HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-08, Page 1Forty Second Year r‘.Ir #VA7•".q.J.A.77.7r 4 '‘' TouteN, "k '1r eacte"s end P, • .Are You Suffering From Headaches? RI so; Have your Eyes Examined with Nle Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST ta OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices •MillMiliElailEd11130513161,11=11116.a.V......14.1=1.1,1449PDI THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now etter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TECCULE, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONA ILE PRICES C: E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Excepi Wednesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE If you are going to give HER a Ferment Wave as.a Christmas Pres- ent be sure and call early for an appointment. No increase in prices. Give Us a Call. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Prop. se Cars Any Reasonable Sffer Accepted. We do not want to carry any of these Cars over the winter. BUY NOW! 1939 CTEV. MASTER DE LUX 'Sedan, 4 Door, Heater, Built in DeFrosters. Dual Hams. Fog Light. Save $100 on this Car 1936 DODGE CT_ISTOM COACH, Steel Top, Hydraulic Brakes Trunk, Motor Overhauled. 108S CHEV., COACH. Heater and De Frosters. Nearly New Tires. Very Clean Inside and Out. Priced Low 1935 CHEV. STANDARD, 4 Door Sedan, Original Upholster- ing. Good tires, 1931 FORD COACH, Newly Painted, Upholstering Nearly as Good as New. 1937 FORD COACH, Trunk, Very Rearsonable. Also Ford Coupe 1937. 19341934 CHEV. COACH, Original Finish ...........$390.0O 1929 FORD A COACH $125.00 1930 FORD A COACH $185.00 WARD FRITZ NEW AND USED CAR SALES. ZURICH WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIPA, ETC., AT LOWEST POS - SIDLE PRICES. r:+, ...r., NOTICE The annual meeting of the Farm-. ers' Federation will be held in the 1 Town Hall, Zurich on Wednesday, January 14th at 2.30 pan. All in- terested are invited to attend. Mr. Bond of Mt. Bridges is guest speaker. Theo. Steinbach, Sesy. 1431511.11.11.1111112.9=1:11110010.1129=1IIIM£3.440.41M1tratt.M14•04,.........o Fiftieth Anniversary On IMonday, Jan. 5, 1942 Mr. and Mrs. John Heist of Crediton cele- brated their golden ;wedding 'anniv- eriary. Mrs. Heist, the former Cath- erine Wuerth, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wuerth was tinted in marriage to John Haist, son .of Mr. and Mrs.. August Heist, on Jan. 5, 1:892. TO this union was born one daughter, Lillian, at home.. Mrs. Heist's bridesmaid was her sister, Caroline, who married the best man, John morlack. There was open house in the af- ternoon from two until five o'clock, and many friends came with words of congratulations. MTS. John Mor lock poured tea, assisted by Mrs. Lorne Marlock, Mrs. Royal Geiser, Nola Feist and Aldonna Wuerth. Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz, nephew of the bridal couple frosted a lovely three -tiered wedding cake, which graced the centre of the table. On both sides of the cake were tapers and yellow roses. The rooms were heautiully decorated in yellow and .white. A wedding dinner was served in the evening to 60 invited guests, af- ter which a lovely Trilite Floor Lamp was presented to the bridal couple of fifty years. The address was read by Mrs. Harry 0. Hess and Mr. Alf. Wut rth and Mr. Sylvester Wuerth. Fifty years is a long,. long while wheel • - A long, long while with some weary miles When you're plodding onward through it; l3tit, looking back over times worn track from beneath a westering un `Ti, salkle way—just a sunlit day, When the goal of life iswon. As you look today o'er the travelled way with it's mingled smiles and tears, O'er the joys mos t true that have come to you .a'dawn the hasten- ing years, As your thoughts run o'er all the golden lore. Which your memories have treasured You will And, we. know, as the whole must. show, That the good'has been measured. And may the years that are yet in store— If they be few, or if they be more— Be the golden years ofd sweet con- tent • That should crown the days of life, so spent— All the Golden Years of life's sunset glow, Be the crowning years of the years you know, All lines in pleasant places cast Life's best reserved until the last. We' have .assembled here this ev- ionening to celebrate the happy com- pletion by our friends John and Catherine Heist, of fifty years of life together in the bonds of Christ- ian marriage. It is with joy that we extend congratulations and with one accord give thanks unto Ahnight God. We ask you to accept this gift as a small token of our love and e.steenl for yoti, the same being pre- sented by two who were baptised at, your wedding fifty years ago, in be- half of the group assembled here this evening. There were many. unique things shout this anniversary which cannot be said of many. The bridal •couple and their attendants wore the same bouquet af flowers on this day as they did fifty years ago. The bride worn a brooch which was given to her as a wedding gift. There were two baptisms on their wedding day • now these two have grown to alanhood and were thereto cele- brate the happy -occasion, Mr. and Mrs. George Einar, invited guests, were celebrating their thirty-second '"f!ddirtl. anniversary. A. lovely soc- ial. evening was spent and many en inapremptu spee('.h was alann with 1 a ,,a of coagratnlations. ,eted and compoeed by Mrs. G Zurich.) . Rates: $1 fri in C'readit, in neva:me:a 0.56 in 'U.S.A., hi adaanaz CIIESTER SMITH, 1:ghta 10 A,e t1 *00'4(.1 • gs. or. Chelsea Thiel of London spent the holidays at his home here. Fred Rader, and mother, Mrs. Catherine Rader of Dashwood were Saturday visitors in town. &la and Mrs. R. F. Stade spent a clay at Ingersoll recently with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eidt.. Master Charles Cowen of Exeter, spent a few days with his friend, Master Morris O'Dwyer and the Fritz families. air. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie of Flesherton were guests at the home of Mat and Mrs. Victor Dinnin dur- ing the holiday season. Messrs. Paul and Fred Hess, who spent the holidays with their parents Mr. aijd Mrs. A. F. Hess, have re- tuaned:to Toronto to resume their studies at the University. Mr, and Mrs. Max Wiley and fam- ily ot,Ailso Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hey,. Farr line, were visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mey- ers oxt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burn have re- turned to their home at Milverton, after spending the holiday season at with ,t4e latter's parents, Mr. and Mas. Ji W. Merner. Mrs.ClVort. 0. Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley motored to Bad- en iamlik Kitchener on. New„.Yeer's 1,1•" ,ti.at-fdaiii"-gr's itaanta'; 'and other relatives. Our e4er busy hunters have had a few jack "drives" this winter so far, and have mot with good success as there seems to be an abundance of these fleet footed game animals. The getting around has also. been very favourable as there is little snow. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and .Mrs Flossie. Brown motored to London an Wednesday last. They were accom- panied by their daughter Mae, who returned to Brescia Hall, London, where she is in residence and intends to complete her fourth year in the B. A. Course of Home Economics. Had Good Concert Mr. Finlayson, and his well gro- amed bunch of entainers put on a very godd and well accepted show in the local town hall last Friday even- ing. Although .the weather was bad, a good big house full of people gath- ered and were well pleased with the splendid program. OBITUARY Late Chester Salmon Another well known resident of the Zurich distict was called to his eternal reward M the person of Mr. James Chester Sahnon of the Baby- lon line' Hay Township, and beloved husbandof Pearl .Elliott, who died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tues- day, December 30th, 1941 in his 57th year. The Salmon family have been residents of Zurich and vicinity for many years. First moving on a farm on the Babylon line, then for many years were residents of Zurich where Mr. 'Salmon did teaming for the public, then after the motor truck became the source of transportation, the family again moved out on the farm and were getting along very nicely when Mr. Salmon became ill with appendicitis, and was rushed to London Hospital for an operation, but unfortunately did not recover. Surviving, •besides the widow, are two brothers, Dorestus. and Ernie, of London Twp; five sisters, Mrs. J. Brown of London Twp; Mrs. McAr- thur of McMorn, Sask; Mrs. E. S. Wilson of Tribune, Sask; and Mrs. 0. Elliott and Mrs. Ken F'raser ef London; four sons, Clifrord and Homer, both of London and Hubert and Norman, both at home, and a daughter, Janette at home. Another son, Morley, predeceased his father 143 years ago while the family was residing in Zurich when he met with with a burning accident. Mr. Sal-, mon WIIS buried in Siloam. Cemetery, London. on Thin afternoon. and the bereft family have the sympathy of a large (tree ef fv;end,, R. FOR L:t.r44, • .. the finest and most beautiful that money can buy! DIAMOND RINGS $15 UP. WEDDING RINGS $5 UP. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, The Roe Farms Milling Ccill Miller Creek, Etc. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 Hensall eneameameaelialaikaan • amasammes.eaase • • • • • 10,""r570'''' • •, e • S • • 011:1 cANADIAN •ZIO WAR SERVICES FUND needs 5,500,000 • • IRIMIMMIXIZGRAISID.102Weeelr-,T_WASIZI_WMDSIAterrir=4"="11.117.2111e •,11, • * 14,cf:1\s• , CANADAPRESERVE* HER, FREEDOM, LIBERTY, DEMOC- • ASARY, AND ALL THAT WE • HAVE by Buying, • • • • WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES • • • • 6 APPEALS NO/It env 00001a0CIAWOOCANDV300t3feNiMitedieeedtP00004D000,96e0006Cieeeee0 ANNOUNCEMENT • • • We wish to announce that we have purchased the • business of W H. Hoffman and Son and are in a lot position to render courteous and efficient service • • to Zurich and the surrounding community. • Our permanent aim is the rendering of a profes- • ▪ ional service with sympathy and understanding, • holding sacred the trust reposed in us. Westlake & Brokenshire 0 • FUNERAL - AMBULANCE SERVICE • Day and Night Service Phone. 158, Zurich • 1111000000000000talataepee 0 00 • • 0• 0011)111,061-09000010(200000000Q0r=00404110 • • ,19.1,114 -`Orkt.H. IL -111r /4".1 rik.'71111=4"),,ev-'ji-1-,1/ 1111 / 4 WE TAKE THIS. OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY Season's Greetings WE THANK YOU! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TIN BLAKE STO .E Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. adlia•8193:,,a• materrataran. Phone: 11-97