HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-10-16, Page 13Decision soon on GB sewers (continued from page 1) cases, because of the small lot areas, there is little doubt sewage is finding its way into storm drains, he said. Neil McMullen, of the env- ironment ministry's dist- rict office, said one area discharging water into the Walker Drain, which runs into the Ausable River, was found to contain raw sewage, The water is definitely unsafe for human consumpt- ion and most of it unsafe for swimming, he said. Michael Latta, of the proj- ects co-ordination branch of the environment ministry, said the ministry is working with limited capital funds and must concentrate proj- ects in areas of proven need. Mr, Latta said the cost of including the Southcott area in the sewer scheme would probably outweigh the bene- fits. In spite of concerns voiced by a number of people, includ- ing a London doctor specializ- ing in bacteriology, the hear- ing was told there is no cause for concern over a possible "overspill" of the lagoon system proposed t handle the sewage from the village. Dr. Leslie Hatch of London, while supporting the sewer system, questioned whether the lagoon system would imp - Country Singles $; Special ., 6 t$)j Watch for our next dances rs OCT. 25 AT HULLY GULLY ss MUSIC BY11 ; "Tony Nuthers" Oct berfest Dance S rl T. OCT. 18 at VANASTRA MUSIC BY "Encore" Refreshments SERVED rove the quality of the Ausable Ri•rer. He also feared the overspill problem which he said ca occur either from a freak of nature, such as Two townships discuss housing The council of the town- ships of Tuckersmith and Stanley will be asking the Ontario Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services to conduct a survey on the need for a senior citizens housing unit to serve both ni unicipalities. Stanley clerk Mel Graham asked Tuckersmith council last Tuesday night if they were interested in a survey. He suggested several municipal- ities could consider a 35 unit apartment. Brucefield was considered as a possible because of its location at the border of both townships. The province pays all build- ing costs of senior facilities and 92.5 percent of any deficit which may occur plus a grant in lieu of taxes. Tuckersmith clerk Jim McIntosh reported that 12 children were currently enrolled at the Vanastra Day Care Centre. He was instruct- ed to contact the towns of Seaforth and Clinton and the townships of Stanley, Goder- ich, Hullett and McKillop asking them to assume their share of any deficit which may occur. The province of Ontario assumes 80 percent of any deficit but participating mun- icipalities are expected to share the balance of any deficit. At a previous meeting, Robin Gates, a member of the Day Care committee said a deficit would develop unless 43 children were enroll- ed. Karen McEwing, director of the Vanastra Day Care Centre asked to have her salary and benefit program establ- ishd. Council was annoyed that the director's salary was not established at an earlier date. ZURICH BADMINTON CLUB Open To All Women & Men - 14 Years & Over League starts it's new season the First week in November Monday Nights - Men's League Tuesday Nights - Mixed League Thursday Nights - Women's League Naive Phone League Please fill in above coupon with your name, phone number and League in which you prefer to play. If you wish to play in more than one League, please state. Send regist- ration to Jerry Rader, Zurich Arena, no later than October 18. heavy rains, or by human error. Opposition was also voiced to the across-the-board rate system proposed for sewer system users. Summer resid- ents said they felt they were being unfairly charged for a system they would use not more than 50 or 60 days of the year. Under the sewage system repayment plan spread over 40 years, with 75 percent financed by the province, a homeowner with a 60 - foot frontage and a home assessed at $2,750 would pay $114,29 annually for water and sewers. If he were not connected, he would still have to pay about $65 but there are provisions for a munic- ipality to require all home- owners to hook into a system once it iS completed. Mr. Latta agreed with the Southcott area residents they might not be receiving any direct benefits by not being part of the system, but said there were indirect Zurich Citizens News, October 16, 1975 - Page 13 returns in the elimination of pollution, making it safer for children to play outside. Decision was reserved and board chairman Barry Smith said a ruling should be available in about three weeks. NNUAL MEETING OF THE ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL CORPORATION Wirer, BE HELD IN THE HAY TOWNSHIP HALL (change of date) ZURICH Wednesday, October 22 FREE BARBECUE DINNER FOR ALL THE WORKERS Will precede the annual meeting 7 P.M. SHARP o�op Permanent FREEZE - HANDY 5 GALLON REUSABLE -CAN ANTI Ideal for the farm or 2 car family • Guaranteed for 30,000 miles or two years' Gtveyour car all winter protection and save 01 the same time. Anti -freeze has eihylene glycol base for e'x ra protection and is fortitied with corrosion tnhibltor5 to prolong engine Iife- (especially effective' in new aluminum engines), licit ,foani.-evaCiorele or, ' a ay.Mixes withall Other typesofperma a°t.''' anti -freeze. Save now. with this low price No; 54$-007 ' 1 Gallon -Can -same quality as 5 gallon can plus the added feature of the convenient r eKe pouring spout No 548-003 PER IMP GALLON SALE: WINDSHIELD WASHER ANTI -FREEZE BATTERY LINE-UP 430 AMP 12 VOLT BATTERIES Drycharged, heavy-duty, Poly -case batteries. 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