HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-11-26, Page 31Cashwood couple celebrate bir day Citizens News, December 3/75 - Page 11 and Mrs. Ernest Miller and Robert. Following dinner, they all returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Miller for a social evening and birthday cake. YEASTER BUNNIES Club No. 2 of the 4-H girls held their 7th meeting which is the last before Achievement Day January 24th. By MRS, I. H. RADER Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anderson and their two children have moved to Orangeville'. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Watson and family of London have taken up residence here. Mrs. Frieda Keller attended the 86th birthday party for her brothel' Peter Deichert at Zurich. Hostess was Mrs..Harold Deichert at her. home. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deichert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deichert and Mrs. Mar- garet Pfaff all of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gibson and girls, Kornoka, spent the weekend with Mrs. Frieda Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rader and family, London spent the week- end with Mrs. Hilda Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller were guests of honor at the Green Forest Hotel, Saturday, Nove- mber 29th. on the occasion of Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A., SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 their 70thbirthdays. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Steven and Freddie, Mr. 11 A.M.- Worship Service Sunday School EVERYONE WELCOME MINMENNIIMIIMMIMININEMEMBNI St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A.,B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 10 a.m.- Worship Service 10;45 a.m.-Sun Church School EVERYONE WELCOME Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEFFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 9:45 A.M. Worship Service 10:45 A.M. Sunday Church School The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit Psalm 34:18 EVERYONE WELCOME ISSIVENIMEIMMEMEEMENEMa Night school Night school classes at the five secondary schools under the juris- diction of the Huron County Board of Education are proving to be very popular again this year. More than 1,400 residents of the county are taking advantage of the opportunity to gain know- ledge in a wide variety of subjects. The largest number is at Special services Special Evangelistic services, with the theme, 'Holy Spirit Dy- namics', were held Friday even- ing, all daY Saturday and evening and Sunday afternoon and even- ing, in the United Church, spon- sored by the Mennonite Church of Zurich. Special speakers were Herman Riffel, Minister at large at the First Baptist Church at Monroe, Michigan, George Elsasser, pas- tor of McArthur Mills Mennonite Church, and Clayton Kuepfer, Pastor of Zurich Mennonite Church. Special music was given by the Woodburn family of London, which consists of Dad and Mom and their 10 children. South Huron District High School in Exeter where 450 are register- ed for 32 classes held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Night school principal E. C. Beard at F. E. Madill in Wingham reports an enrolment of 248 students, the largest in its evening school programming history. Courses are held Tuesday and Wednesday nights. At Goderich District Collegiate, 344 are enrolled. '1 he largest class is driver education with 65 students. Badminton is next in line with 42 registered. Enrolment at Central Huron in Clinton is exactly 300. This is the largest it has been since CFB Clinton closed down. Response has been good for the reopning of night school classes at Seaforth District High School after an absence of some 20 years. During the current classes 93 students are enrolled. Night School principal Stephen Hook expects this number will rise for the January sessions. Two field trips for students in Huron County Board of Education schools were approved at Mon- day's regular meting. Golden Glimpses . . I 1 s BLUE WATER REST ROME t It's beginning to look a bit like winter with some snow com- ing and going and the first of the Christmas carols being heard over the air. The Christmas season is fast approaching, and so far, we have very few offers of entertainment over the Christmas season. If you have a program you would care to present, please contact the office and we will be glad to arrange a date suit- able to you. Last Monday evening films were shown followed by refresh- ments. The residents are busy in the craft room catching up on orders for the Christmas season. Bits and pieces of materials which you think might be of some use in the craft room will be gratefully accepted. Since the mail is not circulating too well, I would like to mention that a Christmas party will be held for the residents on Friday evening, December 12 at 7 p.m. A program has been arranged and refreshments will be served. All relatives and friends of the residents are invited to come and join in the party. We are indebted to Mr. Pat 0' Brien Upholstery of Hensall for the large donation of mater- ials for the craft room. This will mean many hours of enjoy- ment for the residents. On Friday evening, bingo was played followed by a social time. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer of the Zurich Mennonite Church. Mrs. Ruth Ann Steckle was guest soloist and was accompanied on the org- an by Mrs. Grace Martin. Olympia figuring machines are • int to give you the most accurate results in the shortest time. The same quality and craftmanship ih,3R ?does into Olympia typewriters goes into Olympia adding machines and E r Calculators. Construction so nage�they can go on and on without servicing. And best of all, prices so low you won't find a better value anywhere. AL1, maces displayed in Ger showroom where you'll feel at , homwr. HURON BUSINESS MACHINES 1111 OMrtiuo $T. Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 10 a.m. - Sunday School .11 a.m. Worship Service 8 p.m. - Worship Service Every Wednesday Evening 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study All scripture is given by inspir- ation of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 11 Tim 3-16-17 EVERYONE WELCOME IMMINININNIMMINIMMINNINIMPIMIN WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 38r 88C MOTHER PARKER'S 100's TEA BAGS 88C POWDERED DETERGENT $218 DARES C K I ES 24 OZ BOX TIDE SCHNEIDER'S 1 LB 5 LB BOX CHEESE SLICES PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP 4 BAR DEAL 1 free with 3 GOLDEN YELLOW 928 78P BANANAS LB �8 CANADA NO 1 COOKING ONIONS&B2B� 138 AVEL ORANGES' DOz 62 tr*141104.A.MPOISI.1... 01.11,1111, FRESH COUNTRY STYLE FRYER PAR ° .S STORE SLICED C ED H FAMILY PACK LOIN 7-9 CHOPS a.,. C SCHNEIDER'S FRESH POR LE FRESH TENDERLOIN END LB LB LR LB T RAG PORK ROASAVERAGE 7 998 9381 948 BLADE YOUR ' � CHOICE SHORT RIB OR BONELE ►S i OT' WED. DEC. 3to CLOSING TUES. DEC. 9 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Specials effective from November 12 to 18 Monday to Thursday 8 to 6; Friday 8 to 9 Saturday 8 to 7; THE TENDER Phone 23$-2.512 Grand Bend