Zurich Citizens News, 1975-10-16, Page 9Golden Glimpses 1 1 1 BLUE WATER REST HOME The weather on the week- end was unbelievably summ- ery and no doubt many spent the Thanksgiving weekend sight seeing and enjoying the beautiful autumn scenery. Quite a number of our resi- dents were out for drives and visiting with friends and relatives. On Monday evening films were shown followed by refreshments. We are grateful to Mr. Harold Erb for bring- ing the films from. Goderich every wek and to Mr. John Corriveau for picking them up and returning them to the Huron County Library. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mr. Elmer Lawson, and to his wife who is a resident here. On Wednesday evening, the Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting. The prog- ram consisted of vocal and guitar numbers by the four little Miller girls from Dash- wood and tap dance numbers by the four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Regier. Following the program lunch and a social time were enjoy- ed. The members of the Aux- iliary then held the business part of their meeting. Plans are under way for the annual bake sale and bazaar to. be held the latter part of Nov- ember. Our readers might be interested in planning small Smile Game warden: "Say, you're hunting with last year's license." Hunter: "That's all right. I'm only shooting at the ones. I missed last year." items they could donate for the bazaar to help the cause of the Auxiliary who use the proceeds for resident com- forts. A speaker system has been ordered for the chapel which has been badly needed, a new kitchen serving cart has been delivered for use in the kit- chen, two new lamps for use on the organ and the piano have been purchased, also a blower to facilitate drying residents' hair in the hospital wing has been donated. This is a small part of the work of the Auxiliary to make life more pleasant for the residents. New members are always welcome and inter- ested ladies in the community would be welcome additions to their meetings. On Thursday evening bingo was played followed by ref- reshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer of the Zurich and Blake Mennonite churches. The children of the Sunday School provided the musical portion of the worship service. St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A.,B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10 a.m.- Worship Service 10;45 a.m.-Sun Church School EVERYONE WELCOME SPECIAL SPEAKER Rev. J. Berkley Reynolds Minister, Ellesmere United Church, Toronto SPECIAL MUSIC The Watt Family 8:00 p.m. Sunday, October 19 a" t►lt • AdAig EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN Drug card system (by Shirley J. Keller) A new drug card system will make drug handling of Huronview easier and will reduce the amount of ?stor- age space required, county council learned Friday. A patient's monthly supply of drugs is sealed in plastic on a card, Chairman John Tinney of Hay Township explained. Exeter Pharmacy had been supplying the drugs under the old system but declined to change to the new method when requested, council was told. Rieck Pharmacy in Goderich has agreed to install the necessary equipment to provide Huronview's drug needs on the new system. The purchase cost of drugs for both systems is identical. County Council was told by Development Committee chairman Warren C. Zinn of Ashfield that United Trails inc. has received an extension to its Public Vehicle Operating licence. The company will provide (continued on page 14) minummisamsommommimiu Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun Church School MEDITATION - While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. God is still on the throne. Genesis 8:22 EVERYONE WELCOME mismimmummmumminmi Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 8 p.m. - Worship Service Every Wednesday Evening 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing unto Thy name, 0 most High." Psalm 92:1 EVERYONE WELCOME sosimmoommommimmi Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A., SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Everyone is invited to ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at CALVARY UNITED CHURCH DASHWOOD at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 P.M. No Services at Zurich this Sunday. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 101st Anniversary Service in this church at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Alexander Taylor, Varna, and music by "The Watchmen." EVERYONE WELCOME INNIENIEREINEMEMI Zurich Citizens News, October 16, 1975 - Page 9 SHORT RIB, BLADE, ROUND BONE, SHOULDER A-1 Steer Roasts LB l8` FRESH FAMILY PACK - GROUND Chuck Steak STORE SLICED Cooked Ham WHOLE Slab Bacon FAMILY PACK LOIN Pork Chops MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET PARTLY SKINNED LB 88` LB 1.98 • >B1.38 81.38 READY -TO -EAT LB1.18 Whole Hams (LIMIT - 1 PER FAMILY) FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER A-1 STEER CHUCKS (Consists of short rib roasts, blade roasts, chuck steaks, cross -rib roasts, Boston steaks) (FULLY PROCESSED) 88c LB (FULLY PROCESSED) FRESH SELECT PORK LOINS (FULLY PROCESSED) $11.38 LB (FULLY PROCESSED) Canada No. 1 Butter Le 1.08 Silverwood's 3 Quart Bag MilkHomo or 2% .1 5 LB BOX Sunlight Detergent GREEN GIANT 12 OZ TIN Niblet Corn MAXWELL HOUSE 1 LB Bag Coffee DELMONTE 48 OZ TIN Tomato Juice KLEENEX 200's Facial Tissue DUNCAN HINES Cake Mixes 12 OZ BOTTLE WITH 50%n MORE Lemon -Up Shampoo $1.98 2/89 $1.38 2/98 S3� 78� $1.18 Turkey, Chicken Beef, SWANSON'S DINNERS 99 Id South 121/2 oz. Tin RANGE JUICE 2/89° alley Farm 2 ID. Bag RENCH FRIES 3/'1 U.S. NO 1 California Tomatoes 2LBs69A Golden Yellow Bananas Ib.19 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Monday to Thursday 8 to 6; Friday 8 to 9. Saturday 8 to 7; THE TENDER SPOT Phone 238-2512 Grand Bend