, Clarks. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. John Etue were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Etue near Seafarth, .The ladies of the Bronson. Line Red. Cross met at ;the home ,of Mrs. Colin !Campbell, Wednesday last.The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russl Heard, Stanley Federation Meet A Director's meeting of the St- anley l?'ederation of Agricurture.was held on .January 19th at the home of Elmer Webster.. Motion that Mr. Wright be chairman. The follo,:ing motions were passed: that the nriii- gate member en the county board;) NOTICE TO CREDITORS that we hold a public meeting in the AND OTHERS Varna hall on Feb. 3rd at 8 o'clock. itir. Shearer and Mr. Whyte will be guestspeakers; that eve start a Rad- io ?oruim in. Babylon School House S.S. No. 13, on January 26 at 8 p.m. That the next Directors' meeting be held at the home of Mr. Peck on Feby, 1,Gth at 8 p.m. 'On motion the meeting adjourned. STANLEY W. M. S. The January meeting of the Gos- hen W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Elgin McKinley with eighteen ladies present. The president, Mrs. Russell Erratt presided. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 571, "Standing at the Portal." folowed by the scripture lesson by Mrs. Erratt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answered by a New Year's resolution. Mrs. Robt, McKinley, who prev- iously had been made a life member of the Society was presented with her "Life Membership Pin." "We live by Faith in God, the Holy Spirit" was the theme of the meeting. Hymn 162 "OnurBlessed Re- deemer" was sung, after which an- other hymn 154 ".Holy Spirit, Truth Divine" was sung, the leader reading a Bible verse between each verse of the hymn. Mrs. John Armstrong gave a very interesting chapter from our study Look which was followed by prayer In the Estate of SAMUEL BAKER, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against -the estate of the above mentioned who died in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, on the 30th day of September, 1941, are required to file proof of same with the under- sign"ed on or before the 31st day of January, 1942. After that date the Public Trustees will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have -had notice. Dated at Zurich, this 12th day of January, 1942. Elgin Wiegand, Administrator, R. R. 1, Dashwood, Ont, Zurioli Garage .ome in, purchase your Aut- >motive Requirements from rurichi's oldest Established lzaxage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. L'xpert Tutomobile repairing, frith the latest testing instruzn- nts, Acytelene Welding,Tires Batteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. by 1 ev. Reba Hern. Eyntn 260, "Lift MA Gasoline in three Grades nip Your Heads was after Glue U�s ACall! e O '�✓r SSE AU plum # 111s, Hit3a1ft.Tlttr 47 utas of the last meeting be adopted which Mrs, Erratt pronouns d the as read; that eachmember receive the benediction. The ladies of Mrs. E. tura) eo-opra with his membership iMaWinjey'a group served a delicious , fee, "! ha't ll'Ii', Oraangex' (be our dote- j tun b, , ONTARIO REPAIR FARM MACHINERY NOWI MORE TOOLS FOR VICTORY MEANS LESS STEEL FOR AGRICULTURE Avoid costly break -downs and lose of time and labour during seeding and harvest. Check your /machinery for necessary parts and repairs. Do it at once while parts are revailable: PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR REPAIR PARTS IMMEDIATELY SAVE LABOUR WITH MACHINERY Use custom equipment where necessary. . Exchange work: and' iinpl'ernents with your neighbours. Co-operate with neighbours for Plan your crop programme to greater use of power equip- extend the period of haying mens in your community. and harvest. Your Agricultural Representative' and your County Agricultural War Committee will Co-operate with, you. MAKE THE BEST POSSIBLE USE OF WHAT YOU HAVE k ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF A `RICWF TURE P. M. DEWAN, Minister W. R. REEK, Deputy Minister • How Re i t Control Affects You as a landlord as at tenant. AS a part of the general plan to.hart further•increases in the Cost of Living, the Government on. December 1, 1941, extended the policy of the Price Ceiling to rentals for all commercial and housing accommodation in Canada.. Generally speaking the new rental taws provide that: (1) (2) (3) No oral or written Iease for any commercial or housing. accommodation (furnished or unfurnished) may legally be made after October 11, 1941, at a -rental higher than, the rental lawfully payable under the lease in effect or:: that date unless an application for increased. rental has: been made to and approved by a 1 ocal Rentals Com-. mittee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Such., an application must be based on specified circunistancet i arising since CYctober 11, 1941. NOTE Land and prentisea used solely for farm ,purposes arc not subject to rent control. A tenant is entitled to a renewal of his lease unless the, landlord requires the premises for .certain reasons; named in the Board's Rental Orders and has given the: tenant a written notice to vacate within the time andt. in the manner prescribed therein. If this notice tae, vacate is contested by the tenant, the landlord must secure a Court Order for possession. Copies of all Rental Orders and Regulations of the. Board and application forms for rental variations are,; available from any of the regional or sub -offices of the, Wartime Prices and Trade Board„ and; in, areas where. such offices are not yet established, from. the Clerk of any County or District Court on local Rentale. Committee. VIOLATIONS of these orders are punishablelhy'li w:and'should be, reported in writing to the Prices and Supply Representative:. Regional Office, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, at the nearest~' of any of the following cities: Vancouver,. Edmonton, Regina,. Winnipeg, North Bay, London, Toronto, Brockville, Montreal,,, Quebec, Saint John, Halifax or Charlottetown.. Cyril DeMara Admtnlatrator ef Housing Rsntah Owen Lobleyr- Adminiatraton of Commercial' Renters issued under the authority at THE 'WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, Ottawa, Canada + For Your Rubber Boots and Sock Rubbers -See -t. E. H. EDIGHOFFER We handle the well known s MINER line of Miner Rubbers. They'F'' 1. RU B B E .8 O BOOTS have stood the test for years a 4' (vacuum pressure cured} moderate prices. , We also handle the famous tt,., Greb work shoes for men and t Nater- boys. These sh.oes will give proof you satisfactan' foot comfort In Shoe Repairing we give ata you the best money. can buy.; : moderate 3 4 price -...,�,,......1..-,®,...o„�, ,. Just the NO FREE OFFERS AT thing for Wet EDIIGBOFFERSI�t r slushy BECAUSE We do not believe bet days• fooling our Customers, the cost of'4.. free offers must be wrapped up some -3: ; where in the Selling Price, Tim get +- all value at Edighoier"s. Ct Give us a call, our Prices ewer riot., lids Fnial Oi"r"! RR, - Zurich, not. 5.