HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-01-01, Page 8Ga 8 d 8 4 S 9 ! 8 4 • 9 8 4 8 Q • • 4 • • • Y • E •• 2 • • • • 8 4 PRODUCE W . FOR Kind Thoughts For Loyal Support .,..for Your Co -Operation for hope of a continuance of the Pleasant Relons now existing betireen us for all of the Courtesies Extended to us during the past Year we Thank you Sincerely. May your Christmas be joyful and your New Year prosperous. PJ 9 8 E7 • 0 C;D E a 0 • a 9 8 ALM egs 11 4-2E4Pa+4.4.4. 4.4 4.44!"•34++++++4.4 444— ++++++4+4 ++++ 4a.. -8+y, 8 8 Cut Your Fuel n HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. LB'ICAELS4' ZURICH 4 4 ,4 4 ifg..4i +•I+++4.4.444 tip-#+S5r-rk 4- .+ ,i• ..s., •,. 4-.per.,.3+:•ir•{+4ey Dead and isable Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 'a08'8»C'�0063l4°rC�1'06.49e169g€14Eta t:..c.' x:'•06 tV't;> :7r1;.4,1'.4741=9.214 fit: s6 '0 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 1.1 0 o 1111011111(11111111111 lu-° P ar' �1! i�4 �;i•u ilil Jam! llilllllll`�-1,�������'',.s ����{ +111• � l �� �1 i�� TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TQ EXTEND - Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEA1 R BRING US ,ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AID A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS ONT. PRICE ICE — SERVICE 8 ya, ZURICH HERALD' ?I IIt� Qlll111i1,1 (l(i 4lp11,0110-111 0lil 0 iii ffit11i 7111 1111111 ml➢Illaamll111lm IIli11011411(1 111111111111411111111111111111111111V 3 Orroce At this time o- Year we can give • no greater or more impressive mess- • .:z2 ".o our Many Ci,lstomerrs than by + Extending a MERRY CHRIS n MAS and a -. HAPPY NEW YEAR Vieaino ue ch. arich PRDUCE WANTED. 411111T:, >h' . la'`+i(.l I I�, , ,triN1'I 'i ,. , ' r..eAL MARKETS Phone -165 11.1, iE A 1& Miss Louise Ross is spending a 1 (ColTceted every Wednesday) few weeks with friends at .Sebring- Eggs .. .._. , , .... 28, 26, 22, 20 ville. Miss Ruth IChureh of London, spent Christmas at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Church. • Fine weather has visited this part of the world over Christmas, in fact about as nice as one dauld wish for. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Hendrick and family of the Blue . Water Highway, spent Christmas at the home of 4Mr. and Mis. John Brenner. Miss Mary Merner of Elmira has returned, after a few days vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Merner. Miss Ellen Turkheim, R.N. of Str atford spent Christmas vacation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Turk- heim. "Mrs. Stelck has returned to her home in Varna after spending a couple pf months with Mrs. Geo. Fos- ter at Windsor. Miss Rose Albrecht of Leon and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scol,ahhine: and daughter Patsy and Nancy; _.Cha:•l enc of Bayfield, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mts. John Albrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter and Mrs. Littlejohn were 'Christmas guests with relatives at Windsor, al- so visited at Chatham. The ranter re- maining at Chatham for a time. Miss Audrey Dinnin, who is on the public school teaching staff of South- ampton was a Christmas house guest at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin. The sewing committee of the Zur- ich and District Branch of the Red Cross Society would like all 'finished articles of sewing to .be brought in by January 8th. Miss Ruth Brown who isttending Westervelt School at London is sp- ending the holidays at her home, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Her brother, William, also of London spent the week -end at his home here. Friends of Mr, Wm. F. Braun of Forest, and who was recently oper- ated on in a London Hospital, will be pleased to learn that Mr. Braun is getting along nicely having return- ed to his home on Friday. The members of the Bethany Sis- i ter':• Class of the Evangelical church will hold thcia social evening and el- ection of officers at the home of Mr. and l\ r:. Jo: lah Geiger on ,Tuesday B:•ae. Jan. 6th.. All members are cor- dially invited. The annual Christmas entertain- ment held on Wed. eve last, in St. Peter's Lutheran church was Much enjoyed by all present. The juniors taking their parts well in songs, dia- logues and recitations. While the pagent was given by the. Seniors: "And They Saw the Young Child" This was well rendered. 7'h(t i.'blic meeting in the town hall Monday afternoon when' the-- financial hefinrncial statement of the year's work was`*`'presented and gone over. The attendance was smaller than the us- ual Northration meetings. The vat- ious members of the council made addresses, and everything proved sat- isfactory. In the evening a tissular meetii g was held when the affairs of the Police 'Village were discussed. Court Sittings Osgood Hall announces dates of Supreme Court sittings in Goderich as follows: Tuesday, March 3, jury sittings before Justice McFarland: Monday, iMay 4, non -jury sittings be- fore Mr. Justice Hogg, A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF 1941 ---And America at War Headlines of one of history's most dramatic years --reviewed with text and striking illustatiopa, including a. full f oli,:iro Pr•t 1id,rtlt Tb..e ;ae f9.sla .hiss O, Va, in Il.' e 1 r i,Ktie fS �' tYV1f, fl i ass,VA: is a athrust r(',, to get Detroit Sunday 4 l irinc s this ,s .f Is mad 'every'. week. Butter, creamery 38 Butter, dairy 36 Chickens dressed .. 23-16 Ducks, dressed ... ..........,21 Geese dressed , . 21c Turkeys dressed i 27 Wheat, bushel Oats, bushel Barley, bushel .... Buckwheat; bush Flour, cwt. . . .. 2.60, 2.90 Pastry flour at mill 25-1b .... 65c Shorts and bran, ton ..,...... 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 1.07 40 60 60 The many friends of Mrs. George Clark of Varna will regret to know that she is very ill. The Sterling Construction Com- pany at Grand Bend have shut down operations on the road and airport till after New Yeor's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentrub- car of tewn were holiday:visitors with relatives in New •Hamburg and Tav- istock. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hamilton and Miss Doris ,of London, spent Christ - Inas" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galster.. MORE MEN Since 1891, Canadian .agriculture has taken on a growing number of hired workers. The total,number of wage -paid earners male farm work- ers increased .from 80,000 in that yr. to more than 200,000 in 1931. The increase specializes of work on da- iry,. Emit and vegetable farms •snup- plying large cities has called for more hired laborers. In all counties around Montreal•( almost half of the fauns hired la'bir in 1931, while in the Eastern Twps. of Quebec, loss than a third did so+ In Ontario, awge- earners on farms, increased by 11,- in 1;in the last ten years. In B. C., wage - paid ;farm Iabor comprises almost a third of the total farm working force 'ANNUAL MEETING The Huron County Federation of Agriculture will hold its annual me- eting on Wednesday, January 7th, in the Agricultural Board Room, Clin- ton, at -2 p.m. Business will consist of the election of officers and the financial report of the organization. Mr. A. McKennoy, Jr., of Brampton, viceapres. • of the Ontario Federation will be the speaker. All Federation', members are invited to attend and'I are asked to bring a friend or neigh- bors along to the meeting. The Fed eration will broadcast every Monday night at 8.30 over CKNX. Jan. 5, Fred. Watson, Bayfield, President of The Huron Federation; Jan. 12th W. W. Morgan, Hensall, Pres. of Usrbor- ne Twp. unit. Future speakers are to be • .arranged later. SELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Huron County plowing; 'match committee was held in the agricultural board'. rooms at Clinton -on Saturday last when a large representation was present from all parts of the county. Those elected to serve during 1942 are as follows: Hon. Chairman, G. McGavin and the warden for 1942; vice chairman and finance commis- sioner, Hugh Tull, Goderich- secy, J. C. Shearer, Clinton; assistant .secy.. H. Erskine, Goderich, E. C. Boswell, Seaforth, J. M, McMillan, Seaforth; co-ordinators; N. Huron, L. E. Card- iff, M.P., Brussels; central Huron, W L Whyte, Seaforth; S. Huron, Dr. A. R. Campbell, Hensall, Chairman for for the reception comittee was not appothted, this will likely .fall to the. 1940 warden :Dr, A. • R. Campbell Will be in charge of the chairmen of the banquet, lunch, local eay, park- ingand horseshoeing committees., 3. A. Carroll, secy-treas of the Ont- ario Plowmen's Association, J. B. lt,etehurn of Fergus, who hean th< Ontario Associative., v,( pr: (r a:l. ,, ((!.wins s ey- Ca irk ,`.1'roU?s:. Ai eci;0Y, ($'(Y, Wohlio an l Ti'tor• Porteous Sire P11 lira nnf i' ,e o' loo v .ive lrar'i, in the disc as ers! 41;1; helpful suggestions, This will be a big event for Huron County. Thursday, January ist, 1942 9upfe414 4)11004dfa41,E.4,14' 4.61"OE r'4'0* ",4.h '4'44•s4. #+dn 'Q• 44,0444 We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Ekpressing our .Appreciation. at the Patronage that has been accorded' us dur- ing the' past Year and Wish one and all for Merry= Christmas "A. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year r oIa JohnstonKalbfleiselj f Hardware urni ure. Phone 63 , ., 43,0+:+•ip•B41.i.f14'r 4+++8++9041• ++ 4+ ,44.4 44,44f•4f, 44 4444 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111H111111111H1II111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH11111111111111111111111111CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII111111Il1111111111111111111111111111111111HIiliiiiii1111111111 , N4W! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! ESS, the ' Repair Man IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIiIIIIHIIIIII1111111HHIIIIHIIHIH111H11111U1IIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIHIHIIIII IIHHHL'HHHIHHIIIHIIIIIIIIHIfIIINHHIIIIIIIIIII IiIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIH1111111HHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHll01HHHr CIE EXCEPT LIFE The, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, A* drew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich .- 0000000086r'Ibme eetiaoseseCt 8•El<t0896444 9 Your Winter's Fuel 1 iWe are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel: Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for Iyour Heating Equipment.... Prices always within the limits'd other Dealers with ,Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our; various kinds of Chick Starter's, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE 4, Lam: Weie Scales.. tl �1 s ibAcAike9ouzoa f8r ii aGals ill caiotatiaata 004 a •- sv �4&