HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-11-26, Page 13MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU, , . FILL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE Bayfield pee wees played their first game Wednesday night, November 19 in Seaforth against , Dublin. Dublin defeated them • 7-0. Their next game is in Zur- ich November 26. Good luck boys! The hockey committee asks that the parents, grandparents and those interested in the young people to please attend the games and cheer the boys on. Your hock- ey player son likes to look into the crowd of spectators to see your face and know that you are there to cheer for him and give him your support. What is it they say about Hockey players? Don't send your boy to the arena. Take him. Both pee wees and atoms play in Bayfield November 28 The committee is appealing also for any hockey equipment that anyone would care to sell or donate to the club. If you have any around that you no longer need please contact Donelda Sturgeon at 565-2826 or Barbara. Telford at 565-2669. CENTENNAIL COMMITTEE The Bayfield Centennial commit- tee met on Wednesday night, November 19 and put together part of the activities scheduled for the celebration July 1,2,3,4, 1976. Each day at 10:00 p.m. the Old Town Hall will be open for registration and will rem- ain open for the day. Thursday, July 1 tentative plans are underway for an ama- teur night in the arena. Friday, the Bayfield Lionettes are plan- ning -a fashion show from 2 tc 5 p.m. in the arena, with tea, cookies and punch bowl. Saturday at 1 p.m. a Parade in the Old Time Theme will leave from Pioneer Park and end at the Agricultural Grounds, where various activities will be held. At 4:00 p.m. a fish fry will start in the Arena, and at 9 p.m. dancing will take place in the arena to the music of the Royal- aires of Stratford. Sunday Ecumenical Church Service is planned, a sail past and regatta with all boaters participating and a gospel sing has been arranged by Ann Chap- man in Clan Gregor Square. During the Centennial, there will be displays set up at the Bay- field River. There you will be able to see memorabilia from earlier fishing years, see fishing boats, nets drying on the reels; ask questions and in contrast see the new fishing houses with all their modern equipment. The Old Town Hall will open each day at 10 a.m. where you will be able to register, purch- ase souvenir items, view old pictures and photographs of early settlers and early resi- dents, and obtain information. After the parade there will be ball games, tug -o -war, horse - I shoe pitching, log sawing, etc., rides, refreshment booths, and many more interesting things.' There will be prizes for the best decorated home, business and grounds. The committee are hoping that everyone will dress in the old time costumes and that the businesses will decorate their windows with antiques or collectables denoting the er a. A beard growing contest will be promoted with the particip- ants to register the first week of January 1976. On January 10, 1976, the actual date of Incorporation of the Village of Bayfield, a Torchlight Parade is planned, ending in Clan Gregor Square where 100 bearers will deposit their torches in a gigantic snow birthday cake. A short service of Thanks- giving will take place followed by the Benediction. From there the gathering are invited to at- tend a Pot -luck supper in the Community Centre followed by an evening of free skating. The evening to begin at 5 p.m. in ord- er for everyone to participate. The preceding was just a part- ial list of some planned activ- ities, however we will endeavour to keep you posted as activities are finalized. Looking for you at Pioneera '76. LIONEI'TES F ,rmation night for the Bay- field Lionettes was held in the Clinton Legion Hall on Friday evening, November 21, beginning with a delicious dinner. Joyce Dawson proposed the toast to the Bayfield Lions and Ken Mcllwain 'replied. Greetings from Lions International were brought by Jack Merner. Joan Merner, president of the Lion- ettes called on Ross Merrill, who presented pins to the 38 charter members. Civic greetings Zurich Citizens News, November 26, 1975 -Page 13 were extended by Reeve Ed Oddleifson. Mrs. Merner also introduced Jack Riddell MPP who spoke on behalf of the riding. A sing song was then enjoyed. Judy Huntley then called on the Bayfield Whistlers whose perfor- mance was much enjoyed by the gathering. Dancing followed, fulfilling a very enjoyable evening. * * * A call from a learned gentle- man has brought the following in reply to an article in last week's column. It should be brought to the public attention that those who choose to live in rural areas must accept the rural balance. It is a necessity that the area must get rid of natural predators who move into urban areas and prey on domestic stock. If not reflected on rural area, the natural game is gone and they move in until they attack domestic animals. 1 1 11 :J Facial Tim Cu -So Te Wolves have been spotted within a mile of the village and three sheep were killed within 100 feet of a farmer's home. This farmer was forced out of his line of endeavour. Conservationists tell us, that in order to run rampant, the nat- ural predators would become over populated and thus rule the environment. In this case there is a necessity for hunting and trap- ping, not for monetary gain but for the safety and protection of all. * * * Bayfield Minor Hockey has 'started again for another season. All home games for the atoms and pee wees are on Friday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. and hockey practice is every Monday night. Novice, 6 to 7 p.m. and atoms 7 to 8 p.m. with pee wees from 8 to 9 p.m. Turn to page nineteen S FACELLE ROYALE 100's LIPTON'S 4's SALADA O.P. 60's BLUE BONNET 3 LB PALMOLIVE LIQUID 32OZ 5 LB g Crystals ALLEN'S 4's DREAM WHIP 3OZ 454' 7 utt r SQUIRREL 48 OZ PARAMOUNT WHITE 6 '2OZ KRAFT MILD 16 OZ CARNATION ASSORTED 10's 1 ALPO 14 OZ_ TREESWEET 48 OZ r TL„ta CARNATION 12 OZ CHILD'S Open- — Tuesday to Friday 5 p.m. to Midnight Saturday 12 to 12 Sunday 12 to 10 CLOSED MONDAYS Tuesd y Dinner For 2 Including Wine Se k Sdd 1 Ye r s Eve P rty Tickets Available Now 525 COUPLE Includes Special Cold Buffet LIMITED TO 30 COUPLES ONLY Christmas P rflry s Make your arrangements now for your Christmas party. If you want a special treat - ask for our gourmet dinner selection. We would appreciate your reservation as soon as possible so that we may arrange the best possible service for you. Bavarian Inn BAYFIELD Fully Licensed 565-2843 SANDWICH SIZE 50's POST 12 OZ f 3 ed POST 15 OZ ins BOVRIL 12 OZ i hee izz ADULT'S CHEF BOY -AR -DEE 29 OZ BRUNSWICK IN OIL 31 l4 OZ rl,iil`h rsm �l ':,N..;,; d11 a� BEEF 72 OZ 5 FRESH SC EIDE Slane Stri milers Roll Lunch SELF SERVE ea. PURE PORK sr a e .1I�y ��� L � MAPLE or REG 1 } s } LB CANADA NO. 1 CELERY STALKS 49' CALIFORNIA GRAPES R E D ee�� EMPEROR LB v�5c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 6 FOR 594 Zurich Superior M arket DIAL 236-4354 ZURICH