HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-29, Page 1• • • . • • • , • . • • • , HERA Forty Second Year .14....$441116 ZURICH* THURSDAY. IVIORP4i' Gil JANUARY 29 i9420 Rates':Canada, in advansa $1.50 hit TJ.S.A.„ in advent* CHESTER L. SIVIITH, Pul:dishaa —***41.*"•4....o.o..44....mdm%.....4......•••*aeo••••••rriatr.........o.4+4n.ro'om..rrrro••ra..r•••••MerwnwmaPoOos.P.•.w......dw..m4.4on.•Immrn..•+iu•rakin..m•••••d•d.o....P.•ra••••a••rm..O•i••.....m..4.4• Preserve Canada by puting forth Our utmost effort 260,:re .You Suffering From • Headaches? -If NO ; Hive your Eyes Rystmined with llthe Latest 'Methods and 'Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERIOH ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Pricee 41110•111, BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE ,A. Permanent Wave is always a very acceptable Gift, and greatly Im- proves the appearance of one's head. .IMake this your, motto. No increase in prices: Give us a call. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Prop. Issimemslensorsommr' THIEL'S 'HAIRDRESSING NOTICE . -We have recently installed a 'Slew Shelton Waving Machine ;and can serve the public now Your Setter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. Wen..Decker, MRS. FRED THIELE, ProprietPresident.ress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At ,REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Ma Newest. Approved Method of gyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the ZURICH .AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st. 1942 At Two o'clook, p.m. FOR ITS GENERAL BUSINESS Helpful Presence will be Appreciated! . E. P. Klopp, Secy-Treas. 0.000090110.0061•01141416440490490040110..afitaltimaapsok4www•greork. - loo • We wish to announce that we have purchased the business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a position to render courteous and efficient service to Zurich and .the surrounding community. Our permanent .aim is the rendering of a profes- ional service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake et, Brokenshire 1 • • • • FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE • • Day andNight Service Phone 158, Zurich • awakeehmovelmogulooiretareimingliireermes0064,04800111110004116110004141481119 +.4.4,...4444/414,462mI WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. Phone 140 Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 1” LAST SHOWING—Med. Jan, 28. One Foot in Heaven The. Blue Ribbon Award Winner wait Frederick March d Martha Scott. A story of a (CanadiaraMinister, WM Spence, a native of Stratford, Ont Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand of Lan - were visitors with Miss Anna Thurs., Fri., Sat Jan. 29, 30; 81; don Hess on Saturday. 'The Man Who Came to A. number from town attended the' Dinner funeral of the late Thomas Webb at Grand Bend on Wednesday. A Comedy Drama tarring Betty Mr. Bruce Church of London, sp- Davis, Ann 'Sheri -Men and JInnnY zent the week -end at the home f his Durante. -mother, Mrs. Ella ,Church. Mon., Tues., Wed. Feb, 2, 3, 4. IMO FEATURES The Parson of Pararnint With Charles Ruggles. . 4111•••••••••..111 Miss .Doreen O'Dwyer of London, enjoyed a pleasant week -end at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mns. P J. O'Dwyer. The annual meeting of the Zurich =0#•... Young People With Shirley Temple and Jae 'Oakie Coming --Sergeant York; 'Captain of the Clounds. • Agricultural ,Society will 'be held in the Zurich Town HaH on the .corning Saturday afternoon. The local Women's Institute in co-operation with, the War Services Organization are making preparati- ons to pack boxes for soldiers over- seas, and ,are appealing for support. DASHWOOD , • Mr. (Charles Meyers, who is a p01- Murray on the military force at Murray Wolfe .of Fort Erie is sp- oodstock, visited for a few days at ending a week holidays with his ear ents. —7 '#ie homes of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyers and Mr. and aVIrs. Melvin Mr. Harry Kraft is very ill at his home on the Town Line. His friend§ hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Resteineyer were Sunday visitors with.1..trends in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. George Mair of De- troit are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. A .aumber of young .people gather-. ed.at- Dr. Taylor's7.-1,--e.-- aaa-eepeallergartirtrie purpose of for- ming a Junior Red Crass Unit, and officers elected were as follows: President, Miss Jean Cole; Vice Pres Gertrude Hoffman -' Secretary Myrtle Geiser; Treasurer Mrs. •Elgin Merner The meeting will be held every Mon- day at 8 o'clock in Dr. Taylor's buil- ding- where the post office formerly was. All young people are urged to attend. Late Mrs. Simon Hartman Mrs. Simon Hartman passed away very suddenly at her residence, Lot 16, Con. 10 'Stephen Twp. on Mon- day Jan.. 26th in her 80th year. She has been in poor health''for atout 3 months and while sitting in a chair was suddenly stricken with a heart attack. Born in St. Clemens and has resided in the district for 67 yrs. A member of the church of our Lady at Mt. .Carmel and served as a mem- ber of the altar society. Surviving are; her husband; five daughters Sus- ie at home; Mrs. Baron of Grosse Ile Mrs. M. Mcisaac Detroit; Mrs. Eller of Tennessee; Mre. Murphey of Royal Oak; four sons, John, Wilber and Ed- win at Detroit and Alphonsus at home; two sisters, 1VIrs. T. Joyce of Detroit, Mrs. Veronica •Debas of 'Zur- ich. Two brothers, Jahn Mittleholtz of Walkerton. Bernard Mittleholtz Of Saskatoon. Requiem high mass will be sung at the •Church of Our Lady at Mt. Carmel on Thursday January 29, at ten o'clock. Interment in Mt. Car- mel cemetery. 4.111414C .amirmeassomosam BING IN THE Town Hall, Zurich ON Thursday, January 29th. At 8 p.m. 10 GAMES FOR 35c. Extra games will be played ALSO A DOOR PRIZE DON'T FORGET THE mNeE. • TN THE Town Hall, Zurich ON Wed. February 4th. Clayton Steeper's Orchestra Admission 40 cents Proceeds for local Red Cross EVERYBODY "WELCOME Brown. Boy Is III eMaster Charles Cowan, eldest son af Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowan of Exe- * was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, on 'Sunday evening to be operated on for appendicitis. Charles is getting along as well as can be ezeeected, he was accompanied iley his •eaeo.--. at - hes bedside. Farms Sold Mr. Alfred .Melick of town has ruding the past week sold his two farms, the fine 100 -acre term just north of town was purchased by Mr. Carl Heideman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman of town, while the other tract of land adjoining the big swamp at the Babylon line, has been purchased by Mr. Hy. Eickmeier of town. Mr. Melick will hold an auc- tion sale on March .1(7th. BOXES FOR OVERSEAS The time has again .come to send boxes. to our boys overseas. Will the public please be as generous as pos- sible in their contributions. Boxes have been placed in local business places to receive gifts such as: cig- arettes, tobacco, candy, razor blades, soap, canned soup, etc. Anything in fact that can be easily packed. To the boys away from their homes in Canada, any item, no matter how small, will give them untold pleasure and most of all, show them that they are not forgotten. Boxes will be packed at the end of February. HYMENEAL Thompson—Kochems A ,quiet wedding took place at the Trinity' Lutheran parsonage, London when Rev-. C. J. ,Killinger united in :marriage Kathleen Olive Kochems, :young -est daughter of Mrs. Kochems of Zurich and the late Frank Koch - ems, and Private Arthur Thompson of New Brunswick. Miss Edna Koch - ems of London, sister of the bride, was the only attendant. Following. the ceremony the bride and grower left for Kitchener and other points: A UNIQUE WEDDING Masse—Bedard A very unique wedding was here at St. 4Peter's R. C. Church, Drysdale, on Monday January 19th, when Rev. O. Martin officiated at the wedding of Mrs. Exile Etue Bedard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Etue of Zurich, and widowed mother of 12 children, of Drysdale, and Nelson, Masse, fath- er of 0.4 children, of the 14th Con. Hay Township. Both of the con - treating parties are well known in the district; Mrs. Bedard having had charge of the store at Dryseale for many years, while the groom is one of the prominent farmers of the 14th concession. Eleven of their children some married and parents themselves, witnessed the ceremony. Emery Be- dard, 25, and his wife acted as best man and bridesmaid, while another son of the bride, 10 yrs. old Alphon- sus, served as an altar boy. After the ceremony the bridal couple left for a trip to London, Chatham and Windsor. They will reside on the groonfs form PHONE YOUR 0 DIAMOND RINGS $15 UP. WEDDING RINGS $5 UP. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta, Sernet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensall CO. Any Reasonable Offer Accepted. We do not want to carry any of these Cars over the winter. BUY NOW! 1939 CHEV. MASTER DE LUX Sedan, 4 Door, Heater, Built in DeFrosters. Dual Harns. Fog Light. Save $100 on this Car 1936 DODGE CUSTOM COACH, Steel Top, Hydraulic Brakes Trunk, Motor Overhauled. 1938 CHEV. COACH. Heater and De Frosters. Nearly New Tires. Very Clean Inside and Out. Priced Low 1935 CHEV. STANDARD, 4 Door Sedan, Original Upholster-. ing. Good tires. 1931 FORD COACH, Neevly Painted, Upholstering Nearly as Good as New, 1937 FORD COACH, Trunk, Very Rearsonable. Also Ford Coupe 1937. 19341934 CHEV. COACH, Original Mash: . — ...... $390,00 1929 FORD A COACH • $125.00 1930 FORD A COACH $185.00 WARD FRITZ NEW AND USED CAR SALES,. ZURICH **am., .....4senvereer.4.4 Good Values Good Values for your. Money. has always been our motto, and especially do we wish to follow this tradition in 1942. We can give you Splendid value in Rubber Footwear, and many 'other staple lines of every day corrirnodites.— Let us show you our. Splendid lines;., Also Pioneer Feeds for your Live Stock. Purity and Robinhood Flour in stock. Give Us a Call, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Tin MAKE . STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone7, 11-97