HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-11-05, Page 20PAGE 20 - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS, NOVEMBER 5, 1975
JUNIOR SPOOKS - Two of the youngest participating in
the Grand Bend Lions Club Hallowe'en party were Todd
Hayter and. Matthew Anderson.
Kinsmen active
service club
From time to time each indiv-
idual and each group in a com-
munity has to take time to exam-
ine its past, look at its present
position and wonder about its
future. For the last while the
Kinsmen Club of Hensall and
District has been doing just that.
We are now 21 years old as a
club. During those years one of
our goals was to serve "the Com-
munities Greatest Need." Proj-
ects have included many improve-
ments to the playground in the
park, tables and chairs in the
arena, the arena tractor, supp-
ort of minor sports, Christmas
events for senior citizens, donat-
ions to many local, national and
international worthy causes
plus many other equally good
projects. However these have
served only one goal of Kinsmen
that of serving "The Commun-
ities Greatest Need."
Perhaps equally important
though. Kinsmen has given many
of the community's young men
between the ages of 21 and 40,
the opportunity to enjoy the fel-
lowship and personal satisfact-
ion which comes from learning
to work and play together in the
various community projects and
social events sponsored by Kins-
The question now is "Where
are we now and where are we
going?" Our past has been dep-
endent on both the willingness of
the young men in the community
to give their time and energy
toward Kinsman projects and also
the needs of the community.
Right now, as in the past, Kins-
men needs both of these ingred-
The Kinsmen. Club of Hensall
and District needs new members
from the village and the sur-
rounding area to help continue
our projects and services for the
community. At the same time we
ask that the people in the com-
munity suggest projects and serv-
ices to any Kinsnian so that we
are aware of those things which
the people of the community feel
areneeded. We only grow when
we fill a need.
* Kinsmen is basically an org-
anization for young men from
every occupation --the age limit
for joining is 21 to 40. Kinsmen is
the only major sevice club that
has this feature. You will enjoy
the fellowship of working with
men who are in the same general
age bracket --no generation gap.
* Kinsmen and Kinettes are
All Canadian Service Clubs
dedicated to aims and objects
consistant with Canadians. The
only All Canadian Young Men's
and Women's Clubs in the count-
* Kinsmen provide more mon-
ey and charitable service than
any other service club in Canada
according to a recent white
paper submission --submitted
by another Service CIub. The
young men in Kin are enthusiasts
and tackle some mighty impress-
ive projects; and have fun doing
* Kinsmen offers a well round-
ed social calendar. We have our
parties, barbeques, dances (our -
Conventions are fantastic) and a
wide variety of sports --clubs
challenge each other to hockey,
football, soccer, baseball and
other indoor and outdoor sports.
There is something for every-
* A Kinsmen Club helps
educate their members in busin-
ess and professional methods
and parliamentary procedure.
Their meetings (usually twice a
month) are run with parliament-
ary procedure; and usually a
guest speaker will provide a new
concept or information valuable
to the up and coming business
* Kinsmen are Coast to Coast --
over 450 Canadian Communities
enjoy a Kinsmen Club. -
*Kinsmen is a highly success-
ful organization whose basic
aims and objects have withstood
the test of time --for more than
fifty years.
* Join Kinsmen --you will be
glad you did.
*Dues and Initiation fees
vary from Club to Club; but
average about $20. per year.
* Kinsmen do not donate
their money --they donate their
time to raise funds in hund-
reds of different ways, many
very unique --or they physically
work on a project.
If help you bou ecome Kinsmen
individual contact: Dave Schur -
man, 262-2826; Bob Heil, 262--
2440; Bevan Bonthron, 262-
Number Zurich homes
The Zurich Chamber of Com-
merce will begin a project next
week that will be a great benefit
to many people,especially visit-
ors coming into the village and
looking for someone on a cert-
ain stret. Their project is numb-
ering all the houses and busin-
ess places throughout the mun-
At the same time Chamber
members will be erecting new
street signs where they are nec-
essary. When the project is comp-
leted the entire village will be set
up with street signs and a numb-
ering system,
If for some reason a person is
not hone when the workers
arrive to install a house number,
they will leave the numbers in
the doorway, and ask that home-
owners assist by placing then on
the front in a conspicuous place.
Over the years the. Zurich
Chamber of Commerce has been
busy accomplishing many proj-
ects for the benefit of the com-
munity. They have been inatru-
mental in securing the services
of a doctor and a dentist for
the area; they have assisted
minor sports programs, and many
other worthwhile endeavours.
$ave! Save! Save!
Larry Snider Sez:
Take Advantage
On '76 Fords
We Have The
The Trade -Ins
1973 LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE, 6 passenger
stationwagon, fully equipped including
climate control air conditioning, AM/FM
stereo, split bench seats. One owner, only 39,-
000 miles, deluxe luggage rack. Licence
1973 CUSTOM 500 6 -passenger
stationwagon, 8 cylinder automatic, .power
steering, power brakes, deluxe luggage rack.
Licence DFZ446.
1973 PLYMOUTH Sport Suburban
stationwagon, V-8, automatic, power steer-
ing, power brakes, deluxe luggage rack.
Licence CZV138.
1973 COMET 2 -door sedan, 302 V-8,
automatic, radio. Licence HCK711.
1973 TOYOTA 4 cylinder, 4 -speed. Licence
1972 MAVERICK 4 -door sedan, 250 C.I.D.
automatic, radio. Licence DFX563.
1973 PINTO Squire wagon, 4 cylinder,
automatic, roof rack. Licence DFZ372.
Are Coming!
1973 CUSTOM 500 2 -door hard top, V-8,
automatic, power steering, power brakes,
radio. Licence DFZ137
1971 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Brougham 2 -
door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steer-
ing, power brakes. Licence CYM760
1971 FORD CUSTOM 4 -door sedan, V-8,
automatic, power steering, power brakes. A
good second car. Licence DHK415.
1969 PLYMOUTH 2 -door hardtop, V-8,
automatic, power steering, power brakes.
Licence DAN306.
1974 FORD F350 crew cab, 8 -foot box, 360
V-8, 4 -speed transmission, custom interior,
only 18,000 miles. Licence C76770.
'4 59
1973 GMC SPRINT V-8, automatic, power
steering, power brakes. Licence E66835.
1973 FORD F100 4x4 (4 -wheel drive) V-8, 4 -
speed transmission, free running hubs. Licence
1973 FORD F100 1/2 ton pickup, 302 V-8,
automatic transmission, Ranger package, only
23,000 miles. Licence C76769.
'2695 '3295
Remember ..it's Sense to See
EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191
Open Week days Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00