HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-10-16, Page 8Page 8 - Zurich Citizens News, October 16, 1975 .0245 AU .!,.,•,..M&N CO. 421, ' • iESSiil' FURN1 Ow "�Ar' IRI tdiale Oce 961.1206 ��w 1 eml vea FOREST HILLS 4RMS 5214 FOR SALE ADDING MACHINES - New and used models in stock, both hand operated and elect- ^ic. Also a Victor used calcul- ator, completely reconditioned See the wide selection at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf APPLES - Pick your own; Low trees, no climbing. Beginning Friday, Septemb- er 26; Kings, Talman Sweet, Snows, Greenings, etc. After October 3, Spy, Del- icious, Russet, etc., cider apples, Macintosh and all varieties on hand picked. Picking days, Monday, Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Satur- days. Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141.- Mc- Clymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. SIMOTTA COAT with white Fox Fur collar, size 15,16. Like new, Best offer. Phone 236-4021. 40,41-42 FILING CABINETS - two and four -drawer models in stock, letter and legal size. Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf POTATOES, carrots, cooking onions, Spanish onions and turnips. - A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038. 2 1/2 miles our of Zurich on Highway 84. 38tf BEEF BY THE side or quart- er. Call Allan Smith, 236- 4786. 40,1-b ,. USED TYPEWRITERS - Sev- eral models to choose from, like new. -Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR See the great Victor elect- ronic calculator, with a print- out tape, now on display at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf APPLES - Most varieties $2.00 a bushel and up. Ord- ers taken for fresh apple juice. Apple butter available after November 12. - Huron - Ridge Acres, David Steckle, R.R.2, Zurich, Phone 565-2122 OFFICE DESK- New model in stock, single pedestal, chrome legs, etc. Only $99.95 at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf PURE BRED serviceable age Hampshire, Duroc and York. Cross Landrame Boars. R.O.P. tested and commerc- ial. Several of these boars have been used on gilts. Phone Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345-2317. 41-b CORONADO FREEZER - 22.5 cu. ft. - brand new. Damaged. If interested please call 236-4332, between 9 and 5 Sale by tender only. 1975 ARTIC CAT mini bike, 50 C.C. engine, 2 -speed automatic transmission, deluxe model, A-1 shape. To see, call 236-4978. 41-tf DURO 2 -Piston pump, with electric motor. Call 236-4778. 41,2-b 65 YEARLING HENS,H & N reasonably priced. Call 236- 4083. 41,tf N. Y COMING EVENTS WARRINGTON ATTENTION Hockey for Girls and boys Anyone, ages 12 and under as of 1975, wanting to play House League Hockey, please Register immediately with Zurich Minor Athletic Assoc- iation. Forms available from Irvin Martin or Ruth Willert. To make this a suc- cess, we need at least 22 children and some Volunteer Parents to help. 41-b JUST A REMINDER- Plan now to attend the annual Charter Night Dance, Satur- day, November 1, Seaforth Community Centre, 9:30 to 1. Music by Ian Wilbee Orchest- ra. Everyone Welcome. Sponsored by Father Stephen Eckert Council, Knights of Columbus. Tickets avail- able from members. Proceeds for the Arthritic and Rheumat- ism Society. 41-41-b THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, October 21, 1975 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE AVAILABLE. 41-b FOR SALE APPLE BUTTER - available on October 23. Also apples for sale. Call William Steckle, 565-5377. 41,2-b HELP WANTED FULL TIME production work- ers required immediately. Apply to Zurich Wood Prod- ucts Ltd., Phone 236-4324. CARPENTER'S HELPER, Full time position. Pole Barn Construction. - Call 236- 4081 after 5 p.m. 40tf-b RELIABLE PERSON for gen- eral maintenance of buildings and grounds. Year-round employment for right party. Job to commence immediately if possible. For further infor- mation and appoinitment, phone 238-2324, or 238-2836. 41-b SERVICES OFFERED WALLPAPER hanging and interior -painting. Call 262- 2613. 40,1,2,3-b CUSTOM COMBINING, - Phone 236-4501. Eugene Regier. BLUEWATER Tee Electronics Repairs to all makes PHONE ZURICH 236-4224 1 cr �OMIN',E[1 ,tt CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with treats and cards while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home - Lloyd O'Brien- -. We 'Brien- We wish to express our thanks to all who made our 50th Wedding Anniversary such a happy occasion; the visits, cards, flowers and gifts. Special thank -you to the ladies of Goshen Church for the delicious dinner, and our family who made it all possible. - Russell and Pearl Erratt.- 41-b The family of the late Edward Denomme wish to express sincere appreciation to all our relatives, friends, and neighbours, for the many acts of kindness shown in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Fath- er Durand, doctors and nurses in the intensive care unit, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Doctors' Gulens and Wallace; Westlakes Funeral Home, Masses, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and help from the Catholic Women's League, was all deeply appreciated. - Mrs. Edward Denomme and fain- ily. 41-p The Huron County Board of Education requires a CUSTODIAN at GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GODERICH, ONTARIO Written applications stat- ing age, experience and tele- phone number, should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO. Applic- ants will be notified if req- uired for an interview. Deadline for applications is October 23, 1975. BOOKKEFP u , M�iYMI bl BOO mr a YaM;,n A,I,S Zurich Flyers begin practice sessions W. Shortreed D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday- Beef Tuesday - Prork. Pick-up serv- ice available.- AL'S SUPER SAVE MARKET, Hensall, Phone 262-2017, HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family rings and charms. Watch and clock work guaranteed. The hockey season is just around the corner, and for the Zurich Flyers last seas- on's South Huron Hockey League champions, workouts will begin Thursday night. The first practice of the season is scheduled for the Clinton Arena from 9 to 10:30 p.m. Coach Bob Merner has call- ed his second practice for Sunday at Clinton, from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. He is ext- ending an invitation to any hopefuls in the area to come and work outwith the team. Seven teams are entered in the SOuth Huron Hockey CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Mondays -Beef;Tuesday Pork Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard Curing and smoking. . Pick-up Service Available. YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO. PHONE, 236-4312 League, and action is expected to get under wayin the next couple of weeks. The teams are Shipka, Exeter, Parkhill, Crediton, Jura, Centralia College and Zurich. Both the Zurich and Shipka teams will be using the local arena for a home base during the coming season. All of last year's squad will be back in uniform this season for the Flyers, as well as Ron and Paul Corriveau, who are returning to action locally after an absence of one year. Merner also said he hopes a couple of other new faces will be on hand when the season opens. The Corporation Of The VILLAGE of HENSALL requires Road Superintendent Applications to be received no later than October 31, 1975, in writing, stating experience, age, qualifications and any other information, in resume form. Good benefits, salary negotiable. All applications are to be addressed to: ROBERT J. HEIL Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensall Hensall, Ont. NOM 1XO RR 3, BAYFIELD OFFICE 565-5393 FARMS AND ACREAGES ST. JOSEPH - 73 acres very valuable property located on Highway 21. This is good, level land with a beautiful view of the lake, and is priced to sell. BAYFIELD AREA - 1 1/2 storey solid brick 4 bedroom home with 1 1/2 baths, attached garage, very good barn and small orchard, plus many shade trees, on almost 2 acres. A perfect hideaway. RESORT PROPERTY GRAND BEND - 10 acres choice development property with lake and highway frontage. Wide, private sandy beach with no erosion. This is one of a kind and is an exc- eptionally rare opportunity for a developer or someone wanting a large, private lakefront frontage. Only 4 miles north of Grand Bend. BAYFIELD - Be the first to live in this new, three bedroom cottage with electric heat and very attractive natural stone fireplace. Owner transferred. BAYFIELD - one large treed lot in private subdivision. The septic tank and tiling are already installed and ins- pected, and this lot is priced to sell. The taxes are very, very low. Buy now for spring building. BAYFIELD - We have just listed another new two bed- room permanent home, kitchen, dining area, large liv- ing room with fireplace, electric heat, large wooded lot, private subdivision. Remember, this is year-round living, and is priced very reasonable for a quick sale. If you have been considering the purchase of a cottage or resort property for some time DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY, as you can be sure the prices will be higher next spring. Many of these are listed at a price you CAN AFFORD. We arrange financing on all types of properties.