HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-15, Page 4POTIR
Applications will be ;received by
the undersigned for the position of
fbwo Corn Borer Inspectors for the
County ,osis Huron. One to work in
Korth Huron the other in South
Huron. The wages paid, to be 60c.
per hour, the iaccepted applicants to
provide their own transportation in
the performance of duty.
Applications to be in the hands of
the County Clerk at Goderich not
latex than 12 o'clock noon, January
201h, 1942.
N. W. Miller, County Clerk,
(Last Week's 'term
Mrs. Mary Stephan is spending
some time in Zurich at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. L. Wagner, who
was quite ill but is improving,
Miss Wright, of Frucefleld, tea-
cher of S. S. No. 3 Hay, and Miss
Silk of Mitchell, teacher of S. S. No
7, Stanley, have returned to their
schools after a long enjoyed Yule-
tide holiday.
Pryee Jones of the R.C.A.F. Teck.
Training school of St, Thomas, for -
RIC', fintAID
merly o Calgary, Alberta, visited
with his aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Davidson and grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs, John R. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook of Strat-
ford visited recently with Mr, and
Mrs, Wm. Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Stephan visited
recently with friends in Hensell,
Mr, A, E. Jones of Brandon, Man.
is spending some time at thehome of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dav-
idson and also his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Jones andother relat-
Meeting of The
Huron County Council
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Jan-
uary 20th, 1942 at 2 p.m.
All accounts, notices of deputat-
ions and other business regiiring the
attention of iCouncil should be in
the hands of the County Clerk not
later than Saturday, January 17th,
—N. W. Miller, County Clerk,
,Goderich, Ont.
Tbarsday,, January- i1,5th, X942
._..» _
i•++++1.++++++++++++++ ++++++
. "We Recomend n FEED - And SELL the Best's
• We carr a full line of Purina Products, such as
4 • Lay Chows, Concentrates and Dairy,. Feeds, Hog
Chows, Etc., Etc.qi
• Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made
at reasonable distance`'
i. ELAM W. SHANTZ .. Phone, Zurich 9'1r20 •V'
d•+ 'H•+++++++++++• .+++++.44+++++++x3 ++ ••i•++++++++.H•+i++! -4 +4!
The Parliament of Canada meets on January 21st. The most momentous session in Canadian history begins in a few short
days. It is your Parliament. The members are the servants of the people, not of any party. They represent every one in the
constituency which elected them. Each one of them needs your help as never before. Assert your democratic right to govern.
Tell your member what you think should be done and do so without delay.
There is one issue which overshadows all others. The Prime Minister of Canada has` told us what that issue is. These are
hls O .n words:- There is only one way to meet total war, and that is by total effort." --"We must maintain the Canadian army at
full fighting strength." The Leader of British democracy told the people of Canada what total effort means. These were Winston
Churchill's words: -in this strange, terrible world war there is a place [or every one, man and woman, old and young, hale and
halt. Service in a thousand forms is open. There is no room for the dilettante, for the weakling, for the shirker or the sluggard.
The mine, the factory, the dockyard, the salt sea waves, the fields to till, the home, the hospital, the chair of the scientist, the
pulpit of the preacher, -from the highest to the humblest, the tasks are all of equal honor. All have their part to play."
To fulfil that description of total effort is the first and foremost duty of the Parliament of Canada. The people of Canada
must he told what part they are to play. They cannot guess. Every man and woman, strong or weak, old or young, must be
guided by the Government to the post where they can contribute most to victory. We are conscious of the substantial efforts
made throughout the war by the Canadian Government. We are anxious to assist them in making the vital decisions forced upon
them by the events of the past few weeks. We do not believe that the people of Canada consider that their Government or its
leader are in any way bound by undertakings given before the United States entered the war. This is no time for a referendum.
The responsibility rests squarely on Parliament. The war will not wait.
There is only one way to meet total war—by total effort—that is to mobilize all our manpower and material resources under
a plan of universal compulsory selective service. Those who can serve best on the farms must work on the farms. Those who
can serve best in the factories must work in the factories. And those best fitted to serve in the armed forces must be trained,
equipped, and available for service in Canada or overseas anywhere at any time. That is the only way that our farms, our factories
and our armed forces can wage total war. No half measures are cc:_c'a:c-t• w;_'i nat_onai honor.
If you agree with that opinion then it is your duty to tell your member NOW that you want him to insist upon the im»
mediate adoption of such a plan. Tell him that you want the business of government brought into Parliament where it belongs.
Tell him to inform Parliament, and through Parliament the whole of Canada, that the people of his riding advocate and will sup.
port any measures, however drastic, which will assure the last ounce of ,effort of which they are capable. To Canada's Parliament,
which meets in a few short days, Mr. Winston Churchill said this: "The enemy has asked for total war. Let us be sure that he gets
it." Tell your member in the short time which still remains that you want to be sure that we do wage total war and that you
want him to say so in your behalf on the floor of Parliament.
There is an added reason why you must act immediately if you believe that democracy is government by the people. Last
w• eek, President Roosevelt told one hundred and thirty million people of the United States where their armed forces are going to
fight in this war. "As our power and resources are fully mobilized, we shall carry the attack against the enemy. --we shall hit
him and hit him again. wherever and whenever we can reach him." We are partners with the United States in this struggle. We
signed a pact binding us to a common effort. National honor and the safety of our people demand that every man who wears the
uniform of Canada be ready at all times to go overseas to hit the enemy wherever and whenever he cam be reached. What a
shameful travesty of justice it would be if we approved of unity of military command and failed to establish unity of sacrifice be-
tween nations. Canada's honor is at stake.
The Committee for Total War urges you to act without delay. Send your member a telegram, a letter or a
postcard at once. This is your most important task. Your member represents you no matter what your party may
be. He is your voice in Parliament. When you put down this newspaper, act at once. If you agree with the opinion
supported by this Committee, say so.
O. R. Alyea, Trenton.
Miss Joan Arnold], Toronto.
F. K, Ashbaugh, Tlllsonburg.
A, Baggs, Concord.
Col, E. A. Baker, Toronto.
Dr, H. W. Baker, Woodstock,
Robert Barber, Preston.
John Barker, Toronto,
A. F. Bastedo, Bracehridge.
James Baster, Torontu.
Mowat Beattie, Sutton.
Mrs. Fred Bell, St. Thomas.
E. W. Bickie, Toronto.
F. C. Biggs, Dundas.
Dr. Grant Bird, Oshawa.
Col. Arthur L. Bishop, Toronto.
Dr. William Boyd, Toronto,
Dr. G. F. Boyer, Toronto.
W. E. Breckon, Burlington.
Everett Bristol, I .C„ Toronto.
Duncan Bun, Brampton.
Mrs. Erie Burgess, St. Thomas.
'l. G. Burt, Listowel.
C. L. Burton, Toronto.
Mrs. Herbert Bruce, Toronto,
Dr. G. Stewart Cameron, Peterboro.
Wallace Campbell, Windsor.
Mrs. Wallace Campbell, Windsor.
Dr. W. J. Chapman, St. Catharines.
Mrs. W. P. Charteris, Chatham.
G. I. Christie, Guelph.
W. A, Cockshutt, Smiths Falls,
Dr. H. J. Cody, Toronto.
John , Cowan,on, Midland.
Dr. J. L. Crowe, North Bay.
John Curtis, Toronto.
Edward Davies. Wailaceburg,
Aubrey Davis, Newmarket,
Elmer Davis, Kingston,
K. E. Deacon, Unionville.
T. R. Dent, Woodstock.
Mrs, J. Detwiler, London.
D. T. Diplock, Peterboro.
R. L, Dobbin, Peterboro.
William A, Dryden, Brooklln,
W. R Drynan, Hamilton,
Ernest Duckworth, St Thomas.
James S. Duncan, Toronto,
Chas. Dungey, Toronto.
Mrs, A. W. Ellis, Toronto,
R. D. Ferguson, Port Stanley.
Wm. Flaveile, Lindsay.
H. 0, Fox, St. Cathaiines.
Dr. W. E. Gallie, Toronto.
P. R. Gardiner, Toronto.
J. 0111 Gardner, Brockville.
Joseph G. Gibson, Toronto.
D. Gilbertson, Simcoe.
Harrison Gilmour, Toronto.
Dr. Roscoe Graham. Toronto,
F. W. Grant, Midland,
Dr. J. C. S. Grant, Toronto,
Mrs. William J. Green, St. Thomas,
Mrs. Harry Griffith, St. Catharines.
Hugh Guthrie, Guelph.
J H. Gundy, Toronto.
C. H. Hale, Orillia.
Mrs. Irving Hall, TDronto.
Dr, F, W. Hall, Chatham.
0, Hancock, Galt,
C. R. Harrison, North Bay.
Dr, C. A. Harvie, Orillia.
T. L. Hay. Woodstock,
Mrs, W. B. Horkhns, Toronto,
Dr. H. O. Howitt, Guelph.
E. J. Hosack, Woodstock.
Chris, Hughes, Peterboro'.
Mrs. Anna L. Hynes, Toronto.
Gordon Ingram, London.
R. G. Ivey, London,
Geo. W. James, Bowmanville,
G. Eimer Johnston, Brockville,
H. F. Johnston, Tli]sonburg.
J. L. King, Galt,
Ford S. Kumpf, Waterloo.
Dr. H. M. Lackner, Kitchener.
Mrs Gertrude D. Lang, Galt,
Louis Lang, Kitchener.
W, B. Laughlen, Toronto.
Dr. Smirle Lawson, Toronto.
Geo. W. Lee, North Bay.
N. L. Lesueur, Sarnia.
T. H. Lewis, Welland,
Mrs. Mary Lloyd, Cobourg,
H. E. Longworth, Woodstock.
Mrs. Lynch -Staunton, Hamilton.
D. C. MarLachlan, Toronto,
Hayden Macdonald, Oshawa.
F. G. Mackay, Owen Sound.
D. F. MacLaren, Barrie.
Sir Ernest. ?.a cnlillan, Toronto,
W. R. Marshall. Ingersoll.
Gordon Malthev. , Peterboro'.
Mrs. R. 0, Matthews, Toronto.
D. L, McCarthy, Toronto.
J. J. E, McCague, Alliston,
George McCullagh, Toronto.
Hugh L. McCulloch, Galt,
R.. O. McCulloch, Galt,
John F. McDonald, Woodstock.
L. M. McDonald, Port Colborne.
R. P. McDonald, Toronto.
Mrs. Clara F. McEachren, Toronto.
Dr. A. J. McGanity, Kitchener.
Dr. James H. McGarry, Niagara Falls.
T. D'Arey McGee, Ottawa.
C. H. McKimm; Smiths Falls.
3, A. McNevin, Chatham,
J. Ivan McSloy, St, Catharines.
S. E. McTavish, Oshawa,
Mrs. M, L. McWhinney, Toronto.
Major -Gen. the Hon. S. C. Mewburn,
Mrs. Maud Millar, Hamilton.
W. S. Middiebro. Owen Sound.
Mrs. Lionel Millen, Burlington,
G. M. Miller, Sudbury.
George A. Moore, Toronto.
S. A. Morse, Chatham.
James Y. Murdoch, Toronto.
Paul Myler, Hamilton.
N. L. Nathanson, Toronto.
Mrs. Ryland New, Oakville,
I1 D, R, Newby, Toronto.
Fred K. Morrow, Toronto.
Dr. John A. Oille, Toronto.
Corn. Ormes, Toronto.
Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D., Toronto.
Dr. John R, Parry, Hamilton.
G. L. Parsons, GoderIch.
J. H, Perrett, Simcoe.
Gordon F, Perry, Toronto.
Colonel Eric Phillips, Oshawa.
W. B. Preston, Brantford,
Dr, G. A. Ramsay, London,
John Collingwood Reade, Toronto,
Robert H. Reid, London.
5 K. Reiner, Wellesley.
Rt. Rev. R. J. Renison, Toronto.
Harmon E. Rice, Huntsville.
Dr, D. E, Robertson, Toronto.
Dr, C. C. Ross, London.
J. Allan Ross, Toronto.
W. J. Russel), Unionville.
W. H. 0, Ruthven, Alliston.
Sigmund Samuel, Toronto,
Dr. T. M. Savage, Guelph.
C. Scott, Toronto.
Charles H. Sclater, Hamilton.
Wm. H. Sears, Toronto.
Mrs. Ernest Seitz, Toronto,
Mrs. Louis Shannon, London.
J. R. Shaw, Woodstock.
Mrs. Ann Shipley, Kirkland Lake.
Harvey Simpson, Chatham,
Dr. Tom Simpson, Co111ngwood,
Dr, C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville,
Dr. D. Smith, Stratford.
Dr. J. M, Smith, Beaverton.
V. R. Snilth, Toronto,
W. H. -Somerville, Waterloo.
Percy Spackman, St, Thomas,
L. B. Spencer, Welland.
J. L. Stanseti, Tillsonburg,
Dr. John 51. Stead, Oakville.
Dr. J. M. Steffens, Woodstock,
Miss Mabel Stoakley, Toronto.
Dr. G. H. Stoble, Belleville.
C. O. Tatham, Woodstock,
Dr. H. M. Torrington, Sudbury.
John A. Tory, Toronto.
B. A. Trestrail, Toronto.
W. O. Tudhope, Orillia.
Norman C. Urquhart, Toronto.
James A. Vance, Woodstock.
0. D. Vaughan, Toronto.
Morley F. Verity, Brantford.
J. H. C. Waite, Brampton,
Harris L. Walsh, St. Catharines.
T. C. Wardley, Elora.
Donald M. Waterous, Brantford,
Walker Whiteside, Windsor,
Dr. A. B. Whytock, Niagara Valls.
G. W. Wigle, Hamilton.
L. F. Winchell, Toronto,
Dr. H. M. Yelland, Peterboro'.
Alan V. Young, Hamilton.
Clark Young, Unionville,
Those whose names appear above include mothers and Fathers of soldiers, sailors and airmen, farmers, work-
ers in the factories, business and professional men rand women of Ontario, who have taken this preliminary
step to convey to their fellow citizens the course they think should be followed in respect to this emergency.
if you agree -- tear out this advertisem nt
dgo it and mail it today to your member.