HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-11-05, Page 9ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS, NOVEMBER 5, 1975 - PAGE 9 Quick action quells blaze Prompt ,action by an employee at Hensall District Co -Op and the Hensall fire department averted what could have been a serious fire early Wednesday morning. Around 4:00 a.m., Terry McBride spotted a fire in a conveyor partition at the mill and called the fire department. The Exeter area department was also called when it was feared the fire would quickly break out of control. However, it was quelled before any serious damage occurred. The blaze is believed to have started from a piece of hot metal that dropped when workmen MOST ORIGINAL - Winn, rs of the most original award for costumes at the Znrich Public School Hallowe'en parts' were Tim Westlake and Ian Thiel. Golden Glimpses Ef UE WATER REST NOME As I write this column, the sun is shining so warmly that I am not sure if we are having Indian Summer, but whatever it is, it's perfect. On Monday evening films were enjoyed, followed by refresh- ments. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Rose Rusell has recovered sufficiently to return from South St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A.,B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 10 a.m.- Worship Service 10;45 a.m.-Sun Church School EVERYONE WELCOME Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A., SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER:9 11 A.M.- Worship Service Sunday School EVERYONE WELCOME INIENIIMINMEINEMNIESEMMUMM nosimumimillimmaffiam Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:45 a.m.-Sun Church School 10:45 a.m.-Worship Service (Holy Communion) 8:00 p.m.- Service in charge of "Jacobs Well" MEDITATION - This is my commandment That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12 EVERYONE WELCOME ;i�itl:iior A'. Huron Hospital. Some of the residents enjoyed a bus tour through the Seaforth, Mitchell and Russelldale areas on Tuesday afternoon. We appreciate the time taken by Mrs. Meda O'Brien to bright- en up the Home with her window painting. If any of our readers have been collecting nylons or panty .hose, we would appreciate them for use in our craft room. Some of our ladies keep their fingers nimble by cutting these up for stuffing and at the present time we are having a hard time to keep them in material. The residents enjoyed bingo on Thursday evening followed by refreshments. On Friday evening we had a number of ghosts and goblins call at the Home and treats were distributed by the resid- ents. Please keep in mind the baz- aar and bake sale to be held a week from Saturday, November 15 at the Home from 2 to 4 p.m. All donations will be very much appreciated. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. John Campbell of the Church of God, Grand Bend. mummommiummemilmlio Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 8 p.m. - Worship Service Every Wednesday Evening 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Friday- November 7 - 8 P.M.- Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday, November 12 - 8 P.M. - Speaker, Clare Ginger- ich, Missionary from Guatamela This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and decl- are unto you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 5: EVERYONE WELCOME IIINSIMIONWSINNIONSEMINIMIN ORIENTAL LOOK - Chris Miller was depicting a Chinese sage at the Zurich Public School Hallowe'en p:.irty Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER When you jam on the brakes you slosh fuel so it turns into vapor more quickly. Result? Loss of fuel before it even gets to the engine. Carbon, oil or other foreign deposits on insulators of spark plugs can cause the misfiring that wastes gas. Try a silicone spray on the radio antenna, to inhibit battery post corrosion and to soften the sound of a noisy speedometer cable. Almost started a stampede on a road in upstate New York recent- ly. Seems wind blew down a price sign at a gas station, uncovering the sign underneath - featuring 1958 prices! Overinflation weakens the cord body of the tire by reducing its ability to absorb road shocks. Makes for a stiff ride, too. For the smoothest ride, drive a beauty from Larry Sniders. You'll get first-class fires, too, each inflated to optimum pressure. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer were welding several hours before the fire was spotted. • Fire chief Dave Sangster found a piece of metal that was washed out by the fire hoses and suspected --itwas probably, smoldering in the grain dust, He noted that the number one cause of mill fires is from in. cidents related to welding. FAMILY PAC Loin Chops FRESH COUNTRY STYLE Pork Ribs DANNY FAMILY PAC PURE Pork sausage FRESH PORK (WHOLE) shoulder Roasts FRESH PORK SHOULDER Butt Chops SWEET PICKLED Cottage Its STORE -SLICED Cooked am SCHNEIDER' S RED HOT ieners La1.38 Le1.38 LB 911c LB 8` IB *� LB1.2 LBII 9 LB 7 GRADE 'A' edium Eggs DOZ 784 ROBIN HOOD POUCH Cake Mix 684 2 LB 6 OZ BONUS Nestle's Quick $1.68 Y; SOFT;. 100% VE'G`ETABLE'Oft VEFIWOOI}S M.EADOW'GOI 1) E CRAM ��2 GAL. D E L M: WHITE SWAN 2 ROLL PACK Toilet Tissue 2/884 CHOCOLATE CHIP, CHOCOLATE FUDGE and PEANUT CHIP 1 LB Dare Cookies 884 BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Swanson T.N. Dinners ONTARIO NO 1 CAULIFLOWER PINK and WHITE SIZE 48 GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO NO 1 2 LB BAG CARROTS 884 58C /886 25C PLUS MANY IN STORE FEATURES WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Prices Effective Wed. Nov. 5 to Tues Nov. 11 Monday to Thursday 8 to 6; Friday 8 to 9 ;Saturday 8 to 7;