HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-11-19, Page 15The Minister of Revenue, Arthur Meen, announced in the Legislature that arrangements have been made for the distribut- ion of the November GAINS cheques during the mail strike. Senior Citizens who receive GAINS cheques in the Huron - Middlesex riding may pick up their GAINS cheques at their local municipal office. Recipients should check with their munic- ipal office if there is doubt as to the office hours. GAINS recip- ients or their representatives will be required to produce identif- ication, such as Ontario Senior Citizens Privilege cards and sign for receipt of the cheques. The representative, such as a relative or friend, should bring a signed letter from the GAINS recipient which can be left at the cheque distribution centre and present the recipient's Ontario Senior Citizens Privilege card. The card will be returned to the rep- resentative. November GAINS cheques will be available for pick- up at the appropriate offices on and after Tuesday, November 18. As soon as the postal strike ends all GAINS cheques which have not been picked up in person will be mailed to recipients. If the strike ends before Tues- day November 18, GAINS cheq- ues will be mailed as usual. These arrangements to pick up cheques apply only to Ontario GAINS cheques for persons 65 and over. For the past two weeks, the officials in the Ministry of Rev- enue have been telephoning Ontario Home Buyers Grant appl- icants whose applications have been approved and advising them of the date on• which their grant cheque would be available for pick-up from one of their locat- ions. The locations include most Province of Ontario Saving Off- ices, Regional Assessment Of- fices and Retail Sales Tax Dist- rict Offices, as well as the office of the Guaranteed Income and Tax Credit Branch at 77 Bloor Street West in Toronto. The Attorney General, Roy McMurtry informed the Legisl- ature this week that with the co- operation of the Minister of Lab- our, the Honourable Bette Stephenson, they hope to conv- vince the Federal Government that Bill C-71, the proposed Canadian Human Rights Act, be amended. Bill C-72 is presently before the Parliament of Canada, and Mr. McMurtry° suggested that the bill be amended to include taped hate messages to the list of discriminatory practices in Part I of the Bill. He also suggest- ed that the proposed Canadian Human Rights Commission be given over-riding authority upon ex parte application by any pers- on, to order Bell Canada or any similar utility in Canada, to cut off service forthwith to any numb- er offering a taped hate message. He said experience has shown in recent years that existing laws, including the hate propag- anda sections added t the criminal code, are ineffective, and because of the loopholes and exceptions a conviction is almost impossible to achieve. Mr. McMurtry asked for the support of all members of the House to influence the Fed- eral Parliament with regard to the proposals to put a stop to these repugnant activities. Robert Nixon, Leader of the Liberal Party, asked the Minister of Education Thomas Wells to clarify the present situation with the secondary school teach- ers and the extent to which they come directly under the jurisdict- ion of the people who are apply- ing the price and wage control legislation federally. Jottings by Jack _ from Queen's Park GAINS cheques, at local offices He wanted to know whether there has been any indication froth Ottawa that there will be a partial exemption because of the dating of the previous agree- ment, and "whether we are to accept, at face value, statements that have been reported and all- egedly made by the Minister of Finance, that this particular situation falls directly under the regulations and that, in fact, no wage settlement more than 12% will be permitted." Mr. Wells replied that he clar- ified this to both sides of the dispute in a meeting he had with them. Mr. Wells said that in this part- icular dispute the guidelines apply to the secondary school teachers, and this was agreed to byboth parties. However, there are sections in the guidelines which indicate that, perhaps, special consideration might be given. One of these sections ind- icate that "Special consideration will be given for those signing a contract, or negotiating a new contract for one that was signed prior to 1974." The other sect- ion concerns historical relation- ships and no one has given any explanation to it as yet. Under both these sections a case.. can be put to the Anti -Inflation Board. Mr. Wells said that proced- ures as outlined by Ottawa have been outlined to the parties in this dispute, that they should get a settlement, and when they have (continued on page 16) Christmas Dinner SPECIALS for your dog or cat AT THE CO-OP NOV 20 TO DEC. 6 _ BIG SAVINGS ON CO-OP DOG AND CAT FOOD Stock up now for your pet's Christmas Dinner H1-1141, Inv 4! esir4".Z'r."...,' 4:BIONICS 25 Ibs. Christmas Dinner Special $4.49 50 Ibs. Christmas Dinner Special $799 HI -BOY! 1 N N; ci I 'v 4 u+g�pg°a0 25 lbs. Christmas Dinner Special $3.59 50 Ibs. Christmas Dinner Special 56.69 4i4LJUAIZ CAT FOOD 48-15 OZ. CANS Christmas Dinner 4 Special 8. per case DOG FOOD 48-15 OZ. CANS Christmas $7 Dinner Special $7'. per case STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE! MAKE THIS XMAS YOUR PET'S HAPPIEST! HENSALL DISTRICT BRUCEFIELD 482-9823 HENSALL 262-3002 ZURICH 236-4393