HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-15, Page 1Forty Second Year ZURICHw THURSDAY MOHNU14+ JANUARY 15 19 4 2. Rates; $1.25 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in aavanve CHESTER L. SMITH, Pe Mabee reserve Oanada flirt Axe You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined veith the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST alit: OPTICIAN GO.DDRIC1H — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE A Permanent Wave its always a very acceptable Gift, and greatly im- proves the appearance of one's head. Drake this your motto. No increase in prices, Give us a call. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Prof. 11%. SMIMINIMMI•StiumalIMPOSOF 'TEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a few Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now letter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. HRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress CMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. Ea Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday.., DASHWOOD The annual meeting of the Red Cross will be held in Tieman's Hall, Oil Monday night, when all are re- quested to be there,both ladies and gents. • Wallace Wein underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in London hospital last week. We hope for Wally a speedy recovery. Mr. Alvin Rader is all smiles, on the arrival of :a son. Mrs. Ness left last week for Lon- don where she has secured employ- ment for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman left for Chatham for the winter, where Alvin is employed. Reel Cross Shipment -13 pr. socks 2 aero caps, 6 mitts, 6 sea ,boots, 2 alt. caps, 3 wash cloths, 5 pr. !pyjam- as, 2 skirts, 2 blouses, 3 turtle neck sweaters. 481M0011000410911#841e6 •, 00®®0�000�10'tb10'apl00000: 01100006.041111641:.. ANNO NOEIVIENT isWe wish to announce that we have purchased the 4 business of W. H. Hoffman and Son and are in a ® position to render courteous and efficient service = to Zurich and the surrounding community. Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- ional service with sympathy and understanding, holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake , t I rokenshire 1 FUNERAL AM ULANCE SERVICE Day and Nigjit Service Phone 158, Zurich 0 • s< 20 ldl +0$ Mtai Veittte.Meadd ffi' VetegaeftGOMM to®ti@a^oaaeo®ec3+saa mrocarancoasuimusaarmammemuradiemelnilla WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. "intone 1 r .6: TOWN HALL - ZURICH ON Monday, January 19th. Clayton Proceeds Steeper's for local Orchestra Red ,Y forth tur utmost effort stlearnauute.coramiontramo...............crsrataromaamaa mew. Cross The household effects of the Ches- ier Salmon family were moved to London last week where Mrs. Sal- mon and family will reside in future. The local Red Cross are sponsoring a public dance in the; town hall, Zur- Admission 40 cents EVERYBODY WELCOME HAY . COUNCIL Hay Council met for the first sit- ting for 1942 in the Town Hall, Zur- ich, on Monday, Jan. 12th, with all members present.' After becoming organized for the year and disposing of the coinmunications the following resolutions were passed.: • That following named persons be re -appointed for 1942: Assessor, W. H. Edighoffer; Weed Inspector, Jno. McBride; Member B. of Health, Jos. Geiger; Sanitary Insp. B. C. Edwards J. P. Rau, C. F. P1 le; School att. offi- cers, W. R. Dougall, E. B. Horner. The poundkeepers: J. F. Ingram, W. Alexander, A. G. Pybus, O. Grab, W. J. Johnston, S. Hoffman, A. Web- er, D. Swartzentruber, R. Merner, F. Turnbull, Filbert Denomme; Stock Vainer, Bert Klopp; Fence viewers, Ed. Munn, Alf. Pfaff, Ed. Walper, Albert Hendrick. That salaries and remunerations be fixed as follows: Clerk-treas. Tp. $360; Tp. Roads $75; Hal Telephone $350; Assessor $125 and postage; caretaker $45; selecting jurors, reeve $3,, assessor $3; clerk $6; Board of -Health $Z pest meeting. That annual meeting of subscrib- ers of Hay Municipal Tele. System be held in Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Feb. 9 at 2 o'clock p.m. That tax collector be authors d to collect 1941 tax arrears and shall return the roll on the first meeting of the council in March. That By-law No. 1-1942 providing for an estimated expenditure of $8000. on Tp. roads in 1942 he read three times and passed, and a copy by forwarded to Dept. of High- ways for approval. That tenders be advertised for for exchanging grader now used by Tp. for a larger and better machine. That Reeve and clerk be author - to sign petition to the Dept. of High- ways for statutory grant on 1941. ,Twp. road expenditures. That all patrolmen on Twp. roads he re -appointed for 1942. That Clerk :subscribe for nrne cop- ies of Municipal World for Twp. council and officials. That accounts covering payment be passed : Telephone System — Nor. Elec. Co material 231.64; Stromberg-Carlson Co. material 1.30; Relief - Mrs. G. Shannon, allowance 1 month $18; J Snulrt liowance $10. General Acts. —Employees Lia., Co. prem. trs,bnd $40;; Adding -machine $109; Thiel Transport, gravel, hall $8; Sick Chil- llosp'l grant $5. The Council adjourned to meet a- eain on Monday, Feb. 9th, at 1.30 p. n. A. F. Hess,Twp. Clerk. ANNUAL insurance Meeting 'Phe (i7th .Annual l•Ieeting of the Policyholders of ' THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Will be held in the TOWN HALL' ZURICH 'w ON MONi1AY, JANUARY 26th, 1942 At two :;'clock, p.in. 1'„ .faros iSepoltse of the Presi- dent. Secretary - 'Treasurer and alaare ate ai vl'1.y,(:to ,tel Auditors i );:e -l. +ion or ma•ttt'rs of the Company. `" aver, President. • I ('l'in't t K,, 1i,ilber, Secretary. ich, next Monday evening, Jan. 19th. to which the public are invited. Messrs. Joceb W. Ilaberer and George Deichert were at Crediton Friday where they performed their duties as auditors of the Hay Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co.'s books. Hay Council met for its first meet- ing of the new year on Mondayafter- noon. • The usual inaugural exercises were not required this year owing to adopting 'the ,two year election plan. The scheduled sitting of the Tenth Division court held in the Town Hall Zurich for Wednesday was postponed owing to the illness of Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich. Among the list of recent enlist- ments in the R.C.A.F., at No. 9 Recruiting +Centre, London for the week ending January 10, we notice the name of Jean Richard Radoiph Bedour, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedour with Zurich as address, but who reside near Drysdale. A Good Rabbit Drive Oa Tuesday of this week a num- ber of hunters 35 in all of the Dash - Wood, Grand Bend and district made a rabbit drive in the Mt. Carmel ':rea, and where the jacks were plen- ?Fhxtal, as the bag would intlicaite,• 1a8 riiibbits and one red fox. The high man was Len. Sararas of near St. Joseph who shot 12 and Clarence Desjardine was second with 10. This was a good day's shooting. ZURICH MAN LEADS We join the many friends in con- gratulating Mr. Jacob W. Haeerer of Zurich, who was elected president of the Ontario Honey Producers Co-op- erative, Ltd., at the annual meeting of the shareholders, held in Toronto on Wednesday of last week. During the first year of the war, before quotas were set up, Canada exported approximately 10,000,000 pounds of honey to the United Kingdom, C. B. Gooderham, Ottawa, Doninion apiar- ist, told the meeting. The Dominion quota this year, to be filled by Aug- ust, will be 4,500,000 pounds. Mr. Gooderham said that Canaaa is 3rcl largest exporter of honey in the world exceeded only by Cuba and Chile. In production of honey, the Dominion is fourth, with Russia, the United States and Germany producing grea- ter quantities. MODEL T SIDETRACKED Another stormbound motorist who took shelter from the elements on New Year's eight was a 74- year. old Zurich citizen, who lost the rdad a few miles out of Goderich on No. 8 highway and drove over asix-foot embankment, his model T jallopy coming to rest- against .a fence. Al- though a terrific stoinn was Blowing, the oid gentleman spurned a ride back to town and stuck with his chariot, A traffic officer came along end a wrecker was seat for,,The Zurich oldster and hisbus were ank- ed back on the highway, both un- harmed, hut on instructions of the officer the pair were headed for God - :'rich, not Zurich. The drivc,r was advised to confine his winter driving in future, to the environs of his home town. He made the return trip the next day.-•---Goderich Signal -Star, RED CROSS NEWS The Zurich and District Branch of Lilo Canadian Iced Cross $ori ty havo ,'lipped to headquarters the follow- ng.—..t7 quilts, 10 layettes each con- .”ining 5(i pitcer; 10 blou.,ea; $ lar. ,iy„auras, 1 pr. trousers; landry ngs, 1 pr, ;'loves, i pr. I;«y'., trous- ra, cushion, i re frig 'e .:t1`ratrr, 2 eaves, :i infant night'n , 2 vests, 1 'hooters, 1 ldm':nt, '1 hnby 1i1- mlcel.; 5 pr. stockings, 82 pr, srly- •e ::orks,24 •r mitts,' I0 <+ t scarves, (i ,i'nly .8rarve r". 1 gaf f oree :;sesrl, a eco c tps, tl rtit„ ci helmet.:;, 2 afltsr- lativo ,:a.ps, 1 .lat've'.ess Ntet'a.tOr, 15 turtle neck elwtaters, 1 BRIDAL WR EAT, -1 DIAMOND RINGS $i5 UP. WEDDING RINGS $5 UP. r. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Co. Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensel) Used _Cars Any Reasonable Offer Accepted. We do not want to carry any of these Cars over the winter. BUY NOW! 1939 CHEV. MASTER DE LUX Sedan, 4 Door, Heater, Ruit in DeFrosters. Dual Harris. Fog Light. Save $100 on this E:a 1936 DODGE CUSTOM COACH, Steel Top, Hydraulic Brakta Trunk, Motor Overhauled. 1938 CHEV. COACH. Heater and De Frosters. Nearly New Tires. Very Ciean Inside and Out. Priced Low 1935 CHEV. STANDARD, 4 Door Sedan, Original LTphols:.':•- ing. Good lira-. . 1931 FORD COACH, Newly Painted, Upholstering Nearly ee Blood as Nt•:' . 1937 FORD COACH, Trunk, Very Rearsonabie. Also l: o:.'e] Coupe 1937. 19341934 CHEV. COACH, Original Finish $390.00 1929 FORD A (OM.1f $125.00 1930 FORD A COACH $125.0 WARD FRITZ NEW AND USED CAR SALES. ZURICH ANIMPINIMINMEMBENEAMMIUMIMIPMMINIIIESIMIGEMMAIMMENIMUMMIThe od Values Good Values for your Money.. has always been our motto, and especially do we wish to follow this tradition in 1942. We can give you Splendid value in Rubber Footwear, and many ;other staple lines of every day coirn modites... Let us show you our Splendid lines. Also Pioneer Feeds for your Live Stock. Purity and Robinhood Flour in stock Give Us a Call. FRESH [ti li. • Edmund GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND? kt tT7. {{ '1 rr p��]' '4.1 F� l ` i rB n'` I Rwcdrjd. zentreber, Prop.