HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-12-10, Page 18Page 18 Citizens News, Dec. 10/75 Family planning program called 'foolish' by county councillor Reeve Bill Elston of Morris Township termed a Family Planning and Conception Control program grant of $52,500 for Huron County as "foolishness" at last Friday's regular session of county council. Reeve Elston told council that $52,500 would "go a long way toward operating a hos- pital." He was referring to recent rumors that one or two hospitals in Huron County would be closed by the Ontario Ministry of -Health in the months to come. The grant has been awarded to the Huron County Board of Health to operate the family planning program which has been so successful in Exeter and Clinton in recent Months. Plans now are to begin a clinic in Wingham. In other board of health bus- iness, it was reported that Huron County's appointees to the Joint Huron -Perth Steering committee, District Health Council, have been named. They at'e Reeve Ed Oddleifson, Bayfield, 'chairman of the Huron County Board of Health; Mrs. Carl Johnston, Bluevale, rep- resenting the consumer point of view; Mrs. Gwen Pemberton, Bayfield, also consumer point of view; Dr. .3.K. MacGregor, Wingham, of the Huron County Medical Society; Norman Hayes, Wingham, representing the Huron County Hospital Planning Council; Warden Anson Mckinley Huron County Medical Officer of Health, Dr. G.F. Mills; and Mrs. Jeanne Baker, Clinton, the nursing representative. The first meeting of the steer- ing committee is planned for early December. County ceuncil approved a 10 percent increase for the Mail strike fads to slow tax return Despite the recent mail strike, more than 80' per cent of the municipal taxes of the township of Stephen for the year 1975 were paid before the deadline of November 30. Clerk Wilmer Wein told The News Tuesday afternoon that more than $471,000 of the total roll of about 5589,000 had been received by December 3. Wein added, "Receipts are really pouring in today through the mail and by bank returns. The 80 per cent figure should go up sharply this week." Stephen has a large number of property owners in the lake front subdivisions near Grand Bend and a lot of these live out of the area and must pay their taxes by mail. At the first meeting in Dec- ember, Stephen council members took steps to update the present animal control bylaw. Under new regulations a dog owner may now be charged for failing to obtain a township licence for his animal. The township is being pat- rolled by the London Humane Society. A dog pound at the Kirkton Veterinary Clinic is being continued. After a visit from fire chiefs Jesse Reed of the Huron Park - Centralia brigade and Charlie Browning Jr. of Crediton council 1 1 .04*• $v• ok,k0 lovicko' agreed to get prices on new sirens for the two brigades. Both chiefs said the type of siren and their Locations made it difficult to hear them properly. Tentative approval was given to John Remkes to construct a building of 1,500 square feet for small engines operation at part of .Lot 10, Concession 1 at the intersection of Highway 4 and the Crediton road. Council has learned that the present Ministry of Housing freeze on commercial construc- tion does not affect a small building. Petitions have been received for three municipal drains and repairs. A petition for repair of the downstream portion of the Keller drain was accepted and Gamsby and Mannerow of Guelph were appointed en- gineers. C.P. Corbett of Lucan was named the engineer following receipt of a petition from Bill and Ralph Weber, John Twynstra and Kraft Bros. in the area of Lot 22, Concession 12 for a closed drain. A request from Bert and Hendrik Brand fol. improvements along the Ausabte River to stop flooding has been referred to the Ausable-Bayfield Conserv- ation Authority. Don't Miss Our NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Hats - Horns Hot Smorgasbord Tickets: $5 EACH or '10 COUPLE "The Home of Grand Bend's First Annual Oktoberfest" WOO LAMIMMViftWACIIMAN92! Supervisor of Nurses for the Huron County Health Unit, bringing the salary to 517,100 effective November 1, 1975; and hiring Mrs. Shirley Steepe, audio technician, as a full-time employee effective November 28, 1975, County councillors approved the hiring of an assistant tree commissioner for the south end of the county. Salary will be 54.50 per hour plus mileage at the current rate -17 cents to 19 cents per mile. A rural planner is being sought by the planning board. Effec- tive January 1, 1976, planners in Huron County will start at 515,000 and after five years service, reach 520,000 per annum. Under this schedule, the present planner will receive 517,600 effective january 1,1976, and $18,500 on his anniversary date, August 27, 1976. The library board has endorsed a recommendation by the county librarian, Bill Partridge, to make application for a Wintario—grant for 55,000 for the strengthening of the Canadiana book and non - book collection. This would be for a single grant, not a recurring one. Council gave approval to a property committee request to engage a staff member to work at the Huron County Mu- seum on the cataloguing pro- gram. A LIP grant for the project was not approved this fall. An application will be made tor a Wintario grant to offset the cost The property committee reported 140 submissions in the flag contest, and reported that Mrs. Gladys Stiles, a county employee, was the overall winner taking first, second and third , prizes. Fourth place winner was Elizabeth Deichert, RR 2 Zurich. There were nine consolation prize winners whose names were not released at the meeting. Salaries for staff members under the jurisdiction of the property committee received raises and adjustments subject to the approval of the Federal Anti -Inflation Review Board. The schedule requires that caretakers and museum staff members start at 59,880 and after two years receive a salary of 510,296. Council approved three. grants, each worth 59,000, in 1975, 1976, and 1977,.for ARC Indust- ries at Dashwood, to aid in repaying their 550,000 mortgage. This facility is operated by South Huron and District Assoc- iation for the Mentally Retarded. Reception And Dance for GORDONLOBB and PAULA SIEBERT (bridal Couple) FRI. DEC. 112 at 9:00 P.M. Zurich Arena Music By: MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided OPEN DAILY D1NAERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5:00 to 7:00 Sot. 5:00 to 8:00 BREAKFAST Weekdays 7:30 o.m. - Noon Sat. & Sun. 8:00.a.m. to Noon LUNCH Every Day 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO Saturday Dec. 13 Hogan's Heroes Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 GRAND BEND Announcing "The Vanastra IIiiglun1�� 9 "Huron County's Newest Banquet Centre" BANQUETS - RECEPTIONS - DANCES CONVENTIONS - SEMINARS - TRADE SHOWS - SALES MEETINGS We are pleased to advise that we are now accepting bookings in our completely refurbished banquet centre at Vanastra and are in a position to offer the finest in catering services. We are located in the former Sergeants' Mess and have facilities to handle up to 700 people in our various banquet rooms. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonable prices in effect and no doubt this will solve some of your problems in setting up seminars for small or large groups in an area easily accessible in the centre of Huron County. No gathering is too small for our consideration and you may find this the perfect answer to your next meeting. Arrangements can be made for individual meet- ings or for monthly engagements as required by your organization. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL VANASTRA 482-3809 or 482-3644 LUCAN 227-4406 "A DIVISION OF THE ORANGE SHILLELAGH GROUP"